Ahmed's "Clock" -- Here's the rest of the story

Do you ever fly?

When I do does it change reality?

Put the fuckers "Clock" in your carryon and try getting on a plane with it

Does it change into a bomb when I do it or does it continue to be a clock?

Try it and see.

Well since I know nothing changes reality I dont have to engage in your silly shit

So you're admitting the airport security would NOT let that device onto the plane....at least not without thorough inspection?

What's the point of his "invention" anyways? What's practical use of his suitcase clock?

"Suitcase clock."


A suitcase for a cat, maybe.

Yes, both are circuits wow amazing

Brings the kids clock to the security check in next time you fly.

Report back to us

OK then what? Will that mean that circuits become bombs stupid?

If It Walks Like an Influence Operation…

The more we learn about the facts surrounding the events in Irving, Texas this week, the more it seems we’ve been bamboozled.

The now-universal rendering of the story is that a student named Ahmed Mohamed was wrongly removed from his school in handcuffs for innocently bringing in a homemade “clock.”

The purported injustice of this story – laced with the implication that it all happened because Ahmed is a Muslim – has made him an instant celebrity, winning fawning treatment from MIT to Stephen Colbert to the White House.

The facts, however, suggest this may have been a provocation. For starters, building and bringing to school what sure looked like a trigger for an improvised briefcase bomb would predictably raise an alarm.

It appears, the “clock” Mohamed brought to school this week was not the first of his circuit boards to look ominously like an improvised explosive device trigger. In fact, a photograph of one circulated by the Dallas Morning News was virtually indistinguishable from a circuit board used in a commercially available device used to train law enforcement and military personnel regarding how to identify IEDs.

I called this when I first heard the story. Something seemed off about a Muslim boy building a "clock" and then getting an invitation to Face Book and the White House, and all because he was Muslim.

Many white kids have had their lives ruined by the Zero Tolerance policy, and none of them got this kind of sympathy.

AND !! there is a lot more to this story than is posted here, read this, the kid is a fraudster!!!

Muslim boy’s ‘cool clock’ is a fraud, says expert

The most famous clock in America is a “fraud,” according to an electronics expert who says 14-year-old Ahmed Mohamed did not invent anything and simply took a commercial clock out of its manufactured case.

In recent days, the story went viral of Mohamed being handcuffed and arrested after his clock was mistaken for a possible bomb. Police defended their actions, and school officials upheld Mohamed’s suspension.

Critics of those actions suggest Mohamed was treated unfairly because of bigotry toward Muslims.

Read more at Muslim boy’s ‘cool clock’ is a fraud, says expert

in short he can be labeled a plagiarizer, he basically "stole" someone else's invention, tore it apart, reworked it and claimed he "invented" something new. fucking lying little :asshole: at best he is a :bsflag: artist!! :up:

Hmmm! Let see. Not sure what HoaxBuster does but do they bring up hoax or create a Hoax?
Right from the start to the end they keep repeating INVENTED and you also mentioned that this kid INVENTED the clock. If HoaxBuster is trying to prove an invention then technically you and HoaxBuster are both correct.
However. The kid NEVER NEVER claim that he invented a clock to begin with. Clock was invented what, hundred years ago? Analog clock about 50 years ago? So what's the point?
The expert from HoaxBuster is also cherry picking. He did not even bother to mentioned:
1. The kid clock is digital using an analog board.
2. Cables why it's too long because there's no way the original manufacturer can design a clock like that.
3. The several PCB components was removed.
4. New digital components was installed.
5. The flat ribbon cable is plug to display ( red rectangular) only using 34 pins. The display has 64 pins connector.
6. How did he figure out where to install new components and wirings?
7. How did he figure out what new components needed?
8. Kid know how to read schematics.
9. MOST visible change is the Display (red rectangular) is new. It's not the original display.
NOW ... I talked to you nicely and I hope you do NOT go ballistic. I'm not an expert but it happens that I'm very familiar with this process.
I'm in the business of building and selling medical instruments. Which uses several digital surface mount PCB assemblies, built in digital timers & clocks, communication, refrigerations etc. etc. etc.
If It Walks Like an Influence Operation…

The more we learn about the facts surrounding the events in Irving, Texas this week, the more it seems we’ve been bamboozled.

