Al Gore's antithesis is a much better speaker.


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Richard Littlemore | Monckton Goes Postal Over RealScience Riposte

30 July 08
Monckton Goes Postal Over RealScience Riposte
Tags: christopher monckton, Christopher Monckton, deltoid, gavin schmidt,, Richard Littlemore, Science, Smogger, SPPI, UK, US
Journalist and failed politician Christopher Walter (the self-celebrating Third Viscount Monckton of Brenchley) has launched a blustering counter-attack on Dr. Gavin Schmidt at RealClimate, attempting to avenge Schmidt's impertinence for picking apart Monckton's amateur science submission to a newsletter of the American Physical Society.

I won't wade into the science: Drs. Schmidt and (Tim) Lambert (at Deltoid ) have done an admirable job of that already. But Monckton's tactics are evident even in the way he sets up his piece.

Monckton writes that Schmidt "has launched a malevolent, scientifically-illiterate, and unscientifically-ad-hominem attack on a publication by me," and the high-road Viscount says that, in rebuttal, he will "replace all comments by him (Schmidt) that are purely ad hominem with “+++”.

So, I checked out the first "+++" in Monckton's hyperventilating counterpoint and found that he had replaced the words: "As Deltoid quickly noticed ..." Now, there's a ferociously and clearly malevolent personal attack, no?

Monckton, he who is above ad-hominem attack, refers to RealClimate throughout his piece as "FalseClimate" and concludes with a "chapter" that asks, "Who funds FalseClimate and the blogs connected to it?" (Google John Lefebvre for an answer as it applies to the DeSmogBlog.) Monckton then goes off on a tangent trying to tie a bunch of respected scientists to an imagined leftist-conspiracy to - well, I can never really figure out what the supposed leftists are actually conspiring to do, other than bring a serious scientific issue to the attention of the public.

But since he brought iup the who-is-paying-for-this-opinion? question, Monckton's own counterpoint appears on the site of the Science and Public Policy Institute, an Exxon-funded climate change denial organization. Just for the record.
Monckton caught making things up. Yet again : Deltoid

Monckton caught making things up. Yet again
Category: Monckton
Posted on: May 5, 2009 3:36 AM, by Tim Lambert

Gavin Schmidt has caught Christopher Monckton in yet another fabrication. Monckton published graphs that purport to show that temperatures and CO2 concentrations haven't followed IPCC projections, but the IPCC projections Monckton plots are fictional. Schmidt graphs the actual projections, and surprise, surprise they give a very different picture.

And in comments there, Igor Samoylenko writes

With his latest shenanigans in the US, Monkton managed to catch the attention of Private Eye (a satirical current affairs magazine in the UK).

In the latest issue 1235, they noted several things (quite apart from his dodgy science).

One is his reference to himself as "a member of the Upper House of the United Kingdom legislature" in a letter to two American senators. He is not of course and never has been. As Private Eye notes: "Since inheriting the title, Christopher has stood at a "by-election" for a hereditary Tory seat in the Lords, following the death of Lord Mowbray and Stourton two years ago. He received precisely zero votes."

The other thing Private Eye notes is his logo, which he is using on his graphs and letters - a portcullis topped with a crown, bearing a striking resemblance to the insignia of the House of Parliament. This is also very dodgy indeed as the official parliamentary guide states very clearly that "the usage of the crowned portcullis was formally authorised by Her Majesty the Queen for the two Houses unambiguously to use the device and thus to regulate its use by the others. The emblem should not be used for purposes to which such authentication is inappropriate, or where there is a risk that its use might wrongly be regarded, or represented as having the authority of the House".

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