Al Gore

The pompous idiot not only invented the internet, and save the planet from global warming, but now he just might have pevented a violent revolution. This guy is too much

Al Gore: I Prevented Violent Revolution In America | Independent Journal Review

ahoy HomeInspect,

i read yer link, me hearty.

former VPOTUS Gore is probably correct in his observation, though he might've been a bit hyperbolic thar. the gist 'o what he said though be pretty spot on.

- MeadHallPirate
The pompous idiot not only invented the internet, and save the planet from global warming, but now he just might have pevented a violent revolution. This guy is too much

Al Gore: I Prevented Violent Revolution In America | Independent Journal Review

ahoy HomeInspect,

i read yer link, me hearty.

former VPOTUS Gore is probably correct in his observation, though he might've been a bit hyperbolic thar. the gist 'o what he said though be pretty spot on.

- MeadHallPirate

So you actually believe that there would have been a violent revolution had Gore challenged and fought the courts ruling? well OOOOOOH Kay.. then...

Gore thinks way too much of himself, and has done of the things he claims.
I think that Al Gore has achieved the best possible revenge for a stolen election. He took an inheritance of a modest fortune, and by wise investing in the hitech market, when that market was on a downer, made it into a large fortune.

Vice President Gore took a problem scientists were pointing out, put the problem into layman's language and achieved a world wide audience for his explanation of the problem. And the 'Conservatives' continue to froth at the mouth at the mere mention of his name. And he continues to increase his wealth, bask in the worldwide respect he has achieved, and act as if their neener-neener act doesn't mean a thing to him.
How is it that Al Gore still annoys right wing morons? Is there nothing else you fools can think about? And to prove just how dumb and stupid the winguts are they repeat the same myths over and over again like a retarded child. You guys need a life. Al Gore Invented the Internet

How is it that left wing morons belive anything this pompous fool says... stay loyal my sheep..
The pompous idiot not only invented the internet, and save the planet from global warming, but now he just might have pevented a violent revolution. This guy is too much

Al Gore: I Prevented Violent Revolution In America | Independent Journal Review

He never said he invented the internet.

He said he took the intiative in creating the internet... his exact words

[ame=]Inventing the Internet - YouTube[/ame]
The pompous idiot not only invented the internet, and save the planet from global warming, but now he just might have pevented a violent revolution. This guy is too much

Al Gore: I Prevented Violent Revolution In America | Independent Journal Review

He never said he invented the internet.

He said he took the intiative in creating the internet... his exact words

[ame=]Inventing the Internet - YouTube[/ame]

He did sponsor the bill that helped create the internet.
He never said he invented the internet.

He said he took the intiative in creating the internet... his exact words

[ame=]Inventing the Internet - YouTube[/ame]

He did sponsor the bill that helped create the internet.

Correct. Sponsoring a bill is a pretty darn far reach from taking the initiative to create something. SNOPES, the left wing hack site, that defends this kind of stuff, calls it a clumsy choice of words. Just like Obama being loyal to his Muslim faith is a clumsy choice of words?
He said he took the intiative in creating the internet... his exact words

Inventing the Internet - YouTube

He did sponsor the bill that helped create the internet.

Correct. Sponsoring a bill is a pretty darn far reach from taking the initiative to create something. SNOPES, the left wing hack site, that defends this kind of stuff, calls it a clumsy choice of words. Just like Obama being loyal to his Muslim faith is a clumsy choice of words?

Unless Gore was a lead programmer, he did not create the internet.
He said he took the intiative in creating the internet... his exact words

Inventing the Internet - YouTube

He did sponsor the bill that helped create the internet.

Correct. Sponsoring a bill is a pretty darn far reach from taking the initiative to create something. SNOPES, the left wing hack site, that defends this kind of stuff, calls it a clumsy choice of words. Just like Obama being loyal to his Muslim faith is a clumsy choice of words?