The now-universal rendering of the story is that a student named Ahmed Mohamed was wrongly removed from his school in handcuffs for innocently bringing in a homemade “clock.”

The purported injustice of this story – laced with the implication that it all happened because Ahmed is a Muslim – has made him an instant celebrity, winning fawning treatment from MIT to Stephen Colbert to the White House.

The facts, however, suggest this may have been a provocation. For starters, building and bringing to school what sure looked like a trigger for an improvised briefcase bomb would predictably raise an alarm.

It appears, the “clock” Mohamed brought to school this week was not the first of his circuit boards to look ominously like an improvised explosive device trigger. In fact, a photograph of one circulated by the Dallas Morning News was virtually indistinguishable from a circuit board used in a commercially available device used to train law enforcement and military personnel regarding how to identify IEDs.

I called this when I first heard the story. Something seemed off about a Muslim boy building a "clock" and then getting an invitation to Face Book and the White House, and all because he was Muslim.

Many white kids have had their lives ruined by the Zero Tolerance policy, and none of them got this kind of sympathy.

AND !! there is a lot more to this story than is posted here, read this, the kid is a fraudster!!!

Muslim boy’s ‘cool clock’ is a fraud, says expert

The most famous clock in America is a “fraud,” according to an electronics expert who says 14-year-old Ahmed Mohamed did not invent anything and simply took a commercial clock out of its manufactured case.

In recent days, the story went viral of Mohamed being handcuffed and arrested after his clock was mistaken for a possible bomb. Police defended their actions, and school officials upheld Mohamed’s suspension.

Critics of those actions suggest Mohamed was treated unfairly because of bigotry toward Muslims.

Read more at Muslim boy’s ‘cool clock’ is a fraud, says expert

in short he can be labeled a plagiarizer, he basically "stole" someone else's invention, tore it apart, reworked it and claimed he "invented" something new. fucking lying little :asshole: at best he is a :bsflag: artist!! :up:

Hmmm! Let see. Not sure what HoaxBuster does but do they bring up hoax or create a Hoax?
Right from the start to the end they keep repeating INVENTED and you also mentioned that this kid INVENTED the clock. If HoaxBuster is trying to prove an invention then technically you and HoaxBuster are both correct.
However. The kid NEVER NEVER claim that he invented a clock to begin with. Clock was invented what, hundred years ago? Analog clock about 50 years ago? So what's the point?
The expert from HoaxBuster is also cherry picking. He did not even bother to mentioned:
1. The kid clock is digital using an analog board.
2. Cables why it's too long because there's no way the original manufacturer can design a clock like that.
3. The several PCB components was removed.
4. New digital components was installed.
5. The flat ribbon cable is plug to display ( red rectangular) only using 34 pins. The display has 64 pins connector.
6. How did he figure out where to install new components and wirings?
7. How did he figure out what new components needed?
8. Kid know how to read schematics.
9. MOST visible change is the Display (red rectangular) is new. It's not the original display.
NOW ... I talked to you nicely and I hope you do NOT go ballistic. I'm not an expert but it happens that I'm very familiar with this process.
I'm in the business of building and selling medical instruments. Which uses several digital surface mount PCB assemblies, built in digital timers & clocks, communication, refrigerations etc. etc. etc.

Here's a nice article with someone who actually knows what he's talking about
when it comes to Akmeds clock....and his chicken shit family of muslime agitators.
Uh Oh! THIS is What Happened When Ahmed’s ‘Clock Invention’ was Reverse Engineered… | Top Right News
Isn't it amazing what lengths the RW will go to to discredit a smart kid who happens to be muslim?

