Alabama Senate passes bill to protect confederate monuments

Of course you say "illiterate" it is the modus operandi of you people.

In our case, it commemorates real persons and real events, so it is historical commemorative monument.
Yes, it does make it easier to rewrite history when no artifacts exists to prove it otherwise.

Philosophically you are correct when you say: "no historical event's existence epends on whether a monument to it exists or not." Where you are wrong is that the media and history books are not going to be rewritten at some point in time. They will be according to the interests of the powers to be.

So you have no response and should never have gone down this road in the first place Yeah I'm hip.

Once again --- at least the third time now ---- history is not recorded in "artifacts". It's not recorded in "monuments"; it's not recorded in "statues"; it's not recorded in "plaques"; it's not recorded in T-shirts; it's not recorded in Googly images; it's not recorded in myths. It's recorded in history books. No event that factually happened is any more or less factual because a monument exists or does not exist. That's never been the case and it never will be the case. PERIOD. History books are permanent.

NOR, we should point out to the Illiterati, does the fact that somebody puts up a monument to some event or person mean automatically that that monument is accurate anyway, Gumball.
Your usual spinmeister Intelligantsia response. Who shouts louder is always right. I did acknowledge that historical events are not dependent on statues because it is true. Commemorative monuments are erected at the same time period as the events happen(d) so they have to be accurately depicting the events.

Well no --- they're not. That plaque I linked for instance --- erected (by the Daughters of the Confederacy) in 1917 ---- 52 years after the event and four decades after that Klan ceased to exist. The statue of P.T. Beauregard in New Orleans --- 1915, about the same time, half a century after the War ended. The Robert E. Lee statue in the same city --- 1884.

Monuments are generally erected long after the event or person's life, much like the bible is written down years after Jesus is gone. Echoes of a memory. Memories can be tricky things. Ask Brian Williams.

You are just like ISIS destroying a few millennia old artifacts in Iraq and Syria; you want to destroy only one hundred plus years old artifacts. In my eyes it is the same. You are an educated barbarian. It seems like an oxymoron but it is true in your case.

Absolute fucking bullshit.

I've advocated "destroying" absolutely nothing. Now you're putting words in my mouth because you know full well you lost an argument you never should have started because you didn't think before posting.

Go ahead --- just TRY to prove me wrong, dishonest hack. Quote me or admit you're pulling it out of your ass in desperation.

Ainchu jus all bad and shit? Is it hard being the smartest person on earth? You're the same person who tried to "prove" that there were no more progressives. Dumbass.

I ought to know what ... I posted, oughtn't I ..--- clearly the poster did not. ...

None of this, including my posts, is ... privileged information. It's in --- guess what --- the HISTORY BOOKS. Anyone ... should, look it... up before putting his proverbial hoof in his mouth.

Sorry kid, if you are as educated as you claim to then you know that differing books show various events in differing lights. For instance the 3/5th's clause. The left always screams about what it wasn't instead of what it was.
So you have no response and should never have gone down this road in the first place Yeah I'm hip.

Once again --- at least the third time now ---- history is not recorded in "artifacts". It's not recorded in "monuments"; it's not recorded in "statues"; it's not recorded in "plaques"; it's not recorded in T-shirts; it's not recorded in Googly images; it's not recorded in myths. It's recorded in history books. No event that factually happened is any more or less factual because a monument exists or does not exist. That's never been the case and it never will be the case. PERIOD. History books are permanent.

NOR, we should point out to the Illiterati, does the fact that somebody puts up a monument to some event or person mean automatically that that monument is accurate anyway, Gumball.
Your usual spinmeister Intelligantsia response. Who shouts louder is always right. I did acknowledge that historical events are not dependent on statues because it is true. Commemorative monuments are erected at the same time period as the events happen(d) so they have to be accurately depicting the events.

Well no --- they're not. That plaque I linked for instance --- erected (by the Daughters of the Confederacy) in 1917 ---- 52 years after the event and four decades after that Klan ceased to exist. The statue of P.T. Beauregard in New Orleans --- 1915, about the same time, half a century after the War ended. The Robert E. Lee statue in the same city --- 1884.

Monuments are generally erected long after the event or person's life, much like the bible is written down years after Jesus is gone. Echoes of a memory. Memories can be tricky things. Ask Brian Williams.

You are just like ISIS destroying a few millennia old artifacts in Iraq and Syria; you want to destroy only one hundred plus years old artifacts. In my eyes it is the same. You are an educated barbarian. It seems like an oxymoron but it is true in your case.

Absolute fucking bullshit.

I've advocated "destroying" absolutely nothing. Now you're putting words in my mouth because you know full well you lost an argument you never should have started because you didn't think before posting.

Go ahead --- just TRY to prove me wrong, dishonest hack. Quote me or admit you're pulling it out of your ass in desperation.

Ainchu jus all bad and shit? Is it hard being the smartest person on earth? You're the same person who tried to "prove" that there were no more progressives. Dumbass.

I ought to know what ... I posted, oughtn't I ..--- clearly the poster did not. ...

None of this, including my posts, is ... privileged information. It's in --- guess what --- the HISTORY BOOKS. Anyone ... should, look it... up before putting his proverbial hoof in his mouth.

Sorry kid, if you are as educated as you claim to then you know that differing books show various events in differing lights. For instance the 3/5th's clause. The left always screams about what it wasn't instead of what it was.

Uh.............. what?

Do you have any clue what we're even talking about here?

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