Airport Security vs. Gun Control

Strict gun control does not work. New York, Chicago and Washington DC prove the point.

No, they just prove you can't have a city with gun control and having a gun shop right next door in Cicero or Virginia...

Russia, Mexico, South Africa and even England prove the point.

I beat the snot out of you on this bullshit this morning, and you're doing it again.

England proves that GUN LAWS work. They only had 48 gun murders last year.

Mexico has a Second Amdendment-style right to bear arms just like we do.

Russia and South Africa have pretty wide-spread gun ownership, ranking 9th and 17th in gun ownership percentages.

Less restrictive laws reduce crime , violence and murders as evidenced by cities and States with less laws and freedom to carry having less violence, less crime, less murders.

That's not true, either. Texas has one of the highest murder rates in the country. So does Arizona.

Do you even BOTHER to research facts, or do you just regurgitate whatever NRA Talking point you've just read?
No one sane said, "We need to make sure EVERYONE on the plane has a box cutter or a gun!"

Bullshit! - I flew the first day we were ungrounded after 9/11. There were lots of us saying the pilots should be armed.

The biggest cause of 9/11 was negotiation with hijackers & terrorist rule. STUPID!

At the first sign of a hijacking they should plunge the plane in a negative G dive so the hijackers can't move. Land on the closest strip & disable the plane.

Yeah, that will work. Take the plane into a dangerous manuever that it might not be able to pull out of.


Or better yet, lets start flinging bullets around in a tube of compressed air with volatile fuel....

Scatter shot, hollow points, rubber bullets & tazers will not punch through the plane. They can also pull out of a -2G dive. Lock the cockpit & take it down hard.
Strict gun control does not work. New York, Chicago and Washington DC prove the point.

No, they just prove you can't have a city with gun control and having a gun shop right next door in Cicero or Virginia...

Russia, Mexico, South Africa and even England prove the point.

I beat the snot out of you on this bullshit this morning, and you're doing it again.

England proves that GUN LAWS work. They only had 48 gun murders last year.

Mexico has a Second Amdendment-style right to bear arms just like we do.

Russia and South Africa have pretty wide-spread gun ownership, ranking 9th and 17th in gun ownership percentages.

Less restrictive laws reduce crime , violence and murders as evidenced by cities and States with less laws and freedom to carry having less violence, less crime, less murders.

That's not true, either. Texas has one of the highest murder rates in the country. So does Arizona.

Do you even BOTHER to research facts, or do you just regurgitate whatever NRA Talking point you've just read?
Russia bans private ownership except for specific cases. England has more gun violence now then it did before the ban. Mexico bans almost all private ownership of firearms. They have exactly one legal gun shop in Mexico city and almost no one qualifies to use it.

South Africa bans private ownership as well.

I linked the study that proves that in the US less restrictions equal less violence, less murder, less crime.
On September 11, 2001, 19 hijackers belonging to Al Qaeda used flight training acquired in the US to hijack 4 airliners and kill 3000 people in attacks in NYC, Washington DC and Pennsylvania.

All 19 of these guys were able to get past security checkpoints. Not a person in the world said, "Well, they got through the checkpoints, the checkpoints must be fine!"

Instead, the private sector minimum wage guards at most airports were replaced by a professional TSA. They also put Air Marshalls on the planes.

The metal detectors that were unable to pick up box cutters were replaced with full body scanners.

Shoes now have to be X-rayed because another terrorists put C-4 in his shoes.

They put steel doors on all the cockpits of airplanes to keep hijackers from gaining control of the plane.

People going to flight school are thoroughly background checked.

In short, they did something. And we haven't had a hijacking since. No one sane said, "We need to make sure EVERYONE on the plane has a box cutter or a gun!"

Compare that to the latest gun massacre. Aaron Alexis, like James Holmes, Jared Lougher and Cho Sueng heng, was able to purchase a gun despite histories of mental illness and problems indicating they were not stable.

But there are people who are arguing that "Gee, he passed the background check, I'm not sure what more you want."

and the ever present, "Well, if other people had guns, they could have stopped him!"

I guess we should be grateful that the Al Qaeda doesn't have Lobbyists.

Fuck off you retard.
There are laws in place that were not enforced .
Enforce the laws we have .
No need for new laws( with earmarks for lesbian tap dancing schools in Oregon or outdoor solar powered heaters for nocturnal nudists in Hawaii!!

