Alabama teacher salaries worth less than a decade ago

We also do not send jobs to other countries, you can thank labor unions for that.

Yeah, because the last thing workers need is decent wages.

Want decent wages? Then do a good job.

That's the way it works. I'm sorry that "life ain't fair" but whomever told you otherwise, was just pissing on your leg.

Want employees that "do a good job"?

Educate them.


Like I said, either pay to educate your own kids or keep them home and pretend to home school them. because its not the teacher's job to pay for YOUR kid.

Why do RWNJs always refuse to take responsibility for their own lives?
Guess I'll be called a "racist" for bringing this up, but Alabama is 25% black, which is twice the national average.

Alabama is also a non-union state, so teachers are paid on the basis of their performance. If like Miketx said, "schools are turning out functional illiterates", it's no mystery why Alabama teacher's salaries are so low.

Not just racist but stupid as well.

It doesn't matter what color you are. The US does not educate our own people We do not invest in our own country. We send jobs to other countries and, thanks to brainless RWNJs (like trump) the only jobs we are not training for is sweeping the floor. Even burger flipping is too skilled for the likes of miketx and you.

Skilled and high tech jobs are going to other countries. This is why its so important that we keep guest workers out. The 1% owners (yep, that's right.) need uneducated idiots in places like Texass, Alabama to do the shit work that undocumented used to do.

You're an idiot. Some people just cannot be educated, no matter what. There's nothing wrong the American educational system, except that it is being used to crank out more mindless left-wing drones such as yourself. We also do not send jobs to other countries, you can thank labor unions for that.

"Some people".

One thing I've learned is that ^^RWNJ kkk, alt right, nazi fascists^^ cannot be educated.

Actually, we refuse to be be "indoctrinated" into the fold of mindless Kool Aid-drinking morons such as yourself. That's because we've learned how to think for ourselves, as opposed to stupidly playing along with the great unwashed horde of useful idiots.

You should try it sometime. It's the closest thing to being a free person that you can achieve.

IOW, you still believe you should not have to pay to educate your own kids.

You still believe the blue states should pay your bills for you.

The army needs all the mindless drones it can find.

And that’s the purpose of the south.
Guess I'll be called a "racist" for bringing this up, but Alabama is 25% black, which is twice the national average.

Alabama is also a non-union state, so teachers are paid on the basis of their performance. If like Miketx said, "schools are turning out functional illiterates", it's no mystery why Alabama teacher's salaries are so low.

Not just racist but stupid as well.

It doesn't matter what color you are. The US does not educate our own people We do not invest in our own country. We send jobs to other countries and, thanks to brainless RWNJs (like trump) the only jobs we are not training for is sweeping the floor. Even burger flipping is too skilled for the likes of miketx and you.

Skilled and high tech jobs are going to other countries. This is why its so important that we keep guest workers out. The 1% owners (yep, that's right.) need uneducated idiots in places like Texass, Alabama to do the shit work that undocumented used to do.

You're an idiot. Some people just cannot be educated, no matter what. There's nothing wrong the American educational system, except that it is being used to crank out more mindless left-wing drones such as yourself. We also do not send jobs to other countries, you can thank labor unions for that.

"Some people".

One thing I've learned is that ^^RWNJ kkk, alt right, nazi fascists^^ cannot be educated.

Actually, we refuse to be be "indoctrinated" into the fold of mindless Kool Aid-drinking morons such as yourself. That's because we've learned how to think for ourselves, as opposed to stupidly playing along with the great unwashed horde of useful idiots.

You should try it sometime. It's the closest thing to being a free person that you can achieve.

IOW, you still believe you should not have to pay to educate your own kids.

You still believe the blue states should pay your bills for you.


That was an ignorant statement, of course we believe in paying for our children's education. That's why so many of us send them to private schools, instead of public ones.

Of course, we don't believe in "free" college" like you Bernie-morons do, because the last thing I want to do is have my taxes pay for some ignorant worthless left-wing shithead coming out of four years of "free" college with nothing but a degree in "women's studies" or "African-American History."

You don't need those worthless degrees to flip burgers at Burger King or be a barrister at a coffee shop.
Guess I'll be called a "racist" for bringing this up, but Alabama is 25% black, which is twice the national average.

Alabama is also a non-union state, so teachers are paid on the basis of their performance. If like Miketx said, "schools are turning out functional illiterates", it's no mystery why Alabama teacher's salaries are so low.

Not just racist but stupid as well.

It doesn't matter what color you are. The US does not educate our own people We do not invest in our own country. We send jobs to other countries and, thanks to brainless RWNJs (like trump) the only jobs we are not training for is sweeping the floor. Even burger flipping is too skilled for the likes of miketx and you.

Skilled and high tech jobs are going to other countries. This is why its so important that we keep guest workers out. The 1% owners (yep, that's right.) need uneducated idiots in places like Texass, Alabama to do the shit work that undocumented used to do.
I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy.

Well. There it is.

The best of Texass wit.


Apparetly, JGalt and you are correct that some of you simply cannot be educated but let's get back to tyhe topic.

Why should others pay to babysit your slack jawed knuckle draggers? Either pay to educate them or pay to home school aka babysit them.

IOW, stop demanding that blue states pay your way.

Blue states are not paying our way. They can barely afford to pay their own way.
The army needs all the mindless drones it can find.

