Airport Security vs. Gun Control

what preventative medicine do you mean

You don't get metaphors? Gun control. If the shooter never had a gun, it never would have happened and the dozen people he killed before he was killed would still be alive.

Be specific, exactly how do you prevent those that want firearms from getting them?

They should make sawed off shotguns illegal so that no one would ever use one again to kill people.

Texas also has more people in it's 5 largest cities than the entire population of most states.

Did you know that there is a statistical link between urbanization and crime? Since Texas has more large cities than any state, including California, shouldn't it have the highest crime rate? Hell, Texas even has a larger drug trade than California, and still has a lower crime rate.

Want to explain that using your premise that guns are dangerous?

Japan has a higher Urbanization Rate than the United States.

The WHOLE of Japan had 582 homicides in 2008. In that same year, they had 11 homicides with guns.

The US had 15,960 murders in 2012, 11,101 of them committed with guns.

Japan has a culture that allows them to cram people into conditions sardines wouldn't put up with.

They have one of the least diversified populations in the world, even with modern technology and travel options. They also have immigration policies that make anything the Republicans proposed look like open borders in comparison.

I wonder if their culture, and the overcrowding, has anything to do with the high suicide rate there.

It is also seeing an increase in crime, especially violent crime.

Then we have the interesting little fact that, if you combine homicides and suicides into a single statistic covering intentional deaths Japan is actually worse off than the US.

FYI, since you claim to be all about probabilities, did you know that you, as a white male in the US, are 4 times more likely to commit suicide than be killed by homicide?

RealClearScience - U.S. Homicide & Suicide Rates in Whites & Blacks

If you really want to win this argument I suggest you shut up, if you keep digging a deeper hole I won't even have to post to refute your arguments.
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Texas also has more people in it's 5 largest cities than the entire population of most states.

Did you know that there is a statistical link between urbanization and crime? Since Texas has more large cities than any state, including California, shouldn't it have the highest crime rate? Hell, Texas even has a larger drug trade than California, and still has a lower crime rate.

Want to explain that using your premise that guns are dangerous?

Japan has a higher Urbanization Rate than the United States.

The WHOLE of Japan had 582 homicides in 2008. In that same year, they had 11 homicides with guns.

The US had 15,960 murders in 2012, 11,101 of them committed with guns.

Japan has a culture that allows them to cram people into conditions sardines wouldn't put up with.

You've obviously never been on the CTA during Rush Hour. It's just about as bad as that.

They have one of the least diversified populations in the world, even with modern technology and travel options. They also have immigration policies that make anything the Republicans proposed look like open borders in comparison.

What does that have to do with them not killing each other?

I wonder if their culture, and the overcrowding, has anything to do with the high suicide rate there.


No, probably has more to due with the fact that they believe in Reincarnation instead of a Hell where you burn for all eternity.

They had 22K suicides compared to our 38K. My question is, why do so many Americans off themselves when they KNOW they are going to Hell? At least a Japanese thinks he might come back as something better next time.
No, probably has more to due with the fact that they believe in Reincarnation instead of a Hell where you burn for all eternity.

They had 22K suicides compared to our 38K. My question is, why do so many Americans off themselves when they KNOW they are going to Hell? At least a Japanese thinks he might come back as something better next time.

Interesting, you completely skipped over the part of my post where I proved that Japan actually has a larger percent of their population die intentionally than the US. Is that because it blows your premise that Japan is safer than the US out of the water?
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Bullshit! - I flew the first day we were ungrounded after 9/11. There were lots of us saying the pilots should be armed.

The biggest cause of 9/11 was negotiation with hijackers & terrorist rule. STUPID!

At the first sign of a hijacking they should plunge the plane in a negative G dive so the hijackers can't move. Land on the closest strip & disable the plane.

Easier: armor the cockpits, and if hijacked: DEPRESSURIZE THE CABIN!

Yeah, I'm sure that'll make the passengers and the rest of the crew feel a lot better about flying.

Wouldn't it make more sense to, oh, I don't know, just make sure no one is bringing a weapon onto the plane?

Oh, wait. We totally did that!

No, we didn't. People get through the TSA's security-theatre EVERY DAY with weapons. You know, like the time Adam Savage (of Mythbusters) walked right through security with a pair of foot long razors in his bag?! Anyone with some determination could get a blade through...many will not set off metal detectors. My wife has a pair of knives with 5" blades. They are sharp enough to shave with, tough enough to hammer through plywood...and totally invisible to metal detectors, because they are made of ABS plastic. I have also seen knives made of wood, bone, ceramic, and glass.
Pretty simple, the chances of that happening are a lot less than the chances of being randomly shot in the street by some crazy person who brought a gun to my workplace or a mall I happen to be shopping at.

And, yeah, actually, I've got a Louisville slugger, probably would do a number on anyone who has designs on my laptop.

