Alabama has 1,621 ICU patients, 84 more than available staffed ICU beds; adds 4,691 cases

The origin of the word means nothing in this conversation. Multitudes of English words have origins from other languages. It's original root was the Latin word "niger".
I know. The fact is that calling a black person a Negro is about as racist as it gets. It is a throwback to the 1960s and is equivalent to Biden calling his black advisor from LA "boy".
"Of the adult patients, 84% are unvaccinated, 4% are partially vaccinated and 12% are fully vaccinated."

It's funny that only in the USA do we see these proportions of vaccinated to unvaccinated hospitalizations.

Americans are some gullible MFers.
The Govt already announced they are NOT tracking Covid infections for Vaccinated people.

So all Stats are going to be off.

China quit reporting their cases after the initial outbreak. So none of their numbers are included starting early on.

If you want to conduct studies, you're either on your own or need to find reliable sources not biased one way or another.

Good Luck with that!!
Nope, when over 350 million shots have been administered over an 18 month time frame with little to no problem, it ain't "experimental" anymore.
That's a good point, but it still doesn't cover natural immunity, and the attempt to discriminate against those who have been actually saving lives with their anti-bodies given with their blood due to their natural immunity. So what gives ?? Democrat's making this about class, and waging their class warfare again ??? What happened to unifying the country ? Oh that's right, it was all bullcrap.
That's a good point, but it still doesn't cover natural immunity, and the attempt to discriminate against those who have been actually saving lives with their anti-bodies given with their blood due to their natural immunity. So what gives ?? Democrat's making this about class, and waging their class warfare again ??? What happened to unifying the country ? Oh that's right, it was all bullcrap.

For those who were tested positive and had their LEVELS of antibodies checked. Yes, you're good for a few months but likely not for as long as the vaccine lasts (likely 8-10 months). The claims of "lifetime immunity" if you've had the COVIDS are BS.

If you’ve had Covid-19, you’ve probably wondered: How long should you wait until you get vaccinated?​
There is a time frame in which your natural immunity has built up from the virus, but that immunity seems to only last for about three to six months. Vaccination is the next step to receive the best protection against hospitalization and death from Covid-19.​

But... But... Blue states!
Little note there... according to the article less than half of those ICU patients have Covid. Several hundred more test positive but are there for other reasons.
The misleading headline makes you think there are 1621 Covid ICUs
So basically about 700 Covid ICU patients out of 5,000,000 people.
Well I go on the preponderance of evidence.

Similar numbers were shown in a May-Aug study as well.

These 'vaccines' are losing efficacy so quickly they are to the point of useless, and some suggest they may exacerbate problems.
I wouldn't be a bit surprised to find out that the vaccines are directly responsible for the creation of the variants.
I took two years of Latin in junior high and high school.

Did you know editing my reply as you did is a TOS violation?
I didn't edit your reply, dummy. Readers can easily access your entire reply by clicking on the up arrow following your name in my legal quote of part of what you said. I didn't "edit your reply".

Editing a quoted reply involves changing the words in the quoted text. I did nothing of the sort.

Partial quoting of a post is available to all users here...if the wording is not changed.

Quote from the TOS where that feature is off limits.
I didn't edit your reply, dummy. Readers can easily access your entire reply by clicking on the up arrow following your name in my legal quote of part of what you said. I didn't "edit your reply".

Editing a quoted reply involves changing the words in the quoted text. I did nothing of the sort.

Partial quoting of a post is available to all users here...if the wording is not changed.

Quote from the TOS where that feature is off limits.
You changed the context of my post. The mods probably would do nothing anyway, so I'll just put your ignorant ass on "ignore" as you have proven yourself to be a racist bastard and an asshole to boot!
You changed the context of my post. The mods probably would do nothing anyway, so I'll just put your ignorant ass on "ignore" as you have proven yourself to be a racist bastard and an asshole to boot!
Thanks, you incompetent prick.

Partial quoting is not against the guidelines or the TOS here, :ahole-1: .
For those who were tested positive and had their LEVELS of antibodies checked. Yes, you're good for a few months but likely not for as long as the vaccine lasts (likely 8-10 months). The claims of "lifetime immunity" if you've had the COVIDS are BS.

If you’ve had Covid-19, you’ve probably wondered: How long should you wait until you get vaccinated?​
There is a time frame in which your natural immunity has built up from the virus, but that immunity seems to only last for about three to six months. Vaccination is the next step to receive the best protection against hospitalization and death from Covid-19.​

Bullcrap... You or anyone else for that matter, undoubtedly don't know how immunity works, and you sure don't know how long people are immune. I know plenty who have natural immunity against poison ivy, chickenpox, flu viruses, strep throat, sinuses, allergies that give people welts, itching, and the people that are immune to bee stings etc.

Some will never catch COVID-19, and then there are those who catch it, and may never get it again or maybe they will, so who knows ? The only thing that can be looked at is the mortality rates, and of course the treatment's in which enhance survivability. The vaccine is just one way to survive the virus, but there are other ways to survive it as well. I think that we have people among us that already are immune to the virus without ever had it at all. I see many situations where a family member is taking care of their husband or wife, and yet they never get it.
Bullcrap... You or anyone else for that matter, undoubtedly don't know how immunity works, and you sure don't know how long people are immune. I know plenty who have natural immunity against poison ivy, chickenpox, flu viruses, strep throat, sinuses, allergies that give people welts, itching, and the people that are immune to bee stings etc.

Some will never catch COVID-19, and then there are those who catch it, and may never get it again or maybe they will, so who knows ? The only thing that can be looked at is the mortality rates, and of course the treatment's in which enhance survivability. The vaccine is just one way to survive the virus, but there are other ways to survive it as well. I think that we have people among us that already are immune to the virus without ever had it at all. I see many situations where a family member is taking care of their husband or wife, and yet they never get it.

Spare me your anti-science bullshit. Are you a virologist? An immunologist??

Piss off then. I get my information from 95% of those qualified to opine.

Yours comes from butt hunches & idiots on the Internet ;)

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