Ahmed's "Clock" -- Here's the rest of the story

If It Walks Like an Influence Operation…

The more we learn about the facts surrounding the events in Irving, Texas this week, the more it seems we’ve been bamboozled.

The now-universal rendering of the story is that a student named Ahmed Mohamed was wrongly removed from his school in handcuffs for innocently bringing in a homemade “clock.”

The purported injustice of this story – laced with the implication that it all happened because Ahmed is a Muslim – has made him an instant celebrity, winning fawning treatment from MIT to Stephen Colbert to the White House.

The facts, however, suggest this may have been a provocation. For starters, building and bringing to school what sure looked like a trigger for an improvised briefcase bomb would predictably raise an alarm.

It appears, the “clock” Mohamed brought to school this week was not the first of his circuit boards to look ominously like an improvised explosive device trigger. In fact, a photograph of one circulated by the Dallas Morning News was virtually indistinguishable from a circuit board used in a commercially available device used to train law enforcement and military personnel regarding how to identify IEDs.

I called this when I first heard the story. Something seemed off about a Muslim boy building a "clock" and then getting an invitation to Face Book and the White House, and all because he was Muslim.

Many white kids have had their lives ruined by the Zero Tolerance policy, and none of them got this kind of sympathy.

Fits the pattern, that's fore sure.

But, as usual, the idiots wholly under-estimate their position. Which is that they've pushed their way beyond the point of tolerance... and now, in the wake of Federally licensing Degeneracy, are now standing up for THE RIGHT of Young Muslims to carry IEDs into US Public Schools.

All of which informs us that... it shouldn't be long, now.
The response to a brown person wearing a device is quite rational given the circumstances (living in a time where global Islamic terrorism is not only recognized but is expected). It takes a special kind of idiot - even as a kid - to do what he did.

You leftist shit bags need to quit pretending that everything is hunky dorey and that race plays no role. Brown Muslims kill Jews and Christians. Not all of them, but enough to reasonably put us on edge when something like this happens.

It's irrational, unwarranted, and ignorant.

Hardly. Let me ask you, if you are sitting on a plane and some dirty looking Arabs dressed in sheets and turbans are sitting next to you rambling excitedly in sand gnat gibberish, do you think that the subject of hijackings and bombings would not at least enter that puny mind of yours? If you answer "no" then it is because of one of the following reasons:

- You are from another planet;

- You are stupid and do not read the news;

- You have been brain-washed by PC culture to deny the obvious;

- You know the Arabs and can vouch for their character; or

- You possess a sincere yet naive belief in the goodness of all peoples and give everybody the benefit of the doubt.

Yes, I know that not every Muslim is a terrorist that vows death to America and Israel. I also know that Muslims generally fail to disavow such theocratic calls for violence against those deemed infidels.

The error in your analysis (if we assume that you analyze these things as opposed to giving merely a knee-jerk response) is that you are trying to apply strict logic. However, there is a lot of emotive fuel underlying Islamist violence. To the extent that your application of logic fails to take this into account, you strict logical approach is lacking. Moreover, what appears logical in one culture does not necessarily have universal application.

Muslims are quite different from us. I have met nice, honorable Muslims here in America who immigrated from the Middle East. I know that they exist in great numbers. I also know that there are massive amounts of Muslims in the world that adhere to an ideology that is hostile to the west and Israel. It is foolish to deny that they exist and that they are a threat.

So I stick by my statement. If you see a brown person who is a Muslim and looks like he or she just flew in on a magic carpet AND he or she has a contraption strapped to his or her body that had wires coming in and out of it - like that kid with the clock did - then it is completely rational to freak out and go for your weapon. It is part of the burden of being a Muslim. Every group has their burdens to carry. This is theirs.

The world is not a utopia, nor will it ever be. So stop it with your feigned outrage that someone gets upset based upon a rational generalization. You are accomplishing nothing positive by being an a fool.
Isn't it amazing what lengths the RW will go to to discredit a smart kid who happens to be muslim?

What smart kid? He took apart a clock and put it in another case.
I would think even one as stupid as you could accomplish this feat as long as you took pics during the disassembly.
Oh my, what Far Right outfit wrote this fiction? It's sure spreading quickly.
Isn't it amazing what lengths the RW will go to to discredit a smart kid who happens to be muslim?

What smart kid? He took apart a clock and put it in another case.
I would think even one as stupid as you could accomplish this feat as long as you took pics during the disassembly.
He did not just took apart of a clock and put it to another case. Let me educate you AGAIN.
He took and old analog clock technology and he converted it to Digital clock. That is too high of an education for you to grasp.
Look at the way it assembled. The PCB ( dark green rectangular ) that is an analog board and he was able to convert it to create digital (board) clock. Even an highly educated person ( except in the electronics or engineering field) cannot create and put it together. The kid is impressively smart. Do you want me to keep continue educating you?
Oh my, what Far Right outfit wrote this fiction? It's sure spreading quickly.