And that’s the purpose of the south.

Is your name "John Kerry"? Because you sure sound like him..

Guess I'll be called a "racist" for bringing this up, but Alabama is 25% black, which is twice the national average.

Alabama is also a non-union state, so teachers are paid on the basis of their performance. If like Miketx said, "schools are turning out functional illiterates", it's no mystery why Alabama teacher's salaries are so low.

Not just racist but stupid as well.

It doesn't matter what color you are. The US does not educate our own people We do not invest in our own country. We send jobs to other countries and, thanks to brainless RWNJs (like trump) the only jobs we are not training for is sweeping the floor. Even burger flipping is too skilled for the likes of miketx and you.

Skilled and high tech jobs are going to other countries. This is why its so important that we keep guest workers out. The 1% owners (yep, that's right.) need uneducated idiots in places like Texass, Alabama to do the shit work that undocumented used to do.
I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy.

Well. There it is.

The best of Texass wit.


Apparetly, JGalt and you are correct that some of you simply cannot be educated but let's get back to tyhe topic.

Why should others pay to babysit your slack jawed knuckle draggers? Either pay to educate them or pay to home school aka babysit them.

IOW, stop demanding that blue states pay your way.

Blue states are not paying our way. They can barely afford to pay their own way.
And what are you basing that on?
What is SO obvious is that RWNJs never get it.

They never understand that they are harming themselves.
The value of Alabama's teacher salaries has been eroding for many years and is now worth less than it was a decade ago, an analysis shows.

And while lawmakers agreed to fund a 2.5 percent pay raise next year, the looming question is whether it will be enough to stave off the growing angst over low pay and challenging working conditions of teachers in Alabama.

Amy Marlowe is the assistant chief of member advocacy and outreach for the Alabama Education Association. Marlowe said while teachers appreciate the small pay raise, she doesn't think it will be enough for teachers who are suffering from not only low wages but also low morale after many years of bludgeoning from lawmakers and the public.

"I think teachers are a sleeping giant right now," Marlowe said. If it had not been for assurances from lawmakers that there will be another raise next year, she said, "I think we would have had a hard time containing them."

Oh Boy, those tax breaks are really working in FilthyDonLand
! :113:

What tax breaks are you referring to specifically?
We also do not send jobs to other countries, you can thank labor unions for that.

Yeah, because the last thing workers need is decent wages.

The average teacher earns double what I have per year, for the last 10 years.

But unlike teachers, I don't demand other people give me money, stolen from their checks.

Remember, every single time you say teachers should earn more... you are also saying that all the poor and working people of that state should earn less. It's the poor and working people, that pay the taxes for those teachers.
We also do not send jobs to other countries, you can thank labor unions for that.

Yeah, because the last thing workers need is decent wages.

The average teacher earns double what I have per year, for the last 10 years.

But unlike teachers, I don't demand other people give me money, stolen from their checks.

Remember, every single time you say teachers should earn more... you are also saying that all the poor and working people of that state should earn less. It's the poor and working people, that pay the taxes for those teachers.
Sounds like you believe teachers have a sweet deal...Why aren't you a teacher to get that sweet deal then?
We also do not send jobs to other countries, you can thank labor unions for that.

Yeah, because the last thing workers need is decent wages.

The average teacher earns double what I have per year, for the last 10 years.

But unlike teachers, I don't demand other people give me money, stolen from their checks.

Remember, every single time you say teachers should earn more... you are also saying that all the poor and working people of that state should earn less. It's the poor and working people, that pay the taxes for those teachers.

Do you also pay the salary of the guys down the street? Do you buy their tools? Their lunch?

Why should you, right?

Same with teachers. They should not be forced to pay for supplies for kids, for their classrooms and even (I've seen this) pay for lunches for kids.

Get a clue.
We also do not send jobs to other countries, you can thank labor unions for that.

Yeah, because the last thing workers need is decent wages.

The average teacher earns double what I have per year, for the last 10 years.

But unlike teachers, I don't demand other people give me money, stolen from their checks.

Remember, every single time you say teachers should earn more... you are also saying that all the poor and working people of that state should earn less. It's the poor and working people, that pay the taxes for those teachers.
Sounds like you believe teachers have a sweet deal...Why aren't you a teacher to get that sweet deal then?

Don't tell him that teaching requires a college education.
Alabama teacher salaries worth less than a decade ago

Thanks to Obama and his new normal economy...
The value of Alabama's teacher salaries has been eroding for many years and is now worth less than it was a decade ago, an analysis shows.

And while lawmakers agreed to fund a 2.5 percent pay raise next year, the looming question is whether it will be enough to stave off the growing angst over low pay and challenging working conditions of teachers in Alabama.

Amy Marlowe is the assistant chief of member advocacy and outreach for the Alabama Education Association. Marlowe said while teachers appreciate the small pay raise, she doesn't think it will be enough for teachers who are suffering from not only low wages but also low morale after many years of bludgeoning from lawmakers and the public.

"I think teachers are a sleeping giant right now," Marlowe said. If it had not been for assurances from lawmakers that there will be another raise next year, she said, "I think we would have had a hard time containing them."

Oh Boy, those tax breaks are really working in FilthyDonLand
! :113:

What tax breaks are you referring to specifically?


What tax breaks are YOU deferring to?

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