Al Franken takes dummy Ted Cruz to School

Conservatism as a Mental Illness
Republican pols have recently exhibited 10 telltale signs of mental illness.
Published on June 12, 2012 by Barry X. Kuhle, Ph.D. in Evolutionary Entertainment

In Creationism as a Mental Illness, Robert Rowland Smith argues that creationists exhibit several signs of mental illness including denial, psychosis, and inability to grasp irony.

The specter of mental illness does indeed loom large over creationists, but they are not alone. Signs of psychopathology can also be seen among their political bedfellows, conservative politicians, especially when you consider a wide range of illness indicators. In his award-winning 2005 book, Dr. James Whitney Hicks discusses 50 signs of mental illness including denial, delusion, hallucination, disordered thinking, anger, anti-social behavior, sexual preoccupation, grandiosity, general oddness, and paranoia. Now I'm no clinician, but in my (admittedly biased brown) eyes it seems that prominent Republicans have evidenced each of these ten telltale signs of mental illness over the past year:

1) Denial: humans did not evolve; Obama is not a native-born American Christian
2) Delusion: climate is not changing
3) Hallucination: God ordained me to be President
4) Disordered Thinking: being for small government that's huge in the bedroom; being anti-contraception and anti-abortion
5) Anger: Newt Gingrich’s perpetual scowl
6) Anti-social Behavior: toward women, gays, minorities, anyone without an umbilical cord or trust fund
7) Sexual Preoccupation: a fervent compulsion to control when we can mate, with whom we can mate, and precisely how we are allowed to mate (which I lampoon in Why Do Politicians Want to Police Dick and Jane's Private Parts?)
8) Grandiosity: even Rick Santorum recognizes Gingrich’s “over the moon” grandiosity
9) General Oddness: Ron Paul
10) Paranoia: pretty much all of them, all of the time
Even (the not necessarily dumb) Pope Francis appears to recognize that “it is a serious illness, this of ideological [conservative] Christians. It is an illness, but it is not new, eh?”
Until Jon Huntsman becomes the sane voice of his insane party, maybe "Republican Syndrome" should be added to the DSM-V so that crazy conservative pols can receive the mental health treatment they need. I bet "Obamacare" would even cover it.


I guess I'll never tire of watching the Left cry about 'evolution', even as their every 'feeling' results in the devolution of human reasoning.

LOL! You can NOT make this crap up.
odd! it's the right that does not use reason or logic.
true! no one person made this up it was taken from observation of the right.

So you're lamenting fatally flawed reasoning, through the advancement of vacuous conjecture?


Again, folks... IF I had predicted that the above contributor was prone to such foolishness, how loud would she have screamed in the course of denying it?

besides being completely wrong in your erroneous speculation on my post.
you fucked up even harder by assuming I'm female...
thus proving my point : the right does not use reason or logic.

Is that supposed to be some sort of denial or evidence of something negative regarding Cruz?

It is a fact that the Ideological Left is second ONLY TO DISEASE in the taking of human life.

For Pete's sake, the Left is threatening the lives of CHILDREN who post up their hunting photos... it is a mathematical certainty that they're going to threaten the lives of their more effective opposition. It's GOT TO HAPPEN... it cannot, NOT HAPPEN.

So, what was your point in posting that?
oh shit! another anti choice fetuses are people too just outed himself as having faulty circuitry..
the only poster denying any thing is you is.
what would you know about analytical thinking or critical thinking ?

Critical Thinking is the process of analyzing and evaluating information to reach an answer or conclusion. It is the ability to analyze facts generate and organize ideas, defend opinions, make comparisons, draw inferences, evaluate arguments and solve problems.
Analytical Thinking is when you habitually use analysis in your thinking process. It follows a scientific approach.

The whole segment was their opinion. They didn't present facts to analyze. If they had been libertarian and expressed views I agreed with, I would say they are right, but I still wouldn't call it analysis since they didn't analyze anything, they just expressed views I agreed with. That's all Tingle Boy did, express opinions you agreed with. You'd know that if you knew what critical thinking is.

your posts show no indication of either .
they do however overflow with fascist dogma..

LOL, I'm a fascist libertarian. You really don't know what words mean...
wow! two total bullshit rationalizations in one post .