Hope for your sake the dude isn't on meth or PCP.

Actually, I hope the dude IS on PCP. Unless your first swing caves in his skull, he won't even NOTICE the baseball bat!

If he's on PCP, he probably doesn't have the presense of mind to bring a gun.

But here's the thing, Wrench-boy, as much as you are out there shitting your pants at the thought of the nasty criminal, 80% of people are murdered are murdered by people they know, usually because guns are too available when that argument over who ate the last donut got out of hand.

If he's on PCP, he doesn't NEED a gun...but to stop him, you damn sure do! And even then...unless it's a damn powerful one (think: shotgun, or REALLY big in, a .44 Magnum on the LOW end of the range), you probably need a head shot. My uncle found this out the hard way...and fortunately, he MADE the head shot and survived.

And please stop projecting, bitchboy. It long ago stopped being amusing and is now merely tiresome.
No, probably has more to due with the fact that they believe in Reincarnation instead of a Hell where you burn for all eternity.

They had 22K suicides compared to our 38K. My question is, why do so many Americans off themselves when they KNOW they are going to Hell? At least a Japanese thinks he might come back as something better next time.

Interesting, you completely skipped over the part of my post where I proved that Japan actually has a larger percent of their population die intentionally than the US. Is that because it blows your premise that Japan is safer than the US out of the water?

Well, that's probably not true, either.

They had 22K suicides and 600 murders.

We had 38K suicides and 16K murders.

I mean, you can play, "how to lie with Statistics" all day, but the fact is, Japan has this figured out.

No Guns = Less murder, less crime, a more civil society.
No, probably has more to due with the fact that they believe in Reincarnation instead of a Hell where you burn for all eternity.

They had 22K suicides compared to our 38K. My question is, why do so many Americans off themselves when they KNOW they are going to Hell? At least a Japanese thinks he might come back as something better next time.

Interesting, you completely skipped over the part of my post where I proved that Japan actually has a larger percent of their population die intentionally than the US. Is that because it blows your premise that Japan is safer than the US out of the water?

Well, that's probably not true, either.

They had 22K suicides and 600 murders.

We had 38K suicides and 16K murders.

I mean, you can play, "how to lie with Statistics" all day, but the fact is, Japan has this figured out.

No Guns = Less murder, less crime, a more civil society.

Do you know what math is?

The population of Japan is roughly one third of the population of the US.
I do. And it's completely irrelevent in this context.

I know your argument is tha "they have more suicides", but that's not relevent to the issue of whether limiting who can own guns is a good idea or not.

They've ALWAYS had more suicides because their society considers suicide honorable.
I do. And it's completely irrelevent in this context.

I know your argument is tha "they have more suicides", but that's not relevent to the issue of whether limiting who can own guns is a good idea or not.

They've ALWAYS had more suicides because their society considers suicide honorable.

What we are discussing here is not whether it is a good idea to do something stupid, we are discussing how stupid it is possible to get in defending stupidity.
I do. And it's completely irrelevent in this context.

I know your argument is tha "they have more suicides", but that's not relevent to the issue of whether limiting who can own guns is a good idea or not.

They've ALWAYS had more suicides because their society considers suicide honorable.

And yet you use our suicides to damn something, Hypocrite.
On September 11, 2001, 19 hijackers belonging to Al Qaeda used flight training acquired in the US to hijack 4 airliners and kill 3000 people in attacks in NYC, Washington DC and Pennsylvania.

All 19 of these guys were able to get past security checkpoints. Not a person in the world said, "Well, they got through the checkpoints, the checkpoints must be fine!"

Instead, the private sector minimum wage guards at most airports were replaced by a professional TSA. They also put Air Marshalls on the planes.

The metal detectors that were unable to pick up box cutters were replaced with full body scanners.

Shoes now have to be X-rayed because another terrorists put C-4 in his shoes.

They put steel doors on all the cockpits of airplanes to keep hijackers from gaining control of the plane.

People going to flight school are thoroughly background checked.

In short, they did something. And we haven't had a hijacking since. No one sane said, "We need to make sure EVERYONE on the plane has a box cutter or a gun!"

Compare that to the latest gun massacre. Aaron Alexis, like James Holmes, Jared Lougher and Cho Sueng heng, was able to purchase a gun despite histories of mental illness and problems indicating they were not stable.

But there are people who are arguing that "Gee, he passed the background check, I'm not sure what more you want."

and the ever present, "Well, if other people had guns, they could have stopped him!"

I guess we should be grateful that the Al Qaeda doesn't have Lobbyists.

Professionel TSA who so far have been convicted of drug smuggling, theft, and rape. Ya, you are retarded roman lion.

Professionel TSA who so far have been convicted of drug smuggling, theft, and rape. Ya, you are retarded roman lion.

Are you going to keep following me around like a Deadhead with Jerry Garcia.


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