Building a device that looks like a bomb. Is just that . What if It caused another student to feel uncomfortable ??????

Or does that only work for certain students and not others?
It did not look like a bomb. And when did this new wrinkle, some student feeling uncomfortable, get added?

Boy, aged 11, ARRESTED for drawing stick figure with a gun and writing, 'Teachers must die'

It looked like a bomb to somebody, whether they were wrong or right. He's not the only kid to get arrested like thi though. Agreed, if they determined it was not a bomb, there was no reason to arrest him, they could have called in the parents first.

But there is a zero tolerance insanity going around our schools where little boys are also expelled for kissing a girl on the cheek.

That this is only about the kid being a muslim, I have to disagree.
If It Walks Like an Influence Operation…

The more we learn about the facts surrounding the events in Irving, Texas this week, the more it seems we’ve been bamboozled.

The now-universal rendering of the story is that a student named Ahmed Mohamed was wrongly removed from his school in handcuffs for innocently bringing in a homemade “clock.”

The purported injustice of this story – laced with the implication that it all happened because Ahmed is a Muslim – has made him an instant celebrity, winning fawning treatment from MIT to Stephen Colbert to the White House.

The facts, however, suggest this may have been a provocation. For starters, building and bringing to school what sure looked like a trigger for an improvised briefcase bomb would predictably raise an alarm.

It appears, the “clock” Mohamed brought to school this week was not the first of his circuit boards to look ominously like an improvised explosive device trigger. In fact, a photograph of one circulated by the Dallas Morning News was virtually indistinguishable from a circuit board used in a commercially available device used to train law enforcement and military personnel regarding how to identify IEDs.

I called this when I first heard the story. Something seemed off about a Muslim boy building a "clock" and then getting an invitation to Face Book and the White House, and all because he was Muslim.

Many white kids have had their lives ruined by the Zero Tolerance policy, and none of them got this kind of sympathy.

AND !! there is a lot more to this story than is posted here, read this, the kid is a fraudster!!!

Muslim boy’s ‘cool clock’ is a fraud, says expert

The most famous clock in America is a “fraud,” according to an electronics expert who says 14-year-old Ahmed Mohamed did not invent anything and simply took a commercial clock out of its manufactured case.

In recent days, the story went viral of Mohamed being handcuffed and arrested after his clock was mistaken for a possible bomb. Police defended their actions, and school officials upheld Mohamed’s suspension.

Critics of those actions suggest Mohamed was treated unfairly because of bigotry toward Muslims.

Read more at Muslim boy’s ‘cool clock’ is a fraud, says expert

in short he can be labeled a plagiarizer, he basically "stole" someone else's invention, tore it apart, reworked it and claimed he "invented" something new. fucking lying little :asshole: at best he is a :bsflag: artist!! :up:

Hmmm! Let see. Not sure what HoaxBuster does but do they bring up hoax or create a Hoax?
Right from the start to the end they keep repeating INVENTED and you also mentioned that this kid INVENTED the clock. If HoaxBuster is trying to prove an invention then technically you and HoaxBuster are both correct.
However. The kid NEVER NEVER claim that he invented a clock to begin with. Clock was invented what, hundred years ago? Analog clock about 50 years ago? So what's the point?
The expert from HoaxBuster is also cherry picking. He did not even bother to mentioned:
1. The kid clock is digital using an analog board.
2. Cables why it's too long because there's no way the original manufacturer can design a clock like that.
3. The several PCB components was removed.
4. New digital components was installed.
5. The flat ribbon cable is plug to display ( red rectangular) only using 34 pins. The display has 64 pins connector.
6. How did he figure out where to install new components and wirings?
7. How did he figure out what new components needed?
8. Kid know how to read schematics.
9. MOST visible change is the Display (red rectangular) is new. It's not the original display.
NOW ... I talked to you nicely and I hope you do NOT go ballistic. I'm not an expert but it happens that I'm very familiar with this process.
I'm in the business of building and selling medical instruments. Which uses several digital surface mount PCB assemblies, built in digital timers & clocks, communication, refrigerations etc. etc. etc.

