Ahhhhhhh...Springtime In The Arctic!


Gold Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2010


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Gore still hibernating................

But wait a couple of weeks West..........we'll have a significant warm-up somewhere and Gore will come out of hiding!!! Bet the farm on it............
Gore still hibernating................

But wait a couple of weeks West..........we'll have a significant warm-up somewhere and Gore will come out of hiding!!! Bet the farm on it............

gore is a typical politician...gore's movies sucked donkey dicks, cap and trade was a fucking joke that would have been another bubble that would have burst and hurt the economy.

if you want anyone to take you seriously please post some info and or facts,
your trolling, juvenile emoticons and drivel cock gargling of polar and west are just fucking sad...
Record Arctic Ozone Layer Hole

Record Arctic Ozone Layer Hole
Wait a minute....

I thought if we stopped using CFCs in spray cans and to cool our homes, that ozone hole would go away.

You don't think that...just possibly....that the enviro-scarmongers were wrong, yet again, do you?

Goalpost moving crew to report in



Record Arctic Ozone Layer Hole

Record Arctic Ozone Layer Hole
Wait a minute....

I thought if we stopped using CFCs in spray cans and to cool our homes, that ozone hole would go away.

You don't think that...just possibly....that the enviro-scarmongers were wrong, yet again, do you?

Goalpost moving crew to report in




I remember the cfc scaremongers from the early eighties. They need a full time crew to move the posts anymore.
The claim was made last week that Arctic Sea Ice had reached its max extent....I'd say they were a little premature.....
Record Arctic Ozone Layer Hole

Record Arctic Ozone Layer Hole

From your link....

"Northwest Russia and parts of Scandinavia were under an ozone 'hole' on April 5, protected from harmful UV radiation by less than 200 Dobson Units of ozone.The protective layer of stratospheric ozone over the Arctic reached a record low over the past winter due to abnormally cold weather in the upper atmosphere."

Your point?
-20C for the next 10 days or so! I say damn that's COLD! Should be able to melt a LOT of ice now!

10-Day Temperature Outlook

LOL. Grasping at straws again, eh walleyed?

Ice extent low at start of melt season
National Snow and Ice Data Center
April 5, 2011

Arctic sea ice extent for the month of March 2011 was the second lowest in the satellite record. Sea ice reached its maximum extent on March 7; extent on this date tied for the lowest winter maximum extent in the satellite record. Air temperatures over most of the Arctic Ocean were above normal.
Record Arctic Ozone Layer Hole

Record Arctic Ozone Layer Hole
Wait a minute....
I thought if we stopped using CFCs in spray cans and to cool our homes, that ozone hole would go away.
You don't think that...just possibly....that the enviro-scarmongers were wrong, yet again, do you?
Goalpost moving crew to report in

Typical denier cult muddy thinking. Mankind releases vast amounts of CFCs over decades and you imagine that the problem will just "go away" immediately as soon as some of that release is curtailed. LOL.

2011 Arctic Ozone Loss

Scientists from Germany’s Alfred Wegener Institute announced in mid-March of this year that Arctic ozone levels had been cut in half in the later weeks of the Northern Hemisphere’s winter, according to a network of 30 ozone sounding stations spread throughout the Arctic. “This depletion is not necessarily a big surprise,” said Paul Newman, an atmospheric scientist and ozone expert at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. “The ozone layer remains vulnerable to large depletions because total stratospheric chlorine levels are still high, in spite of the regulation of ozone-depleting substances by the Montreal Protocol. Chlorine levels are declining slowly because ozone-depleting substances have extremely long lifetimes.”
-20C for the next 10 days or so! I say damn that's COLD! Should be able to melt a LOT of ice now!

10-Day Temperature Outlook

LOL. Grasping at straws again, eh walleyed?

Ice extent low at start of melt season
National Snow and Ice Data Center
April 5, 2011

Arctic sea ice extent for the month of March 2011 was the second lowest in the satellite record. Sea ice reached its maximum extent on March 7; extent on this date tied for the lowest winter maximum extent in the satellite record. Air temperatures over most of the Arctic Ocean were above normal.

:lol:No, I don't need to grasp at anything blunder. We are kicking your ass on all fronts, cap and trade is DOA, New Hampshire has repealed their cap and trade deal with the RGGI which just might be the final death knell for that whole misbegotten scheme....Me grasp? I think not, I'm winning you fool!:clap2::clap2::razz:

New Hampshire repeals cap and trade | New Hampshire House of Representatives votes to repeal cap and trade law | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment
Record Arctic Ozone Layer Hole

Record Arctic Ozone Layer Hole
Wait a minute....
I thought if we stopped using CFCs in spray cans and to cool our homes, that ozone hole would go away.
You don't think that...just possibly....that the enviro-scarmongers were wrong, yet again, do you?
Goalpost moving crew to report in

Typical denier cult muddy thinking. Mankind releases vast amounts of CFCs over decades and you imagine that the problem will just "go away" immediately as soon as some of that release is curtailed. LOL.

