Al-Baghdadi ‘Died Like a Dog’; ‘Whimpering, Crying, Screaming All the Way’

How has it changed anything? There is already a new "Leader" today. As I've noted, we claim every little bit to have killed the "leader". It's been going on now for almost 20 years and to what end? You really think they will run out of "leaders"?

You don't think the government would lie to you? What did this "leader" do to us?
Ask Karen Mueller's family, a-hole.

We have killed thousands of Karen Mueller's.

there are thousands of Mueller bitches playing house with terrorists? Karen was a risk-taker.-----she gambled and lost---sad but
"dems da breaks"

No one has the right to take the life of another (outside of direct self defense) no matter how stupid you are. IMO.

No one ?? I disagree----persons guilty of enacting mass murder should be taken ou by world leaders

Sucks for Bush and Obama.
How has it changed anything? There is already a new "Leader" today. As I've noted, we claim every little bit to have killed the "leader". It's been going on now for almost 20 years and to what end? You really think they will run out of "leaders"?

You don't think the government would lie to you? What did this "leader" do to us?
Ask Karen Mueller's family, a-hole.

We have killed thousands of Karen Mueller's.

You mean like when that asshole Obama bombed Libya when Libya never attacked the US? Maybe like when he escalated the war in Afghanistan?

By the way, if I remember correctly the stupid Moon Bats justified that asshole Obama bombing Libya by claiming it was because Qaddafi had murdered Americans by blowing up Pam Am flight 103.

That shithead that Trump wasted yesterday had also killed Americans.

If you weren't afflicted with TDS you would see the hypocrisy.

Khadaffy-duck PROUDLY supported and enacted international terrorism. The president of the USA is a WORLD LEADER and justified in addressing the fact of international terrorism

That asshole Obama did not bomb Libya as payback to Quaddafi for terrorism a couple of decades earlier. He bombed Libya to protect oil interest of the Europeans. They talked him into doing it and he did it.

To protect the interest of Wall Street and the dollar.
Ask Karen Mueller's family, a-hole.

We have killed thousands of Karen Mueller's.

You mean like when that asshole Obama bombed Libya when Libya never attacked the US? Maybe like when he escalated the war in Afghanistan?

Exactly like that.

By the way, if I remember correctly the stupid Moon Bats justified that asshole Obama bombing Libya by claiming it was because Qaddafi had murdered Americans by blowing up Pam Am flight 103.

That shithead that Trump wasted yesterday had also killed Americans.

If you weren't afflicted with TDS you would see the hypocrisy.

I see the hypocrisy....all over the place.

I am sorry to inform you but I am a real Conservative that believes in non interventionism. For instance, I was against the invasion of Iraq when Bush did it and most the Democrats supported it. Unlike you Moon Bats that justify interventionism when the filthy Democrats do and condemn interventionism when the Republicans do it.

Bite me. Address what I say, not your boogeymen.

I am just pointing out Moon Bat hypocrisy like I see every day on this forum. If you don't like to see your hypocrisy exposed then put me on ignore so you don't have to read it.

This country has been on a path of interventionism for many decades. It has been done by both Democrats and Republicans. It is wrong no matter who does it.

I am a Conservative but I condemn it when Republicans do it but I never see the Moon Bats condemn the Democrats. Just like I condemn the Republicans for fiscal irresponsibility but never see the Moon Bats condemn the Democrats for doing it.
You mean like when that asshole Obama bombed Libya when Libya never attacked the US? Maybe like when he escalated the war in Afghanistan?

By the way, if I remember correctly the stupid Moon Bats justified that asshole Obama bombing Libya by claiming it was because Qaddafi had murdered Americans by blowing up Pam Am flight 103.

That shithead that Trump wasted yesterday had also killed Americans.

If you weren't afflicted with TDS you would see the hypocrisy.

Khadaffy-duck PROUDLY supported and enacted international terrorism. The president of the USA is a WORLD LEADER and justified in addressing the fact of international terrorism

That asshole Obama did not bomb Libya as payback to Quaddafi for terrorism a couple of decades earlier. He bombed Libya to protect oil interest of the Europeans. They talked him into doing it and he did it.

really? "DECADES EARLIER"? when did he give up supporting international terrorism? Can you name the people wh "TALKED OBAMA" into it? Did the ploy
work? It seems to me that Libya is still
a shariah shit hole doing whatever shariah shit holes do

That asshole Obama did not attack Libya to revenge the downing of Pam Am flight 103 or any other terrorist activity. He did it because the civil war turmoil in Libya was affecting the oil supply to Europe and the Europeans talked Obama into using American assets to bomb Qaddafi. However, like most stupid foreign interventions it did not work out like that asshole Obama thought it would.

DA EUROPEANS DONE IT------I consider your comment a libel-----you got some basis for your "DA EUROPEANS DONE IT"?

The civil war in Libya threaten the oil supply to Europe and Obama was their Huckleberry.

How NATO Pushed the U.S. Into the Libya Fiasco

How NATO Pushed the U.S. Into the Libya Fiasco

Obama officials reveal how relentlessly our 'allies' lobbied for this ill-advised regime change war.

But the 2011 NATO intervention in Libya is a reminder that even Washington’s long-time allies like France and Britain can create the same danger. In their memoirs, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates reveal (at times perhaps unintentionally) how those nations prodded the reluctant Obama administration into taking such a fateful step in Libya. Clinton herself was favorable to “humanitarian” military missions, while Gates was openly hostile, yet their accounts track closely, confirming how much of an impact allied lobbying had on American decision-making.
We have killed thousands of Karen Mueller's.

