Alabama Democrat proposes bill mandating all men have vasectomy at age 50 or after third child

I thought you clowns want to eliminate abortions. This is one way of doing it. If men don't get women pregnant, then women won't have abortions? Why won't men take responsibility for their actions?

This is the kindest cut of all! Stop abortions!! Zip it or snip it!! The advertising writes itself.

Ive never advocated for forced sterilization for women or men. The accountability and responsibility has to come from the individuals not the govt. Currently, our govt sides with allowing a child in the womb to be killed. That is wrong.
Which also infringes on that persons reproductive rights. The pro abortion crowd are unprincipled, and inconsistent. They desire one thing, and one thing only... And that is the freedom from the consequence of bad decisions, for women only...

Excellent point. It sure does.

Again, you don't have the first clue and keep making false equivalencies. Also, no one is "pro-abortion". That's a total fallacy. Pro-choice is not mean you people to have abortions. Pro-choice means you get to decide whether you want to be a parent.

Also, women don't have abortions because they made :"bad decisions". I don't think having sex with your husband is a "bad decision". The majority of women who have abortions are not good time party girls eliminating the consequences of a debauched lifestyle, as portrayed by those who think eliminating abortion would lead to "better decisions". They're poor women - wives and mothers whose birth control failed and for whom, having another child at this time, would not go well.

This is a followup study on women who wanted abortions and couldn't get one. Notice how poorly they are doing in comparison to the women who got the abortion they asked for. Homelessness, extreme poverty, mental health probelms. This is what happens when women are forced to have children they are not financially or emotionally prepared for. Do you think these children are going to turn out well? Are they going to have the skills and resources to be contributing members of society.

What Happens to Women Who Are Denied Abortions?

In order for society to thrive, its children need to have a chance as feeling love, security, of having a home, good food, emotional support and loving family. Being raised in a car with a stressed and overwhelmed parent is not that life.
Negative. Women have more “choices“ available to them than at any other time in history. There is abstinence, and countless types of birth control at a woman’s disposal. And failing that; there’s the AAA contingency plan. Abandonment, Adoption, and Abortion.

All of which are designed to do one thing, and one thing only... Remove the consequence, and responsibility of a piss poor “choice” from a woman. What you try to conceal under the cover of “freedom of choice” is nothing more than unveiled insistence of “freedom from the consequence of choice”. You are pro-abortion. That’s a fact...

The AAA plan does not work when just being pregnant and having a baby is the problem. There are no job protections for poor working women who get pregnant. NONE. You're pregnant, you're fired. If you had health insurance with your job (unlikely in low wage jobs), it ended when you got fired. Having a baby is a total assault on a woman's body and health and takes 2 years for a woman to give birth and fully recover from the physical trauma of pregnancy and childbirth. Many of the women in the study I linked to did give the baby up for adoption, and still were far worse off financially five years later, than the control group who had abortions.

Abortion is an economic issue, not a moral one. Poor people can ill afford to stand on principles that abortion is right or wrong because their very lives and futures are dependent on making the right decision for themselves and their living children.
Democrats in the Alabama legislature last year brought up the possibility of introducing such a bill during the abortion debate on 2019’s HB 314, known as the Human Life Protection Act.
Tongue and cheek

What's fair for the gander, should be fair for the goose... kind of thing.

If Men can tell and determine and legislate for women, when and if they can bear a child, and nix the woman's determination and reproductive rights...

then women, should be able to nix a man's reproductive rights through legislation as well....

NO ONE expects this bill to go anywhere.... it's trying to show in their minds, the absurdity of men determining what women they do not even know, can or can not do with their own bodies and reproductive choices.

At least when this was first proposed during the Abortion rights debate, it was the purpose of the proposal for men and controlling the reproductive choices of men just like they were trying to do for women.

They want to get men on record voting against this while they vote for legislation directed at women

Conjecture? A little, but you come up with a male birth control pill, and 70% of the female population in the world will scream bloody murder.

It is a FACT!

Yep, the feminists would then be screaming at you for not getting them pregnant.

LOL. 7 out of 10 women would not scream bloody murder if their male partner was responsible, in a relationship pregnancy is a topic that both must agree on. One night stands is not something a single or married women would do intentionally to become pregnant.

In fact in all cases when intercourse is on the bed, responsible men always ask if the women is protected, and if not has ready a condom.
Forcing a man to have a vasectomy is “violent” is forcing a woman to carry an unwanted pregnancy.
Who forced her to get pregnant?

Who forced him to make her pregnant?
Oh... so now you want to talk about him... A second ago it was supposedly about her. I thought we were in the modern age of feminism. Where strong empowered women, excersized agency. Apparently not...
Problem is, we have to deal with people like you trying to deny us agency.
Liberals are violent -- since you don't wanna let me kill my baby, why don't we cut your balls off??

