Ahmaud Arbery’s killers ask a US appeals court to overturn their hate crime convictions

This case especially is a good example of learn what the laws actually say. Most of the objections to the McMichaels conviction are based in a few categories.

1) Racism. Blacks are scary and dangerous and we have to allow whatever actions the white person uses because they are scary.

That reason is so stupid it doesn’t even deserve consideration.

2) Self Defense. This almost always accompanies the Racist argument above. It is also a stupid argument. We don’t let the armed robber or other criminal claim self defense. We as a society long ago passed laws preventing the claim of self defense while committing crimes.

3) Arbury was a criminal. He didn’t commit any crimes that day. And even if he had, the McMichaels were not permitted under Georgia law to take any action. Georgia long ago, like the 1970’s decided only the victim of the crime had legal authority to engage in citizens arrest. No one else had the authority to do so.

4) Overcharged. This argument is that the McMichaels might have committed manslaughter or Murder in the Second Degree. But not really the kind of Murder that should result in a mandatory Life sentence.

Georgia only has Murder. As explained in the reply on page one. We don’t have in the degree. We have Murder. And if convicted of Murder your only sentence is Life, or Death. The option for the sentence is with or without the possibility of parole. In Georgia you aren’t eligible to be considered for Parole for 30 years. Minimum. That is considered, not guaranteed by a long shot.

4) Arbury had a criminal record.

This one argues that because Arbury committed crimes in the past, not on the day, that force was justified. In the 1970’s Rapists got off convincing the Jury that the woman was asking for it. She regularly slept around and it couldn’t be rape. States changed the laws to exclude the history of the victim from possible defenses. What was happening at the time became the only important question.

The need to learn the laws is now obvious. The laws don’t say what you want them to, or what you think they should. They say what they say. And you will be held to answer based upon those laws.
I have a MAGA acquaintance that believes Derek Chauvin is getting out of jail because of George Floyd`s criminal record. This ignoramus was allowed to teach high school for 30 years. I hope his former students are suing the school district for reparations.
I have a MAGA acquaintance that believes Derek Chauvin is getting out of jail because of George Floyd`s criminal record. This ignoramus was allowed to teach high school for 30 years. I hope his former students are suing the school district for reparations.

There are a few of those. Ok. More than a few. But again. Learn the laws, and understand what they mean. Many people believe the laws say what they think the laws should say. They are often outraged to find that the laws don’t say that, to their sorrow.
So the law is what we decide. Based upon the race of the person. Fortunately this is America. And we apply the law equally to all regardless of race.

So the long list of criminal actions by the McMichaels and their buddy Roddy, were presented by the Prosecution and the defendants were found guilty.

Not what the law says. But of course the “law and order” crowd hates the law.
So what you’re not responding to the points being made. Slavery was once legalized in America.

Initially, the prosecution in Georgia ruled the McMichaels to be innocent. Because of a radical left-wing media, and a small but violent BLM mob did this case go to court.

I mean, I think you understand it you can’t present a logical counter to the fact that arbery was illegally trespassing he, then when confronted charged a man who had a gun on him. Arbery could have stood his ground and waited for the police to come. That did not happen.

Seems like you’re playing politics here. The McMichaels don’t deserve to be in prison for life that is cruel and unusual punishment. It’s actually evil. Same thing with Officer Derek Chauvin. People are easily brainwashed in America. Well that is to say the left wing. They watch a small video clip And whether it’s a knee on George Floyd or shooting of Arberry they act as if it’s the same thing as a kid being mercilessly killed for no good reason. That’s pretty much what we’re dealing with here. None of that is true though.

There’s an entire case here to look at there’s a cause and effect when it comes to George Floyd and Arberry. And the radical left-wing, and even some conservatives are not digging through the details.

All of this type of BLM mob justice is coinciding with with one of the worst economies in American history. The rise of the weak feminized man.
So what you’re not responding to the points being made. Slavery was once legalized in America.

