Alabama has the worst poverty in the developed world, U.N. official says

The cause is evident: If you want poverty, vote for Democrats. If you want prosperity, vote for Republicans.
Fake news, check the stats it contradicts your dreams.

Ps: sorry i forgot, you guys dont beleive in facts, science or polls.

We do believe in facts. And the fact that it's the voters choose who they want to represent them, as in the case of Donald Trump.
Minority of people did and a push from Putin. Not a democratic system to say thr least. Someome needs to bring democracy to America along with education and common sense.

GTFO. Show me one single solitary example where Putin influenced a voter's decision to choose between one candidate or another.

BTW, America is not a "democracy", you're confusing us with the Greeks. We are a constitutional republic.
galt i think he influenced me....i was going to vote hillary when all of a sudden for some unknown reason i was forced to pick up a pencil and write in Rufus T. Firefly....i cant explain what happened until i heard about this Russian shit....
This is what loserterianism does to everything it touches!!!!

U.N. official: Alabama's poverty, sewage crisis 'very uncommon in First World'
Source: UPI

By Ray Downs | Dec. 10, 2017 at 8:01 PM

Dec. 10 (UPI) -- A United Nations official investigating poverty in the United States visited Alabama last week and said the poverty and sewage system there is some of the worst he has seen in the developed world.

"I think it's very uncommon in the First World. This is not a sight that one normally sees," said Philip Alston, the UN's Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human right, reported. "I'd have to say that I haven't seen this."

Alston is on a 15-day trip of the United States to investigate poverty and visited several counties in Alabama's "Black Belt" region, an area of several mostly black counties that have long experienced poverty and racial segregation.

One of the issues Alston focused on was the longstanding sewage crisis in that region.

Read more: UN poverty official touring Alabama's Black Belt: 'I haven't seen this' in the First World

So you're saying blacks are shiftless and lazy?
yes he has said that....
This is what loserterianism does to everything it touches!!!!

U.N. official: Alabama's poverty, sewage crisis 'very uncommon in First World'
Source: UPI

By Ray Downs | Dec. 10, 2017 at 8:01 PM

Dec. 10 (UPI) -- A United Nations official investigating poverty in the United States visited Alabama last week and said the poverty and sewage system there is some of the worst he has seen in the developed world.

"I think it's very uncommon in the First World. This is not a sight that one normally sees," said Philip Alston, the UN's Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human right, reported. "I'd have to say that I haven't seen this."

Alston is on a 15-day trip of the United States to investigate poverty and visited several counties in Alabama's "Black Belt" region, an area of several mostly black counties that have long experienced poverty and racial segregation.

One of the issues Alston focused on was the longstanding sewage crisis in that region.

Read more: UN poverty official touring Alabama's Black Belt: 'I haven't seen this' in the First World

So you're saying blacks are shiftless and lazy?
yes he has said that....

Reading comprehension much?
The poverty in the deep south was apparently not a problem before a year ago. So God damned disingenuous!
Your policies of letting people die, pollute and live in shitty standards is the same that any other third world shit hole that doesn't do shit to better their situation does.

It is kind of funny how you make fun of blacks but then do the same mistakes for our own country. You sit around letting everything fall apart and demand the same outlook for our future!
making fun of blacks? this poster named matthew used to do here not to long ago?...
He didn't just make fun of them, he called them sub humans.
Trump in Alabama
The cause is evident: If you want poverty, vote for Democrats. If you want prosperity, vote for Republicans.

Reality just doesn't phase you at all does it?

Try looking up the statistics before you make ludicrous assertions!
A state with the worst poverty rate in the world, is about to elect an accused pedophile.

This is what loserterianism does to everything it touches!!!!

U.N. official: Alabama's poverty, sewage crisis 'very uncommon in First World'
Source: UPI

By Ray Downs | Dec. 10, 2017 at 8:01 PM

Dec. 10 (UPI) -- A United Nations official investigating poverty in the United States visited Alabama last week and said the poverty and sewage system there is some of the worst he has seen in the developed world.

