Alan Dershowitz: Kavanaugh and impeachment – Democrats, don’t try to conduct a revenge inquisition

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
The DemonRATS behavior with Kavanaugh and their OUTRAGEOUS EMBRACE of THREE lying whores that in a REAL court of law would have been arrested for giving false testimony has shown the American voter, just how UNETHICAL, IMMORAL AND CORRUPT they are in their quest to recover the power they lost when Cankles went feet up!

The confirmation disaster surrounding Justice Brett Kavanaugh, whose appointment to the Supreme Court was approved by the Senate on a 50-48 vote Saturday, has done much damage to our country and its institutions. And the damage may well continue if Democrats regain majority control of the House and conduct a revenge inquisition against the new associate justice.

Because I am a liberal Democrat, I want to see the House flipped to my party as an important check and balance between the executive and legislative branches. But what I don’t want to see is a Democratic House abuse its authority by conducting vengeful impeachment proceedings against Kavanaugh.

I have no problem with an objective, preferably bipartisan, inquiry into how to improve the confirmation process. There is much that can be done to make it better. But an investigation of 36-year-old charges against a sitting justice would be an abuse of the powers of Congress.

Such an investigation would simply be partisan payback for Kavanaugh’s confirmation. Nor is it likely to produce much new information about what did or did not happened in house in Maryland in about 1982, when Christine Blasey Ford alleges Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her when they were both in high school. Kavanaugh has denied sexually assaulting Ford or anyone else.

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