Alabama has 1,621 ICU patients, 84 more than available staffed ICU beds; adds 4,691 cases

Spare me your anti-science bullshit. Are you a virologist? An immunologist??

Piss off then. I get my information from 95% of those qualified to opine.

Yours comes from butt hunches & idiots on the Internet ;)
Yeah, and you're just a wanta be who is still highly illiterate on the subject, and don't know shite from shinola. :)

You're trying though, I gotta give that one to ya..... Now answer the post about natural immunity in which million's already have, and about those that rarely get sick from anything, let alone living their lives scared to walk out of their houses or go to work.

Everything is a risk in life, so million's are always doing what they have to do in order to survive, and this is the right way in accordance with their own understanding, and the laws governing nature.
Yeah, and you're just a wanta be who is still highly illiterate on the subject, and don't know shite from shinola. :)

You're trying though, I gotta give that one to ya..... Now answer the post about natural immunity in which million's already have, and about those that rarely get sick from anything, let alone living their lives scared to walk out of their houses or go to work.

Everything is a risk in life, so million's are always doing what they have to do in order to survive, and this is the right way in accordance with their own understanding, and the laws governing nature.

Do you need another 50 links proving that your jibber jab and butt hunches about “natural immunity” (forever baybee) are FOS?

Meh - You ain’t worth the time. ;)
Yeah, and you're just a wanta be who is still highly illiterate on the subject, and don't know shite from shinola. :)

You're trying though, I gotta give that one to ya..... Now answer the post about natural immunity in which million's already have, and about those that rarely get sick from anything, let alone living their lives scared to walk out of their houses or go to work.

Everything is a risk in life, so million's are always doing what they have to do in order to survive, and this is the right way in accordance with their own understanding, and the laws governing nature.

I answered your question. Assuming you really tested positive for COVID and it wasn't "oh - I think I had the COVIDS" then your immunity will last approximately 3-6 months, but you'll have approximately half the protection as one who both had an infection AND was vaccinated within that time frame.

Don't be a chicken squat - to to Walgreens and get your free shot. It's the patriotic thing to do. Not a matter of being scared to walk outside your house. It's a matter of protecting your neighbors and friends when you do, even if you don't give a damn about yourself.

Thanks, you incompetent prick.

Partial quoting is not against the guidelines or the TOS here, .

Incorrect Bison Breath. If the partial quote changes the meaning and intent, then it is unacceptable. You are guilty of manipulative editing. James O'Keefe has taught you well! :ahole-1:

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I answered your question. Assuming you really tested positive for COVID and it wasn't "oh - I think I had the COVIDS" then your immunity will last approximately 3-6 months, but you'll have approximately half the protection as one who both had an infection AND was vaccinated within that time frame.

Don't be a chicken squat - to to Walgreens and get your free shot. It's the patriotic thing to do. Not a matter of being scared to walk outside your house. It's a matter of protecting your neighbors and friends when you do, even if you don't give a damn about yourself.

It's been almost a year since I tested positive, and I've been around people who have been diagnosed as positive in various cases throughout that year, but nope no virus again for me, so now what ??? Kind of puts your bullcrap into the "I don't really know category" doesn't it ???

In fact I was around a recovering patient yesterday at a mechanic shop visited. He still had breathing issues, and said that his doctor told him that he would slowly get better and better. I assured him that he would be ok, because I went through the same thing.

Not saying that I can't get something again, but I can't live my life worrying about it.
I answered your question. Assuming you really tested positive for COVID and it wasn't "oh - I think I had the COVIDS" then your immunity will last approximately 3-6 months, but you'll have approximately half the protection as one who both had an infection AND was vaccinated within that time frame.

Don't be a chicken squat - to to Walgreens and get your free shot. It's the patriotic thing to do. Not a matter of being scared to walk outside your house. It's a matter of protecting your neighbors and friends when you do, even if you don't give a damn about yourself.

Funny how I've not yet met anyone that is afraid of me and vice versa, so again you delve into fear mongering, and hyperbolic bullcrap.
Funny how I've not yet met anyone that is afraid of me and vice versa, so again you delve into fear mongering, and hyperbolic bullcrap.

