Al Qaeda video shows terror conference, fiery speech

You can pull up all the videos you want to. The real truth is that Christians are suffering in the Muslim world because of their beliefs. Meanwhile, why don't you tell us about the separate Gospel Muslim have about Jesus. I think it is called the Gospel of Barnabas. There was even a Muslim poster, a woman living here but from a Southern state in India, who said that when Jesus comes back, he is going to get rid of all the slimy animals which are Christians and Jews and start preaching Islam. No doubt this is what many Muslims.believe, and that is why many Muslims have no problems with murdering Christians in the Muslim world. Too bad you are too bline to see what is happening.
LOL........Silly-Sally sure loves to post some idiotic nonsense. ... :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

And Mr. Cuckoo just loves to be a troll while his newly adopted brethren are busy murdering Christians in the Muslim world.
Your kind means Dhimmis in Trianing. Apparently you close your eyes to what is going on in the Muslim world where innocent people are harassed and murdered for their religious beliefs and their houses of worship destroy. Innocent people are suffering, but you don't want to see it.

What is going on in the Muslim world is going on in the Christian world and the Jewish world. Just different power structures.

So are you trying to tell us that Christians and Jews are murdering huge amounts of people because of their religious beliefs? Hmm, I haven't read about this. Perhaps you can educate us.
The killings between Protestants and Catholics in N. Ireland comes to mind.

And there was the Christian on Christian genocide in Rwanda..... :doubt:
What is going on in the Muslim world is going on in the Christian world and the Jewish world. Just different power structures.

So are you trying to tell us that Christians and Jews are murdering huge amounts of people because of their religious beliefs? Hmm, I haven't read about this. Perhaps you can educate us.
The killings between Protestants and Catholics in N. Ireland comes to mind.

And there was the genocide in Rwanda..... :doubt:

Key word is ARE.

Christians have in the past murdered HUGE numbers of people because of their religious beliefs.

Today they do not.
What is going on in the Muslim world is going on in the Christian world and the Jewish world. Just different power structures.

So are you trying to tell us that Christians and Jews are murdering huge amounts of people because of their religious beliefs? Hmm, I haven't read about this. Perhaps you can educate us.
The killings between Protestants and Catholics in N. Ireland comes to mind.

And there was the Christian on Christian genocide in Rwanda..... :doubt:

Right now, in the world of today, is it a bed of roses for the Christians in the Muslim world?

Am I bringing up past things like the 2,000,000 Christians killed in the Sudan or the 3,000,000 (mainly Hindus killed in Bangaldesh)? I am talking about today.
So are you trying to tell us that Christians and Jews are murdering huge amounts of people because of their religious beliefs? Hmm, I haven't read about this. Perhaps you can educate us.
The killings between Protestants and Catholics in N. Ireland comes to mind.

And there was the Christian on Christian genocide in Rwanda..... :doubt:

Right now, in the world of today, is it a bed of roses for the Christians in the Muslim world?

Am I bringing up past things like the 2,000,000 Christians killed in the Sudan or the 3,000,000 (mainly Hindus killed in Bangaldesh)? I am talking about today.

Would it make you feel better if this had happened 500 years ago?
Fuckin' religion.

It'll be the death of us all.

And can you think of a stupider thing to die over than a bunch of made up stories and ficticious characters?
The killings between Protestants and Catholics in N. Ireland comes to mind.

And there was the Christian on Christian genocide in Rwanda..... :doubt:

Right now, in the world of today, is it a bed of roses for the Christians in the Muslim world?

Am I bringing up past things like the 2,000,000 Christians killed in the Sudan or the 3,000,000 (mainly Hindus killed in Bangaldesh)? I am talking about today.

Would it make you feel better if this had happened 500 years ago?

Of course not; however, why didn't you question Mr. Sunni Man why he brought up the events he did instead of bothering to mention what is happening in today's world? What happened previously has nothing to do with what is happening now. Maybe it doesn't bother you to see those dead bodies piling up these days.
Fuckin' religion.

It'll be the death of us all.

And can you think of a stupider thing to die over than a bunch of made up stories and ficticious characters?

In one way you are right, but you have to remember that characters like Mao didn't follow any religion.
Poor deluded Silly-Sally has the weight of the world on her shoulders.

She worries all the time about who is killing who everywhere in the world.

Must be a heavy burden to bear. ... :cool:
Right now, in the world of today, is it a bed of roses for the Christians in the Muslim world?

