alan grayson threatens lawsuit on citizenship grounds if ted cruz is the gop nominee

Once again- I called you a liar when you lied- when you said this:
LIAR! posted numerous times, as proven numerous times, as available for anyone and everyone to see....

I pointed out - accurately ... FACTUALLY - that Obama has Repeatedly violated the CONSTITUTION, has been CAUGHT doing so, and has been STOPPED by Federal Courts AND the SCOTUS!

You called me a liar....declared that was not true.

In response I posted the following:

Obama tried to make recess appointments that were found to be UN-CONSTITUTIONAL!

'SCOTUS strikes appointments'

Obama's attempt to By-Pass Congress to pass Amnesty has been BLOCKED, found so far to be UN-CONSTITUTIONAL...TWICE

'Appeals court keeps block on Obama immigration actions'

Not only did you LIE, but I proved you DON'T know what you are talking about or either you are deliberately lying...but EITHER way you continue to FALSELY accuse ME of lying.... YOU have been proven wrong / to be the liar...

Yet you continuously deny, spin, call me a liar, and try to claim you did not do / say what you did....much like Obama and Hillary. Over and over you humiliate yourself by LYING over and over again, claiming you did not say something that has been repeatedly proven that you DID! STFU, you lying ignorant little liberal bi@tch!

Why don't you ADMIT, which you refused to do the 1st time, that Obama has repeatedly violated the Constitution, has repeatedly been caught doing so, and has been repeatedly stopped by Federal Courts and the SCOTUS?

The 1st time I pointed this out you insisted I was lying. It has now been fully established and proven you had no clue what you were talking about when you called me a liar and denied it.

Do you STILL insist Obama has never violated the Constitution?
Do you STILL insist he has never been caught violating the Constitution?
Do you STILL insist no Federal Court or the SCOTUS has stopped him from doing so?

You did earlier...what about NOW? Ya gonna 'man up' or keep this pathetic charade going?

Either way, 'Alynski', you've been proven by the above denial to have NO CLUE what you are talking about. Now you can whine, spin, lie, and pontificate with YOUSELF all you want. I'm not 'feeding' the 'socialist troll' any more.

Birthers- idiots or not?

Or are you just another Conservative hypocrite that whines about Grayson but embraces a big fat Birther like Trump?

So- once again- Birthers- idiots or not?

Is an honest opinion from you just to much of a challenge for you?
Feel free to point out where I have lied- .

You called me a liar....

I called you a liar based upon this lie of yours:.

LIAR! posted numerous times, as proven numerous times, as available for anyone and everyone to see....

I pointed out - accurately ... FACTUALLY - that Obama has Repeatedly violated the CONSTITUTION, has been CAUGHT doing so, and has been STOPPED by Federal Courts AND the SCOTUS!

You called me a liar....declared that was not true.

In response I posted the following:

Obama tried to make recess appointments that were found to be UN-CONSTITUTIONAL!

'SCOTUS strikes appointments'

Obama's attempt to By-Pass Congress to pass Amnesty has been BLOCKED, found so far to be UN-CONSTITUTIONAL...TWICE

'Appeals court keeps block on Obama immigration actions'

Not only did you LIE, but I proved you DON'T know what you are talking about or either you are deliberately lying...but EITHER way you continue to FALSELY accuse ME of lying.... YOU have been proven wrong / to be the liar...

Yet you continuously deny, spin, call me a liar, and try to claim you did not do / say what you did....much like Obama and Hillary. Over and over you humiliate yourself by LYING over and over again, claiming you did not say something that has been repeatedly proven that you DID! STFU, you lying ignorant little liberal bi@tch!
Oh, look ... a lying conservative is lying again. :eusa_doh:

Here we see the lying conservative falsely claiming Syriusly called him a liar for saying the easyt65 lied about Obama violating the Constitution. While Obama may have violated the Constitution, that is not the reason Syriusly called him a liar. Syriusly called easyt65 a liar for saying Syriusly violated the Constitution. Syriusly pointed out how keys rejects the Constitution by ignoring every indication that two U.S. citizen parents are not required to be president; so then easyt65 responds by saying Syriusly rejects the Constitution because he thinks Obama did. Here, see for yourself in his post to Syriusly ...

What country was Cruz a citizen of when he was born?
Next question: When and where was Cruz naturalized as a US citizen?
He is not wrong. You're just a conservative. No one expects you to know any better. Cruz was born with dual citizenship, so yes, he was born a Canadian citizen just as that poster claimed. Need more proof, :laugh2: forum jester :laugh2:?

Here's Cruz renouncing his Canadian citizenship ... something which obviously baffles you since you don't think he was a citizen of Canada...

