Alan Dershowitz Threatens To Sue Sex Abuse Accusers


Gold Member
Oct 23, 2018
Smoke is being ejected from Alan Dershowitz's misbegotten life as an attorney to criminals.

Two women, for now, have fingered Alan Dershowitz as the person they were commanded to have sex with by Alan Dershowitz's friend Jeffrey Epstein who trafficked young girls for sex with his friends to gain dirt on influential people.

Alan Dershowitz's bleatings and hollow threats are not gaining any traction as it is evident there could be no reason Dershowitz was traveling to Epstein's Lolita Island for any reason other than 'personal pleasure'.

The Epstein case is now unraveling again as investigators are on the trail of Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta who gave Epstein a cushy plea deal instead of full Federal charges which could have jailed Epstein for life.

Dirty Dershowitz is now finding out that associating himself with Donald Trump has opened avenues of investigation into his past as the Trump association stains Dershowitz.

Alan Dershowitz Threatens To Sue Sex Abuse Accusers | HuffPost

Alan Dershowitz Threatens To Sue Sex Abuse Accusers
“I challenge my false accusers to stop hiding behind the litigation privilege and accuse me in public so I can sue them and prove they are lying for money.”

By Amy Russo

After being accused by a second woman of taking part in a trafficking scheme in which she was directed to have sex with him, retired Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz is threatening to sue.
In a tweet posted on Sunday, the legal giant warned that he would take action against the women whom he claimed were spreading lies:
Alan Dershowitz

I challenge my false accusers to stop hiding behind the litigation privilege and accuse me in public so I can sue them and prove they are lying for money.
1:04 AM - Dec 24, 2018

In November, a Miami Herald investigation alleged that Dershowitz was involved in a sex slave ring led by financier and convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. The newspaper cited an affidavit by Virginia Roberts, who claimed to have been lured into the operation in 2015 at age 16, and pushed by Epstein to have sex with Dershowitz.

Last week, the New York Daily News revealed that another woman, Sarah Ransome, also claimed to have been coerced into sex with Dershowitz from 2006 to 2007 when she was in her 20s.
Dershowitz has defended himself against the accusations and recently penned an op-ed for the Daily News in which he contended corroboration of Ransome’s story was nonexistent.

“I never met this woman,” he wrote. “I never had sex with her. I challenge her to provide the sex tapes she claims she has and other evidence that she and her lawyers have sealed that would conclusively prove my innocence.” ...
Smoke is being ejected from Alan Dershowitz's misbegotten life as an attorney to criminals.

Two women, for now, have fingered Alan Dershowitz as the person they were commanded to have sex with by Alan Dershowitz's friend Jeffrey Epstein who trafficked young girls for sex with his friends to gain dirt on influential people.

Alan Dershowitz's bleatings and hollow threats are not gaining any traction as it is evident there could be no reason Dershowitz was traveling to Epstein's Lolita Island for any reason other than 'personal pleasure'.

The Epstein case is now unraveling again as investigators are on the trail of Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta who gave Epstein a cushy plea deal instead of full Federal charges which could have jailed Epstein for life.

Dirty Dershowitz is now finding out that associating himself with Donald Trump has opened avenues of investigation into his past as the Trump association stains Dershowitz.

Alan Dershowitz Threatens To Sue Sex Abuse Accusers | HuffPost

Alan Dershowitz Threatens To Sue Sex Abuse Accusers
“I challenge my false accusers to stop hiding behind the litigation privilege and accuse me in public so I can sue them and prove they are lying for money.”

By Amy Russo

After being accused by a second woman of taking part in a trafficking scheme in which she was directed to have sex with him, retired Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz is threatening to sue.
In a tweet posted on Sunday, the legal giant warned that he would take action against the women whom he claimed were spreading lies:
Alan Dershowitz

I challenge my false accusers to stop hiding behind the litigation privilege and accuse me in public so I can sue them and prove they are lying for money.
1:04 AM - Dec 24, 2018

In November, a Miami Herald investigation alleged that Dershowitz was involved in a sex slave ring led by financier and convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. The newspaper cited an affidavit by Virginia Roberts, who claimed to have been lured into the operation in 2015 at age 16, and pushed by Epstein to have sex with Dershowitz.

Last week, the New York Daily News revealed that another woman, Sarah Ransome, also claimed to have been coerced into sex with Dershowitz from 2006 to 2007 when she was in her 20s.
Dershowitz has defended himself against the accusations and recently penned an op-ed for the Daily News in which he contended corroboration of Ransome’s story was nonexistent.

