Al-Nusra and ISIS raid refugee camp in south of Damascus


Nov 14, 2012
ISIS and Nusra raided the Palestinian camp. They beheaded refugees who resisted them. "Syrian observatory for human rights" is playing down the number of victims.
The Syrian army and Palestinian resistance forces managed to evacuate about 1600 - 2000 refugees but thousands remain in the camp. The Syrian army also launched a counter offensive together with the Palestinian liberation army which is under the command of the Syrian army.


"Thousands of Palestinians are trapped in the devastated Yarmouk refugee camp in Syria, which has mostly been seized by groups including ISIS, activists report.

The London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says ISIS and the al Qaeda-affiliated Al-Nusra Front took control of 90% of the camp in southern Damascus."

The Palestine Liberation Organization called on international bodies to assist in the evacuation of people from the camp. "Reports of kidnappings, beheadings and mass killings are coming out from Al- Yarmouk, which is under a brutal campaign of murder and occupation," Palestine Liberation Organization Executive Committee Member Dr. Saeb Erekat said Saturda."

"CBS News' George Baghdadi reports that, according to Palestinian and Syrian sources, the Syrian government was planning an offensive to wrest control of the sprawling camp from the militants within a couple days.

SOHR said at least 26 people had been killed in Yarmouk since Wednesday, but the Al-Arabiya television network quoted local medical sources as saying the death toll was closer to 200, with most victims being civilians."

"Day seven of the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) offensive at the Al-Yarmouk Camp began with the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) launching a barrage of mortar shells at the latter’s positions on 30th Street; this led to fierce clashes on the border of the Al-Qadam District between the two parties.

With the firefights engulfing 30th Street, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC) – in coordination with the Palestine Liberation Army (PLA) and Fatah Al-Intifada – attacked the ISIS militants on Libya Street, recapturing the territory lost to the enemy combatants on Sunday night.

The Palestinian resistance forces are now in control of 40 percent of the Al-Yarmouk and Falasteen Camp Districts, along with the majority of Al-Tadamon – the firefights at the latter district involves the Islamist forces not loyal to ISIS.

As a result of their success, the Palestinian resistance forces were able to secure the safety of 1,600 civilians inside the district by creating a safe passage to the north, where they were greeted by aid workers and soldiers of the Syrian Arab Army.

The SAA soldiers escorted the civilians to safety at a nearby camp and then transferred those seeking medical assistance to a local hospital.

According to a source from Jarmana Camp, the Palestinian resistance forces are trying to secure the safety of the remaining civilians in Al-Yarmouk Camp; however, they are unable at the moment due to the Islamist factions clashing with one another inside the district"

ISIS traps Palestinian refugees in camp seizure -
ISIS facing Syria military offensive to retake Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp in Damascus - CBS News
Complete Battle Update from Yarmouk Camp 1 600 Civilians Escorted to Safety
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The whole Middle East fiasco was initiated by the neocons to weaken the Muslim states vis-a-vis Israel. The U.S. dismantlement of Iraq through a war, and the support of the Islamists in Syria, have made Syria and Iraq inconsequential. Jordan and Egypt are paid off annually by the U.S. to not support the Palestinians. Saudi Arabia and the Gulf oligarchies are happy as they are. Only Iran remains as a force against Israel's expansionist goals. That explains why the American right-wing, supported by AIPAC, wants a war against Iran. Jews are clever, if non-Jews are willing to fight and die for them, they are happy.
The whole Middle East fiasco was initiated by the neocons to weaken the Muslim states vis-a-vis Israel. The U.S. dismantlement of Iraq through a war, and the support of the Islamists in Syria, have made Syria and Iraq inconsequential. Jordan and Egypt are paid off annually by the U.S. to not support the Palestinians. Saudi Arabia and the Gulf oligarchies are happy as they are. Only Iran remains as a force against Israel's expansionist goals. That explains why the American right-wing, supported by AIPAC, wants a war against Iran. Jews are clever, if non-Jews are willing to fight and die for them, they are happy.

