Ahmaud Arbery’s killers ask a US appeals court to overturn their hate crime convictions

Not posting is better than posting a video of pretend and make believe in a misguided attempt to mask the fact that I've beaten you speechless. :itsok:
You can stupidly lie to yourself all you want, but DAN is still DOA.
The Constitution says everyone gets equal protection under the law, but hate crime laws give certain groups more protection by making their deaths a more serious crime with harsher punishments.
In the history of this country, has everyone actually got equal protection under the law?
Dumb Ass ****** (DAN) who is soooo fucking stupid that he tries to rob someone by pulling his intended victim's shotgun straight at his own vital organs.

Derp Derp....

Thus earning the 2020 Darwin Award.
Tough ass internet coward, you know your punk ass wouldn't call him that to his face.
Manslaughter at top end. Jogging burglar of houses under construction grabbed the barrel of the gun and pulled with good samaritan finger on trigger. Thats all.

moral: stay out of 65% Black GA with rigged courts. +DC & NY too.
Manslaughter at top end. Jogging burglar of houses under construction grabbed the barrel of the gun and pulled with good samaritan finger on trigger. Thats all.

moral: stay out of 65% Black GA with rigged courts. +DC & NY too.
A jury disagreed. Chasing someone down, side swiping them with a truck and going after them on a public street with guns is bad, even there. They will die in prison.
Let’s play a game. A man holds you at gunpoint and you struggle for the weapon. If he dies, are you the bad guy?
I think that you downgrade the danger posed by blaxk people. As this case clearly shows us they are violent and not law abiding..

The killers were in danger after pursueing Aubrey for seceral miles in their truck.

They were correct in taking steps to protect themselves.
Manslaughter at top end. Jogging burglar of houses under construction grabbed the barrel of the gun and pulled with good samaritan finger on trigger. Thats all.

moral: stay out of 65% Black GA with rigged courts. +DC & NY too.
Moral of your post is for frail whites to retreat further and further into whatever backwards, backwoods, deplorable communities you have left since decent, mainstream America won't let you violently harass black people anymore. :itsok:
What does a Frailure like you living in Cambodia know about our laws? You don't have a right to hold someone at gun point because you think they committed a misdemeanor. You don't have the right to make a violent citizens arrest because someone walked on and then off someone else's property. Moron.
Internet tough guy* relax with the personal attacks. I said nothing vulgar about you.

arbery was on video trespassing. There wasn’t a violent arrest. The man was held at gunpoint, and he charged the guy holding a gun. The media and millionaire celebrities turned it into a race issue. Its done in part to distract people from a bad economy.
If only there was some truth to what you wrote. Let’s play a game. Let’s say Arbury was stopped. Nobody could arrest him for Trespassing under Georgia Law. Only the property owner, or if it is rented out, the person renting it, or a designated representative, in writing, has the authority under Georgia Law. None of those people were present, and so even if Arbury had stopped, there is nothing that could be done to him.

Second. The act of stopping Arbury, with the cutting him off with trucks, and even bumping him to try and get him to stop, was what we call Aggravated Assault in Georgia. That’s the legal term that is used to convict people. So even if Arbury had stopped, the McMichaels and their neighbor would be headed to prison for felonies. They committed the crimes in question.

Felony Murder. In Georgia, manslaughter is a charge that exists, but it exists in very specific situations. Voluntary Manslaughter is where you are doing something dumb, but nothing that would ordinarily cause a death. And someone dies because you were fucking around, well you go to Prison. Now, bumping folks with cars or trucks, intentionally, and waving guns around pretty much precludes that charge right?

Next is Involuntary Manslaughter. That’s the crime of passion charge. You come home and find your wife in bed with your Brother, and kill them both on the spot. That would be Involuntary Manslaughter. It is Georgia’s way of saying. Look I understand you were upset, but you still shouldn’t have killed them.

This wasn’t a crime of passion. So Manslaughter is out. We are left with Murder.

In Georgia, we don’t have degrees of Murder. We have Murder. Period. We have different sub categories. Including Felony Murder. Let’s say you are robbing a store, and the clerk dies of a heart attack. That would be Felony Murder. You were committing a qualifying felony, and someone died, you are responsible. In the McMichaels case, the qualifying felony was multiple counts of Aggravated Assault, a Felony under Georgia Law. So even if the circumstances were different, the presence of multiple felonies like several counts of Aggravated Assault, would mean that manslaughter was not an option.

Finally. Waving the guns around. We don’t have Brandishing in Georgia. The charge is Aggravated Assault. It’s a felony. So waving the bang stick in Georgia, will get you sent to Prison. When Travis the Moron stood in the street with his shotgun to try and stop Arbury that was Aggravated Assault and attempted False Imprisonment. Both felonies.

What did we say about someone dying while you are committing a Felony? It was automatically a Murder Charge? Well we’re there. Both aggravated assault and attempted false imprisonment are qualifying felonies for the murder charge.

From the moment the two McMichaels grabbed their guns and jumped in the truck in pursuit, they were committing crimes under Georgia law. From that moment each minute increased the likelihood that they were going to prison for their actions. If Arbury had stopped, the McMorons would still be headed to prison.

