Ahmaud Arbery’s killers racist rants exposed in Federal trial

As Trumpism fades away, the remaining Trump loyalists will be treated like the KKK and Nazis. It will be a group shunned by society. Trumpists are already paying the price for their loyalty to an immoral group, by losing jobs and friends.
They did nothing wrong. Killed Arbery in self-defense.

(every now and then, one can get a threefer on this venue)
To wit:
You are on the wrong side of this one, good poster ......protectionist. Hint: Three unanimous verdicts of murder by a jury of peers.

Personally, I think the victim was availing himself of the "stand-your-ground' ethic of defending oneself against attackers. After all, he was a young man out for a regular jog. They pursued him, verbally accosted him, threatened him, pointed a gun at him. And when he 'stood-his-ground'.....they killed him.

Then, as testimony showed, as he lay gasping for life's breath in the middle of the road.......his killers screamed 'F*cking N*gger' at his dying body.

Yupper, in good poster Protectionist's worldview......there's not a thing wrong with any of that.
My avatar, though, will demur.
McMichaels fired in self-defense.
Three times.. With a pump action shotgun..
The first shot at close range tore through an artery in Arbery’s right wrist and punched a big hole in the center of his chest, said Donoghue, a medical examiner for the Georgia Bureau of Investigation.
Blam!, Pump, Blam!, Pump, Blam! Oopsies! But it was self-defense, I swear!
You are on the wrong side of this one, good poster Mac.

Hint: Three unanimous verdicts of murder by a jury of peers.

  • "the more he ran"....For the clueful: people who are out for a jog -----run.

  • "no intention of killing"........ but, having a gun, pointing it at the runner, when he had not shown to be guilty of anything other than joggging in a white area......gives one pause to doubt Mac7's unique speculation on the 'intentions' of murderers.
  • "should not have grabbed".........in hindsight, perhaps. Or they would've gunned him down despite his right to "stand-your-ground" against attackers? Conversely , they should not have aimed a gun at him for jogging in a white neighborhood.

    Speculation puzzle: Would the McMichaels have shot him in the back if he had simply jogged around him?
I will stand pat on my speculation

if arbery was blameless he would have faced his accusers before they got infected with excitement of the chase

I would have stopped immediately and waited for the cops to show up

and I certainly would not have challenged two men holding guns on me even if I were a martial artist
Now, to be sure, I haven't followed this Armhuad Arbery case too closely, so there may be minutiae or details that I haven't seen.

Still, what I think I know is that there may be two nuanced and flawed heroes in this thing.

I mean by that, the neighbor following behind the kill-mobile ......Roddy McDowell .... video'd the rundown and the kill. At least, as much as he could from a distance and the view-obstructing hunt-truck.

Without Roddy's intention (uh-oh! #1) to capture the action for posterity and family entertainment......the reality of the event may have never been known. The police would've just let 'em all go home, without arresting anybody. And the local prosecutor wouldn't have pressed charges.
(btw, both of those things happened. At first).

And then, the other nuanced hero is Daddy Gregory McMichael who surfaced (uh-oh! #2) the previously unknown video:

"It was revealed that the footage was shared by Gregory McMichael.
He gave the viral video to a local radio station with the idea that the clip of himself and his son would clear their names."

So, sometimes heroism can come to the unaware, the unbeknownst, the unintended. The undeserving.

By the way, the video below shows that if sonny Travis had missed with the pump-shotgun, well, Daddy had his six.
He jumped out of the bed of the truck carrying a big friggin' pistol.

But......in this case, he did not need to provide the coup-de-grace. The 12-guage was adequate to the task.

My avatar ain't gonna get into it over whether the poster Mac-7 is a racist or not.
You be the judge.

But clearly he is wrong.....doubly.....on the McMichaels and neighbor Roddy.

This was just reported:

"Ahmaud Arbery killers convicted on federal hate crime charges"

(from The Hill. You can read it there. No paywall.)


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