Initially, the prosecution in Georgia ruled the McMichaels to be innocent. Because of a radical left-wing media, and a small but violent BLM mob did this case go to court.
Oh you mean a racist corrupt DA that he was buddies with.
I mean, I think you understand it you can’t present a logical counter to the fact that arbery was illegally trespassing he, then when confronted charged a man who had a gun on him. Arbery could have stood his ground and waited for the police to come. That did not happen.
So tell us dumbass why didn't the homeowner press charges against him, there were some white folks that did as well, why didn't they chase them with guns? How do you stand your ground against someone who has a gun on you? You sound like a fucking idiot. Wait for the police? When did Ahmaud call the police?
Seems like you’re playing politics here. The McMichaels don’t deserve to be in prison for life that is cruel and unusual punishment. It’s actually evil. Same thing with Officer Derek Chauvin. People are easily brainwashed in America. Well that is to say the left wing. They watch a small video clip And whether it’s a knee on George Floyd or shooting of Arberry they act as if it’s the same thing as a kid being mercilessly killed for no good reason. That’s pretty much what we’re dealing with here. None of that is true though.
So basically you are saying white men should be able to gun down black men when they feel like it. What we are dealing with is racist fools like you who come on here spewing racist rhetoric and hope that we buy it.
There’s an entire case here to look at there’s a cause and effect when it comes to George Floyd and Arberry. And the radical left-wing, and even some conservatives are not digging through the details.

All of this type of BLM mob justice is coinciding with with one of the worst economies in American history. The rise of the weak feminized man.
Take that bullshit where somebody is buying it.
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Oh you mean a racist corrupt DA that he was buddies with.

So tell us dumbass why didn't the homeowner press charges against him, there were some white folks that did as well, why didn't they chase them with guns? How do you stand your ground against someone who has a gun on you? You sound like a fucking idiot. Wait for the police? When did Ahmaud call the police?

So basically you are saying white men should be able to gun down black men when they feel like it. What we are dealing with is racist fools like you who come on here spewing racist rhetoric and hope that we buy it.

Take that bullshit where somebody is buying it.
Wow Internet tough guy. I don’t personally attack you when you keep on doing this it doesn’t make you look good pretty much unhinged. So relax.

This country is economy is a disaster. We’ve seen the rise of feminized, weak men high on dope. It’s a disaster in this country that is what left-wing BLM politics gets us. A weaker society, weaker black men, weaker white men.

I think most Americans are still good, but we do have a problem with the left-wing

This is what happened. Arberry trespassed it was shown on television. There’s no word games or way around this. He also had violent criminal history. Folks in the neighborhood were worried about that and so Arbury was approached. He could’ve been a white guy and he would’ve still been approached… two men caught up with arbery one had a gun on him, and then arbery charged the man which is suicidal. I mean it is suicidal to charge somebody who is holding a gun after knowingly trespassing.

It doesn’t matter the homeowner doesn’t have to press charges that was after the fact. Arbery was trespassing, hands-down game over that’s the case he was illegally trespassing.

Arbery could have simply stood his ground and waited. He had a shotgun on him. The police would’ve eventually came. Please, sir you need to for your own health Stop using the Internet Tough guy approach.

This is nothing to do with black-and-white. It is you, and perhaps a few radical lefties, who are trying to make it about race.

Don’t take things personally concentrate on the subject matter. Sure get emotional about the subject, but simply try not to personally attack others it ruins your argument.

I already said if the race rolls were reversed, I would have the same opinion. So now what are you going to do. Are you going to keep using personal attacks the Internet tough guy approach. And you’re going to perhaps keep talking about white people this white people that. I mean that is a huge point to be made …again if the race roles were reversed id have of the same viewpoint.

I wonder if in real life, you’re one of those BLM type people who scream and shout at everybody instead of trying to have a civilized conversation. It’s a very tiny percentage of Americans that act like the BLM rioters they get in peoples faces they act like beasts. Hopefully you’re not not like that.

Much of what you post is entirely made up in your mind. Basically you’re inventing other peoples views, and telling them how they think.
It's on video.

The moment you grab another man's shotgun you are committing armed robbery. If you die in the commission of that crime it is 100% your own damn fault.

Arbery won the Darwin award.
well they sent the dude to jail for life even when aubrey grabbed their gun.
Arbery was illegally trespassing. That was on video. So at worst I think you have a manslaughter case here. Once caught arbery had a shoutgun on him. He then charged the man with a shotgun. Who does that? I mean if somebody knows they are illegally trespassing into a construction site and then they are caught and a gun is pulled on them ….and they decided to charge the person with a gun what in the world do they think is going to happen??? . once that happens, it seems like all bets are off.

If arbery wrested the gun from McMichael, what would Arbery would’ve done?

But the race baiters are completely and utterly insane. They are on juries in this country and that’s scary. They see a picture of a black victim and a white perpetrator, and they lose it. They lose the ability to think critically.

