Al Jazeera America Is On The Air!

Because it's a very good news station.

Instead of watching another round-table discussion on MSNBC, or instead of watching CNN treat extremists as if they are rational media members, or instead of watching FOXNEWS twist yet another story into anti-Democrat/anti-Obama, I can watch coverage of the wildfires out west, or coverage of David Miranda being held at Heathrow for 9 hours, or any number of other actual news stories happening each day.

I highly recommend you at least stop being a Republican for a bit and open your mind to something besides FOX. :)

I admit to watching "The Five"
(I'm hot for Dana) :eusa_shhh:
But other than that I get my news from here or my email.

AlJazeera, meanwhile, rakes in its money from Qatar - a Sharia Law based government.
No thanks
You'll support any number of corporations, even in the face of evidence of them abusing animals, polluting your children's water/air, cheating their workers, cheating on their taxes, etc.

But you won't watch a news station because of the rule of law they have in a country half a world away.


You're psychic now, too???

I don't support companies I find that have done any of these things.
I also don't support companies that do business with Iran (Seimanns is the first one that comes to mind)

The "rule of law" in their country will, undoubtedly, slant their reporting.
I have enough Lakhotas and Luddlys posting slanted news
Funny, people complain that the media in the US is bias , now you get a chance to watch a network that maybe biased but in a different direction, yet you still complain?
I find it strange that people want to silence a group that may or may not have an opposing view.
I admit to watching "The Five"
(I'm hot for Dana) :eusa_shhh:
But other than that I get my news from here or my email.

AlJazeera, meanwhile, rakes in its money from Qatar - a Sharia Law based government.
No thanks
You'll support any number of corporations, even in the face of evidence of them abusing animals, polluting your children's water/air, cheating their workers, cheating on their taxes, etc.

But you won't watch a news station because of the rule of law they have in a country half a world away.


You're psychic now, too???

I don't support companies I find that have done any of these things.
I also don't support companies that do business with Iran (Seimanns is the first one that comes to mind)

The "rule of law" in their country will, undoubtedly, slant their reporting.
I have enough Lakhotas and Luddlys posting slanted news

Well, you probably buy Smithfield Pork products and Tyson chicken products, as do I.

But I have spent a grand total of $10 at Exxon since the 1989 Valdez spill - $5, twice.

And I have never boycotted Citgo, just because it was owned by Hugo Chavez' government.

The first example is lax regulation and loose definitions. I blame Congress.

The second example is blatant neglect and criminality. I blame Exxon.

The third is just a political issue that appeals to a small segment. Like your Seimans example.

I think you should watch it before you judge it. (novel idea!
I admit to watching "The Five"
(I'm hot for Dana) :eusa_shhh:
But other than that I get my news from here or my email.

AlJazeera, meanwhile, rakes in its money from Qatar - a Sharia Law based government.
No thanks
You'll support any number of corporations, even in the face of evidence of them abusing animals, polluting your children's water/air, cheating their workers, cheating on their taxes, etc.

But you won't watch a news station because of the rule of law they have in a country half a world away.


You're psychic now, too???

I don't support companies I find that have done any of these things.
I also don't support companies that do business with Iran (Seimanns is the first one that comes to mind)

The "rule of law" in their country will, undoubtedly, slant their reporting.
I have enough Lakhotas and Luddlys posting slanted news

Well then, STOP READING!! Stick to reading only those posters with who you agree. That way, you'll never have to think for yourself. Cool, huh?


About Al Jazeera --

TV stinks. Its amazing how bad TV programming is. The "reality" shows are beyond disgusting and its only going to get worse unless TV watchers demand more intellectual programming. (That's NOT "real housewives" or honey boo boo.)

FOXNEWS is half owned by a Saudi prince.

And, the programming is controlled by him. Pretty funny when you consider the big fox fans say they hate "muslins".

I like non-fiction. Documentaries. Especially if I disagree with it.

Those who are saying they hate it even though they haven't watched it, why not take a chance? Step outside your lushbo comfort zone and give Al Jazeera a try?

You can always switch back to fox real quick before any smarts accidentally leak out of the TV.
I think you should watch it before you judge it. (novel idea! )

Eat them peas!!

Ya never know but what you might even like them!

Besides, fair is fair and if progressives have to watch fox, beck, listen to lushbo before deciding they're a cancer on the land, the regressives should hafta do the same.
Is this on a cable channel or Internet?
If cable then I wonder if this will cut into MSNBC's audience.
They can't be happy with this.MSNBC barely has an audience now.
Funny, people complain that the media in the US is bias , now you get a chance to watch a network that maybe biased but in a different direction, yet you still complain?
I find it strange that people want to silence a group that may or may not have an opposing view.

Who has proposed we "silence" them?
Merely saying I/we won't watch it
I think you should watch it before you judge it. (novel idea! )
Eat them peas!!

Ya never know but what you might even like them!

Besides, fair is fair and if progressives have to watch fox, beck, listen to lushbo before deciding they're a cancer on the land, the regressives should hafta do the same.

I hate peas

But I may check out AJU just out of fairness

Below are the 21 claims Stewart referenced in his comedy bit -- two "Lie of the Year" awardees, five Pants on Fires and 14 False ratings.
Oh, well, then, that TOTALLY means AJ didn't lie.

How's that work again? :confused:
It means you've been bitch-slapped again, by your own parameters.
No, it really doesn't. Showing proof that B lied does not mean that A didn't lie.

Can you explain why there was no wound under the bloody shirt?
It's be like watching the BBC, only with familiar CNN/MSNBC/FOXNEWS faces!

They start their first newscast in 5 minutes. Find it where Current TV used to be.

Why is it filthy little turds like you love anything that is anti American?
FOXNEWS is half owned by a Saudi prince.

Dumbass. :lol:
From a source you will immediately and unquestioningly believe:

Conservative Activists Rebel Against Fox News: Saudi Ownership Is 'Really Dangerous For America' | ThinkProgress
Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal owns a 7 percent stake in News Corp — the parent company of Fox News — making him the largest shareholder outside the family of News Corp CEO Rupert Murdoch.​
7 percent is NOT half.
It's the best news programming I've seen in a long time. It's mostly real news, with little editorializing. It's BBC-ish.

It will never get great ratings because it's putting news first, not infotainment.
The cool thing about Aljazeera being on TV is that it exposes left wing hypocrisy.

They are praising a TV station that is based in and funded by, a nation that treats women as sub-human and arrests and even murder's gays.
The cool thing about Aljazeera being on TV is that it exposes left wing hypocrisy.

They are praising a TV station that is based in and funded by, a nation that treats women as sub-human and arrests and even murder's gays.

So, we are really praising a Right-Wing station and don't realize it?


I would ask you to prove any of that but I know you can't and so I'm just going to point and laugh at your childish stupidity.

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