Ahmaud Arbery’s killers racist rants exposed in Federal trial

Double jeapordy is one jurisdiction charging individuals more than once for the same crime.

the state and feds cannot both charge one person with the same crime

so they resort to the racist hate crime law to fool the public

but its still double jeapordy

the state and feds cannot both charge one person with the same crime

so they resort to the racist hate crime law to fool the public

but its still double jeapordy


Great, thanks for showing the forum that not only are you a racist piece of shit, but you're also a dumb mother fucker.

Moron, the federal government and the states are separate jurisdictions. Each state shares concurrent jurisdiction with the federal government; and each has the legal authority to charge individuals with the same crime.

You're an embarrassment to the white race.
Had he been white chances are he would not have been prowling around the construction site to begin with

but assuming he was a person with a rap sheet the white guy may have run away too
So why do they have whites on camera prowling around?

Great, thanks for showing the forum that not only are you a racist piece of shit, but you're also a dumb mother fucker.

Moron, the federal government and the states are separate jurisdictions. Each state shares a concurrent jurisdiction with the federal government; and each has the legal authority to charge individuals with the same crime.

You're an embarrassment to the white race.
You always resort to profanity and personal insults when your argument is circling the drain

and this time is no exception

United States[edit]

Main article: Double Jeopardy Clause
The ancient protection of the Common Law against double jeopardy is maintained in its full rigour in the United States. The Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution provides:
... nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; ...[54]
Conversely, double jeopardy comes with a key exception. Under the multiple sovereignties doctrine, multiple sovereigns can indict a defendant for the same crime. The federal and state governments can have overlapping criminal laws, so a criminal offender may be convicted in individual states and federal courts for exactly the same crime or for different crimes arising out of the same facts.
You always resort to profanity and personal insults when your argument is circling the drain

and this time is no exception


You're no less ignorant just because I highlight your ignorance with vulgarities.

Moron, you literally exposed how fucking stupid you are when you said the federal government and a state can't both charge someone with the same crime.

Such stupid nonsense exposes your ignorance in regards to concurrent jurisdiction. And now that you've once again utterly demonstrated how ignorant you are and what an embarrassment you are to the white race, I've reduced you to bitching & moaning about me insulting you because you can't even defend your own idiotic statements.
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So he didn't commit any crime, thxs.
You must be an idiot to think that. He has a record you uninformed fool. This motherfucker took a gun to a school that he wasnt even a student at. He was even on probabtion for theft while he was trying to steal from this neighborhood where he was killed.
Prosecutors argued that defense lawyers were seeking to put Arbery on trial by making his criminal record and other prior problems part of the case. None of the three defendants knew Arbery, or anything about his past, prior to the shooting. Prosecutors said his past was irrelevant to their decision to arm themselves and ultimately shoot a man who was trying to run away.

In a written order, Superior Court Judge Timothy Walmsley ruled evidence of Arbery’s past run-ins with the law could unfairly “lead the jury to believe that although Arbery did not apparently commit any felony that day, he may pose future dangerousness in that he would eventually commit more alleged crimes, and therefore, the Defendants’ actions were somehow justified.”

The character of victim is neither relevant nor admissible in murder trial,” the judge wrote in his ruling Monday.

The McMichaels pursued Arbery in a pickup truck after they spotted him running in their neighborhood Feb. 23, 2020. Bryan joined the chase and took cellphone video of Travis McMichael shooting Arbery three times at close range with a shotgun.

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