Ted Cruz renounces Canadian citizenship | Fox News
The answer "Canadian" is wrong. He was born with dual citizenship, as you say.
That makes him a natural born citizen, ergo eligible.
Thanks for proving my point, you towering mountain of pig shit.

It actually doesn't make him a natural born citizen.

As the term has no relevance to law. It speaks only the the NATURE of Citizenship; wherein there is no component of WHERE the newly born citizen slides down the birth canal.

A Natural Born Citizen is a person whose birth NATURALLY resulted in Citizenship. And that happens ONLY where the individual was born to TWO CITIZENS.
You simply pulled the last paragraph out of your ass. There is no basis in law for it.
Next question: When and where was Cruz naturalized as a US citizen?
He is not wrong. You're just a conservative. No one expects you to know any better. Cruz was born with dual citizenship, so yes, he was born a Canadian citizen just as that poster claimed. Need more proof, :laugh2: forum jester :laugh2:?

Here's Cruz renouncing his Canadian citizenship ... something which obviously baffles you since you don't think he was a citizen of Canada...

Ted Cruz renounces Canadian citizenship | Fox News
The answer "Canadian" is wrong. He was born with dual citizenship, as you say.
That makes him a natural born citizen, ergo eligible.
Thanks for proving my point, you towering mountain of pig shit.

It actually doesn't make him a natural born citizen.

As the term has no relevance to law. It speaks only the the NATURE of Citizenship; wherein there is no component of WHERE the newly born citizen slides down the birth canal.

A Natural Born Citizen is a person whose birth NATURALLY resulted in Citizenship. And that happens ONLY where the individual was born to TWO CITIZENS.
You simply pulled the last paragraph out of your ass. There is no basis in law for it.
Once again... The term does not reference law. It references only the nature of citizenship and establishes the standard of natural born citizen, within that context, for those running for the office of the President.

And they did so for good reason.

And that reason was to prevent, to the extent possible, the election of obama.

And here's the other thing to understand, they did so knowing that the standard would preclude many fine, upstanding Americans... Who through no fault of their own would not be able to run. And they did that because the 'obama' possibility represented a potentially lethal threat.

And here you and I sit... Having only begin to witness the catastrophic consequences of Obama.

And there you are willing to do it all over again because your guy is shut out.

What's worse you're doing so at a time when there are a half dozen people running who would make an outstanding president.

Understand I think Ted Cruz is among the finest men to ever run for the office.

The Consistition just says he is t qualified
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Next question: When and where was Cruz naturalized as a US citizen?
He is not wrong. You're just a conservative. No one expects you to know any better. Cruz was born with dual citizenship, so yes, he was born a Canadian citizen just as that poster claimed. Need more proof, :laugh2: forum jester :laugh2:?

Here's Cruz renouncing his Canadian citizenship ... something which obviously baffles you since you don't think he was a citizen of Canada...

Ted Cruz renounces Canadian citizenship | Fox News
The answer "Canadian" is wrong. He was born with dual citizenship, as you say.
That makes him a natural born citizen, ergo eligible.
Thanks for proving my point, you towering mountain of pig shit.

It actually doesn't make him a natural born citizen.

As the term has no relevance to law. It speaks only the the NATURE of Citizenship; wherein there is no component of WHERE the newly born citizen slides down the birth canal.

A Natural Born Citizen is a person whose birth NATURALLY resulted in Citizenship. And that happens ONLY where the individual was born to TWO CITIZENS.
You simply pulled the last paragraph out of your ass. There is no basis in law for it.

Keys pulls everything out of his ass.

Not just the last paragraph.
Next question: When and where was Cruz naturalized as a US citizen?
He is not wrong. You're just a conservative. No one expects you to know any better. Cruz was born with dual citizenship, so yes, he was born a Canadian citizen just as that poster claimed. Need more proof, :laugh2: forum jester :laugh2:?

Here's Cruz renouncing his Canadian citizenship ... something which obviously baffles you since you don't think he was a citizen of Canada...

Ted Cruz renounces Canadian citizenship | Fox News
The answer "Canadian" is wrong. He was born with dual citizenship, as you say.
That makes him a natural born citizen, ergo eligible.
Thanks for proving my point, you towering mountain of pig shit.

It actually doesn't make him a natural born citizen.

As the term has no relevance to law. It speaks only the the NATURE of Citizenship; wherein there is no component of WHERE the newly born citizen slides down the birth canal.

A Natural Born Citizen is a person whose birth NATURALLY resulted in Citizenship. And that happens ONLY where the individual was born to TWO CITIZENS.
You simply pulled the last paragraph out of your ass. There is no basis in law for it.
Once again... The term does not reference law. It references only the nature of citizenship and establishes the standard of natural born citizen, within that context, for those running for the office of the President.

And they did so for good reason.

