Ahmed's "Clock" -- Here's the rest of the story

a Muslim boy building a "clock"

i wonder why was, "see something, say something" totally ignored here?

i believe he is "testing the waters" as they say.

and to bring that muslime kid to the W.H. only proves to me O'Husseinbama IS also a muslime!!!!
Of course you believe that...because to you, all moooslims are sneaky and evil.
Isn't it amazing what lengths the RW will go to to discredit a smart kid who happens to be muslim?
Isn't amazing how liberals go to such lengths to circle the wagons around any member of one of their politically correct protected classes?
I have no idea of this kid's politics....I'd even bet he doesn't have any as of yet. But it's great to see him welcomed so warmly by the Right, eh? He's a smart kid (which is bad, I guess) and he's a muslim (which is REALLY bad, eh?)
Isn't it amazing what lengths the RW will go to to discredit a smart kid who happens to be muslim?
The swiftboating is usually fierce and instantaneous

What does the RW have to gain by burying this kid?
Is it because of Obama?
WTF does Obama have to do with anything?
Stop deflecting.
Swiftboating?.....Seriously? You must be the only left wing loon that even remembered to use this stupid term.
Isn't it amazing what lengths the RW will go to to discredit a smart kid who happens to be muslim?
Isn't amazing how liberals go to such lengths to circle the wagons around any member of one of their politically correct protected classes?
I have no idea of this kid's politics....I'd even bet he doesn't have any as of yet. But it's great to see him welcomed so warmly by the Right, eh? He's a smart kid (which is bad, I guess) and he's a muslim (which is REALLY bad, eh?)
Stop whining..
One other thing....This kid has parents that are Muslim activists.
Uh Oh! THIS is What Happened When Ahmed’s ‘Clock Invention’ was Reverse Engineered… | Top Right News
The kid is going to transfer to a private school. This is good, because he lives in Texas, and would never make the varsity football team, which is the height of lifetime ambition for most Texas kids. After that, he hopes to go to MIT, which is, of course, out of reach for Texans, and the conservatives I have seen posting on this board. From there, I am sure that he will have a wonderful career in robotics, or some other high tech line of business, while the rest of Texas prepares for yet another Jade Helm invasion, by shooting at road signs at night on deserted highways.
The kid is going to transfer to a private school. This is good, because he lives in Texas, and would never make the varsity football team, which is the height of lifetime ambition for most Texas kids. After that, he hopes to go to MIT, which is, of course, out of reach for Texans, and the conservatives I have seen posting on this board. From there, I am sure that he will have a wonderful career in robotics, or some other high tech line of business, while the rest of Texas prepares for yet another Jade Helm invasion.[/QUOTE}

He better learn how to build a clock first, taking one apart and putting it in a pencil box isn't jack
Isn't it amazing what lengths the RW will go to to discredit a smart kid who happens to be muslim?

Isn't it amazing what leftards find it's amazing...

Unscrewing four screws, taking out the contents of a 70's clock, putting it in a briefcase and claiming you made "something out of nothing" makes you a genius. It's kinda equivalent or better then making control panel for nuclear fusion reactor.

13-year-old builds working nuclear fusion reactor
Isn't it amazing what lengths the RW will go to to discredit a smart kid who happens to be muslim?
Isn't amazing how liberals go to such lengths to circle the wagons around any member of one of their politically correct protected classes?
I have no idea of this kid's politics....I'd even bet he doesn't have any as of yet. But it's great to see him welcomed so warmly by the Right, eh? He's a smart kid (which is bad, I guess) and he's a muslim (which is REALLY bad, eh?)
He isn't that smart, I mean being Muslim and then bringing into school something that ticks. It also could easily be thought if as a bomb. Try to get on an airplane with it. He would be facing felony charges. So once again liberals are acting stupidly making a big deal out of something that would've happened to a kid no matter what color he was. I guess liberals are still deflecting on Obama's failed policies.

Look at the clock I built!
The kid is going to transfer to a private school. This is good, because he lives in Texas, and would never make the varsity football team, which is the height of lifetime ambition for most Texas kids. After that, he hopes to go to MIT, which is, of course, out of reach for Texans, and the conservatives I have seen posting on this board. From there, I am sure that he will have a wonderful career in robotics, or some other high tech line of business, while the rest of Texas prepares for yet another Jade Helm invasion, by shooting at road signs at night on deserted highways.

That is, of course, if he is not recruited by ISIS.
The kid is going to transfer to a private school. This is good, because he lives in Texas, and would never make the varsity football team, which is the height of lifetime ambition for most Texas kids. After that, he hopes to go to MIT, which is, of course, out of reach for Texans, and the conservatives I have seen posting on this board. From there, I am sure that he will have a wonderful career in robotics, or some other high tech line of business, while the rest of Texas prepares for yet another Jade Helm invasion, by shooting at road signs at night on deserted highways.

Well that IS a demonstration of, is the sad state of affairs, wherein the US, a black kid that disassembles a clock and screws it into a pencil box; leaving ample room for additional material, is seen to have signs of genius, by the Intellectually Less Fortunate.

The YOUNG MUSLIM MALE built an IED, took it to school and spent the entire day (SIX CLASSES) AMAZED that NO TEACHER RECOGNIZED IT AS 4 out of 5 elements of the most commonly used device on earth to murder the innocent... SPECIFICALLY BY: YOUNG MUSLIM MALES!
What's more important is why Obama chose to stick his snake face into this mess. I mean, we racist Americans are oppressing, persecuting, and arresting our Muslim citizens all the time, aren't we? Something had to be done. I'm glad Obama got in front of it and apologized for what the evil white American people did to this Muslim kid.

