Airport Security vs. Gun Control

You're right. He might have to go to a second hand. If I listed 11, he'd have to keep his fly open.

Hey queer-bait, which of the countries listed have an "african" population approaching 49 million? Which has a latino invader population approaching 12 million? Which of the countries above isn't under the umbrella of US/NATO protection from the true monsters in the world and thus has no need of an armed citizenry? Tojo once said an invasion of the United States would be impossible because "there is a firearm behind every blade of grass".

We get that you're afraid of firearms, but what you can't do is name countries supposedly "as free" as the US without realizing each of their governments has taken away or limited their right to own firearms. If you aspire to live like a frenchman, buy a beret and GET THE FUCK OVER THERE....we're tired of the endless nagging about firearms from you fruitcakes. And the next time Germany comes calling, don't expect us "gun nuts" to come save your wine-sucking ass from the Hun.

You asked a question and got your ass handed to you.

Another frenchie declares victory while running for the hills.......ADIEU :lol:
Hey queer-bait, which of the countries listed have an "african" population approaching 49 million? Which has a latino invader population approaching 12 million? Which of the countries above isn't under the umbrella of US/NATO protection from the true monsters in the world and thus has no need of an armed citizenry? Tojo once said an invasion of the United States would be impossible because "there is a firearm behind every blade of grass".

We get that you're afraid of firearms, but what you can't do is name countries supposedly "as free" as the US without realizing each of their governments has taken away or limited their right to own firearms. If you aspire to live like a frenchman, buy a beret and GET THE FUCK OVER THERE....we're tired of the endless nagging about firearms from you fruitcakes. And the next time Germany comes calling, don't expect us "gun nuts" to come save your wine-sucking ass from the Hun.

You asked a question and got your ass handed to you.

Another frenchie declares victory while running for the hills.......ADIEU :lol:

I am an American living in Ireland, and I feel a lot freer here than I do in America. Your ignorance is amazing.
You asked a question and got your ass handed to you.

Another frenchie declares victory while running for the hills.......ADIEU :lol:

I am an American living in Ireland, and I feel a lot freer here than I do in America. Your ignorance is amazing.

Good, stay there; nobody misses you. But if an IRA terrorist decides to blow up a cafe you're squatting in, remember it doesn't take a firearm to send you to're already half way there.
Another frenchie declares victory while running for the hills.......ADIEU :lol:

I am an American living in Ireland, and I feel a lot freer here than I do in America. Your ignorance is amazing.

Good, stay there; nobody misses you. But if an IRA terrorist decides to blow up a cafe you're squatting in, remember it doesn't take a firearm to send you to're already half way there.

I live in Ireland, not Northern Ireland. Yes, your stupidity is simply amazing. You have a better chance of being blown up in a cafe in America, even with your gun. I might get blown in a cafe, that would be nice.
I am an American living in Ireland, and I feel a lot freer here than I do in America. Your ignorance is amazing.

Good, stay there; nobody misses you. But if an IRA terrorist decides to blow up a cafe you're squatting in, remember it doesn't take a firearm to send you to're already half way there.

I live in Ireland, not Northern Ireland. Yes, your stupidity is simply amazing. You have a better chance of being blown up in a cafe in America, even with your gun. I might get blown in a cafe, that would be nice.

So give your waiter a chunk of your hashish for a BJ. Be careful though, the countries you mentioned still all have plenty of guns around, especially Ireland. Gun-grabbing countries know better than to go door-to-door looking for's their dirty little secret.
That's not true, either. Texas has one of the highest murder rates in the country. So does Arizona.

Do you even BOTHER to research facts, or do you just regurgitate whatever NRA Talking point you've just read?
The census bureau ranks California higher than Texas.

But Texas has a Higher rate 35 other states...

Proving ONLY that the more people you crowd into a state, the more likely they are to commit violence if they have easy access to guns.

Texas also has more people in it's 5 largest cities than the entire population of most states.

Did you know that there is a statistical link between urbanization and crime? Since Texas has more large cities than any state, including California, shouldn't it have the highest crime rate? Hell, Texas even has a larger drug trade than California, and still has a lower crime rate.

Want to explain that using your premise that guns are dangerous?
Guy, crazy people with guns is not a freedom we need.


Can't see where a crazy person with a gun ever has a good result.

By your reckoning all gun owners are crazed sociopaths .

How did so many survive!!
300 million guns !!
300 million Americans !!

Yet gun deaths are not in the 300 millions?
Not even in the 85 millions!!
Nah don't bother you are retarded.
If England is so fucking awesome , move there!!
Though it's not called England anymore.
It's called the regions of the UK.
Scotland is Scotland.
Wales is Wales.
NI is NI.

England is the regions of the UK.

EU law says so.

Ooookay, you really need to start taking your meds.