Initiatives are the first writings of a bill, but he could have put the word help in there...
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Al Gore and the Internet -

Mr. Gore had been instrumental in introducing legislation, beginning in 1988, to finance what he originally called a “national data highway.”

“Our corporations are not taking advantage of high-performance computing to enhance their productivity,” Mr. Gore, then a senator, said in an interview at the time. “With greater access to supercomputers, virtually every business in America could achieve tremendous gains.”

Ultimately, in 1991, his bill to create a National Research and Education Network did pass. Funded by the National Science Foundation, it was instrumental in upgrading the speed of the academic and scientific network backbone leading up to the commercialized Internet.

“He is a hero in this field,” said Lawrence H. Landweber, a computer scientist at the University of Wisconsin who in 1980 made the pioneering decision to use the basic TCP/IP Internet protocol for CSNET, an academic network that preceded NSFnet and laid the foundation for “internetworking.”
Al Gore played a key role in making the network available for nonmilitary use. One year after the Pentagon separated the military and civilian parts of the network, Gore supported initiatives to build new “wide area networks” (WAN). To speed this process, in 1986 Gore authored the Supercomputer Network Act, which funded research to expand connections between universities and research facilities using high-capacity fiber-optic cables. In 1988 the Pentagon announced it would phase out ARPANET by 1990, prompting universities, industry, and other civilian users to expand the nonmilitary network. At the urging of these groups, Gore authored legislation allocating federal funds to connect 1,000 academic and other civilian networks to form an “information superhighway.” This evolved into the National High-Performance Computing and Communications Act, a $1.7 billion project linking universities, libraries, government facilities, and industrial labs in a common network. The NHPCCA— otherwise known as the “Gore Bill”— also funded computer scientists who developed Mosaic, the first graphic Web browser.

The 1992 expiration date set for funding raised the question of how to finance further expansion. Again, Gore was instrumental in getting Congress to pass the Information Infrastructure and Technology Act of 1992, which allowed businesses and individuals to use the Internet commercially. Gore understood the broader implications of his policies: rallying support for the NHPCCA in the House of Representatives in 1989, he told committee members, “I genuinely believe that the creation of this nationwide network will create an environment where work stations are common in homes and even small businesses.”

Some years later, Gore’s colleagues and leading computer scientists stepped up to defend his claim that he “took the initiative in creating the Internet.” In September 2000, Newt Gingrich said, “Gore is the person who, in the Congress, most systematically worked to make sure that we got to an Internet.” Meanwhile Vinton Cerf, who played a key role in designing the architecture and protocols of the Internet and is sometimes credited as the “father of the Internet,” recalled that “Al Gore was the first political leader to recognize the im
portance of the Internet and to promote and support its development . . . long before most people were listening.”

Read the full text here: History of the U.S.: Al Gore Really Did "Take the Initiative in Creating the Internet" | Mental Floss
--brought to you by mental_floss!
Algore is a bore.

But if he invented the internet, then I must thank him. I don't have one single book in my office except for the ones which are purchased for our patients to take home. I have the knowledge of the universe at my fingertips. Everything is there, medication monographs, research, case studies. You name it. It's there. No need to break my back carting in books and journals.

I'm not sure what it was, but there was some type of network going back in the 70s, before I had children, and before I went to nursing school. I worked as an admitting clerk in a local hospital and you could communicate via computer with the other hospitals in the same corporation which were in different cities. Usually the screen was blank, but if the cursor started blinking it meant you had a message.
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He did sponsor the bill that helped create the internet.

Correct. Sponsoring a bill is a pretty darn far reach from taking the initiative to create something. SNOPES, the left wing hack site, that defends this kind of stuff, calls it a clumsy choice of words. Just like Obama being loyal to his Muslim faith is a clumsy choice of words?

Initiatives are the first writings of a bill, but he could have put the word help in there...

The Internet was already in use by 1977, the year Gore was elected to Congress.

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