Americans are allowed to protect their neighborhoods and perform a citizens arrest. Ok if arbery was not trespassing illegally none of this would’ve happened. It’s like people never talk about that. They literally will not talk about that. If they support BLM they will rant and rave about something unrelated. Black this white that …, I would have the same position if the race roles were reversed in this topic.

I’m so happy I’m not living in the USA right now. Away from all the filth in our country. You go to any major city in the USA and it is flooded with left-wing propaganda. It’s an embarrassment.
i agree but they put the dudes away for murder. i stil dont know why aubrey did run away instead of facing off with them and trying t take gun. seems he had some wrong here.
i agree but they put the dudes away for murder. i stil dont know why aubrey did run away instead of facing off with them and trying t take gun. seems he had some wrong here.
Arbery was eventually confronted, and then at some point he charged one of the McMichaels, who was holding the shotgun. I mean that’s suicidal. Was arbery very high on drugs or something by the way?

I feel bad For anyone who gets killed even somebody who has a criminal history like George Floyd or arbery…. But it’s important to look past the left-wing media and it’s also wrong that the McMichael’s are in jail for life. That makes no sense.

I mean how bloodthirsty the left wing is. They are brutal. They think Derek Chauvin should be in jail for life. Wow I can’t even believe it man. That’s why I had to take a break from America. I’m so happy to not be living in that country today, where I go to any major city and you see despicable, anti-Americanism, you see the BLM flags people flying foreign flags supporting their wars, giving all our money away when we have poor people in our country struggling..

You know, none of this would’ve happened if Arbury was not illegally trespassing. Or if he didn’t try and charge a guy with a gun on him.

And I’ve already said if the race rules were reversed, I would have the same opinion. You can also see how anti-American maniacs act in response to these types of issues. They take to the streets and riot. They never talk about poor white people, they never talk about white people who get denied loans. it’s an absolute abomination That’s what the BLM attitude is. That is the core problem with Biden BLM supporters. They have no consideration for the poor white man who watches a millionaire BLM supporter on television whine about “white privilege.”

It’s quite apparent that most Americans black and white do not agree with BLM. the blm in your face rioting attitude It is a manufacturing of the media and rich celebrities.
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I still don't understand why Aubrey didn't duck in between two houses instead of running down the middle of the street like that.

There is no way those two fat white guys could have caught him on foot.

It was almost like he was taunting them or something. I'm not saying that shooting him was justified, but it just seemed pretty stupid on Aubrey's to try and fight a guy with a shotgun in the middle of the street like that.
and then grab their gun
Arbery was eventually confronted, and then at some point he charged one of the McMichaels, who was holding the shotgun. I mean that’s suicidal. Was arbery very high on drugs or something by the way?

I feel bad Freddie anyone who gets killed even somebody who has a criminal history like George Floyd or arbery…. But it’s important to look past the left-wing media and it’s also wrong that the Michael’s are in jail for life. That makes no sense.

I mean how bloodthirsty the left wing is. They are brutal. They think Derek Chauvin should be in jail for life. Wow I can’t even believe it man. That’s why I have to take a break from America. I’m so happy to not be living in that country today, where I go to any major city and you see despicable, anti-Americanism, you see the BLM flags people flying foreign flags supporting their wars, giving all our money away when we have poor people in our country struggling..

You know, none of this would’ve happened if Arbury was not illegally trespassing. Or if he didn’t try and charge a guy with a gun on him.

And I’ve already said if the race rules were reversed, I would have the same opinion. You can also see how anti-American maniacs act in response to these types of issues. They take to the streets and riot. They never talk about poor white people, they never talk about white people who get denied loans. it’s an absolute abomination That’s what the BLM attitude is. That is the core problem with Biden BLM supporters. They have no consideration for the poor white man who watches a millionaire BLM supporter on television whine about “white privilege.”

It’s quite apparent that most Americans black and white do not agree with BLM. the blm in your face rioting attitude It is a manufacturing of the media and rich celebrities.
you are correct
'Bout time poor dead Ahmaud was resurrected for internet racists to drag his body around. Let's peek at some of the jackassery

To wit:

The moment you grab another man's shotgun you are committing armed robbery. If you die in the commission of that crime it is 100% your own damn fault.
Ahmaud committed "armed robbery" now?
Who knew?