You mean like when that asshole Obama bombed Libya when Libya never attacked the US? Maybe like when he escalated the war in Afghanistan?

Exactly like that.

By the way, if I remember correctly the stupid Moon Bats justified that asshole Obama bombing Libya by claiming it was because Qaddafi had murdered Americans by blowing up Pam Am flight 103.

That shithead that Trump wasted yesterday had also killed Americans.

If you weren't afflicted with TDS you would see the hypocrisy.

I see the hypocrisy....all over the place.

I am sorry to inform you but I am a real Conservative that believes in non interventionism. For instance, I was against the invasion of Iraq when Bush did it and most the Democrats supported it. Unlike you Moon Bats that justify interventionism when the filthy Democrats do and condemn interventionism when the Republicans do it.

Bite me. Address what I say, not your boogeymen.

I am just pointing out Moon Bat hypocrisy like I see every day on this forum. If you don't like to see your hypocrisy exposed then put me on ignore so you don't have to read it.

As of right now, you are the only hypocrite I see.

This country has been on a path of interventionism for many decades. It has been done by both Democrats and Republicans. It is wrong no matter who does it.

I am a Conservative but I condemn it when Republicans do it but I never see the Moon Bats condemn the Democrats. Just like I condemn the Republicans for fiscal irresponsibility but never see the Moon Bats condemn the Democrats for doing it.

"The moon bats" has nothing to do with anything I've said. For whatever reason you are unable to address what I've said and have to chase your boogeymen down a rabbit hole.
Godwin.....when you have no legitimate rebuttal.
Rebuttal to what? Your asinine opinion that we have no business hunting down and killing the most heinous depraved killer on the planet?
That sort of morally bankrupt idiocy doesn't deserve the dignity of a civil reply. That would be legitimizing your absurd amoral stance.
Are you actually stupid and deluded enough to try and dismiss ISIS as the equivalent of mythical creatures designed to frighten children into behaving properly?

That's stunningly stupid and it marks you as a fool. Have you seen their resume I included?
Al Bagdadi and his collection of butchers are real and evil. Wake up asshole.
Are you actually stupid and deluded enough to try and dismiss ISIS as the equivalent of mythical creatures designed to frighten children into behaving properly?


That's stunningly stupid and it marks you as a fool. Have you seen their resume I included?
Al Bagdadi and his collection of butchers are real and evil. Wake up asshole.

Did you believe the Jessica Lynch story also? Did you believe Saddam was building nuclear weapons?
Then you aren't smart enough to be trusted around sharp objects.

Did you believe the Jessica Lynch story also? Did you believe Saddam was building nuclear weapons?
Do you think Human Rights Watch is lying to you? Do you think you are in a television program where everything is set up to fool and trick you for some reason?

Here is how it works. I asked you a question. You answer it. You can then ask a question in return.

If you insist on avoiding every question I ask don't expect answers in return.

Now, any answers to my questions?
Here is how it works. I asked you a question. You answer it. You can then ask a question in return.

If you insist on avoiding every question I ask don't expect answers in return.

Now, any answers to my questions?
No. Not a one. You've cherry picked out two examples (one of which seems to be a lie) designed to lead to the conclusion that everything is a lie or
manufactured in order to fool poor dimwits into a certain course of action.

It's simplistic paranoid blather. Fuck off now.
Germany declared war on us. Syria, Iraq, Lybia, Yemen has not. Even though they most certainly would be justified in doing so.
So when you were in the war, you got shot multiple times in your frontal cortex?

Seems so.

Right, typical. As opposed to answering my questions and points, make it about me.
Anyone that thinks Yemen or anyone else has the right to launch a terrorist attack puts them (in this case YOU) beyond the pale of Reasonable Discussion.

You are nothing more than an ignorant buffoon, to which there is no point in trying to compose a reasoned response as it would only be gibberish to you..
Are you actually stupid and deluded enough to try and dismiss ISIS as the equivalent of mythical creatures designed to frighten children into behaving properly?


That's stunningly stupid and it marks you as a fool. Have you seen their resume I included?
Al Bagdadi and his collection of butchers are real and evil. Wake up asshole.

Did you believe the Jessica Lynch story also? Did you believe Saddam was building nuclear weapons?

Operation Opera. Good gawd you're clueless
Here is how it works. I asked you a question. You answer it. You can then ask a question in return.

If you insist on avoiding every question I ask don't expect answers in return.

Now, any answers to my questions?
No. Not a one. You've cherry picked out two examples (one of which seems to be a lie) designed to lead to the conclusion that everything is a lie or
manufactured in order to fool poor dimwits into a certain course of action.

It's simplistic paranoid blather. Fuck off now.

How do you determine what is a lie and what isn't?

I can also provide many more many do you need?

ISIS Leader Al-Baghdadi Reported Dead — for at Least the 7th Time in 12 Years
They recruit by their fake bravado and false machismo and it’s imperative to display their cowardice to help STOP ISIS recruitment, you simple simple simple Leftist fucks.
Germany declared war on us. Syria, Iraq, Lybia, Yemen has not. Even though they most certainly would be justified in doing so.
So when you were in the war, you got shot multiple times in your frontal cortex?

Seems so.

Right, typical. As opposed to answering my questions and points, make it about me.
Anyone that thinks Yemen or anyone else has the right to launch a terrorist attack puts them (in this case YOU) beyond the pale of Reasonable Discussion.

You are nothing more than an ignorant buffoon, to which there is no point in trying to compose a reasoned response as it would only be gibberish to you..

How is defending your country a terrorist attack?

Now you want an example of a terrorist attack.

US DID bomb Doctors Without Borders hospital in Afghanistan | Daily Mail Online

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