Al Sharpton: Royal wedding shows white supremacy is ‘on its last breath'

Is any "Black" person willing to admit that the only reason the Bride was so totally "accepted" by everyone is BECAUSE SHE LOOKS WHITE! Had she been a dark-skinned "mulatto" with an "Afro" this would never have happened.

She is one of a long line of "Black" (mulatto) women who look white, yet trade on being a "person of color." It's rather nauseating, actually.

How about you whites admit that. I think that your last in shows your ignorance. If she is a black "mulatto" woman then she's not trading on being a person of color, she IS a person of color. And really, she doesn't look white.

then she is cashing in on black privilege
Is any "Black" person willing to admit that the only reason the Bride was so totally "accepted" by everyone is BECAUSE SHE LOOKS WHITE! Had she been a dark-skinned "mulatto" with an "Afro" this would never have happened.

She is one of a long line of "Black" (mulatto) women who look white, yet trade on being a "person of color." It's rather nauseating, actually.

... If she is a black "mulatto" woman then she's not trading on being a person of color, ......

How so? Isn’t a mixed race person a person of color?

Maybe you ask the person who made the comment about her looking white when she is not white.
Is any "Black" person willing to admit that the only reason the Bride was so totally "accepted" by everyone is BECAUSE SHE LOOKS WHITE! Had she been a dark-skinned "mulatto" with an "Afro" this would never have happened.

She is one of a long line of "Black" (mulatto) women who look white, yet trade on being a "person of color." It's rather nauseating, actually.

How about you whites admit that. I think that your last in shows your ignorance. If she is a black "mulatto" woman then she's not trading on being a person of color, she IS a person of color. And really, she doesn't look white.

then she is cashing in on black privilege

There is no such thing.
People like Sharpton, Jackson, Barack, and Michelle Obama, Maxine Waters etc make their living creating racial, and other divides. It is disgusting. With a complicit MEDIA they've succeeded in dividing this country along racial, gender, sexual preference, economic strata, ethnicity, and any other difference they can think up.

Bring it on.

Whites like you have a funny way of looking at things. You can't create a divide that has always existed which was crated by whites and not anybody else.
Whites like you have a funny way of looking at things. You can't create a divide that has always existed which was crated by whites and not anybody else.

How do you know I am "White"?
Whites like you have a funny way of looking at things. You can't create a divide that has always existed which was crated by whites and not anybody else.

How do you know I am "White"?

People like Sharpton, Jackson, Barack, and Michelle Obama, Maxine Waters etc make their living creating racial, and other divides. It is disgusting. With a complicit MEDIA they've succeeded in dividing this country along racial, gender, sexual preference, economic strata, ethnicity, and any other difference they can think up.

Bring it on.
Oh, come on. Sharpton is a protestant "pastor," same as jeffress, graham, hagee. What are these people's words worth?

At least the two individuals who got married (Harry and Meghan) seem to enjoy each other's company; laugh together. Cuddle together. They even held hands during their wedding ceremony. After all the crap in religion and the media about being straight or LGBT, and all the racial stuff, the wedding was a great advertisement for the winning power of love.
Give the kid credit. The other option was to marry a cousin. He reached Level Three, one step above a fleshlight.
Meghan Markle married into a family of white supremacist imperialist colonizers

lol at sharpton not understanding that

Absolutely agreed.

And they are the historic roots and principles of what America was founded on.

do you consider Markle to be a sellout?

I for once agreed on something that you stated, and did not even imply that she is a "sellout". Likely more of an opportunist. Or she may even really care for him. Either or, not even newsworthy IMO.

But I do believe the that the concept of a so called "royal family" is ludicrous.
They made sure to have a lot of black hired help,
  • Hired black preacher
  • Hired black choir
  • Hired black singers
(Keyword "HIRED")

All to make up for the fact they they did not allow any of Meghans black family members to be invited to the wedding besides her mother.

Also there weren’t many Black MEN invited. The only Black MAN I saw was Idris. But I saw a few Black female celebs. Serena was with her dude. They invited Oprah, but left Stedman at home.
How do you know? Perhaps Meghan didnt invite them

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