"I think it's very uncommon in the First World. This is not a sight that one normally sees," said Philip Alston, the UN's Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human right, reported. "I'd have to say that I haven't seen this."

Alston is on a 15-day trip of the United States to investigate poverty and visited several counties in Alabama's "Black Belt" region, an area of several mostly black counties that have long experienced poverty and racial segregation.

One of the issues Alston focused on was the longstanding sewage crisis in that region.

Read more: UN poverty official touring Alabama's Black Belt: 'I haven't seen this' in the First World

So you're saying blacks are shiftless and lazy?
yes he has said that....

Reading comprehension much?
no not at all.....matt has said that and more about blacks....
Your policies of letting people die, pollute and live in shitty standards is the same that any other third world shit hole that doesn't do shit to better their situation does.

It is kind of funny how you make fun of blacks but then do the same mistakes for our own country. You sit around letting everything fall apart and demand the same outlook for our future!
making fun of blacks? this poster named matthew used to do here not to long ago?...
He didn't just make fun of them, he called them sub humans.
you dont have to tell me gramps....i like you have seen his postings....its just funny because he was told to hate trump now he tries to act like a compassionate liberal who feels for minorities....the guy is a phony....
Alabama has the worst poverty in the developed world, U.N. official says

A United Nations official investigating poverty in the United States was shocked at the level of environmental degradation in some areas of rural Alabama, saying he had never seen anything like it in the developed world.
"I think it's very uncommon in the First World. This is not a sight that one normally sees. I'd have to say that I haven't seen this," Philip Alston, the U.N.'s Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, told Connor Sheets of AL.comearlier this week as they toured a community in Butler County where "raw sewage flows from homes through exposed PVC pipes and into open trenches and pits."

Well, that is why Republican policies are bad.

They don't care about educating the population and believe the poor should simply hold a lower position in life.

They don't care about a safetynet for their poor or disabled

They don't care if you're sick and dying and hospitals should be able to destroy your life if you do get sick! Work 3 jobs with cancer sucker!!!

They don't care about fair pay or workers rights

They don't care about environmental standards. China or India level of pollution is in our future if we keep electing republicans.

They don't care if income inequality makes 90% of the society poorer then Africa, while a few percent have it all.

The republican party wouldn't care if we were poorer then Somalia. The truth is this mindset is probably going to lead to the downfall of this nation.

Alabama has the worst poverty in the developed world, U.N. official says

A United Nations official investigating poverty in the United States was shocked at the level of environmental degradation in some areas of rural Alabama, saying he had never seen anything like it in the developed world.
"I think it's very uncommon in the First World. This is not a sight that one normally sees. I'd have to say that I haven't seen this," Philip Alston, the U.N.'s Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, told Connor Sheets of AL.comearlier this week as they toured a community in Butler County where "raw sewage flows from homes through exposed PVC pipes and into open trenches and pits."

Well, that is why Republican policies are bad.

They don't care about educating the population and believe the poor should simply hold a lower position in life.

They don't care about a safetynet for their poor or disabled

They don't care if you're sick and dying and hospitals should be able to destroy your life if you do get sick! Work 3 jobs with cancer sucker!!!

They don't care about fair pay or workers rights

They don't care about environmental standards. China or India level of pollution is in our future if we keep electing republicans.

They don't care if income inequality makes 90% of the society poorer then Africa, while a few percent have it all.

The republican party wouldn't care if we were poorer then Somalia. The truth is this mindset is probably going to lead to the downfall of this nation.

funny how they released info on Alabama, after all the un is so concerned about that state

but its shit because mississippi is ranked lower in most categories.

oh and republicans are improving the infastructue. 20 years of republicans does not cancel out 150 years of stupid democrat rule, but they are getting better

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