Alabama Pastor, 64, Has Been Arrested For Sexually Abusing A 7 Year Old

I wonder if any of the MAGA folks will ever get around to condemning the actions of this man
Who knows? I suspect they are in prayer that he wasn't at the J6 attack and seen on YouTube.
Who knows? I suspect they are in prayer that he wasn't at the J6 attack and seen on YouTube.

I will come back in a couple hours and see if any of them actually disagree with waht the man did or not
You haven't condemned your president for the very same crimes. Why do democrats just ignore HIM touching little girls? Politics?
I have heard the stuff, just don't know if it is true. You don't hear me talking about pictures showing how affectionate trump looked with Ivanka either, because I just don't know. I am just pointing out, this small town white preacher is most likely a conservative Republican, mostly because it is funny and most likely true, but if you get down to it, we don't really know if this story is true, until it is proved in court. We just know it sounds bad, because, if true, it is really bad. This one will be in court. We will probably know all about it, before it is done. If I seem like the kind of guy that would jerk your chain on a breaking news thread, just because it was an easy pull, I probably am.:D
I will come back in a couple hours and see if any of them actually disagree with waht the man did or not
In actuality, I suspect they would think it horrible, because if true, it is universally across party lines evil, even if they like to say it is a liberal democrat thing.
Kenneth Daniel, 64, is a pastor at the First Baptist Church of Chalkville, AL. On Wednesday, he was arrested, booked into the Blount County Jail, and charged with facilitating solicitation of unlawful sexual conduct with a child. Which is a legal euphemism for “he forced himself on a now second-grade girl, 57 years his junior, who was scared out of her mind and terrified that an aging creep was doing things to her she knew to be wrong.”

The child, now seven, told her grandfather that Daniel had been sexually abusing her — that he had touched her private parts — numerous times at his home, a pool party, and the church. This repeated violation of her innocence stretched out over 2½ years between January 2020 and earlier this month. The calendar tells us that the crimes started when the victim was only five.

Just get a good lawyer to tell the jury, the girl had not accepted the lord Jesus Christ as her savior, and he stands a good chance of getting off.

And maybe getting off in the little girl at the next pool party.
Find me ONE dem who hasn't done similar things.....
Find me ONE dem who hasn't done similar things.....
My brother. He is what I think of as a knee-jerk Democrat. He would vote Democrat, just because it wasn't republican.
I have heard the stuff, just don't know if it is true. You don't hear me talking about pictures showing how affectionate trump looked with Ivanka either, because I just don't know. I am just pointing out, this small town white preacher is most likely a conservative Republican, mostly because it is funny and most likely true, but if you get down to it, we don't really know if this story is true, until it is proved in court. We just know it sounds bad, because, if true, it is really bad. This one will be in court. We will probably know all about it, before it is done. If I seem like the kind of guy that would jerk your chain on a breaking news thread, just because it was an easy pull, I probably am.:D
Nobody's excusing his behavior. I haven't said I believe he's a Democrat. Irrelevant!

My question is why won't you and the more leftist posters ever condemn your president instead of making excuses for him?

From the only info provided, this man did pretty much what we have on video of Biden. None of you talk about how HE should be punished. Why does this man deserve to be strung up without a trial while nothing is said about your pervert in the White House
Nobody's excusing his behavior. I haven't said I believe he's a Democrat. Irrelevant!

My question is why won't you and the more leftist posters ever condemn your president instead of making excuses for him?

From the only info provided, this man did pretty much what we have on video of Biden. None of you talk about how HE should be punished. Why does this man deserve to be strung up without a trial while nothing is said about your pervert in the White House
What part of the first sentence "I have heard the stuff, just don't know if it is true." did you not read?
What part of the first sentence "I have heard the stuff, just don't know if it is true." did you not read?
Heard, or SEEN, like the rest of us have

What should we do with a president who can't keep his hands off little girls?

This man will face justice. Why is Biden immune
My brother. He is what I think of as a knee-jerk Democrat. He would vote Democrat, just because it wasn't republican.
To expand, We had the same parents, same house, same schools, many of the same teachers, obviously went to the same churches growing up. He has voted in one more 4 year cycle of elections than I. First time I voted, I voted for Richard Nixon for President, Lamar Alexander for Governor. Voting Lamar, because the previous Democrat Governor (Ray Blanton) was the most crooked sonovabitch to ever be in office, here in The Great State of Tennessee, and did go to prison after Lamar was sworn in early to prevent the mangy cur from selling more pardons and liquor licenses on the way out the door, to those Dem and Rep that had money. There was a great song out a time to the tune of Chattanuga Choo-Choo, that went "Pardon me Ray, are you the cat that signs the papers, your an old friend of mine, so put your name on the line, etc. Huge effect on Tennessee, huge embarrassment, national story about 50 years ago.

My brother voted the same way I did in that election. We both saw what Nixon did and tried to do. I was young, but came to the conclusion there were fuckups in both parties and would never vote a straight party ticket again, but go for whoever was closest to my views or less harmful to me and the country at the time. But, he took the Nixon thing to heart, worse because he was President, I suppose, and to my knowledge he has only voted once for a Republican since, that being Senator Fred Thompson of Tennessee, because he knew him and they talked once in a while in Nashville.