Oh look, the Muslim convert can't restrain herself from blaming the Jews while her new brethren happily murder each other day in and day out according to their sect. When the Sunnis are suicide and car bombing the Shiites and Ahmadiyya in Pakistan, let's blame it on the Jews. It would never enter her mind that Iran wants to be top dog when it comes to Muslims. They certainly don't want Saudi Arabia in that position.
The whole Middle East fiasco was initiated by the neocons to weaken the Muslim states vis-a-vis Israel. The U.S. dismantlement of Iraq through a war, and the support of the Islamists in Syria, have made Syria and Iraq inconsequential. Jordan and Egypt are paid off annually by the U.S. to not support the Palestinians. Saudi Arabia and the Gulf oligarchies are happy as they are. Only Iran remains as a force against Israel's expansionist goals. That explains why the American right-wing, supported by AIPAC, wants a war against Iran. Jews are clever, if non-Jews are willing to fight and die for them, they are happy.

Oh look, the Muslim convert can't restrain herself from blaming the Jews while her new brethren happily murder each other day in and day out according to their sect. When the Sunnis are suicide and car bombing the Shiites and Ahmadiyya in Pakistan, let's blame it on the Jews. It would never enter her mind that Iran wants to be top dog when it comes to Muslims. They certainly don't want Saudi Arabia in that position.
Why don´t you leave and shed some false tears about refugees you give a shit about?
All Palestinian factions agreed to fight with the Syrian army against the terrorists. Meanwhile, according to a TV report, army and Palestinians took parts of the camp.
UN Spongebob Ban Ki-Moon from Moon, however, declared any military action against the terrorists a war crime. Of course, that bullshit statement will not hinder Syrians and Palestinians to drive ISIS and the other terror groups out of the capital.
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The whole Middle East fiasco was initiated by the neocons to weaken the Muslim states vis-a-vis Israel. The U.S. dismantlement of Iraq through a war, and the support of the Islamists in Syria, have made Syria and Iraq inconsequential. Jordan and Egypt are paid off annually by the U.S. to not support the Palestinians. Saudi Arabia and the Gulf oligarchies are happy as they are. Only Iran remains as a force against Israel's expansionist goals. That explains why the American right-wing, supported by AIPAC, wants a war against Iran. Jews are clever, if non-Jews are willing to fight and die for them, they are happy.

Oh look, the Muslim convert can't restrain herself from blaming the Jews while her new brethren happily murder each other day in and day out according to their sect. When the Sunnis are suicide and car bombing the Shiites and Ahmadiyya in Pakistan, let's blame it on the Jews. It would never enter her mind that Iran wants to be top dog when it comes to Muslims. They certainly don't want Saudi Arabia in that position.
Why don´t you leave and shed some false tears about refugees you give a shit about?

So what are you doing here when your buddy Bashar needs your help? Were you away from your ham radio last night when Brave Alpha Sierra Hotel Alpha Radio was trying to contact you? He was yelling "CQ, CQ, is Bleipriester copying me. I need his help dropping barrel bombs on some of my civilians."
The whole Middle East fiasco was initiated by the neocons to weaken the Muslim states vis-a-vis Israel. The U.S. dismantlement of Iraq through a war, and the support of the Islamists in Syria, have made Syria and Iraq inconsequential. Jordan and Egypt are paid off annually by the U.S. to not support the Palestinians. Saudi Arabia and the Gulf oligarchies are happy as they are. Only Iran remains as a force against Israel's expansionist goals. That explains why the American right-wing, supported by AIPAC, wants a war against Iran. Jews are clever, if non-Jews are willing to fight and die for them, they are happy.

