Alex Jones' attorney threatens to make Sandy Hook parent addresses PUBLIC

Warch how a bunch of Alex Jones video's get promoted here by his followers in a thread focused on nothing to do with the videos.
But I'll bet you weren't nearly as outraged when the shoe was on the other foot.
Yeah I remember this, this was REALLY messed up.

And if I recall corrctly after the paper published the gun owners addresses they then had to hire ARMED guards to protect them (too much of a wuss to protect themselves) because they no longer felt safe due to the push back that they got in response to their bad "good idea".
Brilliant on the part of Jones. Only the suckers of the world still buy the official story of what happened at Sandy Hook.:hello77::cul2::cul2:

There are NO WORDS people - NONE. And any who show up here with their harassment, threats to these families and defense of Jones or his legal team are to be shunned and ridiculed. I hope these parents take every last dime.

Alex Jones' Lawyer Seeks To Make Sandy Hook Parents' Home Addresses Public | HuffPost
Why are people stalking/threatening the parents of the victims?

Because they are despicable and deplorable humans?
That IS the only explication

There are NO WORDS people - NONE. And any who show up here with their harassment, threats to these families and defense of Jones or his legal team are to be shunned and ridiculed. I hope these parents take every last dime.

Alex Jones' Lawyer Seeks To Make Sandy Hook Parents' Home Addresses Public | HuffPost
Do you exhibit the same outrage (after the fact of this post doesn't count) when Conservatives are harassed and receive death threats?

I'm not defending Jones. In fact, if someone is hurt by his releasing this information, I hope he is held liable.

Just as I hope any fucking progressive is held liable for harm caused by releasing the names of donors to political campaigns, gun ownership supporters, anti-planned parenthood advocates and a host of other left-wing hot topics.

Oh for the love of God - SHUT THE FUCK UP and address OP
If Alex Jones is claiming the shooting at Sandy Hook never happened, there is obviously no defense for him, other than maybe it doesn’t amount to defamation.

Going after addresses seems a bit dirt baggy.

There are NO WORDS people - NONE. And any who show up here with their harassment, threats to these families and defense of Jones or his legal team are to be shunned and ridiculed. I hope these parents take every last dime.

Alex Jones' Lawyer Seeks To Make Sandy Hook Parents' Home Addresses Public | HuffPost
Why are people stalking/threatening the parents of the victims?

Because followers of jones believes his lies about the Sandy Hook massacre. He told them that it never happened and that it was all a conspiracy to take guns from everyone.

Here's just one of many articles about the harassment and stalking of families of the Sandy Hook massacre.

Sandy Hook 'truther' Matthew Mills arrested after confronting victim's sister | Daily Mail Online
I have but one question. I don’t know Alex Jones, have never listened to a broadcast! So let’s say his speech is hate speech and he has been rightfully removed from face book. Has Louis Farrakhan been removed from Facebook? The answer to that will tell us if this is the politics of personal destruction at play.

YOU should start responding to subjects that you actually KNOW something about.
At present GTF OUT of my thread, Thanks
I have but one question. I don’t know Alex Jones, have never listened to a broadcast! So let’s say his speech is hate speech and he has been rightfully removed from face book. Has Louis Farrakhan been removed from Facebook? The answer to that will tell us if this is the politics of personal destruction at play.

YOU should start responding to subjects that you actually KNOW something about.
At present GTF OUT of my thread, Thanks
I don't agree with FascistBook's censorship and I'm no fan of Jones but he needs to get off Sandy Hook. Wrong topic to harp on
If Alex Jones is claiming the shooting at Sandy Hook never happened, there is obviously no defense for him, other than maybe it doesn’t amount to defamation.

Going after addresses seems a bit dirt baggy.

I'm not sure what all the grounds of a defamation suit entail, but accusing somebody of fabricating the existence of their dead kid is a pretty hefty charge.
jones demanding the addresses of the Sandy Hook families isn't the law. He filed a motion to get the addresses. If it was the law he wouldn't have had to file a motion demanding the addresses.
I'm not trying to be insensitive here, but is there any particular reason why their identities/addresses are not already known? I mean have they gone into hiding or something?
jones demanding the addresses of the Sandy Hook families isn't the law. He filed a motion to get the addresses. If it was the law he wouldn't have had to file a motion demanding the addresses.
I'm not trying to be insensitive here, but is there any particular reason why their identities/addresses are not already known? I mean have they gone into hiding or something?

Yes, some of them have "gone into hiding". It's one of the arguments of the suit as far as I know. They claim to have been stalked and received death threats due to Jones' on air insinuations.

There are NO WORDS people - NONE. And any who show up here with their harassment, threats to these families and defense of Jones or his legal team are to be shunned and ridiculed. I hope these parents take every last dime.

Alex Jones' Lawyer Seeks To Make Sandy Hook Parents' Home Addresses Public | HuffPost
Sounds like the families are gonna make Jones pay even more....those kinds of threats aren't just civil anymore...they are criminal.
What you don't get stupid asses is, if this is a court thing they are going ot have to produce PROOF of the weapons used to shoot these kids, They will have to provide more than what they can.

These stupid fkrs can't even provide a video of him saying what the LYING LEFTIST asshole say he said WATCH and anything that comes out of this is some PAID OFF JUDGE and COURTS BANK ON IT .


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I'm glad to see Alex Jones with duct tape over his mouth as you have on your avie.
Sure, if we make the names and addresses of all the families affected by Sandy Hook public.

Whats good for the goose is good for the gander, right?
What you don't get stupid asses is, if this is a court thing they are going ot have to produce PROOF of the weapons used to shoot these kids, They will have to provide more than what they can.

These stupid fkrs can't even provide a video of him saying what the LYING LEFTIST asshole say he said WATCH and anything that comes out of this is some PAID OFF JUDGE and COURTS BANK ON IT .


View attachment 209633

Mindwars, what the hell are you talking about. They HAVE the weapons. They picked them up off Trask's body, identified the owner (his murdered Mom). This is a mindless rant, at best.
I have but one question. I don’t know Alex Jones, have never listened to a broadcast! So let’s say his speech is hate speech and he has been rightfully removed from face book. Has Louis Farrakhan been removed from Facebook? The answer to that will tell us if this is the politics of personal destruction at play.

You aren't addressing the issue and point of this thread.

The point is jones has spread lies about the Sandy Hook massacre and about the parents. The parents have been harassed, stalked and have had to move due to death threats. One family had to move SEVEN times because of death threats.

Now jones wants to give those same violent people the addresses of all of the families.

More families will be harassed, stalked and have to move because of death threats. Hopefully none of jones' followers will actually harm or kill one of the people in one of those families.

Deal with what's going on. Stop trying to deflect and change the subject.

If you can't do that then maybe you should learn about the subject first.
Fuck progressives, progressives are always wrong on all issues when it comes to morality.
You just don’t like what he has to say because you disagree with him. Progressives always tried to shut up those they disagree with they’re fucking cowards, you’re a cowardly piece of shit...
Just admit it, you cannot stand anyone that disagrees with you… So you want to shut them up.
I take it you agree with Jones and approve of the hate for grieving parents that he inspires in the crowd of losers that can't live without the adrenalin rush of malice. However I must point out that your response conjures up a picture of fist-shaking red-faced vein-popping spit-flicking psychosis. And I question how you have the nerve to accuse any poster that they cannot stand anyone that disagrees with them when your reaction to disagreement makes you the poster boy for 'cannot standing' anyone who disagrees with you.
Nice deflection
I’m not the one that’s trying to force “political correctness” on somebody else, political correctness is always immoral...
OMG! You took over the asylum!

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