2011 Arctic Ozone Loss

Scientists from Germany’s Alfred Wegener Institute announced in mid-March of this year that Arctic ozone levels had been cut in half in the later weeks of the Northern Hemisphere’s winter, according to a network of 30 ozone sounding stations spread throughout the Arctic. “This depletion is not necessarily a big surprise,” said Paul Newman, an atmospheric scientist and ozone expert at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. “The ozone layer remains vulnerable to large depletions because total stratospheric chlorine levels are still high, in spite of the regulation of ozone-depleting substances by the Montreal Protocol. Chlorine levels are declining slowly because ozone-depleting substances have extremely long lifetimes.”

Typical brainless response from you! Thanks!
Record Arctic Ozone Layer Hole

Record Arctic Ozone Layer Hole
From your link....

"Northwest Russia and parts of Scandinavia were under an ozone 'hole' on April 5, protected from harmful UV radiation by less than 200 Dobson Units of ozone.The protective layer of stratospheric ozone over the Arctic reached a record low over the past winter due to abnormally cold weather in the upper atmosphere."

Your point?

So what's your point?

Global Warming Causes Stratospheric Cooling
By Jeffrey Masters, Ph.D.

Global temperatures in 2006 were the third coldest on record in the lower stratosphere, according to the National Climatic Data Center. Only 1997 and 2000 had colder temperatures since record keeping began in 1979 (Figure 1). Why is this important? Well, the stratosphere is that layer of the upper atmosphere approximately 14-22 km (9-14 miles) above the surface that contains our protective ozone layer. The main reason for the recent stratospheric cooling is due to the destruction of ozone by human-emitted CFC gases. Ozone absorbs solar UV radiation, which heats the surrounding air in the stratosphere. Loss of ozone means that less UV light gets absorbed, resulting in cooling of the stratosphere. Cooling of the stratosphere results in the formation of more polar stratospheric clouds, which require very cold temperatures to form. The presence of these clouds allows even more ozone destruction to occur, since the reactions responsible for ozone destruction occur much faster in clouds than in dry air. Thus, the recent cooling of the stratosphere allows high levels of harmful UV light to reach the surface. As CFC gases begin to decline in coming years thanks to banning of these substances in 1987, the stratosphere should start to warm, and ozone levels will recover.

Greenhouse gases also cause stratospheric cooling

However, this recovery of the ozone layer is being delayed. A significant portion of the observed stratospheric cooling is also due to human-emitted greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane. Climate models predict that if greenhouse gases are to blame for heating at the surface, compensating cooling must occur in the upper atmosphere. We need only look as far as our sister planet, Venus, to see the truth of this theory. Venus's atmosphere is 96.5% carbon dioxide, which has triggered a run-away greenhouse effect of truly hellish proportions. The average surface temperature on Venus is a very toasty 894 °F! However, Venus's upper atmosphere is a startling 4-5 times colder than Earth's upper atmosphere. The explanation of this greenhouse gas-caused surface heating and upper air cooling is not simple, but good discussions can be found at Max Planck Institute for Chemistry and realclimate.org for those unafraid of radiative transfer theory. One way to think about the problem is that the amount of infrared heat energy radiated out to space by a planet is roughly equal to the amount of solar energy it receives from the sun. If the surface atmosphere warms, there must be compensating cooling elsewhere in the atmosphere in order to keep the amount of heat given off by the planet the same. As emissions of greenhouse gases continue to rise, their cooling effect on the stratosphere will increase. This will make recovery of the stratospheric ozone layer much slower.

Greenhouse gases cause cooling higher up, too

Greenhouse gases have also led to the cooling of the atmosphere at levels higher than the stratosphere. Over the past 30 years, the Earth's surface temperature has increased 0.2-0.4 °C, while the temperature in the mesosphere, about 50-80 km above ground, has cooled 5-10 °C (Beig et al., 2006). There is no appreciable cooling due to ozone destruction at these altitudes, so nearly all of this dramatic cooling is due to the addition of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. Even greater cooling of 17 °C per decade has been observed high in the ionosphere, at 350 km altitude. This has affected the orbits of orbiting satellites, due to decreased drag, since the upper atmosphere has shrunk and moved closer to the surface (Lastovicka et al., 2006). The density of the air has declined 2-3% per decade the past 30 years at 350 km altitude. So, in a sense, the sky IS falling!

Copyright © 2011 Weather Underground, Inc.

(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.)
"He who asserts must also prove" Aristotle

i take it Artie wasn't a drinking man....
Whatever happened to that ozone hole thing? I never hear about it any more.
"He who asserts must also prove" Aristotle

i take it Artie wasn't a drinking man....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_WRFJwGsbY]YouTube - Monty Python Live at the Hollywood Bowl - Philospher's Song[/ame]
Record Arctic Ozone Layer Hole

Record Arctic Ozone Layer Hole

From your link....

"Northwest Russia and parts of Scandinavia were under an ozone 'hole' on April 5, protected from harmful UV radiation by less than 200 Dobson Units of ozone.The protective layer of stratospheric ozone over the Arctic reached a record low over the past winter due to abnormally cold weather in the upper atmosphere."

Your point?

None really, just an article I recently read in the paper and found interesting, I too thought it was odd that colder temps in the upper atmosphere's caused the depletion.

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