Ahmed's "Clock" -- Here's the rest of the story

Isn't it amazing what lengths the RW will go to to discredit a smart kid who happens to be muslim?
The swiftboating is usually fierce and instantaneous

What does the RW have to gain by burying this kid?
Is it because of Obama?

Looks to me as if they are justifiably burying the media, the White House and our bleeding-hearts for paying no attention "to the rest of the story."
Maybe the kid was coached for the notoriety and inevitable law suit.

Maybe the kid is a midget ISIS sleeper agent.....
In his own words:
"I made a clock. It was really easy."
"And then the officer came and took my invention."

Is taking apart a store bought clock, taking parts out of one case and putting it in another case classifying as "an invention"?

Pending patent?

What's the point of his "invention" anyways? What's practical use of his suitcase clock?

Of course he did not say he was showing it around even after he was told not to show it around. So, teachers that are doing their job decently but cautiously and media create scandal out of it - America hate Muslims. Really?

In his own words:
"I made a clock. It was really easy."
"And then the officer came and took my invention."

Is taking apart a store bought clock, taking parts out of one case and putting it in another case classifying as "an invention"?

Pending patent?

What's the point of his "invention" anyways? What's practical use of his suitcase clock?

Of course he did not say he was showing it around even after he was told not to show it around. So, teachers that are doing their job decently but cautiously and media create scandal out of it - America hate Muslims. Really?

You have a point. if a teacher thinks that someone has brought a bomb to school, it would, of course, be prudent to evacuate the school.

They did evacuate the school, didn't they?
You have a point. if a teacher thinks that someone has brought a bomb to school, it would, of course, be prudent to evacuate the school.

They did evacuate the school, didn't they?


The first five teachers were like "oh hey it's a cool clock, aren't you clever, now go sit back down". His science teacher. His math teacher. His PE teacher. Five teachers...

He kept showing his clock in a pencil case to every teacher and was looking for a reaction, until he got one. From English teacher that told him "ooh hey that looks scary, you better put it away".

English teachers. These are the same whiners who wring their hands and clutch their pearls when kids point sticks at each other shaped like rifles and make "pew pew" sounds. These are the same people who ban GI Joe action figures because "soldiers promote violence" and send kids to detention if they bite their pop tarts to look like a hand guns.

You're trying to make a point by asking did they evacuate the school. How about you try to answer the question you ignored twice already - What's practical use of his suitcase clock?


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If It Walks Like an Influence Operation…

The more we learn about the facts surrounding the events in Irving, Texas this week, the more it seems we’ve been bamboozled.

The now-universal rendering of the story is that a student named Ahmed Mohamed was wrongly removed from his school in handcuffs for innocently bringing in a homemade “clock.”

The purported injustice of this story – laced with the implication that it all happened because Ahmed is a Muslim – has made him an instant celebrity, winning fawning treatment from MIT to Stephen Colbert to the White House.

The facts, however, suggest this may have been a provocation. For starters, building and bringing to school what sure looked like a trigger for an improvised briefcase bomb would predictably raise an alarm.

It appears, the “clock” Mohamed brought to school this week was not the first of his circuit boards to look ominously like an improvised explosive device trigger. In fact, a photograph of one circulated by the Dallas Morning News was virtually indistinguishable from a circuit board used in a commercially available device used to train law enforcement and military personnel regarding how to identify IEDs.

I called this when I first heard the story. Something seemed off about a Muslim boy building a "clock" and then getting an invitation to Face Book and the White House, and all because he was Muslim.

Many white kids have had their lives ruined by the Zero Tolerance policy, and none of them got this kind of sympathy.

AND !! there is a lot more to this story than is posted here, read this, the kid is a fraudster!!!

Muslim boy’s ‘cool clock’ is a fraud, says expert

The most famous clock in America is a “fraud,” according to an electronics expert who says 14-year-old Ahmed Mohamed did not invent anything and simply took a commercial clock out of its manufactured case.

In recent days, the story went viral of Mohamed being handcuffed and arrested after his clock was mistaken for a possible bomb. Police defended their actions, and school officials upheld Mohamed’s suspension.

Critics of those actions suggest Mohamed was treated unfairly because of bigotry toward Muslims.

Read more at Muslim boy’s ‘cool clock’ is a fraud, says expert

in short he can be labeled a plagiarizer, he basically "stole" someone else's invention, tore it apart, reworked it and claimed he "invented" something new. fucking lying little :asshole: at best he is a :bsflag: artist!! :up:
Well, shit...........I guess this means that my son drops out of robotics.
That would be YOUR problem. Not anyone else's

Actually, it will be your problem when you take a look at how much talent you are destroying because you have decided to target a 14 year old child. A bunch of dingalings that don't know what they are talking about are afraid of kids that are involved in robotics. Made even worse because the same group of dingalings thought it would be a good idea to ship R&D out. You just do what your told. You don't pay any attention to what you are doing or where you are going.
Well, shit...........I guess this means that my son drops out of robotics.
That would be YOUR problem. Not anyone else's

Actually, it will be your problem when you take a look at how much talent you are destroying because you have decided to target a 14 year old child. A bunch of dingalings that don't know what they are talking about are afraid of kids that are involved in robotics. Made even worse because the same group of dingalings thought it would be a good idea to ship R&D out. You just do what your told. You don't pay any attention to what you are doing or where you are going.

