Airport Security vs. Gun Control

All of Joey's are. He's basically a one-note human spambot.

Only after he killed a dozen people. How about preventative medicine instead of waiting for a disaster to happen and then applying a bandage?

what preventative medicine do you mean

You don't get metaphors? Gun control. If the shooter never had a gun, it never would have happened and the dozen people he killed before he was killed would still be alive.
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Only after he killed a dozen people. How about preventative medicine instead of waiting for a disaster to happen and then applying a bandage?

what preventative medicine do you mean

You don't get metaphors? Gun control. If the shooter never had a gun, it never would have happened and the dozen people he killed before he was killed would still be alive.

Be specific, exactly how do you prevent those that want firearms from getting them?
So, guns kill people eh?

Maybe someone should do a study on this.

Oh wait:

This Article has reviewed a significant amount of evidence
from a wide variety of international sources. Each individual
portion of evidence is subject to cavil—at the very least the
general objection that the persuasiveness of social scientific
evidence cannot remotely approach the persuasiveness of
conclusions in the physical sciences. Nevertheless, the bur‐
den of proof rests on the proponents of the more guns equal
more death and fewer guns equal less death mantra, espe‐
cially since they argue public policy ought to be based on
that mantra.149 To bear that burden would at the very least
require showing that a large number of nations with more
guns have more death and that nations that have imposed
stringent gun controls have achieved substantial reductions
in criminal violence (or suicide). But those correlations are
not observed when a large number of nations are compared
across the world.
Your analogy to securing an airliner leaves out the same element present in all the mass shootings...the absence of armed personnel at the event...the airlines solved it with air marshalls, the schools have awakened to the need for armed guards, and now even mall guards are armed. These are not "minimum wage" jobs anymore. The public has the right to protection from the lunatics doing the shooting not the weapons themselves. That's what you gun-grabbers continue to ignore.

I'm sorry, guy, but if it sooo bad we have to arm mall cops and school cops and just about the whole fucking society, then we have too many guns in the wrong hands.

the problem with everyone having guns is that it doesn't work.

There were armed guards at Columbine.
There was an ENTIRE POLICE FORCE at VA Tech.

Ft. Hood and the Washington Naval Yard are MILITARY INSTALLATIONS.

If a place called "Fort Hood" can't be safe from a madman with a gun, I'm really not sure who can be.

Maybe we should just try to get the guns out of the hands of crazy people.

The problem is, most of the people on this message board who argue so vehemently for the right to own guns appear to be 'crazy,' unable to reason logically, full of hate, obviously neurotic, and foaming at the mouth for the opportunity to blow someone away. If they are an example of the average American gun owner, then guns should not be available to anyone because it is far more likely that person is unstable than not.

So give your waiter a chunk of your hashish for a BJ. Be careful though, the countries you mentioned still all have plenty of guns around, especially Ireland. Gun-grabbing countries know better than to go door-to-door looking for's their dirty little secret.

Give the waiter a chunk of hash for a blow job? You must be mistaking me for a Marine.

No, I'm pegging you as a coward hiding in Ireland, probably wanted by the US Marshall Service for bail-jumping and back child-support. You supposed pacifists are usually just disgruntled losers who both can't afford a firearm and couldn't get FBI approval because of mental health issues and shoplifting convictions. :lol:

How does it feel to be so clueless?
Only after he killed a dozen people. How about preventative medicine instead of waiting for a disaster to happen and then applying a bandage?

what preventative medicine do you mean

You don't get metaphors? Gun control. If the shooter never had a gun, it never would have happened and the dozen people he killed before he was killed would still be alive.

That is an incredibly flawed assumption.

He could have killed those people with a machete, and all I would hear from you is how we need machete control.
Give the waiter a chunk of hash for a blow job? You must be mistaking me for a Marine.

No, I'm pegging you as a coward hiding in Ireland, probably wanted by the US Marshall Service for bail-jumping and back child-support. You supposed pacifists are usually just disgruntled losers who both can't afford a firearm and couldn't get FBI approval because of mental health issues and shoplifting convictions. :lol:

How does it feel to be so clueless?

How does it feel to be a liberal? Wait, don't answer that.
I live in Ireland, not Northern Ireland. Yes, your stupidity is simply amazing. You have a better chance of being blown up in a cafe in America, even with your gun. I might get blown in a cafe, that would be nice.

So give your waiter a chunk of your hashish for a BJ. Be careful though, the countries you mentioned still all have plenty of guns around, especially Ireland. Gun-grabbing countries know better than to go door-to-door looking for's their dirty little secret.

Give the waiter a chunk of hash for a blow job? You must be mistaking me for a Marine.

He mistook you for a smart person.
No one sane said, "We need to make sure EVERYONE on the plane has a box cutter or a gun!"

Bullshit! - I flew the first day we were ungrounded after 9/11. There were lots of us saying the pilots should be armed.

The biggest cause of 9/11 was negotiation with hijackers & terrorist rule. STUPID!

At the first sign of a hijacking they should plunge the plane in a negative G dive so the hijackers can't move. Land on the closest strip & disable the plane.

Easier: armor the cockpits, and if hijacked: DEPRESSURIZE THE CABIN!

Yeah, I'm sure that'll make the passengers and the rest of the crew feel a lot better about flying.

Wouldn't it make more sense to, oh, I don't know, just make sure no one is bringing a weapon onto the plane?

Oh, wait. We totally did that!

Texas also has more people in it's 5 largest cities than the entire population of most states.

Did you know that there is a statistical link between urbanization and crime? Since Texas has more large cities than any state, including California, shouldn't it have the highest crime rate? Hell, Texas even has a larger drug trade than California, and still has a lower crime rate.