Oh look, the Muslim convert can't restrain herself from blaming the Jews while her new brethren happily murder each other day in and day out according to their sect. When the Sunnis are suicide and car bombing the Shiites and Ahmadiyya in Pakistan, let's blame it on the Jews. It would never enter her mind that Iran wants to be top dog when it comes to Muslims. They certainly don't want Saudi Arabia in that position.
Why don´t you leave and shed some false tears about refugees you give a shit about?

So what are you doing here when your buddy Bashar needs your help? Were you away from your ham radio last night when Brave Alpha Sierra Hotel Alpha Radio was trying to contact you? He was yelling "CQ, CQ, is Bleipriester copying me. I need his help dropping barrel bombs on some of my civilians."
Attention, attention. Look what Al-Qaeda and Sally claim to be "barrel bombs":

But Sally, did these "barrel bombs" not explode and Al-Qaeda tries to make them explode in an attack of world-weariness?
The whole Middle East fiasco was initiated by the neocons to weaken the Muslim states vis-a-vis Israel. The U.S. dismantlement of Iraq through a war, and the support of the Islamists in Syria, have made Syria and Iraq inconsequential. Jordan and Egypt are paid off annually by the U.S. to not support the Palestinians. Saudi Arabia and the Gulf oligarchies are happy as they are. Only Iran remains as a force against Israel's expansionist goals. That explains why the American right-wing, supported by AIPAC, wants a war against Iran. Jews are clever, if non-Jews are willing to fight and die for them, they are happy.

Oh look, the Muslim convert can't restrain herself from blaming the Jews while her new brethren happily murder each other day in and day out according to their sect. When the Sunnis are suicide and car bombing the Shiites and Ahmadiyya in Pakistan, let's blame it on the Jews. It would never enter her mind that Iran wants to be top dog when it comes to Muslims. They certainly don't want Saudi Arabia in that position.
Why don´t you leave and shed some false tears about refugees you give a shit about?

So what are you doing here when your buddy Bashar needs your help? Were you away from your ham radio last night when Brave Alpha Sierra Hotel Alpha Radio was trying to contact you? He was yelling "CQ, CQ, is Bleipriester copying me. I need his help dropping barrel bombs on some of my civilians."
Attention, attention. Look what Al-Qaeda and Sally claim to be "barrel bombs":

But Sally, did these "barrel bombs" not explode and Al-Qaeda tries to make them explode in an attack of world-weariness?

Attention, Attention everyone. The Little Boy got word from his pal via ham radio. Brave Alpha Sierra Hotel Alpha Radio told the Little Boy that he should get back to Syria A.S.A.P. because he desperately needs his military expertise on how to drop several barrel bombs at once. However, the Little Boy is having too much fun on the forum accusing everyone who disagrees with him about his hero to be Al Qaeda supporters. If you don't want to be accused of being a terrorist supporter, you have to worship at the feet of the Little Boy's idol, Assad. That is the Little Boy's rule on this forum.
The whole Middle East fiasco was initiated by the neocons to weaken the Muslim states vis-a-vis Israel. The U.S. dismantlement of Iraq through a war, and the support of the Islamists in Syria, have made Syria and Iraq inconsequential. Jordan and Egypt are paid off annually by the U.S. to not support the Palestinians. Saudi Arabia and the Gulf oligarchies are happy as they are. Only Iran remains as a force against Israel's expansionist goals. That explains why the American right-wing, supported by AIPAC, wants a war against Iran. Jews are clever, if non-Jews are willing to fight and die for them, they are happy.

Oh look, the Muslim convert can't restrain herself from blaming the Jews while her new brethren happily murder each other day in and day out according to their sect. When the Sunnis are suicide and car bombing the Shiites and Ahmadiyya in Pakistan, let's blame it on the Jews. It would never enter her mind that Iran wants to be top dog when it comes to Muslims. They certainly don't want Saudi Arabia in that position.
Why don´t you leave and shed some false tears about refugees you give a shit about?

