Al Gore compares ‘climate deniers’ to Uvalde police officers

The hypocrite Gore can piss off.
My footprint is 1/100th of that elitist prick.

But there are a million times more of you than there are of him.

Frankly, I think all these celebrities DO need to lead by example. Which means flying coach instead of by private jet. But end of the day, we all need to do our part.
If The major cause is that big yellow ball 94.4 million miles away, what are we supposed to do about it? Build the earth a parasol?

How about do things that might mitigate the damage caused by the warming planet.

In my area the rain patterns have changed just in the 12 years we have lived here. We still get about the same amount of rain but now it comes in less often but when it rains it rains harder and longer. This is not good for farming as they need a steady supply of water for crops and too much at one time is bad. Thus local farmers have had to add irrigation and tiling to compensate for said changes. This will allow them to keep growing grains here for a longer period of time.

Or they could be like you sheep and just fight over what the cause is and not do a damn thing to try and deal with it.
When Al Bore gets his carbon footprint down to less than mine I might listen to what he as to say about climate

Not me.

Even if he does achieve that, he's still a lying corrupt piece of shit, who shouldn't ever be taken seriously on any topic.
No, they didn't do anything because they were FUCKING COWARDS unfit for their posts.

You mean small town cops had no idea how to deal with a mass shooter?

Hey, here's a crazy idea... let's make it harder for people to get enough weaponry to become mass shooters!

Most of us are smart enough not to fall for that bullshit.

But you think Magic Underwear is totally real.

Here's the thing. I'm 60. I really don't need to hear from 95% of climatologists that the world is getting warmer. I can just look at what winters were like in Chicago when I was a kid (absolutely brutal) compared to what they are like today.


the Winter of 79. Brutal.
No, they didn't do anything because they were FUCKING COWARDS unfit for their posts.
You mean small town cops had no idea how to deal with a mass shooter?

They knew what they needed to do.

I'm not even trained, specifically, in that kind of work, but in that situation, if it was my job, I would have known what do to.

They were just too fucking cowardly and malfeasant to do their jobs.

And because of their cowardice and malfeasance, several children were murdered who they could have saved, who it was their job to save.
They knew what they needed to do.

I'm not even trained, specifically, in that kind of work, but in that situation, if it was my job, I would have known what do to.

Um, yeah, everyone not facing that situation will always tell you how brave they are...
Most of us are smart enough not to fall for that bullshit.

No, most of you are dumb enough to fall for the right wingers bullshit. Climate change is now costing your economy $100 billion per year lost in flooding, wild fires, and property losses. That number is rising every year that the USA chooses to do NOTHING.

You can't even keep your power on in Texas or California, in the summer or the winter and your utility companies refuse to spend money to upgrade because it cuts into their profits. The USA keeps putting corporations and profits before people. It's not going well for you.

A country is not it's jobs or it's economy, it's your people, and the first order for government is to protect PEOPLE. Americans wanted to protect the economy ahead of their people when covid hit, and over a million PEOPLE died.

My country put our PEOPLE first, and have 1/3 of the disease or death that you had, and our economy did better than yours through the pandemic, as a result.

Americans have lost sight of the importance of the American PEOPLE.
They knew what they needed to do.

I'm not even trained, specifically, in that kind of work, but in that situation, if it was my job, I would have known what do to.

They were just too fucking cowardly and malfeasant to do their jobs.

And because of their cowardice and malfeasance, several children were murdered who they could have saved, who it was their job to save.

There is absolutely no legal requirement for police officers to risk their own lives or to run into gunfire, in the line of duty. And while I cannot imagine how those men could have stood in that hallway, hearing the screams of the children, and done nothing, there is no legal requirement that they go in.

But instead of blaming the availability of weapons of mass death for the perfectly reasonable fear the police had of a suspect so armed, you blame the cops for being "cowards" and falsely claim you would have run into the classroom and gotten yourself killed.

Anything to keep from admitting that you've managed to turn you nation into a shooting gallery for disaffected, angry young white males.
There is absolutely no legal requirement for police officers to risk their own lives or to run into gunfire, in the line of duty. And while I cannot imagine how those men could have stood in that hallway, hearing the screams of the children, and done nothing, there is no legal requirement that they go in.

But instead of blaming the availability of weapons of mass death for the perfectly reasonable fear the police had of a suspect so armed, you blame the cops for being "cowards" and falsely claim you would have run into the classroom and gotten yourself killed.

Anything to keep from admitting that you've managed to turn you nation into a shooting gallery for disaffected, angry young white males.

You keep using "your nation", why don't you worry about your own nation, you old crow?

You're not convincing anyone
Mean temperatures are rising on every planet in the Solar System, putting the lie to the meme that man is causing it or can do anything about it. It's the SUN, people.

Quiet you!

The left doesn't cotton to all that science - you'll upset them....

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