Alabama has the worst poverty in the developed world, U.N. official says

What kind of factories exist in Alabama? It seems to me it's mostly agricultural. One either owns a farm or has a barbershop in a small blink town (A blink town is a place that if one blinks as they drive through they've miss it).

Sorry but Camden, NJ and Trenton, and Atlantic City are ALL Democrat strongholds (they don't vote any other way), and these cities are the pits. They look like dumps and the the jobs that once existed their left ------ and the drugs, drinking, prostitution are what the locals call relaxation.The paychecks are welfare handouts. The only way for them to go is up ---they can't go down any further...
Those liberal policies designed to supposedly lift up the black community are clearly a colossal fucking failure.

Alabama is 26% black.
He’s wrong. Why believe and repeat everything you are told without checking it, first?
Alabama has the worst poverty in the developed world, U.N. official says

A United Nations official investigating poverty in the United States was shocked at the level of environmental degradation in some areas of rural Alabama, saying he had never seen anything like it in the developed world.
"I think it's very uncommon in the First World. This is not a sight that one normally sees. I'd have to say that I haven't seen this," Philip Alston, the U.N.'s Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, told Connor Sheets of AL.comearlier this week as they toured a community in Butler County where "raw sewage flows from homes through exposed PVC pipes and into open trenches and pits."

Well, that is why Republican policies are bad.

They don't care about educating the population and believe the poor should simply hold a lower position in life.

They don't care about a safetynet for their poor or disabled

They don't care if you're sick and dying and hospitals should be able to destroy your life if you do get sick! Work 3 jobs with cancer sucker!!!

They don't care about fair pay or workers rights

They don't care about environmental standards. China or India level of pollution is in our future if we keep electing republicans.

They don't care if income inequality makes 90% of the society poorer then Africa, while a few percent have it all.

The republican party wouldn't care if we were poorer then Somalia. The truth is this mindset is probably going to lead to the downfall of this nation.
Truth isn’t something many of them, particularly the progressives, believe in.
“Alabama has the worst poverty in the developed world, U.N. official says”

The consequence of ignorance, bigotry, racism, and failed conservative social and economic dogma.

I'm getting kinda tired of posting this link...

Alabama Department of Archives and History: Alabama Governors
I have noticed that the libtards never address the truth, they just happily skip right past that part!
I agree with the Progs on this one. There are red states that get way too much welfare, so we should cut it off immediately.

I can’t believe I agree with Progs.

Cut off all federal welfare to red states. The Dems should pass a bill.
Alabama has the worst poverty in the developed world, U.N. official says

A United Nations official investigating poverty in the United States was shocked at the level of environmental degradation in some areas of rural Alabama, saying he had never seen anything like it in the developed world.
"I think it's very uncommon in the First World. This is not a sight that one normally sees. I'd have to say that I haven't seen this," Philip Alston, the U.N.'s Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, told Connor Sheets of AL.comearlier this week as they toured a community in Butler County where "raw sewage flows from homes through exposed PVC pipes and into open trenches and pits."

Well, that is why Republican policies are bad.

They don't care about educating the population and believe the poor should simply hold a lower position in life.

They don't care about a safetynet for their poor or disabled

They don't care if you're sick and dying and hospitals should be able to destroy your life if you do get sick! Work 3 jobs with cancer sucker!!!

They don't care about fair pay or workers rights

They don't care about environmental standards. China or India level of pollution is in our future if we keep electing republicans.

They don't care if income inequality makes 90% of the society poorer then Africa, while a few percent have it all.

The republican party wouldn't care if we were poorer then Somalia. The truth is this mindset is probably going to lead to the downfall of this nation.

Why don't you explain why most of Europe is poorer than the United States, including Mississippi, which has the lowest GDP of all 50?

Most of Europe Is a Lot Poorer than Most of the United States | Daniel J. Mitchell

It Is Still True That Even Mississippi Is Richer Than Britain
Alabama has the worst poverty in the developed world, U.N. official says

A United Nations official investigating poverty in the United States was shocked at the level of environmental degradation in some areas of rural Alabama, saying he had never seen anything like it in the developed world.
"I think it's very uncommon in the First World. This is not a sight that one normally sees. I'd have to say that I haven't seen this," Philip Alston, the U.N.'s Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, told Connor Sheets of AL.comearlier this week as they toured a community in Butler County where "raw sewage flows from homes through exposed PVC pipes and into open trenches and pits."

Well, that is why Republican policies are bad.

They don't care about educating the population and believe the poor should simply hold a lower position in life.

They don't care about a safetynet for their poor or disabled

They don't care if you're sick and dying and hospitals should be able to destroy your life if you do get sick! Work 3 jobs with cancer sucker!!!

They don't care about fair pay or workers rights

They don't care about environmental standards. China or India level of pollution is in our future if we keep electing republicans.

They don't care if income inequality makes 90% of the society poorer then Africa, while a few percent have it all.

The republican party wouldn't care if we were poorer then Somalia. The truth is this mindset is probably going to lead to the downfall of this nation.

Why don't you explain why most of Europe is poorer than the United States, including Mississippi, which has the lowest GDP of all 50?

Most of Europe Is a Lot Poorer than Most of the United States | Daniel J. Mitchell

It Is Still True That Even Mississippi Is Richer Than Britain
You are not holding yer breath are you?
And to be frank this is why they will elect Roy moore as preaching god is somehow more important then living within a civilized society.

People that will vote like Moore will ensure we stay a free society. We live in an emasculated society where one perversion outweighs another and we are told how the elite thinks, or you are, and it looks like you believe it. Telling you how to think, what would you want freedom for?
It just goes to show that conservatives would accept third world conditions for 95% of the population.

This is really sad as that would make America a third world country.

Explain what you mean, specifically. I don’t understand the point you are making.
The cause is evident: If you want poverty, vote for Democrats. If you want prosperity, vote for Republicans.
Fake news, check the stats it contradicts your dreams.

Ps: sorry i forgot, you guys dont beleive in facts, science or polls.
The cause is evident: If you want poverty, vote for Democrats. If you want prosperity, vote for Republicans.
Fake news, check the stats it contradicts your dreams.

Ps: sorry i forgot, you guys dont beleive in facts, science or polls.

I’ll bite. List your facts, science, and polls and let’s break it down.
What does this ranking represent?

1. D.C.
2. Mississippi
3. Georgia
3. Louisiana
5. Maryland
6. Alabama

Yes. It does matter. Stop all the bullshit.
The cause is evident: If you want poverty, vote for Democrats. If you want prosperity, vote for Republicans.

Which of course the facts don't support.

However, the best bet would be to get rid of both the main two parties' monopoly on power, then the people can run the govt again, instead of the Koch brothers.

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