So what are you doing here when your buddy Bashar needs your help? Were you away from your ham radio last night when Brave Alpha Sierra Hotel Alpha Radio was trying to contact you? He was yelling "CQ, CQ, is Bleipriester copying me. I need his help dropping barrel bombs on some of my civilians."
Attention, attention. Look what Al-Qaeda and Sally claim to be "barrel bombs":

But Sally, did these "barrel bombs" not explode and Al-Qaeda tries to make them explode in an attack of world-weariness?

Attention, Attention everyone. The Little Boy got word from his pal via ham radio. Brave Alpha Sierra Hotel Alpha Radio told the Little Boy that he should get back to Syria A.S.A.P. because he desperately needs his military expertise on how to drop several barrel bombs at once. However, the Little Boy is having too much fun on the forum accusing everyone who disagrees with him about his hero to be Al Qaeda supporters. If you don't want to be accused of being a terrorist supporter, you have to worship at the feet of the Little Boy's idol, Assad. That is the Little Boy's rule on this forum.
The whole Middle East fiasco was initiated by the neocons to weaken the Muslim states vis-a-vis Israel. The U.S. dismantlement of Iraq through a war, and the support of the Islamists in Syria, have made Syria and Iraq inconsequential. Jordan and Egypt are paid off annually by the U.S. to not support the Palestinians. Saudi Arabia and the Gulf oligarchies are happy as they are. Only Iran remains as a force against Israel's expansionist goals. That explains why the American right-wing, supported by AIPAC, wants a war against Iran. Jews are clever, if non-Jews are willing to fight and die for them, they are happy.

Oh look, the Muslim convert can't restrain herself from blaming the Jews while her new brethren happily murder each other day in and day out according to their sect. When the Sunnis are suicide and car bombing the Shiites and Ahmadiyya in Pakistan, let's blame it on the Jews. It would never enter her mind that Iran wants to be top dog when it comes to Muslims. They certainly don't want Saudi Arabia in that position.
Why don´t you leave and shed some false tears about refugees you give a shit about?

So what are you doing here when your buddy Bashar needs your help? Were you away from your ham radio last night when Brave Alpha Sierra Hotel Alpha Radio was trying to contact you? He was yelling "CQ, CQ, is Bleipriester copying me. I need his help dropping barrel bombs on some of my civilians."
Attention, attention. Look what Al-Qaeda and Sally claim to be "barrel bombs":

But Sally, did these "barrel bombs" not explode and Al-Qaeda tries to make them explode in an attack of world-weariness?

Attention, Attention everyone. The Little Boy got word from his pal via ham radio. Brave Alpha Sierra Hotel Alpha Radio told the Little Boy that he should get back to Syria A.S.A.P. because he desperately needs his military expertise on how to drop several barrel bombs at once. However, the Little Boy is having too much fun on the forum accusing everyone who disagrees with him about his hero to be Al Qaeda supporters. If you don't want to be accused of being a terrorist supporter, you have to worship at the feet of the Little Boy's idol, Assad. That is the Little Boy's rule on this forum.
Attention, Attention! If you don´t want to be accused of being a terrorist supporter, don´t be a terrorist supporter.
Oh look, the Muslim convert can't restrain herself from blaming the Jews while her new brethren happily murder each other day in and day out according to their sect. When the Sunnis are suicide and car bombing the Shiites and Ahmadiyya in Pakistan, let's blame it on the Jews. It would never enter her mind that Iran wants to be top dog when it comes to Muslims. They certainly don't want Saudi Arabia in that position.
Why don´t you leave and shed some false tears about refugees you give a shit about?

So what are you doing here when your buddy Bashar needs your help? Were you away from your ham radio last night when Brave Alpha Sierra Hotel Alpha Radio was trying to contact you? He was yelling "CQ, CQ, is Bleipriester copying me. I need his help dropping barrel bombs on some of my civilians."
Attention, attention. Look what Al-Qaeda and Sally claim to be "barrel bombs":

But Sally, did these "barrel bombs" not explode and Al-Qaeda tries to make them explode in an attack of world-weariness?