Maybe Obama will change his mind like he did with gay marriage and change the constitution in favor of Shariah law. And then all the blacks in America could convert to Islam. It's the least he could do for his fellow Muslim brethren who are suffering all the injustices brought upon them by this horrible nation. Sounds like a plan.
Isn't it amazing what lengths the RW will go to to discredit a smart kid who happens to be muslim?

What smart kid? He took apart a clock and put it in another case.
I would think even one as stupid as you could accomplish this feat as long as you took pics during the disassembly.
He did not just took apart of a clock and put it to another case. Let me educate you AGAIN.
He took and old analog clock technology and he converted it to Digital clock. That is too high of an education for you to grasp.
Look at the way it assembled. The PCB ( dark green rectangular ) that is an analog board and he was able to convert it to create digital (board) clock. Even an highly educated person ( except in the electronics or engineering field) cannot create and put it together. The kid is impressively smart. Do you want me to keep continue educating you?

You might want to consider your own education.
I havent seen that many mangled sentences in one paragraph in my life.

Did I insulted your tiny little knowledge AGAIN? Because you don't know a didly shit of what your talking about.
The kid is going to transfer to a private school. This is good, because he lives in Texas, and would never make the varsity football team, which is the height of lifetime ambition for most Texas kids. After that, he hopes to go to MIT, which is, of course, out of reach for Texans, and the conservatives I have seen posting on this board. From there, I am sure that he will have a wonderful career in robotics, or some other high tech line of business, while the rest of Texas prepares for yet another Jade Helm invasion.[/QUOTE}

He better learn how to build a clock first, taking one apart and putting it in a pencil box isn't jack

Do you want me to explain to you AGAIN that he built a digital clock from analog? That's the difference.
Do you want me explain to you again the difference between VHS and DVD?
Let me give you an example and hopefully you understand. This is like taking a part a VHS that uses VHS tapes then he converted it to CD.
The kid is going to transfer to a private school. This is good, because he lives in Texas, and would never make the varsity football team, which is the height of lifetime ambition for most Texas kids. After that, he hopes to go to MIT, which is, of course, out of reach for Texans, and the conservatives I have seen posting on this board. From there, I am sure that he will have a wonderful career in robotics, or some other high tech line of business, while the rest of Texas prepares for yet another Jade Helm invasion.[/QUOTE}

He better learn how to build a clock first, taking one apart and putting it in a pencil box isn't jack

Do you want me to explain to you AGAIN that he built a digital clock from analog? That's the difference.
Do you want me explain to you again the difference between VHS and DVD?
Let me give you an example and hopefully you understand. This is like taking a part a VHS that uses VHS tapes then he converted it to CD.

Stop being annoying, you're all over this thread trying to impress people and it's obvious you're full of shit.
The kid is going to transfer to a private school. This is good, because he lives in Texas, and would never make the varsity football team, which is the height of lifetime ambition for most Texas kids. After that, he hopes to go to MIT, which is, of course, out of reach for Texans, and the conservatives I have seen posting on this board. From there, I am sure that he will have a wonderful career in robotics, or some other high tech line of business, while the rest of Texas prepares for yet another Jade Helm invasion.[/QUOTE}

He better learn how to build a clock first, taking one apart and putting it in a pencil box isn't jack

Do you want me to explain to you AGAIN that he built a digital clock from analog? That's the difference.
Do you want me explain to you again the difference between VHS and DVD?
Let me give you an example and hopefully you understand. This is like taking a part a VHS that uses VHS tapes then he converted it to CD.

Stop being annoying, you're all over this thread trying to impress people and it's obvious you're full of shit.

Nope. Am I annoying you because I'm telling you the real truth? I'm trying to prove your stupidity without even understanding what this kid did. I'm not impressing anybody but trying to help those ignorant people like you understand.
Do you want to show how this validated that he built a digital clock?
Why do you think he got invited to MIT? Dumb fuck. Go wash your mouth with toilet water.
The kid is going to transfer to a private school. This is good, because he lives in Texas, and would never make the varsity football team, which is the height of lifetime ambition for most Texas kids. After that, he hopes to go to MIT, which is, of course, out of reach for Texans, and the conservatives I have seen posting on this board. From there, I am sure that he will have a wonderful career in robotics, or some other high tech line of business, while the rest of Texas prepares for yet another Jade Helm invasion.[/QUOTE}

He better learn how to build a clock first, taking one apart and putting it in a pencil box isn't jack

Do you want me to explain to you AGAIN that he built a digital clock from analog? That's the difference.
Do you want me explain to you again the difference between VHS and DVD?
Let me give you an example and hopefully you understand. This is like taking a part a VHS that uses VHS tapes then he converted it to CD.

Stop being annoying, you're all over this thread trying to impress people and it's obvious you're full of shit.

Nope. Am I annoying you because I'm telling you the real truth? I'm trying to prove your stupidity. I'm not impressing anybody but trying to help those ignorant people like you understand.
Do you want to show how this got validated that he built a digital clock?
Why do you think he got invited to MIT? Dumb fuck. Go wash your mouth with toilet water.
Isn't it amazing what lengths the RW will go to to discredit a smart kid who happens to be muslim?
The swiftboating is usually fierce and instantaneous

What does the RW have to gain by burying this kid?
Is it because of Obama?

Looks to me as if they are justifiably burying the media, the White House and our bleeding-hearts for paying no attention "to the rest of the story."
Maybe the kid was coached for the notoriety and inevitable law suit.

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