We have a gun death rate that is up there with chaotic third world countries, not advanced industrial democracies.

32,000 gun deaths are too many.

Define third world country, because, by every standard I am aware of, Russia is not a third world country, yet it has a higher gun violence rate than the US despite having the strictest gun control laws of any country in the world. If gun control was half as effective as you think the TSA is it wouldn't have any gun violence at all.
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Good, stay there; nobody misses you. But if an IRA terrorist decides to blow up a cafe you're squatting in, remember it doesn't take a firearm to send you to're already half way there.

I live in Ireland, not Northern Ireland. Yes, your stupidity is simply amazing. You have a better chance of being blown up in a cafe in America, even with your gun. I might get blown in a cafe, that would be nice.

So give your waiter a chunk of your hashish for a BJ. Be careful though, the countries you mentioned still all have plenty of guns around, especially Ireland. Gun-grabbing countries know better than to go door-to-door looking for's their dirty little secret.

Give the waiter a chunk of hash for a blow job? You must be mistaking me for a Marine.
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I live in Ireland, not Northern Ireland. Yes, your stupidity is simply amazing. You have a better chance of being blown up in a cafe in America, even with your gun. I might get blown in a cafe, that would be nice.

So give your waiter a chunk of your hashish for a BJ. Be careful though, the countries you mentioned still all have plenty of guns around, especially Ireland. Gun-grabbing countries know better than to go door-to-door looking for's their dirty little secret.

Give the waiter a chunk of hash for a blow job? You must be mistaking me for a Marine.

No, I'm pegging you as a coward hiding in Ireland, probably wanted by the US Marshall Service for bail-jumping and back child-support. You supposed pacifists are usually just disgruntled losers who both can't afford a firearm and couldn't get FBI approval because of mental health issues and shoplifting convictions. :lol:
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Perhaps we should talk to Massachusetts which has since the introduction of the NICS data base in the mid 90's submitted a grand total of one mental health record for inclusion in the data base? Hawaii has also submitted one record. Vermont does much better, since the mid 90's they have submitted 25 records to NICS New Jersey? 17.

Seems people like the ACLU do not wish to have these records submitted to NICS because of privacy concerns. Thankfully, the feds finally got around to amending HIPPA so that some reports to NICS
will not violate fedral law. They did this in FEBRUARY OF 2013, Too bad some states still have laws which makes it illegal to report this information to NICS in most instances.

Others states do much better. Virginia has submitted 188,338. Texas 209,150. Pennsylvania 643,167

CRS report here:

Now, what I find very interesting is that Alexis did not merely pass a NICS background check, this guy obtained a secret level security clearance. Those require much more intense background checks and involve an active FBI investigation into your background. The whole process will take at least a month and up to a year as even an arrest without a conviction is usually grounds for denial of this level of security clearance.

oooops....that destroy's the OP

Hey queer-bait, which of the countries listed have an "african" population approaching 49 million? Which has a latino invader population approaching 12 million?

Hmmm.. interesting. And you claim to be an Ex-Marine. However did you co-exist in teh same barracks with black and Hispanic Marines. (My guess, you didn't.)

Which of the countries above isn't under the umbrella of US/NATO protection from the true monsters in the world and thus has no need of an armed citizenry? Tojo once said an invasion of the United States would be impossible because "there is a firearm behind every blade of grass".

First that quote has been attributed to Admiral Yamamoto Isoroku, not General Tojo Hideki. After all, Tojo was the guy who WANTED to attack the US when Yamamoto thought it was a bad idea. I understand, all those people "Look the same" to you.

But it gets worse. While Gun Nuts like to recycle this quote, Yamamoto never actually said it.

Misquoting Yamamoto

We get that you're afraid of firearms, but what you can't do is name countries supposedly "as free" as the US without realizing each of their governments has taken away or limited their right to own firearms. If you aspire to live like a frenchman, buy a beret and GET THE FUCK OVER THERE....

But that's the point. These countries ARE just as free as we are. They have the right to elect their governments, the right to protest, the right to fair trials and all the other rights we Americans enjoy.

They just aren't allowed to own gun or can only own gun in VERY specific circumstances. And they are every bit as free as we are.

we're tired of the endless nagging about firearms from you fruitcakes. And the next time Germany comes calling, don't expect us "gun nuts" to come save your wine-sucking ass from the Hun.

You didn't save anyone the last two times the Germans came. That was a professional, trained army that was paid for with tax dollars and armed by a government.
No one sane said, "We need to make sure EVERYONE on the plane has a box cutter or a gun!"

Bullshit! - I flew the first day we were ungrounded after 9/11. There were lots of us saying the pilots should be armed.

The biggest cause of 9/11 was negotiation with hijackers & terrorist rule. STUPID!