Attention, Attention everyone. The Little Boy got word from his pal via ham radio. Brave Alpha Sierra Hotel Alpha Radio told the Little Boy that he should get back to Syria A.S.A.P. because he desperately needs his military expertise on how to drop several barrel bombs at once. However, the Little Boy is having too much fun on the forum accusing everyone who disagrees with him about his hero to be Al Qaeda supporters. If you don't want to be accused of being a terrorist supporter, you have to worship at the feet of the Little Boy's idol, Assad. That is the Little Boy's rule on this forum.
Oh look, the Muslim convert can't restrain herself from blaming the Jews while her new brethren happily murder each other day in and day out according to their sect. When the Sunnis are suicide and car bombing the Shiites and Ahmadiyya in Pakistan, let's blame it on the Jews. It would never enter her mind that Iran wants to be top dog when it comes to Muslims. They certainly don't want Saudi Arabia in that position.
Why don´t you leave and shed some false tears about refugees you give a shit about?

So what are you doing here when your buddy Bashar needs your help? Were you away from your ham radio last night when Brave Alpha Sierra Hotel Alpha Radio was trying to contact you? He was yelling "CQ, CQ, is Bleipriester copying me. I need his help dropping barrel bombs on some of my civilians."
Attention, attention. Look what Al-Qaeda and Sally claim to be "barrel bombs":

But Sally, did these "barrel bombs" not explode and Al-Qaeda tries to make them explode in an attack of world-weariness?

Attention, Attention everyone. The Little Boy got word from his pal via ham radio. Brave Alpha Sierra Hotel Alpha Radio told the Little Boy that he should get back to Syria A.S.A.P. because he desperately needs his military expertise on how to drop several barrel bombs at once. However, the Little Boy is having too much fun on the forum accusing everyone who disagrees with him about his hero to be Al Qaeda supporters. If you don't want to be accused of being a terrorist supporter, you have to worship at the feet of the Little Boy's idol, Assad. That is the Little Boy's rule on this forum.
Attention, Attention! If you don´t want to be accused of being a terrorist supporter, don´t be a terrorist supporter.

Why do you persist in showing us how childish you are? Don't you think the viewers by now realize that you don't want to see any news which is derogatory toward your idol even though the news is the truth?

Video Syrian military drop devastating barrel bombs on city - Telegraph

Syria New Spate of Barrel Bomb Attacks Human Rights Watch

barrel bombs - Google Search
Why don´t you leave and shed some false tears about refugees you give a shit about?

So what are you doing here when your buddy Bashar needs your help? Were you away from your ham radio last night when Brave Alpha Sierra Hotel Alpha Radio was trying to contact you? He was yelling "CQ, CQ, is Bleipriester copying me. I need his help dropping barrel bombs on some of my civilians."
Attention, attention. Look what Al-Qaeda and Sally claim to be "barrel bombs":

But Sally, did these "barrel bombs" not explode and Al-Qaeda tries to make them explode in an attack of world-weariness?

Attention, Attention everyone. The Little Boy got word from his pal via ham radio. Brave Alpha Sierra Hotel Alpha Radio told the Little Boy that he should get back to Syria A.S.A.P. because he desperately needs his military expertise on how to drop several barrel bombs at once. However, the Little Boy is having too much fun on the forum accusing everyone who disagrees with him about his hero to be Al Qaeda supporters. If you don't want to be accused of being a terrorist supporter, you have to worship at the feet of the Little Boy's idol, Assad. That is the Little Boy's rule on this forum.
Why don´t you leave and shed some false tears about refugees you give a shit about?