I don't know what state you're in, but seems likely you're in a Trumpy Bear state where people scream FREEDOM!! - As their ICU's fill to the brim.
It's been almost a year since I tested positive, and I've been around people who have been diagnosed as positive in various cases throughout that year, but nope no virus again for me, so now what ??? Kind of puts your bullcrap into the "I don't really know category" doesn't it ???

In fact I was around a recovering patient yesterday at a mechanic shop visited. He still had breathing issues, and said that his doctor told him that he would slowly get better and better. I assured him that he would be ok, because I went through the same thing.

Not saying that I can't get something again, but I can't live my life worrying about it.

So the recovering patient (who should not be out in public) will get better because you got better - REALLY? More awesome anecdotal evidence. You're good at that. ;)
I don't know what state you're in, but seems likely you're in a Trumpy Bear state where people scream FREEDOM!! - As their ICU's fill to the brim.
We've been free ever since this thing started, and those same unit's were filled before, and yet we are still free from tyrannical forces. It's going to remain that way regardless of how many contact Covid and survive in a 95 to 98% range. Yes people die, but it's not enough to give up our freedom's. When people start dying by the thousand's, and just falling dead in their home's, and in their street's, then we might cast an eye towards being in a real crisis. That's not the case, and I guess that ruins your day doesn't it ??
What didn’t they test?
They didn't have time to understand the long term effects, and that's what people are highly skeptical of. You can't answer those fears either, but just as we all want immediately results from the virus, the various treatment's whether a Covid shot or other is the free choice of the individual. Squashing various effective treatment's in a bid to cattle drive everyone towards a shot is so transparent in this thing.
We've been free ever since this thing started, and those same unit's were filled before, and yet we are still free from tyrannical forces. It's going to remain that way regardless of how many contact Covid and survive in a 95 to 98% range. Yes people die, but it's not enough to give up our freedom's. When people start dying by the thousand's, and just falling dead in their home's, and in their street's, then we might cast an eye towards being in a real crisis. That's not the case, and I guess that ruins your day doesn't it ??
Yeah great point. After all, only 667,000 have dropped dead from COVID with hundreds of thousands of others suffering serious long term consequences like brain fog and not being able to smell or taste.

No big deal :rolleyes-41:
They didn't have time to understand the long term effects, and that's what people are highly skeptical of. You can't answer those fears either, but just as we all want immediately results from the virus, the various treatment's whether a Covid shot or other is the free choice of the individual. Squashing various effective treatment's in a bid to cattle drive everyone towards a shot is so transparent in this thing.
Why do you think there’s long term effects? You could study it for 10 years and say “well we don’t know the effects after 11 years”.
Yeah great point. After all, only 667,000 have dropped dead from COVID with hundreds of thousands of others suffering serious long term consequences like brain fog and not being able to smell or taste.

No big deal :rolleyes-41:
Pffft..... No one I know, and I know alot of people that have had the thing and recovered, had no long term problems from the virus after gotten over it. So that's the reality we are seeing outside of the bullcrap we are seeing in the leftist run media or on leftist slanted social media.
Why do you think there’s long term effects? You could study it for 10 years and say “well we don’t know the effects after 11 years”.
Did I say I didn't think there are long term effects from the shot ? Nope.... I said that it hasn't been studied for long term side effects, and therefore those side effects can't be listed on the drug as of yet. Hopefully there isn't any, but who knows ?????? Almost every drug run commercial list the side effects at the end, but nothing on Covid vaccine's yet.
Did I say I didn't think there are long term effects from the shot ? Nope.... I said that it hasn't been studied for long term side effects, and therefore those side effects can't be listed on the drug as of yet. Hopefully there isn't any, but who knows ?????? Almost every drug run commercial list the side effects at the end, but nothing on Covid vaccine's yet.
Long term side effects is a relative term, though. Meaningless.

One could just as easily say no vaccine has been studied for long term side effects.
Laughing at you... lol
It’d be less funny if you had any idea what you’re talking about.

Tell me, what effects from a vaccine take more than 6 months to be apparent?

Why is 6 months too short to evaluate for long term effects but 2 years isn’t?

You don’t know. You’re just here for the lolz

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