Alabama Democrat proposes bill mandating all men have vasectomy at age 50 or after third child - Yellowhammer News

MONTGOMERY — State Rep. Rolanda Hollis (D-Birmingham) on Thursday filed a bill that would mandate every Alabama man to undergo a vasectomy within one month of his 50th birthday or the birth of his third biological child, whichever comes first.

Democrats in the Alabama legislature last year brought up the possibility of introducing such a bill during the abortion debate on 2019’s HB 314, known as the Human Life Protection Act.

“Under existing law, there are no restrictions on the reproductive rights of men,” states the introduction to Hollis’ new bill, HB 238.
Sounds a little like Communist China on population cUntrol. How many kids did Nancy Pelosi have again? Why is it okay for liberal elites to have many children but not everyone else? Equal justice, except some people are more equal than others it seems...
Shame Nan from San Fransicko didnt do what the rest of the liberals are told to do and abort her children, thus eliminating the stupid gene from that pool..

And yet you probably believe minority women who have children in excess of three ought to have their tubes tied. The lawmaker was making a point, knowing such a bill would piss off misogynists; I see by your comment it was directed at you.
probably believe minority women who have children in excess of three ought to have their tubes tied.
Damn you are a fucking racist to even make that remark.
Democrats in the Alabama legislature last year brought up the possibility of introducing such a bill during the abortion debate on 2019’s HB 314, known as the Human Life Protection Act.
Tongue and cheek

What's fair for the gander, should be fair for the goose... kind of thing.

If Men can tell and determine and legislate for women, when and if they can bear a child, and nix the woman's determination and reproductive rights...

then women, should be able to nix a man's reproductive rights through legislation as well....

NO ONE expects this bill to go anywhere.... it's trying to show in their minds, the absurdity of men determining what women they do not even know, can or can not do with their own bodies and reproductive choices.

At least when this was first proposed during the Abortion rights debate, it was the purpose of the proposal for men and controlling the reproductive choices of men just like they were trying to do for women.

They want to get men on record voting against this while they vote for legislation directed at women

Conjecture? A little, but you come up with a male birth control pill, and 70% of the female population in the world will scream bloody murder.

It is a FACT!

Yep, the feminists would then be screaming at you for not getting them pregnant.

LOL. 7 out of 10 women would not scream bloody murder if their male partner was responsible, in a relationship pregnancy is a topic that both must agree on. One night stands is not something a single or married women would do intentionally to become pregnant.

In fact in all cases when intercourse is on the bed, responsible men always ask if the women is protected, and if not has ready a condom.
One night stands didnt start happening in multitudes until that FREE sex, drugs and rock and roll happened in the 1960's. Then when hollyweird started showing sex on tv all the time, you wonder why kids these days are fucking at 10....Thanks Oblummer(the brown turd).
Ive never advocated for forced sterilization for women or men. The accountability and responsibility has to come from the individuals not the govt. Currently, our govt sides with allowing a child in the womb to be killed. That is wrong.
Which also infringes on that persons reproductive rights. The pro abortion crowd are unprincipled, and inconsistent. They desire one thing, and one thing only... And that is the freedom from the consequence of bad decisions, for women only...

Excellent point. It sure does.

Again, you don't have the first clue and keep making false equivalencies. Also, no one is "pro-abortion". That's a total fallacy. Pro-choice is not mean you people to have abortions. Pro-choice means you get to decide whether you want to be a parent.

Also, women don't have abortions because they made :"bad decisions". I don't think having sex with your husband is a "bad decision". The majority of women who have abortions are not good time party girls eliminating the consequences of a debauched lifestyle, as portrayed by those who think eliminating abortion would lead to "better decisions". They're poor women - wives and mothers whose birth control failed and for whom, having another child at this time, would not go well.

This is a followup study on women who wanted abortions and couldn't get one. Notice how poorly they are doing in comparison to the women who got the abortion they asked for. Homelessness, extreme poverty, mental health probelms. This is what happens when women are forced to have children they are not financially or emotionally prepared for. Do you think these children are going to turn out well? Are they going to have the skills and resources to be contributing members of society.

What Happens to Women Who Are Denied Abortions?

In order for society to thrive, its children need to have a chance as feeling love, security, of having a home, good food, emotional support and loving family. Being raised in a car with a stressed and overwhelmed parent is not that life.
Negative. Women have more “choices“ available to them than at any other time in history. There is abstinence, and countless types of birth control at a woman’s disposal. And failing that; there’s the AAA contingency plan. Abandonment, Adoption, and Abortion.