So what are you doing here when your buddy Bashar needs your help? Were you away from your ham radio last night when Brave Alpha Sierra Hotel Alpha Radio was trying to contact you? He was yelling "CQ, CQ, is Bleipriester copying me. I need his help dropping barrel bombs on some of my civilians."
Attention, attention. Look what Al-Qaeda and Sally claim to be "barrel bombs":

But Sally, did these "barrel bombs" not explode and Al-Qaeda tries to make them explode in an attack of world-weariness?

Attention, Attention everyone. The Little Boy got word from his pal via ham radio. Brave Alpha Sierra Hotel Alpha Radio told the Little Boy that he should get back to Syria A.S.A.P. because he desperately needs his military expertise on how to drop several barrel bombs at once. However, the Little Boy is having too much fun on the forum accusing everyone who disagrees with him about his hero to be Al Qaeda supporters. If you don't want to be accused of being a terrorist supporter, you have to worship at the feet of the Little Boy's idol, Assad. That is the Little Boy's rule on this forum.
Attention, Attention! If you don´t want to be accused of being a terrorist supporter, don´t be a terrorist supporter.

Why do you persist in showing us how childish you are? Don't you think the viewers by now realize that you don't want to see any news which is derogatory toward your idol even though the news is the truth?

Video Syrian military drop devastating barrel bombs on city - Telegraph

Syria New Spate of Barrel Bomb Attacks Human Rights Watch

barrel bombs - Google Search
Oh, Sally is sad, her terrorists get hit by FAB bombs, which she call "barrel bombs". If you join the Female Jihad Squad, you may know soon that "barrel bombs" are FAB bombs and are used against terrorists only.
So what are you doing here when your buddy Bashar needs your help? Were you away from your ham radio last night when Brave Alpha Sierra Hotel Alpha Radio was trying to contact you? He was yelling "CQ, CQ, is Bleipriester copying me. I need his help dropping barrel bombs on some of my civilians."
Attention, attention. Look what Al-Qaeda and Sally claim to be "barrel bombs":

But Sally, did these "barrel bombs" not explode and Al-Qaeda tries to make them explode in an attack of world-weariness?

Attention, Attention everyone. The Little Boy got word from his pal via ham radio. Brave Alpha Sierra Hotel Alpha Radio told the Little Boy that he should get back to Syria A.S.A.P. because he desperately needs his military expertise on how to drop several barrel bombs at once. However, the Little Boy is having too much fun on the forum accusing everyone who disagrees with him about his hero to be Al Qaeda supporters. If you don't want to be accused of being a terrorist supporter, you have to worship at the feet of the Little Boy's idol, Assad. That is the Little Boy's rule on this forum.
So what are you doing here when your buddy Bashar needs your help? Were you away from your ham radio last night when Brave Alpha Sierra Hotel Alpha Radio was trying to contact you? He was yelling "CQ, CQ, is Bleipriester copying me. I need his help dropping barrel bombs on some of my civilians."
Attention, attention. Look what Al-Qaeda and Sally claim to be "barrel bombs":

But Sally, did these "barrel bombs" not explode and Al-Qaeda tries to make them explode in an attack of world-weariness?

Attention, Attention everyone. The Little Boy got word from his pal via ham radio. Brave Alpha Sierra Hotel Alpha Radio told the Little Boy that he should get back to Syria A.S.A.P. because he desperately needs his military expertise on how to drop several barrel bombs at once. However, the Little Boy is having too much fun on the forum accusing everyone who disagrees with him about his hero to be Al Qaeda supporters. If you don't want to be accused of being a terrorist supporter, you have to worship at the feet of the Little Boy's idol, Assad. That is the Little Boy's rule on this forum.
Attention, Attention! If you don´t want to be accused of being a terrorist supporter, don´t be a terrorist supporter.

Why do you persist in showing us how childish you are? Don't you think the viewers by now realize that you don't want to see any news which is derogatory toward your idol even though the news is the truth?

