Ahmaud Arbery sentencing.

Whatever they get will not be justice as the system that covered for them isn't getting sentenced.
? So the people who perpetrated the crime being sentenced to life without parole in 2 cases and life with the possibility of parole in the third is not justice for Arbery? If you wonder why people stop listening to arguments from SJW's this is why. Whether you think the judicial system as a whole metes out justice equally based on an individual's race, you can't argue that in this case it didn't. The 3 men who killed Ahmaud Arbery having been found guilty were given a just sentence for the crime THEY committed against Arbery. That's justice for Ahmaud Arbery. If there is something in the judicial system that needs fixed is a separate issue. Tying them together leads me to believe youre not actually interested in actual justice.
Actually Travis' truck was parked.

Travis was not even in the truck when Arbery, a convicted criminal on probation who had been diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder, a mental disease that can cause psychotic episodes, bizarrely attacked Travis and grabbed his shotgun.

Arbery was shot dead and earned his Darwin award during an armed robbery attempt against Travis. It's on video.

Travis parked his car in the middle of the street?

Why would he do that?

Possibly to block someones path?
? So the people who perpetrated the crime being sentenced to life without parole in 2 cases and life with the possibility of parole in the third is not justice for Arbery? If you wonder why people stop listening to arguments from SJW's this is why. Whether you think the judicial system as a whole metes out justice equally based on an individual's race, you can't argue that in this case it didn't. The 3 men who killed Ahmaud Arbery having been found guilty were given a just sentence for the crime THEY committed against Arbery. That's justice for Ahmaud Arbery. If there is something in the judicial system that needs fixed is a separate issue. Tying them together leads me to believe youre not actually interested in actual justice.

The only reason we got these sentences was because of the release of the video in the mistaken belief by defendant #3 that it would absolve him of his involvement.

If there had been no video the three men go free. Those who saw to that need addressed also but as I noted after my first post, it seems they are.
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How is it that the two men who never fired a shot, get sentenced to life in prison for murder?
I agree. This is the problem with mandatory sentencing. The father and son definitely deserved to be found guilty and do time in prison. But, at the end of the day, there was a fight over the gun and it went off. Does that mean the son shouldn't go to prison? No, he needs to do at least 30 years. But the other two? I guess it all comes down to intent. Having not followed the case in terms of evidence presented, I don't know what was said, but it does seem harsh. Especially for the guy who took the video and wasn't armed. His lack of having a firearm would be a huge mitigating factor for me with regards to intent.
Yea, jogging into people’s houses to scope them out for stealing shit.
Ah, that unproven narrative. Even if that was what he was doing (and that has far from been proven), what does that have to do with the vigilante justice that occurred? You don't live in a world of anarchy Dipshit. The police are there for a reason. Sure, if Arbery had been an immediate threat to somebody or was home invading, I get your point. At the very most he was unlawfully on a building site. That makes it okay to carry out summary justice and kill somebody these days in the US? You're okay with that? This is why Trump Deplorables are hated. They want the country to be third-world, tinpot dictatorship where the law of the gun rules. You guys are so fucked in the head. I've said it before, I'll say it again, when your country goes down the shitter - and it IS going down there at the moment - and you think of all the reasons why, go look in the mirror. That'll be the primary reason staring right back and ya.
Actually, this trio of racist bastards got convicted by a jury of their peers who saw their heinous crime for what it was.

Now the judge has weighed in and justice has been served.

Tough cookie.
Thought experiment:
Three black dudes break into a house. One rapes and murders the woman there. All three get life sentences. Is the verdict justice or is it unfair and racist?
Thought experiment:
Three black dudes break into a house. One rapes and murders the woman there. All three get life sentences. Is the verdict justice or is it unfair and racist?
TOTALLY unrelated to the case at hand
How did Charles Manson get sentenced to death when he participated in no murders?
Yeah but he was the ring leader. The guy who took the video had no intention of killing anybody. Did he aid and abet the pursuing? Sure. Does he deserve some time in prison? hhhmmm..possibly. But 30 years? No, that's not justice. That's just spite. The shooter deserves a long time in prison - again, without parole is too harsh IMO. His dad deserves some time as well. Intent has a big play on this IMO.

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