Ahmaud Arbery’s killers racist rants exposed in Federal trial

Breitbart - talk about fake news. Wait until 2024. I bet at least 2 of Trump's kids do jail time and maybe the Donald also. The star is fading. Look at the 2022 elections. Many Republicans do not want to align with Trump. More all the time. Trump is like a a piece of dog shit on the shoe of the Republican party. They are trying to figure out how to shake it off.
Breitbart - talk about fake news. Wait until 2024. I bet at least 2 of Trump's kids do jail time and maybe the Donald also. The star is fading. Look at the 2022 elections. Many Republicans do not want to align with Trump. More all the time. Trump is like a a piece of dog shit on the shoe of the Republican party. They are trying to figure out how to shake it off.
Donald Trump Favorite to Win 2024 Election With Bookmakers (newsweek.com)

Newsweek - Media Bias/Fact Check (mediabiasfactcheck.com)
I presume then, that the good poster 'protectionist' doesn't believe that one should 'stand-your-ground'.....when attacked by others as the victim Arbery was?
Arbery was the attacker. McMichaels was the victim. Look at the video.
"they did nothing wrong. Killed Arbery in self-defense." says the white supremacist scum bag.
Oh here we go >"white supremacist" For your edification I'm 50% Hispanic, and I speak Spanish fluently, Mr childish name-caller.

Yeah, he killed Arbery in self-defense, you heard right. What's the matter ? You're unable to watch a video ? You blind ? :puhleeze: :rolleyes:

(every now and then, one can get a threefer on this venue)
To wit:
You are on the wrong side of this one, good poster ......protectionist. Hint: Three unanimous verdicts of murder by a jury of peers.

Personally, I think the victim was availing himself of the "stand-your-ground' ethic of defending oneself against attackers. After all, he was a young man out for a regular jog. They pursued him, verbally accosted him, threatened him, pointed a gun at him. And when he 'stood-his-ground'.....they killed him.

Then, as testimony showed, as he lay gasping for life's breath in the middle of the road.......his killers screamed 'F*cking N*gger' at his dying body.

Yupper, in good poster Protectionist's worldview......there's not a thing wrong with any of that.
My avatar, though, will demur.
Whatever anybody said, doesnt change the fact that Arbery (clearly shown on video) charged at McMichael, attacked him, and McMichael shot Arbery in self-defense.

There's a good chance the verdict will be overturned in appeals court, once they get the trial away from the black voting majority atmosphere of Brunwick.
I will stand pat on my speculation

if arbery was blameless he would have faced his accusers before they got infected with excitement of the chase

I would have stopped immediately and waited for the cops to show up

and I certainly would not have challenged two men holding guns on me even if I were a martial artist
Besides being a violent criminal, as shown by the attack against McMichael, he also wasn't very bright.
Without Roddy's intention (uh-oh! #1) to capture the action for posterity and family entertainment......the reality of the event may have never been known. The police would've just let 'em all go home, without arresting anybody. And the local prosecutor wouldn't have pressed charges.
The prosecutor WOULD have pressed charges because it is a POLITICAL case, in a black voter majority jurisdiction. THAT is what drove the verdict to be guilty.
The first shot was self defense

the other two were not
actually the first shot was accidental, while they were fighting. All the shots were self-defense. Once somebody charges at you, you are in self-defense mode.
My avatar ain't gonna get into it over whether the poster Mac-7 is a racist or not.
You be the judge.

But clearly he is wrong.....doubly.....on the McMichaels and neighbor Roddy.

This was just reported:

"Ahmaud Arbery killers convicted on federal hate crime charges"

(from The Hill. You can read it there. No paywall.)

That conviction is a pile of racist horseshit, as well.
Arbery was the attacker. McMichaels was the victim. Look at the video.
I did.
I watched all of it.
I read some testimony.
The victim was unarmed and in running clothes.
The murderers threatened the jogger before stopping the truck.
The jogger, rightfully, prudently, swerved around the man in the bed of the truck with the revolver.
But one left the truck and accosted the jogger with a 12ga. shotgun.
The jogger then felt threatened enough to stand-his-ground'.....and attempted to keep the attacker from killing him.

He failed in that endeavor. The killer was too well armed whereas the victim had no arms whatsoever.
Watch the video.
And even after the son shot the victim several times the father emerged with a hand-held revolver to finish the job.
But there was no need for a coup de grace.

More important, than any gossipboard exercise in re-litigating the two trials, is the reality that two juries of the killer's peers found them guilty of murder. Of a 'racial-hate' murder.

IMHO, 25yrs in jail, at minimum, is a measure of justice.

Tho, that mother will never have her son jog once again back home. There's no justice in that.
They are not my buddies

but I do care about an out of control Deep State that tramples civil rights in the name of racial justice
Which is exactly what is happening as has happened in many other cases where defendants should never have even been charged at all (ex. Zimmerman, Wilson, Shelby, Slager, Yanez, Brailsford, the Baltimore 6, etc)

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