“I never met this woman,” he wrote. “I never had sex with her. I challenge her to provide the sex tapes she claims she has and other evidence that she and her lawyers have sealed that would conclusively prove my innocence.” ...
Women have been falsely accusing men of misbehaving for a long time now. Just look at the Rapist in Chief Bill Clinton, Right? So now instead of rolling over and playing dead, like the pussified liberal men do all the time, real men are tired of these actions and are fighting back. I was "accused" back in the late 90s because a mentally unstable liberal female decided she had the hots for me, and went to my boss with sexual allegations. So I lawyered up took it to court and after the 1st look from their lawyer they decided to drop all charges. When women start paying big bucks to stop their frivolous suits , then the women will start acting "Nice".

Smoke is being ejected from Alan Dershowitz's misbegotten life as an attorney to criminals.

Criminals get to be represented by attorneys, that's how our legal system works.

I don't know if the allegations from these two woman are true or not; however, Dershowitz has been saying things against the Muller investigation. That makes him a target somewhat similar to how Kavanaugh became a target. Suing is one way that an innocent man would fight back.
Smoke is being ejected from Alan Dershowitz's misbegotten life as an attorney to criminals.

Two women, for now, have fingered Alan Dershowitz as the person they were commanded to have sex with by Alan Dershowitz's friend Jeffrey Epstein who trafficked young girls for sex with his friends to gain dirt on influential people.

Alan Dershowitz's bleatings and hollow threats are not gaining any traction as it is evident there could be no reason Dershowitz was traveling to Epstein's Lolita Island for any reason other than 'personal pleasure'.

The Epstein case is now unraveling again as investigators are on the trail of Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta who gave Epstein a cushy plea deal instead of full Federal charges which could have jailed Epstein for life.

Dirty Dershowitz is now finding out that associating himself with Donald Trump has opened avenues of investigation into his past as the Trump association stains Dershowitz.

Alan Dershowitz Threatens To Sue Sex Abuse Accusers | HuffPost

Alan Dershowitz Threatens To Sue Sex Abuse Accusers
“I challenge my false accusers to stop hiding behind the litigation privilege and accuse me in public so I can sue them and prove they are lying for money.”

By Amy Russo

After being accused by a second woman of taking part in a trafficking scheme in which she was directed to have sex with him, retired Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz is threatening to sue.
In a tweet posted on Sunday, the legal giant warned that he would take action against the women whom he claimed were spreading lies:
Alan Dershowitz

I challenge my false accusers to stop hiding behind the litigation privilege and accuse me in public so I can sue them and prove they are lying for money.
1:04 AM - Dec 24, 2018

In November, a Miami Herald investigation alleged that Dershowitz was involved in a sex slave ring led by financier and convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. The newspaper cited an affidavit by Virginia Roberts, who claimed to have been lured into the operation in 2015 at age 16, and pushed by Epstein to have sex with Dershowitz.

Last week, the New York Daily News revealed that another woman, Sarah Ransome, also claimed to have been coerced into sex with Dershowitz from 2006 to 2007 when she was in her 20s.
Dershowitz has defended himself against the accusations and recently penned an op-ed for the Daily News in which he contended corroboration of Ransome’s story was nonexistent.

“I never met this woman,” he wrote. “I never had sex with her. I challenge her to provide the sex tapes she claims she has and other evidence that she and her lawyers have sealed that would conclusively prove my innocence.” ...
Women have been falsely accusing men of misbehaving for a long time now. Just look at the Rapist in Chief Bill Clinton, Right? So now instead of rolling over and playing dead, like the pussified liberal men do all the time, real men are tired of these actions and are fighting back. I was "accused" back in the late 90s because a mentally unstable liberal female decided she had the hots for me, and went to my boss with sexual allegations. So I lawyered up took it to court and after the 1st look from their lawyer they decided to drop all charges. When women start paying big bucks to stop their frivolous suits , then the women will start acting "Nice".

I don't think Ashley Judd likes Trump very much.
How can sex tapes conclusively prove his innocence? Has he been taking Giuliani pills?
Epstein's island wasn't a permanent orgy of underage nymphs. He invited many people for a get away. In the case if Alan Dershowitz, he and his wife visited as a couple.

Democrat socialists have invented a cover story. Dershowitz says he never met these women and has no idea who they are. The women, in turn admit only that they were instructed to have sex, not that they did or even met the man.
Epstein's island wasn't a permanent orgy of underage nymphs. He invited many people for a get away. In the case if Alan Dershowitz, he and his wife visited as a couple.