And that reason was to prevent, to the extent possible, the election of obama.
Thank you for admitting you pulled those criteria out of your ass and they are not relevant in the least.

Does anyone have a legitimate legal argument why Cruz cannot be president? Anyone?
He is not wrong. You're just a conservative. No one expects you to know any better. Cruz was born with dual citizenship, so yes, he was born a Canadian citizen just as that poster claimed. Need more proof, :laugh2: forum jester :laugh2:?

Here's Cruz renouncing his Canadian citizenship ... something which obviously baffles you since you don't think he was a citizen of Canada...

Ted Cruz renounces Canadian citizenship | Fox News
The answer "Canadian" is wrong. He was born with dual citizenship, as you say.
That makes him a natural born citizen, ergo eligible.
Thanks for proving my point, you towering mountain of pig shit.

It actually doesn't make him a natural born citizen.

As the term has no relevance to law. It speaks only the the NATURE of Citizenship; wherein there is no component of WHERE the newly born citizen slides down the birth canal.

A Natural Born Citizen is a person whose birth NATURALLY resulted in Citizenship. And that happens ONLY where the individual was born to TWO CITIZENS.
You simply pulled the last paragraph out of your ass. There is no basis in law for it.
Once again... The term does not reference law. It references only the nature of citizenship and establishes the standard of natural born citizen, within that context, for those running for the office of the President.

And they did so for good reason.

And that reason was to prevent, to the extent possible, the election of obama.
Thank you for admitting you pulled those criteria out of your ass and they are not relevant in the least.

Does anyone have a legitimate legal argument why Cruz cannot be president? Anyone?

There is no legal reason why Cruz is not eligible.

Of course he can only be President if he can get the votes.
Thank you for admitting you pulled those criteria out of your ass ...

Look Rabbi... you're embarrassing yourself.

If I pulled this from my ass, you'd be able to contest it...

You are unable to contest it, thus the deflection regarding my ass.

This is very simple: either show where the reasoning is flawed, or go fuck yourself.
Thank you for admitting you pulled those criteria out of your ass ...

Look Rabbi... you're embarrassing yourself.

If I pulled this from my ass, you'd be able to contest it...

You are unable to contest it, thus the deflection regarding my ass.

This is very simple: either show where the reasoning is flawed, or go fuck yourself.
I did contest it. I pointed out there was no legal precedent for what you said. SInce you cannot produce a legal precedent, and admit there is none, then I have won this debate and you have lost.
Unless you think that legal issues are decided by whoever has the most clever argument. In which case you're nuts.
There is no legal reason why Cruz is not eligible.

Except that the US Constitution precludes him from eligibility, because, he ... like obama, was born to a foreign national.
Name the presidential candidate who had to show the birth certificates, or natualization papers, of both parents to prove they were U.S. citizens when they were born.

I could be wrong, but in don't believe that's ever been asked of any candidate ever, in the history of the United States. Why? Because there's no such fucking requirement. You're just batshit crazy :cuckoo:
I know one thing lol, and that is that Carla Danger (laugh) didn't expect for me to come through on that name Melissa Harris... Then the spin begun immediately by her afterwards.... LOL

So funny when a lib is revealed as to their absudity and their spin afterwards.
There is no legal reason why Cruz is not eligible.

Except that the US Constitution precludes him from eligibility, because, he ... like obama, was born to a foreign national.
Name the presidential candidate who had to show the birth certificates, or natualization papers, of both parents to prove they were U.S. citizens when they were born.

I could be wrong, but in don't believe that's ever been asked of any candidate ever, in the history of the United States. Why? Because there's no such fucking requirement. You're just batshit crazy :cuckoo:
name one that's as controversial. he should want to show it to clear it up. this will haunt his legacy, and that is a direct blow to his epic ego.

trump offered fifty million $$ for the records, if he (chicago machine) was clean (not just obama), that money would already be working to help fix the chicago south side.
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There is no legal reason why Cruz is not eligible.

Except that the US Constitution precludes him from eligibility, because, he ... like obama, was born to a foreign national.
Name the presidential candidate who had to show the birth certificates, or natualization papers, of both parents to prove they were U.S. citizens when they were born.

I could be wrong, but in don't believe that's ever been asked of any candidate ever, in the history of the United States. Why? Because there's no such fucking requirement. You're just batshit crazy :cuckoo:
name one that's as controversial. he should want to show it to clear it up. this will haunt his legacy, and that is a direct blow to his epic ego.

trump offered fifty million $$ for the records, if he was clean (not just obama), that money would already be working to help fix the chicago south side.
Controversies are not a requirement to be President. Being a natural born citizen is. Yahoos claim a natural born citizen requires 2 U.S. citizen parents, yet in the entire history of this nation, no candidate has ever been asked to show evidence of such.

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