Want to explain that using your premise that guns are dangerous?

Japan has a higher Urbanization Rate than the United States.

The WHOLE of Japan had 582 homicides in 2008. In that same year, they had 11 homicides with guns.

The US had 15,960 murders in 2012, 11,101 of them committed with guns.
Pretty simple. [MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION]: will rue the day when an armed assailant comes bursting into his home with a gun and not being so armed himself. What is he going to do? Punch him?

Pretty simple, the chances of that happening are a lot less than the chances of being randomly shot in the street by some crazy person who brought a gun to my workplace or a mall I happen to be shopping at.

And, yeah, actually, I've got a Louisville slugger, probably would do a number on anyone who has designs on my laptop.

Hope for your sake the dude isn't on meth or PCP.

Actually, I hope the dude IS on PCP. Unless your first swing caves in his skull, he won't even NOTICE the baseball bat!

If he's on PCP, he probably doesn't have the presense of mind to bring a gun.

But here's the thing, Wrench-boy, as much as you are out there shitting your pants at the thought of the nasty criminal, 80% of people are murdered are murdered by people they know, usually because guns are too available when that argument over who ate the last donut got out of hand.
Pretty simple, the chances of that happening are a lot less than the chances of being randomly shot in the street by some crazy person who brought a gun to my workplace or a mall I happen to be shopping at.

And, yeah, actually, I've got a Louisville slugger, probably would do a number on anyone who has designs on my laptop.

Hope for your sake the dude isn't on meth or PCP.

Actually, I hope the dude IS on PCP. Unless your first swing caves in his skull, he won't even NOTICE the baseball bat!

If he's on PCP, he probably doesn't have the presense of mind to bring a gun.

But here's the thing, Wrench-boy, as much as you are out there shitting your pants at the thought of the nasty criminal, 80% of people are murdered are murdered by people they know, usually because guns are too available when that argument over who ate the last donut got out of hand.

s0n......what is the OCD with weapons all about? Did you shoot your eye out with a zip gun as a kid or something? See "A Christmas Story" too many times? Get abused in the formative years for carrying around the gayest lunchbox in the whole school? Take a hot chick to the range only to be schooled by a gun guy who showed you that it wasn't the gun forget to take the safety off??:lol:

Im always does this mental case dynamic with the gun grabbers emerge?

Take a listen to this guy >>>>

[ame=]Debating A Gun Control Fanatic - YouTube[/ame]

Clearly a result of some kind of traumatic experience!!!:gay:

These types need to live in a bubble world to restore some level of mental comfort!!
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The guy who reposts the same three or four pictures/articles hardly has any business talking to anyone about OCD.

I was in the Army for 11 years and have probably handled more weapons that your best wet dream.

And most of you don't need guns and can't be trusted with them, as evidenced by 32,000 gun deaths and 79,000 gun injuries every year.
The guy who reposts the same three or four pictures/articles hardly has any business talking to anyone about OCD.

I was in the Army for 11 years and have probably handled more weapons that your best wet dream.

And most of you don't need guns and can't be trusted with them, as evidenced by 32,000 gun deaths and 79,000 gun injuries every year.

Well s0n......we're real proud of ya!!:D:D

I come in for a cup of coffee on this forum each day........but I do notice scores of posts from the gun grabbers on these gun threads each day!! Effexor XR anyone?:eusa_dance:

The balls off gun nutters who want to ban guns have taken zero into consideration of what we would be left with in this country if that stunt were attempted, thus, the appropriate label of k00k. The big boys have to ensure that their playground is always intact.:banana:

You are right though.....that vid is getting a bit stale perhaps!!!

This one is at least as good >>>>

[ame=]Michael Moore Loses Gun Control Debate HARD - YouTube[/ame]

I come in for a cup of coffee on this forum each day........but I do notice scores of posts from the gun grabbers on these gun threads each day!! Effexor XR anyone?:eusa_dance:

The balls off gun nutters who want to ban guns have taken zero into consideration of what we would be left with in this country if that stunt were attempted, thus, the appropriate label of k00k. The big boys have to ensure that their playground is always intact.:banana:


Guy, every other industrialized Democracy has banned guns, and they are just fine, really.

Yeah, you might have a few shootouts from crazy people, but frankly, that would probably just convice the sane majority that these people were nuts and needed to be disarmed.

The real problem. Gun ownership is going out of fashion. You are less than 30% of the population.

I come in for a cup of coffee on this forum each day........but I do notice scores of posts from the gun grabbers on these gun threads each day!! Effexor XR anyone?:eusa_dance:

The balls off gun nutters who want to ban guns have taken zero into consideration of what we would be left with in this country if that stunt were attempted, thus, the appropriate label of k00k. The big boys have to ensure that their playground is always intact.:banana:


Guy, every other industrialized Democracy has banned guns, and they are just fine, really.

Yeah, you might have a few shootouts from crazy people, but frankly, that would probably just convice the sane majority that these people were nuts and needed to be disarmed.

The real problem. Gun ownership is going out of fashion. You are less than 30% of the population.

good for them.....keep dreaming s0n. This is America. Go find a bubble to live in!!!:coffee:

I cant help you.
No, I'm pegging you as a coward hiding in Ireland, probably wanted by the US Marshall Service for bail-jumping and back child-support. You supposed pacifists are usually just disgruntled losers who both can't afford a firearm and couldn't get FBI approval because of mental health issues and shoplifting convictions. :lol:

How does it feel to be so clueless?

How does it feel to be a liberal? Wait, don't answer that.

Feels great, so much better than the alternatives.

Funny, I mention clueless and you appear.
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