Alabama university pauses IVF care after frozen embryos deemed ‘children’

Either the State has the Right ... or the individual has the Right ... we can't both attend our chosen church AND the State mandated Church, now can we? ... so, is Church a State Right, or an individual Right? ...

What business is it of ours that guns are banned in Scotland ... don't you think the Scots know better than us? ... when they join the United States, we're going to have to get used to gun bans ... simple as that ...


The issue in the OP is when does life begin? ... and if I understand the controversy here, if the State sets this at conception, all the IVF companies have to shut down ... or maintain life support for all embryos until their 18th birthday ... else it's murder ...

Without abortion, there would be plenty of unwanted children up for adoption ... IVF companies should be shut down until the foster care system is empty ...
Sounds good. then we add the taxes for all of this. The unwanted children spiel is just an excuse to use to get all that government money. We promote gay relationships with endless medicine commercials for it and the federal government alone use 35 billion dollars a year on AIDS/HIV related issues. So, we must stop that. Think of the money we would save. If we are going to cheat the "survival of the fittest" it's just how far we go. With FDR, it was the aging and Social Security. We did not stop. No one questions the amount of money spent on disabilities. The costs to renovate pavements, buildings, motels, airplanes, and everything else we do is enormous. Some years ago, I read that if you go to a motel that is disabled ready and you spent 100 dollars a night, at least 10 dollars of that is for disabled costs. Just saying.
Wtf is this gods will?
Ok, I get it, some religious nonsense.
There is no place for that here.
Apparently the loony judge was quoting God when he made his ruling. God doesnt want you to have kids in Alabama.
Sounds good. then we add the taxes for all of this. The unwanted children spiel is just an excuse to use to get all that government money. We promote gay relationships with endless medicine commercials for it and the federal government alone use 35 billion dollars a year on AIDS/HIV related issues. So, we must stop that. Think of the money we would save. If we are going to cheat the "survival of the fittest" it's just how far we go. With FDR, it was the aging and Social Security. We did not stop. No one questions the amount of money spent on disabilities. The costs to renovate pavements, buildings, motels, airplanes, and everything else we do is enormous. Some years ago, I read that if you go to a motel that is disabled ready and you spent 100 dollars a night, at least 10 dollars of that is for disabled costs. Just saying.

If a woman seeks an abortion ... then isn't that child unwanted? ... she 17 and she's NOT going to college now, she has to work and pay a babysitter ... the father left the State and can't be found ...

Maybe you're the one who left the poor girl behind ... how much child support do you owe? ...

We all know couples who have gone through IVF. Its a tortuous and sometimes heartbreaking process.

And now the Alabama remedials have made it even harder for people to have children. these lawmakers are people who suck grass for comfort.

This insanity has gone too far.

Don't be dropping yer babies in a sock either.
MAGA MANIA has now sunk to levels never before dreamed of.

This country is on a road to Taliban rule.

It's fuckin sick.

We all know couples who have gone through IVF. Its a tortuous and sometimes heartbreaking process.

And now the Alabama remedials have made it even harder for people to have children. these lawmakers are people who suck grass for comfort.

This insanity has gone too far.

What it is is democrats and lefties. Why shouldn't IVF places be held accountable for the damaging of embryos? Seems to me like patients would want them held accountable for damaging what they supposedly treasure so much they paid thousands and thousands of dollars for it.
What it is is democrats and lefties. Why shouldn't IVF places be held accountable for the damaging of embryos? Seems to me like patients would want them held accountable for damaging what they supposedly treasure so much they paid thousands and thousands of dollars for it.
If a lab technician makes a mistake they should expect at most a warning. Not jail.
Now hospitals have decided its not worth the risk to offer the service.
Another GOP win.
If a lab technician makes a mistake they should expect at most a warning. Not jail.
Now hospitals have decided its not worth the risk to offer the service.
Another GOP win.
Yes, it is a win. People who want so much to have children that they pay thousands and thousands of dollars for it, not even covered by insurance, they should expect lab technicians to not make a mistake with a life the parents want to bring into this world. This is a smear campaign by the left because parents actually want their embryos protected. That's why they pay so much for it.
Yes, it is a win. People who want so much to have children that they pay thousands and thousands of dollars for it, not even covered by insurance, they should expect lab technicians to not make a mistake with a life the parents want to bring into this world. This is a smear campaign by the left because parents actually want their embryos protected. That's why they pay so much for it.
Its shocking that people have to pay for this. A source of shame.
Yes, it is a win. People who want so much to have children that they pay thousands and thousands of dollars for it, not even covered by insurance, they should expect lab technicians to not make a mistake with a life the parents want to bring into this world. This is a smear campaign by the left because parents actually want their embryos protected. That's why they pay so much for it.
And thats how you kill an industry. The liability for that alone is too great.
Further, as noted the IVF process often generates surplus embryos. Who is liable for them? For how long?
And thats how you kill an industry. The liability for that alone is too great.
Further, as noted the IVF process often generates surplus embryos. Who is liable for them? For how long?
Democrats kill businesses all the time with their policies and regulations. I didn't see you complain about it then.
An interesting take I heard, it is many LGBT people who use IVF to have children, often from donors, and you can bet that don't play well in Alabama. Certainly has something to do with the decision.
Well they are human aren't they? Who is trafficking in human body parts? Did the university purchase them from PP?

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