Ahmaud Arbery’s killers ask a US appeals court to overturn their hate crime convictions


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2013
It's on video.

The moment you grab another man's shotgun you are committing armed robbery. If you die in the commission of that crime it is 100% your own damn fault.

Arbery won the Darwin award.

Let’s play a game. A man holds you at gunpoint and you struggle for the weapon. If he dies, are you the bad guy?
The lesson to be learned here is this: When you go negro hunting, don`t bring a film crew. George Zimmerman wrote the instruction manual.

they want there hate crime conviction overturned. they still wont get out of jail. they should have called the cops instead of following the dude.

Yeah. I’m not sure what the game is. This charge is the cherry on top of the rest of the convictions. Unless the plan is to use the successful appeal of this charge to attack the rest of the convictions. It just doesn’t make sense. And that plan, well long shot doesn’t begin to describe it.
It's on video.

The moment you grab another man's shotgun you are committing armed robbery. If you die in the commission of that crime it is 100% your own damn fault.

Arbery won the Darwin award.
Well it's a good thing your dumbass doesn't write the laws. Amazing how you just ignore everything leading up to that. :fu:

they want there hate crime conviction overturned. they still wont get out of jail. they should have called the cops instead of following the dude.
Arbery was illegally trespassing. That was on video. So at worst I think you have a manslaughter case here. Once caught arbery had a shoutgun on him. He then charged the man with a shotgun. Who does that? I mean if somebody knows they are illegally trespassing into a construction site and then they are caught and a gun is pulled on them ….and they decided to charge the person with a gun what in the world do they think is going to happen??? . once that happens, it seems like all bets are off.

If arbery wrested the gun from McMichael, what would Arbery would’ve done?

But the race baiters are completely and utterly insane. They are on juries in this country and that’s scary. They see a picture of a black victim and a white perpetrator, and they lose it. They lose the ability to think critically.

Americans are allowed to protect their neighborhoods and perform a citizens arrest. Ok if arbery was not trespassing illegally none of this would’ve happened. It’s like people never talk about that. They literally will not talk about that. If they support BLM they will rant and rave about something unrelated. Black this white that …, I would have the same position if the race roles were reversed in this topic.

I’m so happy I’m not living in the USA right now. Away from all the filth in our country. You go to any major city in the USA and it is flooded with left-wing propaganda. It’s an embarrassment.
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they want there hate crime conviction overturned. they still wont get out of jail. they should have called the cops instead of following the dude.

I am opposed to the very idea of a "hate crime" as if someone is more dead because I hated them instead of killing them for a different reason.
Who's black in this scenario? You have to give Muhammed more details before he can make an informed decision....
Trolling^ you’re not talking about anything that happened in the incident. Like Arberry trespassing.

Man, if the race roles were reversed, I would have the same opinion ….I wonder if you would though. And yet blm people upon hearing things like ie what I said about having the same view if the race roles were reversed Continue to rant and rave about white racism.

Our economy is a wreck today … so many young people are depressed, high divorce rates, kids born out of wedlock , high levels of drug use among the population and it’s all coinciding with the rise of left-wing BLM ideology.
Arbery was illegally trespassing. That was on video. So at worst I think you have a manslaughter case here. Once caught arbery had a shoutgun on him. He then charged the man with a shotgun. Who does that? I mean if somebody knows they are illegally trespassing into a construction site and then they are caught and a gun is pulled on them ….and they decided to charge the person with a gun what in the world do they think is going to happen??? . once that happens, it seems like all bets are off.

If arbery wrested the gun from McMichael, what would Arbery would’ve done?

But the race baiters are completely and utterly insane. They are on juries in this country and that’s scary. They see a picture of a black victim and a white perpetrator, and they lose it. They lose the ability to think critically.

Americans are allowed to protect their neighborhoods and perform a citizens arrest. Ok if arbery was not trespassing illegally none of this would’ve happened. It’s like people never talk about that. They literally will not talk about that. If they support BLM they will rant and rave about something unrelated. Black this white that …, I would have the same position if the race roles were reversed in this topic.

I’m so happy I’m not living in the USA right now. Away from all the filth and decoration in our country. You got any major city in the USA and it is flooded with left-wing propaganda. It’s an embarrassment.
What does a Frailure like you living in Cambodia know about our laws? You don't have a right to hold someone at gun point because you think they committed a misdemeanor. You don't have the right to make a violent citizens arrest because someone walked on and then off someone else's property. Moron.
A little bit of schooling on our Constitution would do you well.