(Reader, do you see how pitiful these cranks are? They make assertions, which are refuted entirely and they simply pretend it didn't happen and to prove it, they revise history in explaining it.

Which is precisely what they did with the catastrophic consequences of Left-think demonstrated by the Leftists who took power in Germany in the 1930s... which when it cratered, the Left simply pretended that they had no part in it... when, in reality, the whole of the Ideological Left, around the world... were 100% responsible for the Nazis, the Communists and the HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF INNOCENT PEOPLE THEY MURDERED, when their ideas, set in government policy: FAILED!
My propane weed burner wand is actually a flame thrower.....

Isn't it amazing what lengths the RW will go to to discredit a smart kid who happens to be muslim?

What smart kid? He took apart a clock and put it in another case.
I would think even one as stupid as you could accomplish this feat as long as you took pics during the disassembly.
He did not just took apart of a clock and put it to another case. Let me educate you AGAIN.
He took and old analog clock technology and he converted it to Digital clock. That is too high of an education for you to grasp.
Look at the way it assembled. The PCB ( dark green rectangular ) that is an analog board and he was able to convert it to create digital (board) clock. Even an highly educated person ( except in the electronics or engineering field) cannot create and put it together. The kid is impressively smart. Do you want me to keep continue educating you?
And he soldered that whole board himself? And he said he did the whole thing in twenty minutes? I have just one question for you. You do realize there is a difference between analog and digital signals and analog and digital clocks, right?

1)There is not a single non-manufacture solder on the thing, and 2) he was lazy and only attached the display with two screws.
(I'll put it back together in the morning.) This is my alarm clock with a few screws removed. If you will notice it is pretty much exactly the kid's 'invention'. The only real difference is the display is mounted directly to the board on mine rather than attached with a ribbon cable.


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(I'll put it back together in the morning.) This is my alarm clock with a few screws removed. If you will notice it is pretty much exactly the kid's 'invention'. The only real difference is the display is mounted directly to the board on mine rather than attached with a ribbon cable.

View attachment 50537


I have called 911. You are building a bomb as a hoax and bringing it to this thread. What is your real name and nationality?
(I'll put it back together in the morning.) This is my alarm clock with a few screws removed. If you will notice it is pretty much exactly the kid's 'invention'. The only real difference is the display is mounted directly to the board on mine rather than attached with a ribbon cable.

View attachment 50537


I have called 911. You are building a bomb as a hoax and bringing it to this thread. What is your real name and nationality?
Looking at those pictures one would think so, now wouldn't they?
Isn't it amazing what lengths the RW will go to to discredit a smart kid who happens to be muslim?

What smart kid? He took apart a clock and put it in another case.
I would think even one as stupid as you could accomplish this feat as long as you took pics during the disassembly.
He did not just took apart of a clock and put it to another case. Let me educate you AGAIN.
He took and old analog clock technology and he converted it to Digital clock. That is too high of an education for you to grasp.
Look at the way it assembled. The PCB ( dark green rectangular ) that is an analog board and he was able to convert it to create digital (board) clock. Even an highly educated person ( except in the electronics or engineering field) cannot create and put it together. The kid is impressively smart. Do you want me to keep continue educating you?
And he soldered that whole board himself? And he said he did the whole thing in twenty minutes? I have just one question for you. You do realize there is a difference between analog and digital signals and analog and digital clocks, right?

1)There is not a single non-manufacture solder on the thing, and 2) he was lazy and only attached the display with two screws.

I'm not sure where you got that 20 minutes. He probably spend weeks maybe months of research. Comparing the size of the power plug to the size of PCB board is very small. I've seen someone solder CPU 12 times the size of that board so it's not surprising to me. Actually most or all PCB assembly prototypes are hand soldered.
If you look at that OLD analog board. He removed lots of analog components then install few digital parts which barely nothing. That PCB board is very old using a feed thru technology which is no longer manufacture.
Two screws doesn't mean much b/c as long as it work in a project like that will do just fine. Maybe he has to custom made a stand off ( to hold space between the display to the case ). Signals between analog and digital? It's like asking difference between VHS and DVD.
When I saw the board I know exactly what he did. Why do you think he got an invitation to MIT and Mark Z.?
If It Walks Like an Influence Operation…

The more we learn about the facts surrounding the events in Irving, Texas this week, the more it seems we’ve been bamboozled.

The now-universal rendering of the story is that a student named Ahmed Mohamed was wrongly removed from his school in handcuffs for innocently bringing in a homemade “clock.”

The purported injustice of this story – laced with the implication that it all happened because Ahmed is a Muslim – has made him an instant celebrity, winning fawning treatment from MIT to Stephen Colbert to the White House.

The facts, however, suggest this may have been a provocation. For starters, building and bringing to school what sure looked like a trigger for an improvised briefcase bomb would predictably raise an alarm.