Am I bringing up past things like the 2,000,000 Christians killed in the Sudan or the 3,000,000 (mainly Hindus killed in Bangaldesh)? I am talking about today.

Would it make you feel better if this had happened 500 years ago?

Of course not; however, why didn't you question Mr. Sunni Man why he brought up the events he did instead of bothering to mention what is happening in today's world? What happened previously has nothing to do with what is happening now. Maybe it doesn't bother you to see those dead bodies piling up these days.

Because some folks do not concern themselves with todays genocide in the Sudan - Darfur - Rwanda - and won't until it effects them personally, Sally. It has to come to that point for some people to realize this isn't a problem isolated to Christians and Jews. ( for the selfish that is actually an issue! If it isn't their problem there is no problem! Ha! )

Being a tourist in a restricted nation can get one killed just as easily for being an atheist, a Hindu, a Taoist or an agnostic. It's all the same. It is taking the world awhile to awaken to that fact. Unfortunately. :mad:

- Jeremiah
Poor deluded Silly-Sally has the weight of the world on her shoulders.

She worries all the time about who is killing who everywhere in the world.

Must be a heavy burden to bear. ... :cool:

Why does it concern you what Sally cares about? Shouldn't you be asking yourself why you are not helping Sally? Do you care about world peace, Sunni? I do! Sally does too!
You don't have anything I have lied about. and what is "your kind"?

Your kind means Dhimmis in Trianing. Apparently you close your eyes to what is going on in the Muslim world where innocent people are harassed and murdered for their religious beliefs and their houses of worship destroy. Innocent people are suffering, but you don't want to see it.

What is going on in the Muslim world is going on in the Christian world and the Jewish world. Just different power structures.

Links? I want links from mainstream media sources to Christian suicide bombers - Jewish Suicide bombers - Jewish and Christian roadside bombs, Jewish and Christian Fatwas, Jewish and Christian Jitza tax on Muslims, Jewish jihadists, Christian Jihadists, give me some links on the names of the Jewish and Christian terrorist organizations too - who have been found guilty in a court of law of terrorism in the name of Jesus Christ or Yahweh. We will put your findings next to the history of Islam side by side and see what happens.

Links or you go down in flames as a liar on this one.

- Jeremiah
Why does it concern you what Sally cares about? Shouldn't you be asking yourself why you are not helping Sally? Do you care about world peace, Sunni? I do! Sally does too!
The only help Silly-Sally needs is to have the doctor increase her Prozac dosage. .. :lol: :lol:

How can one grown man be so immature. :rolleyes:
Sorry, but I really care about Silly-Sally's deteriorating mental health and possible drinking problem.

It's called empathy...... :cool:
Take away the anti Christian rhetoric and it sounds like the Republican Party.
The only help Silly-Sally needs is to have the doctor increase her Prozac dosage. .. :lol: :lol:

How can one grown man be so immature. :rolleyes:
Sorry, but I really care about Silly-Sally's deteriorating mental health and possible drinking problem.

It's called empathy...... :cool:

Be sure, Sunni Man, that you don't miss your next appointment with your therapist. You are going further and further into the abyss. Now, how about you telling us something about what is happening in the Middle East since you can't resist coming to this forum and posting your usual nonsense. What's happening in Yemen? What's happening in Saudi Arabia? What's happen in the Emirates? These are in the Middle East, and as a good Muslim convert, you must be keeping up with the news when it concerns your fellow Sunnis.
Now, how about you telling us something about what is happening in the Middle East since you can't resist coming to this forum and posting your usual nonsense. What's happening in Yemen? What's happening in Saudi Arabia? What's happen in the Emirates? These are in the Middle East, and as a good Muslim convert, you must be keeping up with the news when it concerns your fellow Sunnis.
Israel is also in the Middle East and causes 99% of the problems in the area.

So I will continue to focus on Israel. ... :cool:
Poor deluded Silly-Sally has the weight of the world on her shoulders.

She worries all the time about who is killing who everywhere in the world.

Must be a heavy burden to bear. ... :cool:

Why does it concern you what Sally cares about? Shouldn't you be asking yourself why you are not helping Sally? Do you care about world peace, Sunni? I do! Sally does too!

He's a mentally ill man, Jeremiah. He comes to this forum, posts his usual nonsense, but never tells us what is going on in the Middle East even though this is the Middle East forum. I certainly hope that (even though we know that many Muslim converts become terrorists) he is not an example of the American men who convert to Islam. If he is, God help us all.

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