In the DC case, the horror was a result of failure to enforce existing laws.
Being black was the reason he got away with his insane shit.
Race card strikes again!
Strict gun control does not work. New York, Chicago and Washington DC prove the point.

No, they just prove you can't have a city with gun control and having a gun shop right next door in Cicero or Virginia...

Russia, Mexico, South Africa and even England prove the point.

I beat the snot out of you on this bullshit this morning, and you're doing it again.

England proves that GUN LAWS work. They only had 48 gun murders last year.

Mexico has a Second Amdendment-style right to bear arms just like we do.

Russia and South Africa have pretty wide-spread gun ownership, ranking 9th and 17th in gun ownership percentages.

Less restrictive laws reduce crime , violence and murders as evidenced by cities and States with less laws and freedom to carry having less violence, less crime, less murders.

That's not true, either. Texas has one of the highest murder rates in the country. So does Arizona.

Do you even BOTHER to research facts, or do you just regurgitate whatever NRA Talking point you've just read?
More shit house lies ?


yeah, freedom is a lousy thing to support. Who would ever want to do that? certainly not you

Guy, crazy people with guns is not a freedom we need.


Can't see where a crazy person with a gun ever has a good result.

By your reckoning all gun owners are crazed sociopaths .

How did so many survive!!
300 million guns !!
300 million Americans !!

Yet gun deaths are not in the 300 millions?
Not even in the 85 millions!!
Nah don't bother you are retarded.
If England is so fucking awesome , move there!!
Though it's not called England anymore.
It's called the regions of the UK.
Scotland is Scotland.
Wales is Wales.
NI is NI.

England is the regions of the UK.

EU law says so.


yeah, freedom is a lousy thing to support. Who would ever want to do that? certainly not you

Guy, crazy people with guns is not a freedom we need.


Can't see where a crazy person with a gun ever has a good result.

Our high homicide rates are a cultural social problem. Gun crime dropped in the USA as the number of guns increase.


Strict gun control does not work. New York, Chicago and Washington DC prove the point.

No, they just prove you can't have a city with gun control and having a gun shop right next door in Cicero or Virginia...

Russia, Mexico, South Africa and even England prove the point.
I beat the snot out of you on this bullshit this morning, and you're doing it again.

England proves that GUN LAWS work. They only had 48 gun murders last year.

Mexico has a Second Amdendment-style right to bear arms just like we do.

Russia and South Africa have pretty wide-spread gun ownership, ranking 9th and 17th in gun ownership percentages.

Less restrictive laws reduce crime , violence and murders as evidenced by cities and States with less laws and freedom to carry having less violence, less crime, less murders.
That's not true, either. Texas has one of the highest murder rates in the country. So does Arizona.

Do you even BOTHER to research facts, or do you just regurgitate whatever NRA Talking point you've just read?

The census bureau ranks California higher than Texas.
Bullshit! - I flew the first day we were ungrounded after 9/11. There were lots of us saying the pilots should be armed.

The biggest cause of 9/11 was negotiation with hijackers & terrorist rule. STUPID!

At the first sign of a hijacking they should plunge the plane in a negative G dive so the hijackers can't move. Land on the closest strip & disable the plane.

Yeah, that will work. Take the plane into a dangerous manuever that it might not be able to pull out of.


Or better yet, lets start flinging bullets around in a tube of compressed air with volatile fuel....

Scatter shot, hollow points, rubber bullets & tazers will not punch through the plane. They can also pull out of a -2G dive. Lock the cockpit & take it down hard.

Or how's this for a crazy idea. We thoroughly search people before they get on the plane and give special attention to folks who are more inclined to do this sort of thing. (Young males from the Middle East.)

Yeah, I know, that was so crazy we actually did it and haven't had another incident in 12 years.
That's not true, either. Texas has one of the highest murder rates in the country. So does Arizona.

Do you even BOTHER to research facts, or do you just regurgitate whatever NRA Talking point you've just read?

The census bureau ranks California higher than Texas.

But Texas has a Higher rate 35 other states...

Proving ONLY that the more people you crowd into a state, the more likely they are to commit violence if they have easy access to guns.
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yeah, freedom is a lousy thing to support. Who would ever want to do that? certainly not you

Guy, crazy people with guns is not a freedom we need.


Can't see where a crazy person with a gun ever has a good result.

By your reckoning all gun owners are crazed sociopaths .

