Alabama SOS launches voter fraud investigation after video goes viral

Secretary of State launches investigation into voter fraud concerns in Senate special election

Oh boy! Thanks for your big mouth ya idiot! We ALL know fraud happens and since the margin was only 21k votes and that's WITHOUT the military votes which go to the GOP 80% of the time I think we might have a chance to save this seat...don't expect the mainstream media outside of Alabama to report this...Fox MIGHT but I haven't seen it yet.

Fox is no more reliable then MSNBC. They only have more blondes that are a fuzz more giving with cleavage. Other then that there is zero difference in what they report over any other “news” outlet.
Now you believe in polls, hypocrite much? LOL!
Did I say I believed in them? I said THE POLLS SAY he is up,is it true? Who the hell knows...can't trust the damn polls anymore....I somehow think the polls are ONLY skewed when its someone the media HATES running like Roy Moore and President Trump.

So Joshie is getting crushed, because you know you can't believe the polls!
Maybe he is maybe he isn't. I don't live in Ohio but I do know that President Trump took the state by damn near 8 points and MAYBE just MAYBE the people there don't care for Sharrod Brown too much anymore.

Nope they still like Brown, and like him even more for calling out the GOP for the money grab by the uber wealthy tax reform.
Yes yes I am sure they do. That's why in a state wide election President Trump took over 50% of the vote.....if they liked Brown then they would have voted for his pal Hillary.

Hildabeast was/is a bad and flawed candidate, as is Joshie!
Is there anything Dems do that isn’t corrupt?

Thanks for keeping Moore out of Congress, it was a good wake up call for Pubs.

Pubs will win it back in 2020.
Secretary of State launches investigation into voter fraud concerns in Senate special election

Oh boy! Thanks for your big mouth ya idiot! We ALL know fraud happens and since the margin was only 21k votes and that's WITHOUT the military votes which go to the GOP 80% of the time I think we might have a chance to save this seat...don't expect the mainstream media outside of Alabama to report this...Fox MIGHT but I haven't seen it yet.

Fox is no more reliable then MSNBC. They only have more blondes that are a fuzz more giving with cleavage. Other then that there is zero difference in what they report over any other “news” outlet.
Fox is a hell of a lot more fair than anyone else especially when it comes to President Trump. They say when he is wrong but they also praise him when he's right. NO other station will do that.
I don't think you'll keep Ohio. Sherrod Brown doesn't stand much of a chance here.
Who is running against him?

Josh Mandel. He's one of our own from Cleveland. He ran against Brown before and lost, but it seems our state is turning more towards Republican these days. Brown has made a spectacle of himself several times since then and is as leftist as anybody can get. I predict Mandel will get it this time. Brown is too much of a Commie.

All the Koch brothers money has not bought him much of anything yet. Lil Josh will get crushed, and please keep him in Cleveland.
In polls he is up 8 doubtful he will get crushed.

If anybody gets crushed it will be Brown. Our state is leaning right and has been for some time, especially since the Republicans brought us CCW's and our Castle Doctrine. The last Democrat Governor we had left us with an 8 billion dollar debt and it took Kasich a couple of years to erase that debt and bring us back into the black.

Brown is the ultimate leftist and his nonsense won't fly this election.

It will and Brown beats him worse than 5 years ago!
Secretary of State launches investigation into voter fraud concerns in Senate special election

Oh boy! Thanks for your big mouth ya idiot! We ALL know fraud happens and since the margin was only 21k votes and that's WITHOUT the military votes which go to the GOP 80% of the time I think we might have a chance to save this seat...don't expect the mainstream media outside of Alabama to report this...Fox MIGHT but I haven't seen it yet.

Fox is no more reliable then MSNBC. They only have more blondes that are a fuzz more giving with cleavage. Other then that there is zero difference in what they report over any other “news” outlet.
Fox is a hell of a lot more fair than anyone else especially when it comes to President Trump. They say when he is wrong but they also praise him when he's right. NO other station will do that.

They report the same shit in a different tone. They lie just as much and fjord the same positive shit any other “news” organization does. They are not to be trusted.
This is all Fox has really and the only difference from other news places is they have a better bimbo squad.

Maybe he is maybe he isn't. I don't live in Ohio but I do know that President Trump took the state by damn near 8 points and MAYBE just MAYBE the people there don't care for Sharrod Brown too much anymore.

Ohio was one of the handful of states that bought into Trump's "I will bring coal mining jobs back,,,,"

I wonder how those poor folks feel about their support of Trump now.
I seen where it got us the last eight years. Good luck calling everybody that disagrees with you a racist, sexist, homophobe, deplorable.

often those "shoes fit"........Besides, the only "deplorables" are that 1/3 of Trump's cult membership that is still hanging in there.

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