Fascist Libertarianism For a Better World The Right Stuff
yep you are!

Wow, the opinion of a left wing blogger who is like you swimming in kool-aid, knows nothing about economics and apparently doesn't own a dictionary to look up words he doesn't know before he uses them. That is compelling, thanks!

total bullshit rationalizations


It was a statement of FACT.
false! is was a rationalization based on bias and willful ignorance.
the only fact presented is your denial that it is rationalizing.

Tell the truth, you masturbated through that whole thing, didn't you? The actual Cruz quotes didn't support any of their hate filled leftist drivel.
you have a rich fantasy life.
false it's more than enough evidence to show his bad wiring.

It was all their ranting opinions. They just showed random clips that would convince no one with a critical mind of anything pro or con. They just get kool-aid chuggers sexually excited. You know, you.
what would you know about analytical thinking or critical thinking ?

Critical Thinking is the process of analyzing and evaluating information to reach an answer or conclusion. It is the ability to analyze facts generate and organize ideas, defend opinions, make comparisons, draw inferences, evaluate arguments and solve problems.
Analytical Thinking is when you habitually use analysis in your thinking process. It follows a scientific approach.

your posts show no indication of either .
they do however overflow with fascist dogma..

OH GOODY! A citation of the formal concepts.

Now daws, as an advocate of critical and analytical thinking, please take a moment to produce an example of such having been advanced in support of the Ideological Left's perspective, from the record of this discussion. Using your citations, break down the relevant example to identify the specific elements of those respective traits

Naturally, your failure to do so will be YOUR concession to ME, that you're an imbecile.

OK! Fingers are crossed..., READY?




golly! setting erroneous conditions is so fuckin typical of pseudoeducated pseudo intellectuals !
Franken's a Fuck.

Despite Franken's long history in the entertainment industry, you don't see him hogging the spotlight, do you? He's not out there running to the cameras to get attention. In fact, you hardly ever see him. Know why? It's because he's doing the work. A lot of what's involved (or what's supposed to BE involved) with being a representative or a Senator is immersing yourself in the issues. That means reading and educating yourself. That means briefing books, and reports, and numbers, and summaries of reports which include evidence, and numbers, and comparisons, and cost-benefit analyses. It's pretty dry and boring stuff.

Meanwhile, men like Cruz, who just so happens to be one of the new darlings of the right, run around making noise and trying to get attention like a stripper with a new boob job. Cruz is like the Dennis Rodman of the Senate.

"Meanwhile, men like Cruz, who just so happens to be one of the new darlings of the right, run around making noise and trying to get attention like a stripper with a new boob job. Cruz is like the Dennis Rodman of the Senate."

Prominent Harvard Prof. Alan Dershowitz’s Comments About Ted Cruz Could Help His 2016 Chances

Apr. 7, 2014 11:03am

Prominent Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz offered words of praise for former student Ted Cruz in a new interview with the Philadelphia Inquirer:

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas): “Off-the-charts brilliant. And you know, liberals make the terrible mistake, including some of my friends and colleagues, of thinking that all conservatives are dumb.

And I think one of the reasons that conservatives have been beating liberals in the courts and in public debates is because we underestimate them.

Never underestimate Ted Cruz.

He is off-the-chart brilliant. I don’t agree with his politics.”

But the retiring Dershowitz couldn’t similarly evaluate another Harvard Law alumnus:

There was also the Harvard Law student who couldn’t get into a Dershowitz class despite multiple attempts: Barack Obama.

“Twice because the computer kept him out,” Dershowitz said. “It wasn’t my fault.”

(H/T: Weasel Zippers)​

Prominent Harvard Prof. Alan Dershowitz 8217 s Comments About Ted Cruz Could Help His 2016 Chances

Mustang, you are known by the silly comments you make and the disreputable company you keep.