Or, alternatively poster Muhammed ------ wasn't Ahmaud simply exercising his legal right "to-stand-his-ground" against armed racist thugs chasing him down a rural road in Georgia.
I think there is more of tractionfull argument for that than for "armed robbery".
Especially when it wasn't Ahmaud who brought his shotgun out for a jog.

Nobody was holding Arbery at gunpoint.
Maybe because they failed at "holding" him ------as he was running for his life as they chased him down the road while waving a gun and shouting racist epithets?

Once caught arbery had a shoutgun on him.
Didn't know that.
What kind of shotgun did Ahmaud bring with him?
And if he was armed during this exchange why didn't he simply ....stand-his-ground .....and shoot back?

Or....and this is may be more important......show us a link to this "had-a-shotgun-on-him" allegation?
Wow Internet tough guy. I don’t personally attack you when you keep on doing this it doesn’t make you look good pretty much unhinged. So relax.
Well, when you make dumbass statements, you get called a dumbass.
This country is economy is a disaster.
Based on what?
We’ve seen the rise of feminized, weak men high on dope.
Based on what?
It’s a disaster in this country that is what left-wing BLM politics gets us. A weaker society, weaker black men, weaker white men.

I think most Americans are still good, but we do have a problem with the left-wing.
More right-wing mumbo jumbo, you long for the days when white cops could kill black men and get a medal pinned on their chest.
This is what happened. Arberry trespassed it was shown on television.
He didn't trespass on the murderer's properties, why didn't they shoot the white folks that were trespassing? I noticed your weak, racist ass doesn't want to answer that question.
There’s no word games or way around this. He also had violent criminal history. Folks in the neighborhood were worried about that and so Arbury was approached.
That's a lie, please show where anybody in that neighborhood said anything about being afraid of him. You are a liar and the truth ain't in you, nobody said that bullshit.
He could’ve been a white guy and he would’ve still been approached… two men caught up with arbery one had a gun on him, and then arbery charged the man which is suicidal. I mean it is suicidal to charge somebody who is holding a gun after knowingly trespassing.
Both McMichaels had firearms, dude you are just spewing lies and bullshit. Yea that's why that pasty, white, racist asses are sitting in prison and will die in prison.

It doesn’t matter the homeowner doesn’t have to press charges that was after the fact. Arbery was trespassing, hands-down game over that’s the case he was illegally trespassing.
More bullshit, if you see someone trespassing you call the police. You don't grab up your guns go and try and play police. It's pretty obvious you don't know a damn thing about this case.
Arbery could have simply stood his ground and waited. He had a shotgun on him. The police would’ve eventually came. Please, sir you need to for your own health Stop using the Internet Tough guy approach.
First of all tell us how in the hell do you stand your ground when someone has a gun pointed at you and you don't have any weapon, explain that genius. How in the hell would he know the police are coming? How would he know that?
This is nothing to do with black-and-white. It is you, and perhaps a few radical lefties, who are trying to make it about race.
So tell us why they didn't comfront the white folks that were on this man's property illegally? Explain that.
Don’t take things personally concentrate on the subject matter. Sure get emotional about the subject, but simply try not to personally attack others it ruins your argument.
The subject of the matter is that you are proving you are just another racist POS that wants to see 3 other racist POS get away with murdering a black man.
I already said if the race rolls were reversed, I would have the same opinion. So now what are you going to do. Are you going to keep using personal attacks the Internet tough guy approach. And you’re going to perhaps keep talking about white people this white people that. I mean that is a huge point to be made …again if the race roles were reversed id have of the same viewpoint.
A lie doesn't care who tells it,
I wonder if in real life, you’re one of those BLM type people who scream and shout at everybody instead of trying to have a civilized conversation. It’s a very tiny percentage of Americans that act like the BLM rioters they get in peoples faces they act like beasts. Hopefully you’re not not like that.

Much of what you post is entirely made up in your mind. Basically you’re inventing other peoples views, and telling them how they think.
Let's see if you are man enough to answer the simple questions that were placed before you or if you truly are the racist coward that I think you are.
So what you’re not responding to the points being made. Slavery was once legalized in America.

Lots of things were legal. Slavery. Prostitution. Cocaine. Opium. And the list goes on and on. Abortion was legal when the country was founded. I’m betting you don’t object to any of the other prohibitions that exist now that didn’t exist then.

