Ahmaud Arbery’s killers racist rants exposed in Federal trial

Where do you come up with these childish ansolutes?

I said arbrey was stupid

what I didnt say is that everyone who dies of gunshot is to blame for what happened to them

the two young girls who were killed by stray bullets recently, one fired by a black cop and the other by a hispanic civilian had no blame for their own deaths

but trying to wrestle a loaded shotgun away from someone rather than wait for the cops to arrive?

that was fatal stupidity
Everyone who is murdered made choices. If a husband murders a wife, she was stupid not to know what he was up to. If a gangmember shoots a gangmember, they were both stupid for being in gangs...Other than young children killed in their mothers' arms, anyone who is murdered had an option to avoid it. Stupid people get on the subway. Stupid people end up dead and if you end up dead because you're stupid then you got what you had coming. That was basically what you said.
"They didn't murder him----------he attacked them, tried stealing their gun, and they shot him in self defense."

Alternatively, he was murdered.
Alternatively, they attacked him.
He stole nothing from the jobsite.
He had done nothing wrong.
So he continued jogging along.

Then they verbally accosted him.
Then blocked his throughway.
Then attacked him with a gun.

And.....tragically, he availed himself of the "stand-your-ground" defense.
He tried to protect himself by attempting to prevent the young McMichaels from shooting him.
He failed.
McMichaels shot him anyway.

So sometimes the 'stand-your-ground' doctrine ends up tragically for the defender. In this case the defender was shot in the middle of the road, and laid there gasping for breath, as his life's blood drained away.

And, if it's true, that one's hearing is the last of the senses to go before death comes.....well, as he gasped for his last breath he would have heard his murderer screaming at him ------"
F*cking N*gger"!

I say the McMichales murdered him.
And did it with a racist-hate.
And they should spend the rest of their lives in a Georgia State Prison cell.

But that's just me.
Not my circus, not my monkey.

If it had been three black guys who killed some white guy, there would have never been a federal trial. And it wouldn't have amounted to any more than a single page thread on here.
Not in South Georgia. If given the green light, those white folks would be bringing their ropes. And they wouldn't need a trial.
Alternatively, he was murdered.
Alternatively, they attacked him.
He stole nothing from the jobsite.
He had done nothing wrong.
So he continued jogging along.

Then they verbally accosted him.
Then blocked his throughway.
Then attacked him with a gun.

And.....tragically, he availed himself of the "stand-your-ground" defense.
He tried to protect himself by attempting to prevent the young McMichaels from shooting him.
He failed.
McMichaels shot him anyway.

So sometimes the 'stand-your-ground' doctrine ends up tragically for the defender. In this case the defender was shot in the middle of the road, and laid there gasping for breath, as his life's blood drained away.

And, if it's true, that one's hearing is the last of the senses to go before death comes.....well, as he gasped for his last breath he would have heard his murderer screaming at him ------"
F*cking N*gger"!

I say the McMichales murdered him.
And did it with a racist-hate.
And they should spend the rest of their lives in a Georgia State Prison cell.

But that's just me.
You got it right. Thanks for your honesty.
They didn't murder him----------he attacked them, tried stealing their gun, and they shot him in self defense. Why can't you get these basic simple points through your thick head.

And Arbery was certainly a violent criminal who trepassed (against the law) and then attacked (against the law) and tried to steal their guns (against the law).
Absolutely 100% wrong!
Did you get caught? I should assume you are a criminal right?
If you feel like I may have stolen something, feel free to stop me and ask. I will be happy to prove my innocence to you.
Everyone who is murdered made choices. If a husband murders a wife, she was stupid not to know what he was up to. If a gangmember shoots a gangmember, they were both stupid for being in gangs...Other than young children killed in their mothers' arms, anyone who is murdered had an option to avoid it. Stupid people get on the subway. Stupid people end up dead and if you end up dead because you're stupid then you got what you had coming. That was basically what you said.
Dont be silly
Everyone who is murdered made choices. If a husband murders a wife, she was stupid not to know what he was up to. If a gangmember shoots a gangmember, they were both stupid for being in gangs...Other than young children killed in their mothers' arms, anyone who is murdered had an option to avoid it. Stupid people get on the subway. Stupid people end up dead and if you end up dead because you're stupid then you got what you had coming. That was basically what you said.
we dont have time to discuss every possible situation

but we could stay on topic which is arbrey

never mind everything else, if he hadnt ran he would not have died

its as simple as that

i suspect he had a cell phone but chose not to call 911

"never mind everything else, if he hadnt ran he would not have died"
  • That's not a certainty, but plausible.

'never mind everything else, if those 3 racist crackers hadn't chased him
down and shot him......he would not have died.

  • 100% certainty.
  • That's not a certainty, but plausible.

'never mind everything else, if those 3 racist crackers hadn't chased him down and shot him......he would not have died.

  • 100% certainty.
The more he ran the harder they chased

but they had no intention of killing him

He should not have grabbed the shotgun
The more he ran the harder they chased
but they had no intention of killing him
He should not have grabbed the shotgun
You are on the wrong side of this one, good poster Mac.

Hint: Three unanimous verdicts of murder by a jury of peers.

  • "the more he ran"....For the clueful: people who are out for a jog -----run.

  • "no intention of killing"........ but, having a gun, pointing it at the runner, when he had not shown to be guilty of anything other than joggging in a white area......gives one pause to doubt Mac7's unique speculation on the 'intentions' of murderers.
  • "should not have grabbed".........in hindsight, perhaps. Or they would've gunned him down despite his right to "stand-your-ground" against attackers? Conversely , they should not have aimed a gun at him for jogging in a white neighborhood.

    Speculation puzzle: Would the McMichaels have shot him in the back if he had simply jogged around him?
That was correct. They did not do anything wrong.

(sometimes one gets a twofer on this gossipboard)
You are on the wrong side of this one, good poster ......protectionist. Hint: Three unanimous verdicts of murder by a jury of peers.

Speculation puzzle: Would McMichaels have shot him in the back if he had simply jogged around him?


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