Thank You! x 1

no the blasé is not bias at all :
We believe Americans seek information, truth, and empowerment.
We believe Americans want to put principles above politics.
We believe that America was built on hard work, and that capitalism has lifted more people out of squalor, sickness, and slavery than any other system.
As a company we strive to do as Jefferson said: Question with boldness, hold to the truth, and speak without fear.
We do not color in the lines, nor play by the rules established by either of the parties or by the media that has empowered them with distortion.
We never treat our viewers or readers like idiots. We respect their desire to be informed so they can be useful and effective citizens.
We are not interested in left and right. We seek answers to right and wrong.
We are more than a media company. We are a community, a gathering place, and a source for inspiration & education. Our goal is to educate, empower, engage and entertain.
The Blaze is a verb. We are action. We are restoration.
We are proud to be Americans. We believe hard work is the foundation of a great country and a great company. We are driven by our values: faith, family, ingenuity, respect, and truth.
As a country and a company we recognize that we will get it wrong from time to time, but we’ll boldly correct our mistakes, learn from them, and come back stronger.
We answer to God and you. We ask for your feedback, your ideas, and your questions. Only through mutual respect and dialogue can we grow and build for the future.
Laus Deo

Yeah.... Just as obama is holding to Reagan's principles.

LOL! Hysterical.
The whole segment was their opinion. They didn't present facts to analyze. If they had been libertarian and expressed views I agreed with, I would say they are right, but I still wouldn't call it analysis since they didn't analyze anything, they just expressed views I agreed with. That's all Tingle Boy did, express opinions you agreed with. You'd know that if you knew what critical thinking is.

LOL, I'm a fascist libertarian. You really don't know what words mean...
wow! two total bullshit rationalizations in one post .

Fascist Libertarianism For a Better World The Right Stuff
yep you are!

Wow, the opinion of a left wing blogger who is like you swimming in kool-aid, knows nothing about economics and apparently doesn't own a dictionary to look up words he doesn't know before he uses them. That is compelling, thanks!

total bullshit rationalizations


It was a statement of FACT.
false! is was a rationalization based on bias and willful ignorance.
the only fact presented is your denial that it is rationalizing.


SO fact is ignorantly biased?
Franken's a Fuck.

Despite Franken's long history in the entertainment industry, you don't see him hogging the spotlight, do you? He's not out there running to the cameras to get attention. In fact, you hardly ever see him. Know why? It's because he's doing the work. A lot of what's involved (or what's supposed to BE involved) with being a representative or a Senator is immersing yourself in the issues. That means reading and educating yourself. That means briefing books, and reports, and numbers, and summaries of reports which include evidence, and numbers, and comparisons, and cost-benefit analyses. It's pretty dry and boring stuff.

Meanwhile, men like Cruz, who just so happens to be one of the new darlings of the right, run around making noise and trying to get attention like a stripper with a new boob job. Cruz is like the Dennis Rodman of the Senate.

"Meanwhile, men like Cruz, who just so happens to be one of the new darlings of the right, run around making noise and trying to get attention like a stripper with a new boob job. Cruz is like the Dennis Rodman of the Senate."

Prominent Harvard Prof. Alan Dershowitz’s Comments About Ted Cruz Could Help His 2016 Chances

Apr. 7, 2014 11:03am

Prominent Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz offered words of praise for former student Ted Cruz in a new interview with the Philadelphia Inquirer:

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas): “Off-the-charts brilliant. And you know, liberals make the terrible mistake, including some of my friends and colleagues, of thinking that all conservatives are dumb.

And I think one of the reasons that conservatives have been beating liberals in the courts and in public debates is because we underestimate them.

Never underestimate Ted Cruz.

He is off-the-chart brilliant. I don’t agree with his politics.”

But the retiring Dershowitz couldn’t similarly evaluate another Harvard Law alumnus:

There was also the Harvard Law student who couldn’t get into a Dershowitz class despite multiple attempts: Barack Obama.

“Twice because the computer kept him out,” Dershowitz said. “It wasn’t my fault.”

(H/T: Weasel Zippers)​

Prominent Harvard Prof. Alan Dershowitz 8217 s Comments About Ted Cruz Could Help His 2016 Chances

Mustang, you are known by the silly comments you make and the disreputable company you keep.