At the first sign of a hijacking they should plunge the plane in a negative G dive so the hijackers can't move. Land on the closest strip & disable the plane.

Easier: armor the cockpits, and if hijacked: DEPRESSURIZE THE CABIN!
Pretty simple. [MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION]: will rue the day when an armed assailant comes bursting into his home with a gun and not being so armed himself. What is he going to do? Punch him?

Pretty simple, the chances of that happening are a lot less than the chances of being randomly shot in the street by some crazy person who brought a gun to my workplace or a mall I happen to be shopping at.

And, yeah, actually, I've got a Louisville slugger, probably would do a number on anyone who has designs on my laptop.

Hope for your sake the dude isn't on meth or PCP.

Actually, I hope the dude IS on PCP. Unless your first swing caves in his skull, he won't even NOTICE the baseball bat!
No one sane said, "We need to make sure EVERYONE on the plane has a box cutter or a gun!"

Bullshit! - I flew the first day we were ungrounded after 9/11. There were lots of us saying the pilots should be armed.

The biggest cause of 9/11 was negotiation with hijackers & terrorist rule. STUPID!

At the first sign of a hijacking they should plunge the plane in a negative G dive so the hijackers can't move. Land on the closest strip & disable the plane.

Yeah, that will work. Take the plane into a dangerous manuever that it might not be able to pull out of.


Or better yet, lets start flinging bullets around in a tube of compressed air with volatile fuel....

You don't know a damn thing about airplanes, do you. (That is not a question.)
Your analogy to securing an airliner leaves out the same element present in all the mass shootings...the absence of armed personnel at the event...the airlines solved it with air marshalls, the schools have awakened to the need for armed guards, and now even mall guards are armed. These are not "minimum wage" jobs anymore. The public has the right to protection from the lunatics doing the shooting not the weapons themselves. That's what you gun-grabbers continue to ignore.

I'm sorry, guy, but if it sooo bad we have to arm mall cops and school cops and just about the whole fucking society, then we have too many guns in the wrong hands.

the problem with everyone having guns is that it doesn't work.

There were armed guards at Columbine.
There was an ENTIRE POLICE FORCE at VA Tech.

Ft. Hood and the Washington Naval Yard are MILITARY INSTALLATIONS.

If a place called "Fort Hood" can't be safe from a madman with a gun, I'm really not sure who can be.

Maybe we should just try to get the guns out of the hands of crazy people.

The problem is, most of the people on this message board who argue so vehemently for the right to own guns appear to be 'crazy,' unable to reason logically, full of hate, obviously neurotic, and foaming at the mouth for the opportunity to blow someone away. If they are an example of the average American gun owner, then guns should not be available to anyone because it is far more likely that person is unstable than not.
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Hey queer-bait, which of the countries listed have an "african" population approaching 49 million? Which has a latino invader population approaching 12 million?

Hmmm.. interesting. And you claim to be an Ex-Marine. However did you co-exist in teh same barracks with black and Hispanic Marines. (My guess, you didn't.)

Which of the countries above isn't under the umbrella of US/NATO protection from the true monsters in the world and thus has no need of an armed citizenry? Tojo once said an invasion of the United States would be impossible because "there is a firearm behind every blade of grass".

First that quote has been attributed to Admiral Yamamoto Isoroku, not General Tojo Hideki. After all, Tojo was the guy who WANTED to attack the US when Yamamoto thought it was a bad idea. I understand, all those people "Look the same" to you.

But it gets worse. While Gun Nuts like to recycle this quote, Yamamoto never actually said it.

Misquoting Yamamoto

We get that you're afraid of firearms, but what you can't do is name countries supposedly "as free" as the US without realizing each of their governments has taken away or limited their right to own firearms. If you aspire to live like a frenchman, buy a beret and GET THE FUCK OVER THERE....

But that's the point. These countries ARE just as free as we are. They have the right to elect their governments, the right to protest, the right to fair trials and all the other rights we Americans enjoy.

They just aren't allowed to own gun or can only own gun in VERY specific circumstances. And they are every bit as free as we are.

we're tired of the endless nagging about firearms from you fruitcakes. And the next time Germany comes calling, don't expect us "gun nuts" to come save your wine-sucking ass from the Hun.

You didn't save anyone the last two times the Germans came. That was a professional, trained army that was paid for with tax dollars and armed by a government.

You are so fucking stupid it hurts my eyes to read yoiur crap, fool. Serving with black and latino Marines has no relationship with the hood rats I refer to in my remark. You're so not clever you figured out how to Google who said my quote about "guns behind every blade of grass" but have no idea what it meant. You don't know shit about the countries you mentioned or their gun laws. And finally, the Army we fielded for WW2 was mostly draftees, not a "professional" army in any sense. Just STFU why don't ya.

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