None of that is Germaine. The charges that the McMichaels faced were not new. All of them had been on the books for decades. There were precedent cases in which the courts defined the laws, decades before. Nothing new was used against them.

In fact. I took a course when I got my Concealed Weapons License. Everything the McMichaels did was explained to me as things to not do unless I wanted to go to jail. The books I got from USCCA on carrying concealed when I joined them had the same warnings.

Initially, the prosecution in Georgia ruled the McMichaels to be innocent. Because of a radical left-wing media, and a small but violent BLM mob did this case go to court.

Another almost but not quite entirely untrue statement from you.

Jackie Johnson delayed the arrest. She knew the McMichaels and told the cops to wait. This action is why she is facing charges for abuse of office.

In contrivance of Georgia law, she passed it to a friend with the suggestion he handle it. The Friend said he saw nothing wrong with the shooting before reading any documents acting on Johnson’s verbal description. He isn’t facing charges, but was voted out of office over the misconduct.

I mean, I think you understand it you can’t present a logical counter to the fact that arbery was illegally trespassing he, then when confronted charged a man who had a gun on him. Arbery could have stood his ground and waited for the police to come. That did not happen.

Seems like you’re playing politics here. The McMichaels don’t deserve to be in prison for life that is cruel and unusual punishment. It’s actually evil. Same thing with Officer Derek Chauvin. People are easily brainwashed in America. Well that is to say the left wing. They watch a small video clip And whether it’s a knee on George Floyd or shooting of Arberry they act as if it’s the same thing as a kid being mercilessly killed for no good reason. That’s pretty much what we’re dealing with here. None of that is true though.

There’s an entire case here to look at there’s a cause and effect when it comes to George Floyd and Arberry. And the radical left-wing, and even some conservatives are not digging through the details.

All of this type of BLM mob justice is coinciding with with one of the worst economies in American history. The rise of the weak feminized man.

I described the case. In detail. Describing the actions of the McMichaels and the laws they violated.

But let’s look at it. Under Georgia law, Arbury was not trespassing. He wasn’t. As I mentioned on page one. Only the property owner, a renter, or a designated in writing representative can declare someone is trespassing under Georgia law. The cops couldn’t have arrested Arbury even if he had stopped.

Under the Winn Dixie decision, the McMichaels had no legal authority to stop Arbury. They were committing crimes literally from the moment they grabbed their guns and jumped into the truck.

Trying to bump him off the road is Aggravated Assault under Georgia law. Trying to stop him without legal authority is Illegal Imprisonment under Georgia law. Both are felonies.

Georgia passed these laws decades ago. Partially to make the Klan subject to the law during the bad old days.

None of these laws were new. None of the applications were new or novel. They were right out of the precedents. Cases that had come before.

That’s the law in Georgia. Laws I was briefed on in that class I mentioned years before this happened. So for years I’ve known that the law did not allow such things.

Your argument is that it isn’t right. The history of the deceased matters more than the actions of the criminals. Ok. Let’s discuss that. Despite the fact that it is illegal to do that in court in every single state. We can play that game.

Arbury hadn’t stolen anything in that neighborhood. There were thefts going on in the neighborhood. The police were aware. And they had video of the suspects. A white man, and white woman.

No scary Blacks were involved.

So what happened? Travis and Greg decided Arbury was the guy stealing stuff. Including Travis’s pistol from his truck. No evidence. Nothing to indicate it was Arbury.

Now here we are getting to my opinion. I think the fact that Travis had his gun stolen gnawed at him. I think it infuriated him to think that Arbury was the one who stole the gun. I think that is why they wouldn’t consider approaching Arbury without guns of their own. I think they expected to find the gun on Arbury.

The old Citizens Arrest law, the one in effect when this went down. That one was known as a bet your life law. If you put someone under Citizens Arrest, and were wrong, the arrested fellow was innocent. You went to jail for felony illegal imprisonment.

That is why Daddy McMoron didn’t tell Arbury he was under arrest. Daddy knew if he said that, and Arbury didn’t have the gun, Daddy would be going to jail.

Daddy wanted to make it a voluntary stop. So Arbury would sit and wait for the cops. But Daddy was almost as angry as Travis that the black guy stole the gun. Again that last sentence is my opinion.

They were wrong. Arbury had committed no crime in the neighborhood. They tried to stop him by bumping him with their trucks. That is a crime.

It wasn’t BLM. It was Georgians all over the state. It wasn’t leftists or ANTIFA. It was regular people who were outraged.