Video Syrian military drop devastating barrel bombs on city - Telegraph

Syria New Spate of Barrel Bomb Attacks Human Rights Watch

barrel bombs - Google Search
Oh, Sally is sad, her terrorists get hit by FAB bombs, which she call "barrel bombs". If you join the Female Jihad Squad, you may know soon that "barrel bombs" are FAB bombs and are used against terrorists only.

Yes, that is why the barrel bombs have killed and wounded many innocent civilians. Now let's see what has happened to civilians in Aleppo.

Death of Aleppo - Al Jazeera English?
Attention, attention. Look what Al-Qaeda and Sally claim to be "barrel bombs":

But Sally, did these "barrel bombs" not explode and Al-Qaeda tries to make them explode in an attack of world-weariness?

Attention, Attention everyone. The Little Boy got word from his pal via ham radio. Brave Alpha Sierra Hotel Alpha Radio told the Little Boy that he should get back to Syria A.S.A.P. because he desperately needs his military expertise on how to drop several barrel bombs at once. However, the Little Boy is having too much fun on the forum accusing everyone who disagrees with him about his hero to be Al Qaeda supporters. If you don't want to be accused of being a terrorist supporter, you have to worship at the feet of the Little Boy's idol, Assad. That is the Little Boy's rule on this forum.
Attention, attention. Look what Al-Qaeda and Sally claim to be "barrel bombs":

But Sally, did these "barrel bombs" not explode and Al-Qaeda tries to make them explode in an attack of world-weariness?

Attention, Attention everyone. The Little Boy got word from his pal via ham radio. Brave Alpha Sierra Hotel Alpha Radio told the Little Boy that he should get back to Syria A.S.A.P. because he desperately needs his military expertise on how to drop several barrel bombs at once. However, the Little Boy is having too much fun on the forum accusing everyone who disagrees with him about his hero to be Al Qaeda supporters. If you don't want to be accused of being a terrorist supporter, you have to worship at the feet of the Little Boy's idol, Assad. That is the Little Boy's rule on this forum.
Attention, Attention! If you don´t want to be accused of being a terrorist supporter, don´t be a terrorist supporter.

Why do you persist in showing us how childish you are? Don't you think the viewers by now realize that you don't want to see any news which is derogatory toward your idol even though the news is the truth?

Video Syrian military drop devastating barrel bombs on city - Telegraph

Syria New Spate of Barrel Bomb Attacks Human Rights Watch

barrel bombs - Google Search
Oh, Sally is sad, her terrorists get hit by FAB bombs, which she call "barrel bombs". If you join the Female Jihad Squad, you may know soon that "barrel bombs" are FAB bombs and are used against terrorists only.

Yes, that is why the barrel bombs have killed and wounded many innocent civilians. Now let's see what has happened to civilians in Aleppo.

Death of Aleppo - Al Jazeera English?

More bullshit stories in favor of Al-Qaeda from our master rat.
Attention, Attention everyone. The Little Boy got word from his pal via ham radio. Brave Alpha Sierra Hotel Alpha Radio told the Little Boy that he should get back to Syria A.S.A.P. because he desperately needs his military expertise on how to drop several barrel bombs at once. However, the Little Boy is having too much fun on the forum accusing everyone who disagrees with him about his hero to be Al Qaeda supporters. If you don't want to be accused of being a terrorist supporter, you have to worship at the feet of the Little Boy's idol, Assad. That is the Little Boy's rule on this forum.
Attention, Attention everyone. The Little Boy got word from his pal via ham radio. Brave Alpha Sierra Hotel Alpha Radio told the Little Boy that he should get back to Syria A.S.A.P. because he desperately needs his military expertise on how to drop several barrel bombs at once. However, the Little Boy is having too much fun on the forum accusing everyone who disagrees with him about his hero to be Al Qaeda supporters. If you don't want to be accused of being a terrorist supporter, you have to worship at the feet of the Little Boy's idol, Assad. That is the Little Boy's rule on this forum.
Attention, Attention! If you don´t want to be accused of being a terrorist supporter, don´t be a terrorist supporter.