It appears, the “clock” Mohamed brought to school this week was not the first of his circuit boards to look ominously like an improvised explosive device trigger. In fact, a photograph of one circulated by the Dallas Morning News was virtually indistinguishable from a circuit board used in a commercially available device used to train law enforcement and military personnel regarding how to identify IEDs.

I called this when I first heard the story. Something seemed off about a Muslim boy building a "clock" and then getting an invitation to Face Book and the White House, and all because he was Muslim.

Many white kids have had their lives ruined by the Zero Tolerance policy, and none of them got this kind of sympathy.
Well stated.

The PC-protected religion is allowed to operate under a different set of rules in today's America.

As evidence, please note the several posts on this thread that deflect from your point. The nonsensical notion that you only bring these facts up because you hate Obama, for example. That is a classic, perhaps THE classic, example of the weaponization of PC. A transparent non sequitur deployed specifically to put you on the defensive and to avoid an honest discussion.

The PC Police are cowardly and dishonest, and this thread is a perfect example.
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Isn't it amazing what lengths the RW will go to to discredit a smart kid who happens to be muslim?

What smart kid? He took apart a clock and put it in another case.
I would think even one as stupid as you could accomplish this feat as long as you took pics during the disassembly.
He did not just took apart of a clock and put it to another case. Let me educate you AGAIN.
He took and old analog clock technology and he converted it to Digital clock. That is too high of an education for you to grasp.
Look at the way it assembled. The PCB ( dark green rectangular ) that is an analog board and he was able to convert it to create digital (board) clock. Even an highly educated person ( except in the electronics or engineering field) cannot create and put it together. The kid is impressively smart. Do you want me to keep continue educating you?
And he soldered that whole board himself? And he said he did the whole thing in twenty minutes? I have just one question for you. You do realize there is a difference between analog and digital signals and analog and digital clocks, right?

1)There is not a single non-manufacture solder on the thing, and 2) he was lazy and only attached the display with two screws.

I'm not sure where you got that 20 minutes. He probably spend weeks maybe months of research. Comparing the size of the power plug to the size of PCB board is very small. I've seen someone solder CPU 12 times the size of that board so it's not surprising to me. Actually most or all PCB assembly prototypes are hand soldered.
If you look at that OLD analog board. He removed lots of analog components then install few digital parts which barely nothing. That PCB board is very old using a feed thru technology which is no longer manufacture.
Two screws doesn't mean much b/c as long as it work in a project like that will do just fine. Maybe he has to custom made a stand off ( to hold space between the display to the case ). Signals between analog and digital? It's like asking difference between VHS and DVD.
When I saw the board I know exactly what he did. Why do you think he got an invitation to MIT and Mark Z.?
How about we let God judge? You do believe in God, don't you?
With liberals I think the problem is. Obama once again and stepped out to prematurely defended the boy. So now the Obama fluffers will have to support this thing, even if it was a dry run. Wonder if they still will support it the next time something like this is brought into a school and blows it up. I guess they will wait and see what Obama thinks.
With liberals I think the problem is. Obama once again and stepped out to prematurely defended the boy. So now the Obama fluffers will have to support this thing, even if it was a dry run. Wonder if they still will support it the next time something like this is brought into a school and blows it up. I guess they will wait and see what Obama thinks.

Traygone Martin all over again
If It Walks Like an Influence Operation…

The more we learn about the facts surrounding the events in Irving, Texas this week, the more it seems we’ve been bamboozled.

The now-universal rendering of the story is that a student named Ahmed Mohamed was wrongly removed from his school in handcuffs for innocently bringing in a homemade “clock.”

The purported injustice of this story – laced with the implication that it all happened because Ahmed is a Muslim – has made him an instant celebrity, winning fawning treatment from MIT to Stephen Colbert to the White House.

The facts, however, suggest this may have been a provocation. For starters, building and bringing to school what sure looked like a trigger for an improvised briefcase bomb would predictably raise an alarm.

It appears, the “clock” Mohamed brought to school this week was not the first of his circuit boards to look ominously like an improvised explosive device trigger. In fact, a photograph of one circulated by the Dallas Morning News was virtually indistinguishable from a circuit board used in a commercially available device used to train law enforcement and military personnel regarding how to identify IEDs.

I called this when I first heard the story. Something seemed off about a Muslim boy building a "clock" and then getting an invitation to Face Book and the White House, and all because he was Muslim.

Many white kids have had their lives ruined by the Zero Tolerance policy, and none of them got this kind of sympathy.
Well stated.

The PC-protected religion is allowed to operate under a different set of rules in today's America.

As evidence, please note the several posts on this thread that deflect from your point. The nonsensical notion that you only bring these facts up because you hate Obama, for example. That is a classic, perhaps THE classic, example of the weaponization of PC. A transparent non sequitur deployed specifically to put you on the defensive and to avoid an honest discussion.

The PC Police are cowardly and dishonest, and this thread is a perfect example.

Mac just announced that he is as stupid as Blackrook. Awesome.

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