Here's a nice article with someone who actually knows what he's talking about
when it comes to Akmeds clock....and his chicken shit family of muslime agitators.
Uh Oh! THIS is What Happened When Ahmed’s ‘Clock Invention’ was Reverse Engineered… | Top Right News

All what you are trying to tell me is nothing but crap with your racist attitude. Your link is as dumb as you are. He did not invent the clock. I know what I'm talking about but you do not have any clue about this topics. If this all you got then STFU.
If It Walks Like an Influence Operation…

The more we learn about the facts surrounding the events in Irving, Texas this week, the more it seems we’ve been bamboozled.

The now-universal rendering of the story is that a student named Ahmed Mohamed was wrongly removed from his school in handcuffs for innocently bringing in a homemade “clock.”

The purported injustice of this story – laced with the implication that it all happened because Ahmed is a Muslim – has made him an instant celebrity, winning fawning treatment from MIT to Stephen Colbert to the White House.

The facts, however, suggest this may have been a provocation. For starters, building and bringing to school what sure looked like a trigger for an improvised briefcase bomb would predictably raise an alarm.

It appears, the “clock” Mohamed brought to school this week was not the first of his circuit boards to look ominously like an improvised explosive device trigger. In fact, a photograph of one circulated by the Dallas Morning News was virtually indistinguishable from a circuit board used in a commercially available device used to train law enforcement and military personnel regarding how to identify IEDs.

I called this when I first heard the story. Something seemed off about a Muslim boy building a "clock" and then getting an invitation to Face Book and the White House, and all because he was Muslim.

Many white kids have had their lives ruined by the Zero Tolerance policy, and none of them got this kind of sympathy.

AND !! there is a lot more to this story than is posted here, read this, the kid is a fraudster!!!

Muslim boy’s ‘cool clock’ is a fraud, says expert

The most famous clock in America is a “fraud,” according to an electronics expert who says 14-year-old Ahmed Mohamed did not invent anything and simply took a commercial clock out of its manufactured case.

In recent days, the story went viral of Mohamed being handcuffed and arrested after his clock was mistaken for a possible bomb. Police defended their actions, and school officials upheld Mohamed’s suspension.

Critics of those actions suggest Mohamed was treated unfairly because of bigotry toward Muslims.

Read more at Muslim boy’s ‘cool clock’ is a fraud, says expert

in short he can be labeled a plagiarizer, he basically "stole" someone else's invention, tore it apart, reworked it and claimed he "invented" something new. fucking lying little :asshole: at best he is a :bsflag: artist!! :up:

Hmmm! Let see. Not sure what HoaxBuster does but do they bring up hoax or create a Hoax?
Right from the start to the end they keep repeating INVENTED and you also mentioned that this kid INVENTED the clock. If HoaxBuster is trying to prove an invention then technically you and HoaxBuster are both correct.
However. The kid NEVER NEVER claim that he invented a clock to begin with. Clock was invented what, hundred years ago? Analog clock about 50 years ago? So what's the point?
The expert from HoaxBuster is also cherry picking. He did not even bother to mentioned:
1. The kid clock is digital using an analog board.
2. Cables why it's too long because there's no way the original manufacturer can design a clock like that.
3. The several PCB components was removed.
4. New digital components was installed.
5. The flat ribbon cable is plug to display ( red rectangular) only using 34 pins. The display has 64 pins connector.
6. How did he figure out where to install new components and wirings?
7. How did he figure out what new components needed?
8. Kid know how to read schematics.
9. MOST visible change is the Display (red rectangular) is new. It's not the original display.
NOW ... I talked to you nicely and I hope you do NOT go ballistic. I'm not an expert but it happens that I'm very familiar with this process.
I'm in the business of building and selling medical instruments. Which uses several digital surface mount PCB assemblies, built in digital timers & clocks, communication, refrigerations etc. etc. etc.