Democrat socialists have invented a cover story. Dershowitz says he never met these women and has no idea who they are. The women, in turn admit only that they were instructed to have sex, not that they did or even met the man.
Apparently Denizen was full of shit in his op when he claims it is evident that dershowitz had no other reason to be there.
I was "accused" back in the late 90s because a mentally unstable liberal female decided she had the hots for me, and went to my boss with sexual allegations. So I lawyered up took it to court and after the 1st look from their lawyer they decided to drop all charges. When women start paying big bucks to stop their frivolous suits , then the women will start acting "Nice".

You are right.. NO judge would believe a sane woman would have the hots for you.
Don’t know what happened but anyone who is accused of such a thing should avail themselves of every legal means to defend themselves. Good for Alan.
I don't have use for Derpashitz, but I find these claims questionable.

Where there's smoke there's fire. If the Epstein plea deal gets overthrown and there are new charges and new trials a lot of stuff will be exposed.
Smoke is being ejected from Alan Dershowitz's misbegotten life as an attorney to criminals.

Two women, for now, have fingered Alan Dershowitz as the person they were commanded to have sex with by Alan Dershowitz's friend Jeffrey Epstein who trafficked young girls for sex with his friends to gain dirt on influential people.

Alan Dershowitz's bleatings and hollow threats are not gaining any traction as it is evident there could be no reason Dershowitz was traveling to Epstein's Lolita Island for any reason other than 'personal pleasure'.

The Epstein case is now unraveling again as investigators are on the trail of Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta who gave Epstein a cushy plea deal instead of full Federal charges which could have jailed Epstein for life.

Dirty Dershowitz is now finding out that associating himself with Donald Trump has opened avenues of investigation into his past as the Trump association stains Dershowitz.

Alan Dershowitz Threatens To Sue Sex Abuse Accusers | HuffPost

Alan Dershowitz Threatens To Sue Sex Abuse Accusers
“I challenge my false accusers to stop hiding behind the litigation privilege and accuse me in public so I can sue them and prove they are lying for money.”

By Amy Russo

After being accused by a second woman of taking part in a trafficking scheme in which she was directed to have sex with him, retired Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz is threatening to sue.
In a tweet posted on Sunday, the legal giant warned that he would take action against the women whom he claimed were spreading lies:
Alan Dershowitz

I challenge my false accusers to stop hiding behind the litigation privilege and accuse me in public so I can sue them and prove they are lying for money.
1:04 AM - Dec 24, 2018

In November, a Miami Herald investigation alleged that Dershowitz was involved in a sex slave ring led by financier and convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. The newspaper cited an affidavit by Virginia Roberts, who claimed to have been lured into the operation in 2015 at age 16, and pushed by Epstein to have sex with Dershowitz.

Last week, the New York Daily News revealed that another woman, Sarah Ransome, also claimed to have been coerced into sex with Dershowitz from 2006 to 2007 when she was in her 20s.
Dershowitz has defended himself against the accusations and recently penned an op-ed for the Daily News in which he contended corroboration of Ransome’s story was nonexistent.

“I never met this woman,” he wrote. “I never had sex with her. I challenge her to provide the sex tapes she claims she has and other evidence that she and her lawyers have sealed that would conclusively prove my innocence.” ...

BJ. Clinton made 30 + trips there, you sure you want to go down this road,?
Smoke is being ejected from Alan Dershowitz's misbegotten life as an attorney to criminals.

Two women, for now, have fingered Alan Dershowitz as the person they were commanded to have sex with by Alan Dershowitz's friend Jeffrey Epstein who trafficked young girls for sex with his friends to gain dirt on influential people.

Alan Dershowitz's bleatings and hollow threats are not gaining any traction as it is evident there could be no reason Dershowitz was traveling to Epstein's Lolita Island for any reason other than 'personal pleasure'.

The Epstein case is now unraveling again as investigators are on the trail of Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta who gave Epstein a cushy plea deal instead of full Federal charges which could have jailed Epstein for life.

Dirty Dershowitz is now finding out that associating himself with Donald Trump has opened avenues of investigation into his past as the Trump association stains Dershowitz.

Alan Dershowitz Threatens To Sue Sex Abuse Accusers | HuffPost

Alan Dershowitz Threatens To Sue Sex Abuse Accusers
“I challenge my false accusers to stop hiding behind the litigation privilege and accuse me in public so I can sue them and prove they are lying for money.”

By Amy Russo

After being accused by a second woman of taking part in a trafficking scheme in which she was directed to have sex with him, retired Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz is threatening to sue.
In a tweet posted on Sunday, the legal giant warned that he would take action against the women whom he claimed were spreading lies:
Alan Dershowitz

I challenge my false accusers to stop hiding behind the litigation privilege and accuse me in public so I can sue them and prove they are lying for money.
1:04 AM - Dec 24, 2018

In November, a Miami Herald investigation alleged that Dershowitz was involved in a sex slave ring led by financier and convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. The newspaper cited an affidavit by Virginia Roberts, who claimed to have been lured into the operation in 2015 at age 16, and pushed by Epstein to have sex with Dershowitz.