If you don’t know what the laws actually say, and what they mean, you don’t get to complain that it isn’t fair.
It’s a common sense issue. You see throughout American history there were laws that allowed slavery… doesn’t make the law appropriate.

Playing word games to skirt the issue or support BLM causes is adequate and inappropriate.

It’s a straightforward, common sense issue. Apply proper moral reasoning here. Arberry was literally on video trespassing. He had a criminal history. Apparently had run ins with the older McMichael in a different capacity.

People in the neighborhood were concerned about his illegal activity, and so our library was nonstop and held at gunpoint. He decided to charge the man holding him with a gun. Forget about all of the word games and just apply common sense and morality.

Speaking of laws and Georgia policy. Initially, there were no charges against the McMichaels. It was only after the BLM mobs spoke up. Then pressure was put on the legal system. That’s occurred throughout the country.

Man all this BLM stuff the race baiting, cancel culture is all coinciding with one of the worst economies in American history.
It’s a common sense issue. You see throughout American history there were laws that allowed slavery

It’s a straightforward, common sense issue. Apply proper moral reasoning here. Arberry was literally on video trespassing. He had a criminal history. Apparently had run ins with the older McMichael in a different capacity.

People in the neighborhood were concerned about his illegal activity, and so our library was nonstop and held at gunpoint. He decided to charge the man holding him with a gun. Forget about all of the word games and just apply common sense and morality.

So the law is what we decide. Based upon the race of the person. Fortunately this is America. And we apply the law equally to all regardless of race.

So the long list of criminal actions by the McMichaels and their buddy Roddy, were presented by the Prosecution and the defendants were found guilty.

I think that you downgrade the danger posed by blaxk people. As this case clearly shows us they are violent and not law abiding..

The killers were in danger after pursueing Aubrey for seceral miles in their truck.

They were correct in taking steps to protect themselves.

Not what the law says. But of course the “law and order” crowd hates the law.
Internet tough guy* relax with the personal attacks. I said nothing vulgar about you.
I don't care. I am insulting you and your arguments. I'm glad that didn't go unnoticed. Your choice of servility however is your own. You don't like it, make better choices.
arbery was on video trespassing. There wasn’t a violent arrest. The man was held at gunpoint, and he charged the guy holding a gun. The media and millionaire celebrities turned it into a race issue. Its done in part to distract people from a bad economy.
You cry about the media an awful lot but no one needs to be told by the media that walking around a construction site is less of a criminal offense than attempting to detain someone, illegally, at gun point and then ultimately killing them. And it happened during Trump's administration so that would of been his economy. Moron.

I have to agree with this…how can you have a special section of the law carved out to punish emotion

The thoughts of the person are irrelevant. Every intentional violent crime is a hate crime. I’ve never seen someone injure another person because they loved them.

Also, you don’t know what was going through the mind of the person that committed the crime, they could just be really angry at the person..and that’s it. What these laws do is try to assign a racial motivation to every crime when there may not have been a racial motivation there.

Even if they were racially motivated, can you punish people for thoughts and feelings? If you think so, then 1984….we’ve arrived.
We absolutely should have these laws. Are you worried that they will curtail any lynching that you might want to do ?

they want there hate crime conviction overturned. they still wont get out of jail. they should have called the cops instead of following the dude.
I still don't understand why Aubrey didn't duck in between two houses instead of running down the middle of the street like that.

There is no way those two fat white guys could have caught him on foot.

It was almost like he was taunting them or something. I'm not saying that shooting him was justified, but it just seemed pretty stupid on Aubrey's to try and fight a guy with a shotgun in the middle of the street like that.
This case especially is a good example of learn what the laws actually say. Most of the objections to the McMichaels conviction are based in a few categories.

1) Racism. Blacks are scary and dangerous and we have to allow whatever actions the white person uses because they are scary.

That reason is so stupid it doesn’t even deserve consideration.

2) Self Defense. This almost always accompanies the Racist argument above. It is also a stupid argument. We don’t let the armed robber or other criminal claim self defense. We as a society long ago passed laws preventing the claim of self defense while committing crimes.

3) Arbury was a criminal. He didn’t commit any crimes that day. And even if he had, the McMichaels were not permitted under Georgia law to take any action. Georgia long ago, like the 1970’s decided only the victim of the crime had legal authority to engage in citizens arrest. No one else had the authority to do so.

4) Overcharged. This argument is that the McMichaels might have committed manslaughter or Murder in the Second Degree. But not really the kind of Murder that should result in a mandatory Life sentence.

Georgia only has Murder. As explained in the reply on page one. We don’t have in the degree. We have Murder. And if convicted of Murder your only sentence is Life, or Death. The option for the sentence is with or without the possibility of parole. In Georgia you aren’t eligible to be considered for Parole for 30 years. Minimum. That is considered, not guaranteed by a long shot.

4) Arbury had a criminal record.

This one argues that because Arbury committed crimes in the past, not on the day, that force was justified. In the 1970’s Rapists got off convincing the Jury that the woman was asking for it. She regularly slept around and it couldn’t be rape. States changed the laws to exclude the history of the victim from possible defenses. What was happening at the time became the only important question.

The need to learn the laws is now obvious. The laws don’t say what you want them to, or what you think they should. They say what they say. And you will be held to answer based upon those laws.

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