Here's a nice article with someone who actually knows what he's talking about
when it comes to Akmeds clock....and his chicken shit family of muslime agitators.
Uh Oh! THIS is What Happened When Ahmed’s ‘Clock Invention’ was Reverse Engineered… | Top Right News

All what you are trying to tell me is nothing but crap and your racist attitude. Your link is as dumb as you are. He did not invent the clock. I'm done talking. I know what I'm talking about and you don't have clue about this topics. If this all you got STFU.

Be sure not to miss the video of the guy describing the little shits scam in detail.
He makes some very valid points...Hadji.
If It Walks Like an Influence Operation…

The more we learn about the facts surrounding the events in Irving, Texas this week, the more it seems we’ve been bamboozled.

The now-universal rendering of the story is that a student named Ahmed Mohamed was wrongly removed from his school in handcuffs for innocently bringing in a homemade “clock.”

The purported injustice of this story – laced with the implication that it all happened because Ahmed is a Muslim – has made him an instant celebrity, winning fawning treatment from MIT to Stephen Colbert to the White House.

The facts, however, suggest this may have been a provocation. For starters, building and bringing to school what sure looked like a trigger for an improvised briefcase bomb would predictably raise an alarm.

It appears, the “clock” Mohamed brought to school this week was not the first of his circuit boards to look ominously like an improvised explosive device trigger. In fact, a photograph of one circulated by the Dallas Morning News was virtually indistinguishable from a circuit board used in a commercially available device used to train law enforcement and military personnel regarding how to identify IEDs.

I called this when I first heard the story. Something seemed off about a Muslim boy building a "clock" and then getting an invitation to Face Book and the White House, and all because he was Muslim.

Many white kids have had their lives ruined by the Zero Tolerance policy, and none of them got this kind of sympathy.

AND !! there is a lot more to this story than is posted here, read this, the kid is a fraudster!!!

Muslim boy’s ‘cool clock’ is a fraud, says expert

The most famous clock in America is a “fraud,” according to an electronics expert who says 14-year-old Ahmed Mohamed did not invent anything and simply took a commercial clock out of its manufactured case.

In recent days, the story went viral of Mohamed being handcuffed and arrested after his clock was mistaken for a possible bomb. Police defended their actions, and school officials upheld Mohamed’s suspension.

Critics of those actions suggest Mohamed was treated unfairly because of bigotry toward Muslims.

Read more at Muslim boy’s ‘cool clock’ is a fraud, says expert

in short he can be labeled a plagiarizer, he basically "stole" someone else's invention, tore it apart, reworked it and claimed he "invented" something new. fucking lying little :asshole: at best he is a :bsflag: artist!! :up:

Hmmm! Let see. Not sure what HoaxBuster does but do they bring up hoax or create a Hoax?
Right from the start to the end they keep repeating INVENTED and you also mentioned that this kid INVENTED the clock. If HoaxBuster is trying to prove an invention then technically you and HoaxBuster are both correct.
However. The kid NEVER NEVER claim that he invented a clock to begin with. Clock was invented what, hundred years ago? Analog clock about 50 years ago? So what's the point?
The expert from HoaxBuster is also cherry picking. He did not even bother to mentioned:
1. The kid clock is digital using an analog board.
2. Cables why it's too long because there's no way the original manufacturer can design a clock like that.
3. The several PCB components was removed.
4. New digital components was installed.
5. The flat ribbon cable is plug to display ( red rectangular) only using 34 pins. The display has 64 pins connector.
6. How did he figure out where to install new components and wirings?
7. How did he figure out what new components needed?
8. Kid know how to read schematics.
9. MOST visible change is the Display (red rectangular) is new. It's not the original display.
NOW ... I talked to you nicely and I hope you do NOT go ballistic. I'm not an expert but it happens that I'm very familiar with this process.
I'm in the business of building and selling medical instruments. Which uses several digital surface mount PCB assemblies, built in digital timers & clocks, communication, refrigerations etc. etc. etc.