You speak like you know the boy personally.

Try being more specific about his talent. What exactly is his talent?
Isn't it amazing what lengths the RW will go to to discredit a smart kid who happens to be muslim?

What smart kid? He took apart a clock and put it in another case.
I would think even one as stupid as you could accomplish this feat as long as you took pics during the disassembly.
He did not just took apart of a clock and put it to another case. Let me educate you AGAIN.
He took and old analog clock technology and he converted it to Digital clock. That is too high of an education for you to grasp.
Look at the way it assembled. The PCB ( dark green rectangular ) that is an analog board and he was able to convert it to create digital (board) clock. Even an highly educated person ( except in the electronics or engineering field) cannot create and put it together. The kid is impressively smart. Do you want me to keep continue educating you?

You might want to consider your own education.
I havent seen that many mangled sentences in one paragraph in my life.
charwin is a radical muslim whose intention is to troll this forum.
It's his 'current' way of attempting to cause disruption as his Koran commands.
Isn't it amazing what lengths the RW will go to to discredit a smart kid who happens to be muslim?

What smart kid? He took apart a clock and put it in another case.
I would think even one as stupid as you could accomplish this feat as long as you took pics during the disassembly.
He did not just took apart of a clock and put it to another case. Let me educate you AGAIN.
He took and old analog clock technology and he converted it to Digital clock. That is too high of an education for you to grasp.
Look at the way it assembled. The PCB ( dark green rectangular ) that is an analog board and he was able to convert it to create digital (board) clock. Even an highly educated person ( except in the electronics or engineering field) cannot create and put it together. The kid is impressively smart. Do you want me to keep continue educating you?

You might want to consider your own education.
I havent seen that many mangled sentences in one paragraph in my life.
charwin is a radical muslim whose intention is to troll this forum.
It's his 'current' way of attempting to cause disruption as his Koran commands.

How the fuck you can call me a radical Muslim YOU MOTHER FUCKER RACIST ASSHOLE. I have not even seen a Koran book.
I'm trying to educate you people because you don't understand what and how this kid converted a clock from analog to digital.
I have insulted your knowledge because you racist asshole never heard of what I'm telling you. Dumbshit.
Show me any of my post where I display any sign of Muslim or Koran beliefs. I'm WAITING. I WANT YOU TO PROVE THAT TO ME.
Isn't it amazing what lengths the RW will go to to discredit a smart kid who happens to be muslim?

What smart kid? He took apart a clock and put it in another case.
I would think even one as stupid as you could accomplish this feat as long as you took pics during the disassembly.
He did not just took apart of a clock and put it to another case. Let me educate you AGAIN.
He took and old analog clock technology and he converted it to Digital clock. That is too high of an education for you to grasp.
Look at the way it assembled. The PCB ( dark green rectangular ) that is an analog board and he was able to convert it to create digital (board) clock. Even an highly educated person ( except in the electronics or engineering field) cannot create and put it together. The kid is impressively smart. Do you want me to keep continue educating you?

You might want to consider your own education.
I havent seen that many mangled sentences in one paragraph in my life.
charwin is a radical muslim whose intention is to troll this forum.
It's his 'current' way of attempting to cause disruption as his Koran commands.

How the fuck you can call me a radical Muslim YOU MOTHER FUCKER RACIST ASSHOLE. I have not even seen a Koran book.
I'm trying to educate you people because you don't understand what and how this kid converted a clock from analog to digital.
I have insulted your knowledge because you racist asshole never heard of what I'm telling you. Dumbshit.
Show me any of my post where I display any sign of Muslim or Koran beliefs. I'm WAITING. I WANT YOU TO PROVE THAT TO ME.

No need for that. Innuendo is good enough for me....Hadji.
What smart kid? He took apart a clock and put it in another case.
I would think even one as stupid as you could accomplish this feat as long as you took pics during the disassembly.
He did not just took apart of a clock and put it to another case. Let me educate you AGAIN.
He took and old analog clock technology and he converted it to Digital clock. That is too high of an education for you to grasp.
Look at the way it assembled. The PCB ( dark green rectangular ) that is an analog board and he was able to convert it to create digital (board) clock. Even an highly educated person ( except in the electronics or engineering field) cannot create and put it together. The kid is impressively smart. Do you want me to keep continue educating you?

You might want to consider your own education.
I havent seen that many mangled sentences in one paragraph in my life.
charwin is a radical muslim whose intention is to troll this forum.
It's his 'current' way of attempting to cause disruption as his Koran commands.

How the fuck you can call me a radical Muslim YOU MOTHER FUCKER RACIST ASSHOLE. I have not even seen a Koran book.
I'm trying to educate you people because you don't understand what and how this kid converted a clock from analog to digital.
I have insulted your knowledge because you racist asshole never heard of what I'm telling you. Dumbshit.
Show me any of my post where I display any sign of Muslim or Koran beliefs. I'm WAITING. I WANT YOU TO PROVE THAT TO ME.