All of which are designed to do one thing, and one thing only... Remove the consequence, and responsibility of a piss poor “choice” from a woman. What you try to conceal under the cover of “freedom of choice” is nothing more than unveiled insistence of “freedom from the consequence of choice”. You are pro-abortion. That’s a fact...

The AAA plan does not work when just being pregnant and having a baby is the problem. There are no job protections for poor working women who get pregnant. NONE. You're pregnant, you're fired. If you had health insurance with your job (unlikely in low wage jobs), it ended when you got fired. Having a baby is a total assault on a woman's body and health and takes 2 years for a woman to give birth and fully recover from the physical trauma of pregnancy and childbirth. Many of the women in the study I linked to did give the baby up for adoption, and still were far worse off financially five years later, than the control group who had abortions.

Abortion is an economic issue, not a moral one. Poor people can ill afford to stand on principles that abortion is right or wrong because their very lives and futures are dependent on making the right decision for themselves and their living children.
Awww... Besides the fallacies entailed in your tearstained plight; sympathy is impossible when the solution to your self inflicted predicament is the taking of an innocent life, in order to enrich your own.
Forcing a man to have a vasectomy is “violent” is forcing a woman to carry an unwanted pregnancy.
Who forced her to get pregnant?

Who forced him to make her pregnant?
Oh... so now you want to talk about him... A second ago it was supposedly about her. I thought we were in the modern age of feminism. Where strong empowered women, excersized agency. Apparently not...
Problem is, we have to deal with people like you trying to deny us agency.
Correction. You flee from people like me who insist you also take on the responsibility, and consequence that comes with agency...
Forcing a man to have a vasectomy is “violent” is forcing a woman to carry an unwanted pregnancy.
Who forced her to get pregnant?

Who forced him to make her pregnant?
Oh... so now you want to talk about him... A second ago it was supposedly about her. I thought we were in the modern age of feminism. Where strong empowered women, excersized agency. Apparently not...
Problem is, we have to deal with people like you trying to deny us agency.
Correction. You flee from people like me who insist you also take on the responsibility, and consequence that comes with agency...
Not at all. We take responsibility with our choice.
Who forced her to get pregnant?

Who forced him to make her pregnant?
Oh... so now you want to talk about him... A second ago it was supposedly about her. I thought we were in the modern age of feminism. Where strong empowered women, excersized agency. Apparently not...
Problem is, we have to deal with people like you trying to deny us agency.
Correction. You flee from people like me who insist you also take on the responsibility, and consequence that comes with agency...
Not at all. We take responsibility with our choice.
If you did, you wouldn’t be contemplating the death of another, as the solution to a problem you created...
Who forced him to make her pregnant?
Oh... so now you want to talk about him... A second ago it was supposedly about her. I thought we were in the modern age of feminism. Where strong empowered women, excersized agency. Apparently not...
Problem is, we have to deal with people like you trying to deny us agency.
Correction. You flee from people like me who insist you also take on the responsibility, and consequence that comes with agency...
Not at all. We take responsibility with our choice.
If you did, you wouldn’t be contemplating the death of another, as the solution to a problem you created...
It isn't another until birth.
Oh... so now you want to talk about him... A second ago it was supposedly about her. I thought we were in the modern age of feminism. Where strong empowered women, excersized agency. Apparently not...
Problem is, we have to deal with people like you trying to deny us agency.
Correction. You flee from people like me who insist you also take on the responsibility, and consequence that comes with agency...
Not at all. We take responsibility with our choice.
If you did, you wouldn’t be contemplating the death of another, as the solution to a problem you created...
It isn't another until birth.
Liberals are violent -- since you don't wanna let me kill my baby, why don't we cut your balls off??

Alabama Democrat proposes bill mandating all men have vasectomy at age 50 or after third child - Yellowhammer News

MONTGOMERY — State Rep. Rolanda Hollis (D-Birmingham) on Thursday filed a bill that would mandate every Alabama man to undergo a vasectomy within one month of his 50th birthday or the birth of his third biological child, whichever comes first.

Democrats in the Alabama legislature last year brought up the possibility of introducing such a bill during the abortion debate on 2019’s HB 314, known as the Human Life Protection Act.

“Under existing law, there are no restrictions on the reproductive rights of men,” states the introduction to Hollis’ new bill, HB 238.
Sounds a little like Communist China on population cUntrol. How many kids did Nancy Pelosi have again? Why is it okay for liberal elites to have many children but not everyone else? Equal justice, except some people are more equal than others it seems...
Shame Nan from San Fransicko didnt do what the rest of the liberals are told to do and abort her children, thus eliminating the stupid gene from that pool..