Here's a nice article with someone who actually knows what he's talking about
when it comes to Akmeds clock....and his chicken shit family of muslime agitators.
Uh Oh! THIS is What Happened When Ahmed’s ‘Clock Invention’ was Reverse Engineered… | Top Right News

well that article explains a lot then. His father probably set the whole thing up. What idiots
If It Walks Like an Influence Operation…

The more we learn about the facts surrounding the events in Irving, Texas this week, the more it seems we’ve been bamboozled.

The now-universal rendering of the story is that a student named Ahmed Mohamed was wrongly removed from his school in handcuffs for innocently bringing in a homemade “clock.”

The purported injustice of this story – laced with the implication that it all happened because Ahmed is a Muslim – has made him an instant celebrity, winning fawning treatment from MIT to Stephen Colbert to the White House.

The facts, however, suggest this may have been a provocation. For starters, building and bringing to school what sure looked like a trigger for an improvised briefcase bomb would predictably raise an alarm.

It appears, the “clock” Mohamed brought to school this week was not the first of his circuit boards to look ominously like an improvised explosive device trigger. In fact, a photograph of one circulated by the Dallas Morning News was virtually indistinguishable from a circuit board used in a commercially available device used to train law enforcement and military personnel regarding how to identify IEDs.

I called this when I first heard the story. Something seemed off about a Muslim boy building a "clock" and then getting an invitation to Face Book and the White House, and all because he was Muslim.

Many white kids have had their lives ruined by the Zero Tolerance policy, and none of them got this kind of sympathy.

AND !! there is a lot more to this story than is posted here, read this, the kid is a fraudster!!!

Muslim boy’s ‘cool clock’ is a fraud, says expert

The most famous clock in America is a “fraud,” according to an electronics expert who says 14-year-old Ahmed Mohamed did not invent anything and simply took a commercial clock out of its manufactured case.

In recent days, the story went viral of Mohamed being handcuffed and arrested after his clock was mistaken for a possible bomb. Police defended their actions, and school officials upheld Mohamed’s suspension.

Critics of those actions suggest Mohamed was treated unfairly because of bigotry toward Muslims.

Read more at Muslim boy’s ‘cool clock’ is a fraud, says expert

in short he can be labeled a plagiarizer, he basically "stole" someone else's invention, tore it apart, reworked it and claimed he "invented" something new. fucking lying little :asshole: at best he is a :bsflag: artist!! :up:

Hmmm! Let see. Not sure what HoaxBuster does but do they bring up hoax or create a Hoax?
Right from the start to the end they keep repeating INVENTED and you also mentioned that this kid INVENTED the clock. If HoaxBuster is trying to prove an invention then technically you and HoaxBuster are both correct.
However. The kid NEVER NEVER claim that he invented a clock to begin with. Clock was invented what, hundred years ago? Analog clock about 50 years ago? So what's the point?
The expert from HoaxBuster is also cherry picking. He did not even bother to mentioned:
1. The kid clock is digital using an analog board.
2. Cables why it's too long because there's no way the original manufacturer can design a clock like that.
3. The several PCB components was removed.
4. New digital components was installed.
5. The flat ribbon cable is plug to display ( red rectangular) only using 34 pins. The display has 64 pins connector.
6. How did he figure out where to install new components and wirings?
7. How did he figure out what new components needed?
8. Kid know how to read schematics.
9. MOST visible change is the Display (red rectangular) is new. It's not the original display.
NOW ... I talked to you nicely and I hope you do NOT go ballistic. I'm not an expert but it happens that I'm very familiar with this process.
I'm in the business of building and selling medical instruments. Which uses several digital surface mount PCB assemblies, built in digital timers & clocks, communication, refrigerations etc. etc. etc.