Last week, the New York Daily News revealed that another woman, Sarah Ransome, also claimed to have been coerced into sex with Dershowitz from 2006 to 2007 when she was in her 20s.
Dershowitz has defended himself against the accusations and recently penned an op-ed for the Daily News in which he contended corroboration of Ransome’s story was nonexistent.

“I never met this woman,” he wrote. “I never had sex with her. I challenge her to provide the sex tapes she claims she has and other evidence that she and her lawyers have sealed that would conclusively prove my innocence.” ...
Women have been falsely accusing men of misbehaving for a long time now. Just look at the Rapist in Chief Bill Clinton, Right? So now instead of rolling over and playing dead, like the pussified liberal men do all the time, real men are tired of these actions and are fighting back. I was "accused" back in the late 90s because a mentally unstable liberal female decided she had the hots for me, and went to my boss with sexual allegations. So I lawyered up took it to court and after the 1st look from their lawyer they decided to drop all charges. When women start paying big bucks to stop their frivolous suits , then the women will start acting "Nice".

Dershowitz has the form. He traveled on Epstein's 'Lolita' flights with underage girls and stayed on Epstein's Lolita island.

How does Dershowitz explain that. He doesn't explain it at all and keeps very quiet about his relatinship with Epstein, the Lolita flights, and Lolita Island.
If you go against the Obama sector of the swamp...look will automatically be a target.....
Smoke is being ejected from Alan Dershowitz's misbegotten life as an attorney to criminals.

Criminals get to be represented by attorneys, that's how our legal system works.

I don't know if the allegations from these two woman are true or not; however, Dershowitz has been saying things against the Muller investigation. That makes him a target somewhat similar to how Kavanaugh became a target. Suing is one way that an innocent man would fight back.

Dershowitz has been threatening to sue for over two years but has not sued anybody. Its all bluster and bogus talk.
Smoke is being ejected from Alan Dershowitz's misbegotten life as an attorney to criminals.

Two women, for now, have fingered Alan Dershowitz as the person they were commanded to have sex with by Alan Dershowitz's friend Jeffrey Epstein who trafficked young girls for sex with his friends to gain dirt on influential people.

Alan Dershowitz's bleatings and hollow threats are not gaining any traction as it is evident there could be no reason Dershowitz was traveling to Epstein's Lolita Island for any reason other than 'personal pleasure'.

The Epstein case is now unraveling again as investigators are on the trail of Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta who gave Epstein a cushy plea deal instead of full Federal charges which could have jailed Epstein for life.

Dirty Dershowitz is now finding out that associating himself with Donald Trump has opened avenues of investigation into his past as the Trump association stains Dershowitz.

Alan Dershowitz Threatens To Sue Sex Abuse Accusers | HuffPost

Alan Dershowitz Threatens To Sue Sex Abuse Accusers
“I challenge my false accusers to stop hiding behind the litigation privilege and accuse me in public so I can sue them and prove they are lying for money.”

By Amy Russo

After being accused by a second woman of taking part in a trafficking scheme in which she was directed to have sex with him, retired Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz is threatening to sue.
In a tweet posted on Sunday, the legal giant warned that he would take action against the women whom he claimed were spreading lies:
Alan Dershowitz

I challenge my false accusers to stop hiding behind the litigation privilege and accuse me in public so I can sue them and prove they are lying for money.
1:04 AM - Dec 24, 2018

In November, a Miami Herald investigation alleged that Dershowitz was involved in a sex slave ring led by financier and convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. The newspaper cited an affidavit by Virginia Roberts, who claimed to have been lured into the operation in 2015 at age 16, and pushed by Epstein to have sex with Dershowitz.

Last week, the New York Daily News revealed that another woman, Sarah Ransome, also claimed to have been coerced into sex with Dershowitz from 2006 to 2007 when she was in her 20s.
Dershowitz has defended himself against the accusations and recently penned an op-ed for the Daily News in which he contended corroboration of Ransome’s story was nonexistent.

“I never met this woman,” he wrote. “I never had sex with her. I challenge her to provide the sex tapes she claims she has and other evidence that she and her lawyers have sealed that would conclusively prove my innocence.” ...

BJ. Clinton made 30 + trips there, you sure you want to go down this road,?

Dershowitz made how many?

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