Two brothers, same raising, same experiences to that point, but I became pretty fiercely Independent, due to what I saw, and he became a loyal knee-jerk Democrat vote that could be counted on in basically every election. Otherwise, a normal, hardworking always employed, relatively conservative living, friendly guy who would never do any of the things all Democrats are accused of doing and being, on this board, just because they are Democrats, so obviously I think of him, whenever the nut balls on here are talking all the BS about democrats all being Nazi, scum of the earth, free loading, lawbreaking, child molesting perverts, as it just isn't true of him.
Never leave your children unattended in the company of a conservative preacher, many of these people are depraved predators, much like the former President who they continue to faithfully, and publicly, support.
To expand, We had the same parents, same house, same schools, many of the same teachers, obviously went to the same churches growing up. He has voted in one more 4 year cycle of elections than I. First time I voted, I voted for Richard Nixon for President, Lamar Alexander for Governor. Voting Lamar, because the previous Democrat Governor (Ray Blanton) was the most crooked sonovabitch to ever be in office, here in The Great State of Tennessee, and did go to prison after Lamar was sworn in early to prevent the mangy cur from selling more pardons and liquor licenses on the way out the door, to those Dem and Rep that had money. There was a great song out a time to the tune of Chattanuga Choo-Choo, that went "Pardon me Ray, are you the cat that signs the papers, your an old friend of mine, so put your name on the line, etc. Huge effect on Tennessee, huge embarrassment, national story about 50 years ago.

My brother voted the same way I did in that election. We both saw what Nixon did and tried to do. I was young, but came to the conclusion there were fuckups in both parties and would never vote a straight party ticket again, but go for whoever was closest to my views or less harmful to me and the country at the time. But, he took the Nixon thing to heart, worse because he was President, I suppose, and to my knowledge he has only voted once for a Republican since, that being Senator Fred Thompson of Tennessee, because he knew him and they talked once in a while in Nashville.

Two brothers, same raising, same experiences to that point, but I became pretty fiercely Independent, due to what I saw, and he became a loyal knee-jerk Democrat vote that could be counted on in basically every election. Otherwise, a normal, hardworking always employed, relatively conservative living, friendly guy who would never do any of the things all Democrats are accused of doing and being, on this board, just because they are Democrats, so obviously I think of him, whenever the nut balls on here are talking all the BS about democrats all being Nazi, scum of the earth, free loading, lawbreaking, child molesting perverts, as it just isn't true of him.
It’s not that they’re all Nazi, scum of the earth, free loading, lawbreaking, child molesting perverts.
It’s because they have to support policies that enable all of that. In the process of overthrowing the USA.
Democrats are America’s greatest threat.
It’s not that they’re all Nazi, scum of the earth, free loading, lawbreaking, child molesting perverts.
It’s because they have to support policies that enable all of that. In the process of overthrowing the USA.
Democrats are America’s greatest threat.
I don't think they are, but party loyalties and tolerances in both parties in this day and time, make it more important to be independent all the time. We have two fairly Fkd up parties vying to Fk up the parties in different ways at the same time and not enough level-headed conservatives to balance. One party historically less conservative and the other running all the conservatives that won't tow the party line with unquestioning loyalty to the top, out of the party. It is a Fkd up political mess out there and a dangerous time for the country. At least, that is my opinion.
I don't think they are, but party loyalties and tolerances in both parties in this day and time, make it more important to be independent all the time. We have two fairly Fkd up parties vying to Fk up the parties in different ways at the same time and not enough level-headed conservatives to balance. One party historically less conservative and the other running all the conservatives that won't tow the party line with unquestioning loyalty to the top, out of the party. It is a Fkd up political mess out there and a dangerous time for the country. At least, that is my opinion.
Not that messed up. Just one party (democrats) are bent on destroying the country. I’m an independent but I’m anti-democrat because they are our greatest threat.
So, you read a story about a 7 year old being sexually abused and your only thought is "how can I use this to make a political point on the forum"

what a piece of shit you are.
Not a peep for the OP who is doing what you just claimed...what a piece of shit you are.
Kenneth Daniel, 64, is a pastor at the First Baptist Church of Chalkville, AL. On Wednesday, he was arrested, booked into the Blount County Jail, and charged with facilitating solicitation of unlawful sexual conduct with a child. Which is a legal euphemism for “he forced himself on a now second-grade girl, 57 years his junior, who was scared out of her mind and terrified that an aging creep was doing things to her she knew to be wrong.”

The child, now seven, told her grandfather that Daniel had been sexually abusing her — that he had touched her private parts — numerous times at his home, a pool party, and the church. This repeated violation of her innocence stretched out over 2½ years between January 2020 and earlier this month. The calendar tells us that the crimes started when the victim was only five.

Just get a good lawyer to tell the jury, the girl had not accepted the lord Jesus Christ as her savior, and he stands a good chance of getting off.

And maybe getting off in the little girl at the next pool party.
Give him a fair trial and if guilty give him the death penalty, oh wait that is morally wrong in your eyes, you will want him paroled in a couple of years after he is reformed.

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