Alabama Senate passes bill to protect confederate monuments

The States have the right to do what they think is best. Want to change it? Get people who agree with you elected.
With Don, Sessions and Bannon, what wold you have expected. Make america White Again.

While I'm sure you believe that should be, the fact is that America was never "White" and people of color fought for the Confederacy as well as the Union.
Correct on one part wrong on other.

Enlighten me, then
There were a few hundred unofficial black Confederate soldiers.

There were nearly one million official black Union soldiers.
With Don, Sessions and Bannon, what wold you have expected. Make america White Again.

While I'm sure you believe that should be, the fact is that America was never "White" and people of color fought for the Confederacy as well as the Union.
Correct on one part wrong on other.

Enlighten me, then
The US was intended for the founders PROGENY aka white people. Also look at the naturalization acts of the 1790's. Its quite clear who this country was intended for.

True enough, but that's got nothing to do with this thread. This thread's about fetishism and symbol-mindedness.

Some klown in Steve McRacist's whine thread about such monuments coming down in New Orleans tried to make the case that doing so was "erasing history", which seems to be your idea here. Couple of us (both Southerners) challenged her on how it equates to that. She ran away.
Pogster, we went through on this already in the past with you when the big Globalist Elite push was launched to eradicate historical monuments. Just go back to those threads an look it up. When monuments, such as statues disappear it is that much easier to rewrite history what you people are very good at. Leave historical monument commemorating events untouched even if it somehow doesn't fit your narratives at the present.
The eradication attempt of statues and monuments is nothing new in world history what you are well versed in (at least that's how perceive you)
It is called "Damnatio memoriae" The earliest of that I can remember from history was Akhenaten, there may have been earlier attempts also. Then, it continued throughout the ages from the Romans to the Communist Soviet Union and now here in the U.S.

True enough, but that's got nothing to do with this thread. This thread's about fetishism and symbol-mindedness.

Some klown in Steve McRacist's whine thread about such monuments coming down in New Orleans tried to make the case that doing so was "erasing history", which seems to be your idea here. Couple of us (both Southerners) challenged her on how it equates to that. She ran away.
Pogster, we went through on this already in the past with you when the big Globalist Elite push was launched to eradicate historical monuments. Just go back to those threads an look it up. When monuments, such as statues disappear it is that much easier to rewrite history what you people are very good at. Leave historical monument commemorating events untouched even if it somehow doesn't fit your narratives at the present.
The eradication attempt of statues and monuments is nothing new in world history what you are well versed in (at least that's how perceive you)
It is called "Damnatio memoriae" The earliest of that I can remember from history was Akhenaten, there may have been earlier attempts also. Then, it continued throughout the ages from the Romans to the Communist Soviet Union and now here in the U.S.

Actually we went through this much more recently, here. You're conflating history with historical symbols. They're two different things. If this were not the case none of us would know anything of history unless it was manifest in some monument.

If someone burns a flag (or destroys an old one as prescribed) --- does the country cease to exist?

See also post 53 in that thread for another example.

Now who exactly is "you people"?

True enough, but that's got nothing to do with this thread. This thread's about fetishism and symbol-mindedness.

Some klown in Steve McRacist's whine thread about such monuments coming down in New Orleans tried to make the case that doing so was "erasing history", which seems to be your idea here. Couple of us (both Southerners) challenged her on how it equates to that. She ran away.
Pogster, we went through on this already in the past with you when the big Globalist Elite push was launched to eradicate historical monuments. Just go back to those threads an look it up. When monuments, such as statues disappear it is that much easier to rewrite history what you people are very good at. Leave historical monument commemorating events untouched even if it somehow doesn't fit your narratives at the present.
The eradication attempt of statues and monuments is nothing new in world history what you are well versed in (at least that's how perceive you)
It is called "Damnatio memoriae" The earliest of that I can remember from history was Akhenaten, there may have been earlier attempts also. Then, it continued throughout the ages from the Romans to the Communist Soviet Union and now here in the U.S.

Actually we went through this much more recently, here. You're conflating history with historical symbols. They're two different things. If this were not the case none of us would know anything of history unless it was manifest in some monument.

Now who exactly is "you people"?
You need to read one more time what I wrote. I am not conflating anything. Let me quote that your spin would be evident.
"When monuments, such as statues disappear it is that much easier to rewrite history what you people are very good at."
"You people" is the anti-American left trying to implement total censorship, eradicate history and destroy Western civilization.

Another blow to the American ISIS who LOVE desecrating and destroying historical monuments.

I have no problem with that, it's a part of the South's history and heritage.
The South has many monuments, showing the era of resistance. I would expect that those southerns who cherish their monuments of their resistance to the union, to not bash the current grass roots resistance to the Trump administration. If South feels it has to had their right to resist, it would very hypocritical to bash others who resist the union/government.
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Another blow to the American ISIS who LOVE desecrating and destroying historical monuments.