Why do you persist in showing us how childish you are? Don't you think the viewers by now realize that you don't want to see any news which is derogatory toward your idol even though the news is the truth?

Video Syrian military drop devastating barrel bombs on city - Telegraph

Syria New Spate of Barrel Bomb Attacks Human Rights Watch

barrel bombs - Google Search
Oh, Sally is sad, her terrorists get hit by FAB bombs, which she call "barrel bombs". If you join the Female Jihad Squad, you may know soon that "barrel bombs" are FAB bombs and are used against terrorists only.

Yes, that is why the barrel bombs have killed and wounded many innocent civilians. Now let's see what has happened to civilians in Aleppo.

Death of Aleppo - Al Jazeera English?

More bullshit stories in favor of Al-Qaeda from our master rat.

My goodness, the Little Boy can't stand to see any articles which are derogatory toward the Syrian regime -- no matter how many innocent people are killed. Now twitch your whiskers, you little rodent.
Attention, Attention! If you don´t want to be accused of being a terrorist supporter, don´t be a terrorist supporter.

Why do you persist in showing us how childish you are? Don't you think the viewers by now realize that you don't want to see any news which is derogatory toward your idol even though the news is the truth?

Video Syrian military drop devastating barrel bombs on city - Telegraph

Syria New Spate of Barrel Bomb Attacks Human Rights Watch

barrel bombs - Google Search
Oh, Sally is sad, her terrorists get hit by FAB bombs, which she call "barrel bombs". If you join the Female Jihad Squad, you may know soon that "barrel bombs" are FAB bombs and are used against terrorists only.

Yes, that is why the barrel bombs have killed and wounded many innocent civilians. Now let's see what has happened to civilians in Aleppo.

Death of Aleppo - Al Jazeera English?

More bullshit stories in favor of Al-Qaeda from our master rat.

My goodness, the Little Boy can't stand to see any articles which are derogatory toward the Syrian regime -- no matter how many innocent people are killed. Now twitch your whiskers, you little rodent.
You don´t care for civilians. You are just eager to blame the Syrian government. And when the terrorists say, the gov´t uses "barrel bombs" against civilians, you are posting it here. But when the terrorists slaughter civilians, you are silent, roach.
Why do you persist in showing us how childish you are? Don't you think the viewers by now realize that you don't want to see any news which is derogatory toward your idol even though the news is the truth?

Video Syrian military drop devastating barrel bombs on city - Telegraph

Syria New Spate of Barrel Bomb Attacks Human Rights Watch

barrel bombs - Google Search
Oh, Sally is sad, her terrorists get hit by FAB bombs, which she call "barrel bombs". If you join the Female Jihad Squad, you may know soon that "barrel bombs" are FAB bombs and are used against terrorists only.

Yes, that is why the barrel bombs have killed and wounded many innocent civilians. Now let's see what has happened to civilians in Aleppo.

Death of Aleppo - Al Jazeera English?

More bullshit stories in favor of Al-Qaeda from our master rat.

My goodness, the Little Boy can't stand to see any articles which are derogatory toward the Syrian regime -- no matter how many innocent people are killed. Now twitch your whiskers, you little rodent.
You don´t care for civilians. You are just eager to blame the Syrian government. And when the terrorists say, the gov´t uses "barrel bombs" against civilians, you are posting it here. But when the terrorists slaughter civilians, you are silent, roach.

You calling me a roach, Little Boy? You are like some cockroach with a tiny sign saying "Yea, Bashar, Hip Hip Hooray." Plenty has been said about ISIS in Syria and Iraq, but you have a real big problem when anything is said about your main crush in life, Bashar, no matter what he is responsible for. What a pity for these people stuck between the terrorists and the bombs from Assad's Air Force.

Yarmouk survivors stuck between ISIS and Syrian regime -

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