No need for that. Innuendo is good enough for me....Hadji.
View attachment 50610
Why because I prove that racist people like you are stupid assholes?
He did not just took apart of a clock and put it to another case. Let me educate you AGAIN.
He took and old analog clock technology and he converted it to Digital clock. That is too high of an education for you to grasp.
Look at the way it assembled. The PCB ( dark green rectangular ) that is an analog board and he was able to convert it to create digital (board) clock. Even an highly educated person ( except in the electronics or engineering field) cannot create and put it together. The kid is impressively smart. Do you want me to keep continue educating you?

You might want to consider your own education.
I havent seen that many mangled sentences in one paragraph in my life.
charwin is a radical muslim whose intention is to troll this forum.
It's his 'current' way of attempting to cause disruption as his Koran commands.

How the fuck you can call me a radical Muslim YOU MOTHER FUCKER RACIST ASSHOLE. I have not even seen a Koran book.
I'm trying to educate you people because you don't understand what and how this kid converted a clock from analog to digital.
I have insulted your knowledge because you racist asshole never heard of what I'm telling you. Dumbshit.
Show me any of my post where I display any sign of Muslim or Koran beliefs. I'm WAITING. I WANT YOU TO PROVE THAT TO ME.

No need for that. Innuendo is good enough for me....Hadji.
View attachment 50610
Why because I prove that racist people like you are stupid assholes?

Talk about your stupid assholes....muslim isn't a race.
You might want to consider your own education.
I havent seen that many mangled sentences in one paragraph in my life.
charwin is a radical muslim whose intention is to troll this forum.
It's his 'current' way of attempting to cause disruption as his Koran commands.

How the fuck you can call me a radical Muslim YOU MOTHER FUCKER RACIST ASSHOLE. I have not even seen a Koran book.
I'm trying to educate you people because you don't understand what and how this kid converted a clock from analog to digital.
I have insulted your knowledge because you racist asshole never heard of what I'm telling you. Dumbshit.
Show me any of my post where I display any sign of Muslim or Koran beliefs. I'm WAITING. I WANT YOU TO PROVE THAT TO ME.

No need for that. Innuendo is good enough for me....Hadji.
View attachment 50610
Why because I prove that racist people like you are stupid assholes?

Talk about your stupid assholes....muslim isn't a race.
I don't give a shit asshole you Muslim lover. Go and preach your racist beliefs.
The kid is going to transfer to a private school. This is good, because he lives in Texas, and would never make the varsity football team, which is the height of lifetime ambition for most Texas kids. After that, he hopes to go to MIT, which is, of course, out of reach for Texans, and the conservatives I have seen posting on this board. From there, I am sure that he will have a wonderful career in robotics, or some other high tech line of business, while the rest of Texas prepares for yet another Jade Helm invasion.[/QUOTE}

He better learn how to build a clock first, taking one apart and putting it in a pencil box isn't jack

Do you want me to explain to you AGAIN that he built a digital clock from analog? That's the difference.
Do you want me explain to you again the difference between VHS and DVD?
Let me give you an example and hopefully you understand. This is like taking a part a VHS that uses VHS tapes then he converted it to CD.

Stop being annoying, you're all over this thread trying to impress people and it's obvious you're full of shit.

Nope. Am I annoying you because I'm telling you the real truth? I'm trying to prove your stupidity without even understanding what this kid did. I'm not impressing anybody but trying to help those ignorant people like you understand.
Do you want to show how this validated that he built a digital clock?
Why do you think he got invited to MIT? Dumb fuck. Go wash your mouth with toilet water.
Speaking of dumb fucks: "Nope. Am I annoying you because I'm telling you the real truth?".
You are obviously a foreign born radical muslim troll.
Whoever taught you English in the madrasa should be beheaded.
The "real truth" is fucking redundant you ignorant asshole rag head!
This is a perfect example why muslims are seen as filthy ignorant sub-humans world wide. Good only for ......well.....nothing.
Isn't it amazing what lengths the RW will go to to discredit a smart kid who happens to be muslim?

Bullshit , If it was any other kid biting his pop tart into the shape of a gun , he gets suspended. This is all about. Over compensation
What is truly amazing is how quickly knee jerk Liberals and our pathetic excuse for Media, jump on the Racism bandwagon before the story is fully vetted.

I know, why didnt they wait to find the racism with the schools finger prints on it DURRRRRR!

Amazing that this story is still being looked at like a bomb for no bomb related reasons....oh but its not about him being Muslim, thats silly talk :rolleyes:

Guess what? You better not open up a computer or you'll see all sorts of bomb stuff in there like wires and circuits.
"I have insulted your knowledge because you racist asshole never heard of what I'm telling you."
Yet another of your golden gems.
How long have you lived in the USA? Where did you come from?
Anyway. The FBI/CIA are on this forum 24/7.
Have a nice future MoHAMid.
Do you all get the same laugh I do seeing the name of virtually every fucking rag head moHAMid?
Gotta love karma.

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