Here's a nice article with someone who actually knows what he's talking about
when it comes to Akmeds clock....and his chicken shit family of muslime agitators.
Uh Oh! THIS is What Happened When Ahmed’s ‘Clock Invention’ was Reverse Engineered… | Top Right News

All what you are trying to tell me is nothing but crap and your racist attitude. Your link is as dumb as you are. He did not invent the clock. I'm done talking. I know what I'm talking about and you don't have clue about this topics. If this all you got STFU.

Be sure not to miss the video of the guy describing the little shits scam in detail.
He makes some very valid points...Hadji.

I read what he say and saw what the video before I posted. It's the same shit he keep saying INVENTION. The kid never claim he invented a clock. I will call you racist asshole from now on.
Tell you the truth I'm trying to get a hold of this guy that he claim an expert.
AND !! there is a lot more to this story than is posted here, read this, the kid is a fraudster!!!

Muslim boy’s ‘cool clock’ is a fraud, says expert

The most famous clock in America is a “fraud,” according to an electronics expert who says 14-year-old Ahmed Mohamed did not invent anything and simply took a commercial clock out of its manufactured case.

In recent days, the story went viral of Mohamed being handcuffed and arrested after his clock was mistaken for a possible bomb. Police defended their actions, and school officials upheld Mohamed’s suspension.

Critics of those actions suggest Mohamed was treated unfairly because of bigotry toward Muslims.

Read more at Muslim boy’s ‘cool clock’ is a fraud, says expert

in short he can be labeled a plagiarizer, he basically "stole" someone else's invention, tore it apart, reworked it and claimed he "invented" something new. fucking lying little :asshole: at best he is a :bsflag: artist!! :up:

Hmmm! Let see. Not sure what HoaxBuster does but do they bring up hoax or create a Hoax?
Right from the start to the end they keep repeating INVENTED and you also mentioned that this kid INVENTED the clock. If HoaxBuster is trying to prove an invention then technically you and HoaxBuster are both correct.
However. The kid NEVER NEVER claim that he invented a clock to begin with. Clock was invented what, hundred years ago? Analog clock about 50 years ago? So what's the point?
The expert from HoaxBuster is also cherry picking. He did not even bother to mentioned:
1. The kid clock is digital using an analog board.
2. Cables why it's too long because there's no way the original manufacturer can design a clock like that.
3. The several PCB components was removed.
4. New digital components was installed.
5. The flat ribbon cable is plug to display ( red rectangular) only using 34 pins. The display has 64 pins connector.
6. How did he figure out where to install new components and wirings?
7. How did he figure out what new components needed?
8. Kid know how to read schematics.
9. MOST visible change is the Display (red rectangular) is new. It's not the original display.
NOW ... I talked to you nicely and I hope you do NOT go ballistic. I'm not an expert but it happens that I'm very familiar with this process.
I'm in the business of building and selling medical instruments. Which uses several digital surface mount PCB assemblies, built in digital timers & clocks, communication, refrigerations etc. etc. etc.

Here's a nice article with someone who actually knows what he's talking about
when it comes to Akmeds clock....and his chicken shit family of muslime agitators.
Uh Oh! THIS is What Happened When Ahmed’s ‘Clock Invention’ was Reverse Engineered… | Top Right News

All what you are trying to tell me is nothing but crap and your racist attitude. Your link is as dumb as you are. He did not invent the clock. I'm done talking. I know what I'm talking about and you don't have clue about this topics. If this all you got STFU.

Be sure not to miss the video of the guy describing the little shits scam in detail.
He makes some very valid points...Hadji.

I read what he say and saw what the video before I posted. It's the same shit he keep saying INVENTION. The kid never claim he invented a clock. I will call you racist asshole from now on.
Tell you the truth I'm trying to get a hold of this guy that he claim an expert.

I've never said shit about inventing anything.
He tried to pass it off as a clock he made from scratch. Which he obviously didnt....Hadji.

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