How did so many survive!!
300 million guns !!
300 million Americans !!

Yet gun deaths are not in the 300 millions?
Not even in the 85 millions!!
Nah don't bother you are retarded.
If England is so fucking awesome , move there!!
Though it's not called England anymore.
It's called the regions of the UK.
Scotland is Scotland.
Wales is Wales.
NI is NI.

England is the regions of the UK.

EU law says so.

Ooookay, you really need to start taking your meds.

We have a gun death rate that is up there with chaotic third world countries, not advanced industrial democracies.

32,000 gun deaths are too many.
Gun grabber emotionally charged rants with bogus gun stats = gay.

Many people believe that owning guns only increases the amount of crime. However, a recent study published in the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy concluded that there is a negative correlation between gun ownership and violent crime in countries internationally. In other words, the more guns the less crime. The study showed that nations with strict gun control laws have substantially higher murder rates than those who do not. In fact, the 9 European nations with the lowest gun ownership rate have a combined murder rate that is three times that of the nine European nations with the highest gun ownership rate.

Does Owning Guns Reduce Crime?
On September 11, 2001, 19 hijackers belonging to Al Qaeda used flight training acquired in the US to hijack 4 airliners and kill 3000 people in attacks in NYC, Washington DC and Pennsylvania.

All 19 of these guys were able to get past security checkpoints. Not a person in the world said, "Well, they got through the checkpoints, the checkpoints must be fine!"

Instead, the private sector minimum wage guards at most airports were replaced by a professional TSA. They also put Air Marshalls on the planes.

The metal detectors that were unable to pick up box cutters were replaced with full body scanners.

Shoes now have to be X-rayed because another terrorists put C-4 in his shoes.

They put steel doors on all the cockpits of airplanes to keep hijackers from gaining control of the plane.

People going to flight school are thoroughly background checked.

In short, they did something. And we haven't had a hijacking since. No one sane said, "We need to make sure EVERYONE on the plane has a box cutter or a gun!"

Compare that to the latest gun massacre. Aaron Alexis, like James Holmes, Jared Lougher and Cho Sueng heng, was able to purchase a gun despite histories of mental illness and problems indicating they were not stable.

But there are people who are arguing that "Gee, he passed the background check, I'm not sure what more you want."

and the ever present, "Well, if other people had guns, they could have stopped him!"

I guess we should be grateful that the Al Qaeda doesn't have Lobbyists.
They had the solution back in the 70's. We're just idiots today.
[ame=]Archie Bunker on Gun Control - YouTube[/ame]
The United Kingdom. France. Germany. Italy. Japan. Australia.

That is six, do not confuse him.

You're right. He might have to go to a second hand. If I listed 11, he'd have to keep his fly open.

Hey queer-bait, which of the countries listed have an "african" population approaching 49 million? Which has a latino invader population approaching 12 million? Which of the countries above isn't under the umbrella of US/NATO protection from the true monsters in the world and thus has no need of an armed citizenry? Tojo once said an invasion of the United States would be impossible because "there is a firearm behind every blade of grass".

We get that you're afraid of firearms, but what you can't do is name countries supposedly "as free" as the US without realizing each of their governments has taken away or limited their right to own firearms. If you aspire to live like a frenchman, buy a beret and GET THE FUCK OVER THERE....we're tired of the endless nagging about firearms from you fruitcakes. And the next time Germany comes calling, don't expect us "gun nuts" to come save your wine-sucking ass from the Hun.
That is six, do not confuse him.

You're right. He might have to go to a second hand. If I listed 11, he'd have to keep his fly open.

Hey queer-bait, which of the countries listed have an "african" population approaching 49 million? Which has a latino invader population approaching 12 million? Which of the countries above isn't under the umbrella of US/NATO protection from the true monsters in the world and thus has no need of an armed citizenry? Tojo once said an invasion of the United States would be impossible because "there is a firearm behind every blade of grass".

We get that you're afraid of firearms, but what you can't do is name countries supposedly "as free" as the US without realizing each of their governments has taken away or limited their right to own firearms. If you aspire to live like a frenchman, buy a beret and GET THE FUCK OVER THERE....we're tired of the endless nagging about firearms from you fruitcakes. And the next time Germany comes calling, don't expect us "gun nuts" to come save your wine-sucking ass from the Hun.

You asked a question and got your ass handed to you.

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