I have no problem with that, it's a part of the South's history and heritage.
The South has many monuments, showing the era of resistance. I would expect that those southerns who cherish their monuments of their resistance to the union, to not bash the current grass roots resistance to the Trump administration. If South feels it has to had their right to resist, it would very hypocrite to bash others who resist the union/government.

Another blow to the American ISIS who LOVE desecrating and destroying historical monuments.

I have no problem with that, it's a part of the South's history and heritage.
The South has many monuments, showing the era of resistance. I would expect that those southerns who cherish their monuments of their resistance to the union, to not bash the current grass roots resistance to the Trump administration. If South feels it has to had their right to resist, it would very hypocrite to bash others who resist the union/government.

Hate freedom of speech, huh?
I am of Yankee heritage and have always considered the Confederate leaders to be traitors, but the civilian population, especially the soldiers to be dupes and suckers for following the leaders. That said, I have no objection of the people of Alabama wanting to protect their heritage and monuments. If they want to ensure that the monuments stand as tributes and reminders of their heritage, that is fine with me.

True enough, but that's got nothing to do with this thread. This thread's about fetishism and symbol-mindedness.

Some klown in Steve McRacist's whine thread about such monuments coming down in New Orleans tried to make the case that doing so was "erasing history", which seems to be your idea here. Couple of us (both Southerners) challenged her on how it equates to that. She ran away.
Pogster, we went through on this already in the past with you when the big Globalist Elite push was launched to eradicate historical monuments. Just go back to those threads an look it up. When monuments, such as statues disappear it is that much easier to rewrite history what you people are very good at. Leave historical monument commemorating events untouched even if it somehow doesn't fit your narratives at the present.
The eradication attempt of statues and monuments is nothing new in world history what you are well versed in (at least that's how perceive you)
It is called "Damnatio memoriae" The earliest of that I can remember from history was Akhenaten, there may have been earlier attempts also. Then, it continued throughout the ages from the Romans to the Communist Soviet Union and now here in the U.S.

Actually we went through this much more recently, here. You're conflating history with historical symbols. They're two different things. If this were not the case none of us would know anything of history unless it was manifest in some monument.

Now who exactly is "you people"?
You need to read one more time what I wrote. I am not conflating anything. Let me quote that your spin would be evident.
"When monuments, such as statues disappear it is that much easier to rewrite history what you people are very good at."
"You people" is the anti-American left trying to implement total censorship, eradicate history and destroy Western civilization.

You mean the altered history by the Right that claims that Democrats today must be racist because the Confederate states were run by Democrats?

You mean the altered history by the Right that claims that Democrats today must be racist because the Confederate states were run by Democrats?

Or that the fascist democrats of today must be racists because they hate people based on the color of their skin and seek to give special privilege to others based on the color of their skin.

I mean, to you Stalinists, hating whites isn't racist, it's just necessary. :thup:

True enough, but that's got nothing to do with this thread. This thread's about fetishism and symbol-mindedness.

Some klown in Steve McRacist's whine thread about such monuments coming down in New Orleans tried to make the case that doing so was "erasing history", which seems to be your idea here. Couple of us (both Southerners) challenged her on how it equates to that. She ran away.
Pogster, we went through on this already in the past with you when the big Globalist Elite push was launched to eradicate historical monuments. Just go back to those threads an look it up. When monuments, such as statues disappear it is that much easier to rewrite history what you people are very good at. Leave historical monument commemorating events untouched even if it somehow doesn't fit your narratives at the present.
The eradication attempt of statues and monuments is nothing new in world history what you are well versed in (at least that's how perceive you)
It is called "Damnatio memoriae" The earliest of that I can remember from history was Akhenaten, there may have been earlier attempts also. Then, it continued throughout the ages from the Romans to the Communist Soviet Union and now here in the U.S.

Actually we went through this much more recently, here. You're conflating history with historical symbols. They're two different things. If this were not the case none of us would know anything of history unless it was manifest in some monument.

Now who exactly is "you people"?
You need to read one more time what I wrote. I am not conflating anything. Let me quote that your spin would be evident.
"When monuments, such as statues disappear it is that much easier to rewrite history what you people are very good at."
"You people" is the anti-American left trying to implement total censorship, eradicate history and destroy Western civilization.

You mean the altered history by the Right that claims that Democrats today must be racist because the Confederate states were run by Democrats?
Not at all, democrats are racists because hey keep minorities on welfare as a dependent class in order to secure their votes. They kill the free spirit with handouts. It reminds me of Aesop's Fables: The Dog and The Wolf.

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