The McMichaels made every mistake they could. They screwed up from start to finish. They told their story to the cops instead of doing the smart thing and getting a lawyer. Daddy counted on Jackie saving their asses. It was too hot for that to work.
Lots of things were legal. Slavery. Prostitution. Cocaine. Opium. And the list goes on and on. Abortion was legal when the country was founded. I’m betting you don’t object to any of the other prohibitions that exist now that didn’t exist then.

None of that is Germaine. The charges that the McMichaels faced were not new. All of them had been on the books for decades. There were precedent cases in which the courts defined the laws, decades before. Nothing new was used against them.

In fact. I took a course when I got my Concealed Weapons License. Everything the McMichaels did was explained to me as things to not do unless I wanted to go to jail. The books I got from USCCA on carrying concealed when I joined them had the same warnings.

Another almost but not quite entirely untrue statement from you.

Jackie Johnson delayed the arrest. She knew the McMichaels and told the cops to wait. This action is why she is facing charges for abuse of office.

In contrivance of Georgia law, she passed it to a friend with the suggestion he handle it. The Friend said he saw nothing wrong with the shooting before reading any documents acting on Johnson’s verbal description. He isn’t facing charges, but was voted out of office over the misconduct.

I described the case. In detail. Describing the actions of the McMichaels and the laws they violated.

But let’s look at it. Under Georgia law, Arbury was not trespassing. He wasn’t. As I mentioned on page one. Only the property owner, a renter, or a designated in writing representative can declare someone is trespassing under Georgia law. The cops couldn’t have arrested Arbury even if he had stopped.

Under the Winn Dixie decision, the McMichaels had no legal authority to stop Arbury. They were committing crimes literally from the moment they grabbed their guns and jumped into the truck.

Trying to bump him off the road is Aggravated Assault under Georgia law. Trying to stop him without legal authority is Illegal Imprisonment under Georgia law. Both are felonies.

Georgia passed these laws decades ago. Partially to make the Klan subject to the law during the bad old days.

None of these laws were new. None of the applications were new or novel. They were right out of the precedents. Cases that had come before.

That’s the law in Georgia. Laws I was briefed on in that class I mentioned years before this happened. So for years I’ve known that the law did not allow such things.

Your argument is that it isn’t right. The history of the deceased matters more than the actions of the criminals. Ok. Let’s discuss that. Despite the fact that it is illegal to do that in court in every single state. We can play that game.

Arbury hadn’t stolen anything in that neighborhood. There were thefts going on in the neighborhood. The police were aware. And they had video of the suspects. A white man, and white woman.

No scary Blacks were involved.

So what happened? Travis and Greg decided Arbury was the guy stealing stuff. Including Travis’s pistol from his truck. No evidence. Nothing to indicate it was Arbury.

Now here we are getting to my opinion. I think the fact that Travis had his gun stolen gnawed at him. I think it infuriated him to think that Arbury was the one who stole the gun. I think that is why they wouldn’t consider approaching Arbury without guns of their own. I think they expected to find the gun on Arbury.

The old Citizens Arrest law, the one in effect when this went down. That one was known as a bet your life law. If you put someone under Citizens Arrest, and were wrong, the arrested fellow was innocent. You went to jail for felony illegal imprisonment.

That is why Daddy McMoron didn’t tell Arbury he was under arrest. Daddy knew if he said that, and Arbury didn’t have the gun, Daddy would be going to jail.

Daddy wanted to make it a voluntary stop. So Arbury would sit and wait for the cops. But Daddy was almost as angry as Travis that the black guy stole the gun. Again that last sentence is my opinion.

They were wrong. Arbury had committed no crime in the neighborhood. They tried to stop him by bumping him with their trucks. That is a crime.

It wasn’t BLM. It was Georgians all over the state. It wasn’t leftists or ANTIFA. It was regular people who were outraged.

The McMichaels made every mistake they could. They screwed up from start to finish. They told their story to the cops instead of doing the smart thing and getting a lawyer. Daddy counted on Jackie saving their asses. It was too hot for that to work.
they said they had video of him doing it. they should have called the cops.
i agree but they put the dudes away for murder. i stil dont know why aubrey did run away instead of facing off with them and trying t take gun. seems he had some wrong here.
Idiot did you even take time to actually watch the trial, you sound like that moron Franklin Roosevelt.

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