And yet you probably believe minority women who have children in excess of three ought to have their tubes tied. The lawmaker was making a point, knowing such a bill would piss off misogynists; I see by your comment it was directed at you.
probably believe minority women who have children in excess of three ought to have their tubes tied.

Damn you are a fucking racist to even make that remark.

Hardly, I live by the words of MLK, I judge people by their character, not by their skin color, sexual orientation or ethnicity. I judge the self proclaimed and faux conservatives as callous, because their posts can be overt or covert bigotry, judging the protective class by their color, gender, ethnicity, beliefs and economic status.
Just think when Alex Jones told you freaks this it would be a conspiracy now you see how well they have you trained lmfao. ( you meaning the viewers).
We don't need a higher birthrate that's for sure.

Wrong! The United States, and in fact Western Europe, are struggling to replace the people that are dying.

The argument is------------> we can no longer afford to have larger families, but that is a debate not for this thread.

As of this moment, if the birthrate stays as it is in Western Europe, and the immigration continues unfettered, Western Europe will become predominantly Muslim by 2035. That is exactly why Western Europe is in an uproar. They see what SOCIALIST policies are doing, and they are having to finance their own cultures demise!

Most on here are to fkn stupid to see that reality and factual numbers.

Bill Text - SB-145 Sex offenders: registration.

.... Also, no one is "pro-abortion". .....

That's exactly what you and your ilk are. The fact that you have to lie to yourself about it speaks volumes.

Only an idiot thinks that being in favour of womens’ right to control the size of their families makes one in favour abortion.

Birth control fails. All the time. It happened to me - twice. I was married and could afford to have the babies and chose to do so. But that my choice. I marched holding the banner for a pro choice march in 1989, while 7 months pregnant. Half of the women who get abortions do so because their birth control fails.

Similarly, the baby I was carrying that day makes jokes that the failures of her birth control are why they have two kids. Canadian women get FREE abortions on demand. There are no abortion laws but Canadian women get half the abortions that American women do.

So learn the FACTS about pro-choice voters instead of bullshit Republican propaganda. Abortion is all about economics. There is no morality in forcing women into poverty and homelessness because by forcing them to have babies.
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Tongue and cheek

What's fair for the gander, should be fair for the goose... kind of thing.

If Men can tell and determine and legislate for women, when and if they can bear a child, and nix the woman's determination and reproductive rights...

then women, should be able to nix a man's reproductive rights through legislation as well....

NO ONE expects this bill to go anywhere.... it's trying to show in their minds, the absurdity of men determining what women they do not even know, can or can not do with their own bodies and reproductive choices.

At least when this was first proposed during the Abortion rights debate, it was the purpose of the proposal for men and controlling the reproductive choices of men just like they were trying to do for women.

They want to get men on record voting against this while they vote for legislation directed at women

Conjecture? A little, but you come up with a male birth control pill, and 70% of the female population in the world will scream bloody murder.

It is a FACT!

Yep, the feminists would then be screaming at you for not getting them pregnant.

LOL. 7 out of 10 women would not scream bloody murder if their male partner was responsible, in a relationship pregnancy is a topic that both must agree on. One night stands is not something a single or married women would do intentionally to become pregnant.

In fact in all cases when intercourse is on the bed, responsible men always ask if the women is protected, and if not has ready a condom.
One night stands didnt start happening in multitudes until that FREE sex, drugs and rock and roll happened in the 1960's. Then when hollyweird started showing sex on tv all the time, you wonder why kids these days are fucking at 10....Thanks Oblummer(the brown turd).

Clearly you are a racist, and likely don't have a clue about one night stands. It had nothing to do with rock and roll, drugs or Hollywood X and R rated films. On May 4th, 1960 the FDA approved the Pill which liberated females to engage in sexual activity without the fear of becoming pregnant.
Liberals are violent -- since you don't wanna let me kill my baby, why don't we cut your balls off??

Alabama Democrat proposes bill mandating all men have vasectomy at age 50 or after third child - Yellowhammer News

MONTGOMERY — State Rep. Rolanda Hollis (D-Birmingham) on Thursday filed a bill that would mandate every Alabama man to undergo a vasectomy within one month of his 50th birthday or the birth of his third biological child, whichever comes first.

Democrats in the Alabama legislature last year brought up the possibility of introducing such a bill during the abortion debate on 2019’s HB 314, known as the Human Life Protection Act.

“Under existing law, there are no restrictions on the reproductive rights of men,” states the introduction to Hollis’ new bill, HB 238.
Normally, I'd say mandating common sense is govt overreach. But we are talking Ala here. Even in Miss, we generally oppose our children inter-marrying with people from Ala.

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