Thank You! x 1

no the blasé is not bias at all :
We believe Americans seek information, truth, and empowerment.
We believe Americans want to put principles above politics.
We believe that America was built on hard work, and that capitalism has lifted more people out of squalor, sickness, and slavery than any other system.
As a company we strive to do as Jefferson said: Question with boldness, hold to the truth, and speak without fear.
We do not color in the lines, nor play by the rules established by either of the parties or by the media that has empowered them with distortion.
We never treat our viewers or readers like idiots. We respect their desire to be informed so they can be useful and effective citizens.
We are not interested in left and right. We seek answers to right and wrong.
We are more than a media company. We are a community, a gathering place, and a source for inspiration & education. Our goal is to educate, empower, engage and entertain.
The Blaze is a verb. We are action. We are restoration.
We are proud to be Americans. We believe hard work is the foundation of a great country and a great company. We are driven by our values: faith, family, ingenuity, respect, and truth.
As a country and a company we recognize that we will get it wrong from time to time, but we’ll boldly correct our mistakes, learn from them, and come back stronger.
We answer to God and you. We ask for your feedback, your ideas, and your questions. Only through mutual respect and dialogue can we grow and build for the future.
Laus Deo

Yeah.... Just as obama is holding to Reagan's principles.

LOL! Hysterical.
yeah it is! since your answer has jack shit to do with what I posted.
wow! two total bullshit rationalizations in one post .

Fascist Libertarianism For a Better World The Right Stuff
yep you are!

Wow, the opinion of a left wing blogger who is like you swimming in kool-aid, knows nothing about economics and apparently doesn't own a dictionary to look up words he doesn't know before he uses them. That is compelling, thanks!

total bullshit rationalizations


It was a statement of FACT.
false! is was a rationalization based on bias and willful ignorance.
the only fact presented is your denial that it is rationalizing.


SO fact is ignorantly biased?
asked and answered.
Naturally, your failure to so sustain your 'feelings' will be YOUR concession to ME, that you're an imbecile.
golly! setting erroneous conditions is so fuckin typical of pseudoeducated pseudo intellectuals !

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted. Ya did the best you could, bless your little black heart.
love it when assholes like you falsely assume ..
does prove my point though
setting erroneous conditions is so fuckin typical of pseudoeducated pseudo intellectuals ![/QUOTE]
Franken's a Fuck.

Despite Franken's long history in the entertainment industry, you don't see him hogging the spotlight, do you? He's not out there running to the cameras to get attention. In fact, you hardly ever see him. Know why? It's because he's doing the work. A lot of what's involved (or what's supposed to BE involved) with being a representative or a Senator is immersing yourself in the issues. That means reading and educating yourself. That means briefing books, and reports, and numbers, and summaries of reports which include evidence, and numbers, and comparisons, and cost-benefit analyses. It's pretty dry and boring stuff.

Meanwhile, men like Cruz, who just so happens to be one of the new darlings of the right, run around making noise and trying to get attention like a stripper with a new boob job. Cruz is like the Dennis Rodman of the Senate.

"Meanwhile, men like Cruz, who just so happens to be one of the new darlings of the right, run around making noise and trying to get attention like a stripper with a new boob job. Cruz is like the Dennis Rodman of the Senate."

Prominent Harvard Prof. Alan Dershowitz’s Comments About Ted Cruz Could Help His 2016 Chances

Apr. 7, 2014 11:03am

Prominent Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz offered words of praise for former student Ted Cruz in a new interview with the Philadelphia Inquirer:

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas): “Off-the-charts brilliant. And you know, liberals make the terrible mistake, including some of my friends and colleagues, of thinking that all conservatives are dumb.

And I think one of the reasons that conservatives have been beating liberals in the courts and in public debates is because we underestimate them.

Never underestimate Ted Cruz.

He is off-the-chart brilliant. I don’t agree with his politics.”

But the retiring Dershowitz couldn’t similarly evaluate another Harvard Law alumnus:

There was also the Harvard Law student who couldn’t get into a Dershowitz class despite multiple attempts: Barack Obama.

“Twice because the computer kept him out,” Dershowitz said. “It wasn’t my fault.”

(H/T: Weasel Zippers)​

Prominent Harvard Prof. Alan Dershowitz 8217 s Comments About Ted Cruz Could Help His 2016 Chances

Mustang, you are known by the silly comments you make and the disreputable company you keep.