Considering the Constitution was around for about 190 years before the first hate crime laws, I feel pretty safe there is nothing in the Constitution supporting them. Personally I think they violate the Equal Protection clause.
Arbery was illegally trespassing. That was on video. So at worst I think you have a manslaughter case here. Once caught arbery had a shoutgun on him. He then charged the man with a shotgun. Who does that? I mean if somebody knows they are illegally trespassing into a construction site and then they are caught and a gun is pulled on them ….and they decided to charge the person with a gun what in the world do they think is going to happen??? . once that happens, it seems like all bets are off.

If arbery wrested the gun from McMichael, what would Arbery would’ve done?

But the race baiters are completely and utterly insane. They are on juries in this country and that’s scary. They see a picture of a black victim and a white perpetrator, and they lose it. They lose the ability to think critically.

Americans are allowed to protect their neighborhoods and perform a citizens arrest. Ok if arbery was not trespassing illegally none of this would’ve happened. It’s like people never talk about that. They literally will not talk about that. If they support BLM they will rant and rave about something unrelated. Black this white that …, I would have the same position if the race roles were reversed in this topic.

I’m so happy I’m not living in the USA right now. Away from all the filth and decoration in our country. You got any major city in the USA and it is flooded with left-wing propaganda. It’s an embarrassment.

If only there was some truth to what you wrote. Let’s play a game. Let’s say Arbury was stopped. Nobody could arrest him for Trespassing under Georgia Law. Only the property owner, or if it is rented out, the person renting it, or a designated representative, in writing, has the authority under Georgia Law. None of those people were present, and so even if Arbury had stopped, there is nothing that could be done to him.

Second. The act of stopping Arbury, with the cutting him off with trucks, and even bumping him to try and get him to stop, was what we call Aggravated Assault in Georgia. That’s the legal term that is used to convict people. So even if Arbury had stopped, the McMichaels and their neighbor would be headed to prison for felonies. They committed the crimes in question.

Felony Murder. In Georgia, manslaughter is a charge that exists, but it exists in very specific situations. Voluntary Manslaughter is where you are doing something dumb, but nothing that would ordinarily cause a death. And someone dies because you were fucking around, well you go to Prison. Now, bumping folks with cars or trucks, intentionally, and waving guns around pretty much precludes that charge right?

Next is Involuntary Manslaughter. That’s the crime of passion charge. You come home and find your wife in bed with your Brother, and kill them both on the spot. That would be Involuntary Manslaughter. It is Georgia’s way of saying. Look I understand you were upset, but you still shouldn’t have killed them.

This wasn’t a crime of passion. So Manslaughter is out. We are left with Murder.

In Georgia, we don’t have degrees of Murder. We have Murder. Period. We have different sub categories. Including Felony Murder. Let’s say you are robbing a store, and the clerk dies of a heart attack. That would be Felony Murder. You were committing a qualifying felony, and someone died, you are responsible. In the McMichaels case, the qualifying felony was multiple counts of Aggravated Assault, a Felony under Georgia Law. So even if the circumstances were different, the presence of multiple felonies like several counts of Aggravated Assault, would mean that manslaughter was not an option.

Finally. Waving the guns around. We don’t have Brandishing in Georgia. The charge is Aggravated Assault. It’s a felony. So waving the bang stick in Georgia, will get you sent to Prison. When Travis the Moron stood in the street with his shotgun to try and stop Arbury that was Aggravated Assault and attempted False Imprisonment. Both felonies.

What did we say about someone dying while you are committing a Felony? It was automatically a Murder Charge? Well we’re there. Both aggravated assault and attempted false imprisonment are qualifying felonies for the murder charge.

From the moment the two McMichaels grabbed their guns and jumped in the truck in pursuit, they were committing crimes under Georgia law. From that moment each minute increased the likelihood that they were going to prison for their actions. If Arbury had stopped, the McMorons would still be headed to prison.

If you don’t know what the laws actually say, and what they mean, you don’t get to complain that it isn’t fair.
Considering the Constitution was around for about 190 years before the first hate crime laws, I feel pretty safe there is nothing in the Constitution supporting them. Personally I think they violate the Equal Protection clause.
Do you know what constitutes a hate crime? Educate yourself. You`re welcome.

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