Thank You! x 1

no the blasé is not bias at all :
We believe Americans seek information, truth, and empowerment.
We believe Americans want to put principles above politics.
We believe that America was built on hard work, and that capitalism has lifted more people out of squalor, sickness, and slavery than any other system.
As a company we strive to do as Jefferson said: Question with boldness, hold to the truth, and speak without fear.
We do not color in the lines, nor play by the rules established by either of the parties or by the media that has empowered them with distortion.
We never treat our viewers or readers like idiots. We respect their desire to be informed so they can be useful and effective citizens.
We are not interested in left and right. We seek answers to right and wrong.
We are more than a media company. We are a community, a gathering place, and a source for inspiration & education. Our goal is to educate, empower, engage and entertain.
The Blaze is a verb. We are action. We are restoration.
We are proud to be Americans. We believe hard work is the foundation of a great country and a great company. We are driven by our values: faith, family, ingenuity, respect, and truth.
As a country and a company we recognize that we will get it wrong from time to time, but we’ll boldly correct our mistakes, learn from them, and come back stronger.
We answer to God and you. We ask for your feedback, your ideas, and your questions. Only through mutual respect and dialogue can we grow and build for the future.
Laus Deo

Yeah.... Just as obama is holding to Reagan's principles.

LOL! Hysterical.
yeah it is! since your answer has jack shit to do with what I posted.


CONGRATS, Given the evidence YOU've provided and using your own stated reasoning, you MUST be a Republican!
Naturally, your failure to so sustain your 'feelings' will be YOUR concession to ME, that you're an imbecile.
golly! setting erroneous conditions is so fuckin typical of pseudoeducated pseudo intellectuals !

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted. Ya did the best you could, bless your little black heart.
love it when assholes like you falsely assume ..
does prove my point though
setting erroneous conditions is so fuckin typical of pseudoeducated pseudo intellectuals !


Well now, as PRECIOUS as that is... it designates your failure to meet the minimal intellectual requirement for your 'feelings' to qualify for consideration. As a result you're being sentenced to "LIFE IN IGNORE!"

Unfortunately, there is no chance for reconsideration.

But you'll be in good company and please... tell the idiots I said "HEY!", will ya?
. As a result you're being sentenced to "LIFE IN IGNORE!"

Damn dude. Pretty soon you won't have anyone to plaster with your bullshit. We will all be ignored. Circle jerk forever. I got a feeling no one's heart is broken.

What's your point? Do you think that you're presence is necessary?

The exercise here is to debate the issues. If you're not bright enough to do that, you're gone.

Can't be more simple. If that's too complex for ya... well, you know.
It was all their ranting opinions. They just showed random clips that would convince no one with a critical mind of anything pro or con. They just get kool-aid chuggers sexually excited. You know, you.
what would you know about analytical thinking or critical thinking ?

Critical Thinking is the process of analyzing and evaluating information to reach an answer or conclusion. It is the ability to analyze facts generate and organize ideas, defend opinions, make comparisons, draw inferences, evaluate arguments and solve problems.
Analytical Thinking is when you habitually use analysis in your thinking process. It follows a scientific approach.

The whole segment was their opinion. They didn't present facts to analyze. If they had been libertarian and expressed views I agreed with, I would say they are right, but I still wouldn't call it analysis since they didn't analyze anything, they just expressed views I agreed with. That's all Tingle Boy did, express opinions you agreed with. You'd know that if you knew what critical thinking is.

your posts show no indication of either .
they do however overflow with fascist dogma..

LOL, I'm a fascist libertarian. You really don't know what words mean...
wow! two total bullshit rationalizations in one post .

Fascist Libertarianism For a Better World The Right Stuff
yep you are!

Wow, the opinion of a left wing blogger who is like you swimming in kool-aid, knows nothing about economics and apparently doesn't own a dictionary to look up words he doesn't know before he uses them. That is compelling, thanks!

total bullshit rationalizations

LOL, funny how you love that word even though you don't know what it means.
What's your point? Do you think that you're presence is necessary?

The exercise here is to debate the issues. If you're not bright enough to do that, you're gone.

Can't be more simple. If that's too complex for ya... well, you know

You are fucking nuts. The purpose here is to trade insults and putdowns.
Debate the issues....with the likes of gotta be fucking kidding me.
What is with you right wing whack jobs thinking this is a debate forum? Fucking watch a real debate sometime and learn the difference.

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