Alex Jones believes the US government is turning people into homosexuals

plastic chemicals 'feminise boys'

male hormones drive boyish playchemicals in plastics alter the brains of baby boys, making them "more feminine", say us researchers.males exposed to high doses in the womb went on to be less likely to play with boys' toys like cars or to join in rough and tumble games, they found.the university of rochester team's latest work adds to concerns about the safety of phthalates, found in vinyl flooring and pvc shower curtains.the findings are reported in the international journal of andrologphthalates have the ability to disrupt hormones, and have been banned in toys in the eu for some years.however, they are still widely used in many different household items, including plastic furniture and packaging.
There are many different types and some mimic the female hormone oestrogen.

bbc news | health | plastic chemicals 'feminise boys'

even if they are "more feminine," that doesn't mean they will become homosexuals.

he said gay...not homosexual...and should you not be more concerned about the safety of your children food supply...than if Alex choose to describe feminized males as gay ??..clearly your opinions in your original post where completely inaccurate..but now thanks to Alexs inflammatory words and my links you are now a more informed person

You seem to be drawing the point off topic. Do you agree with Jones that it is possible to have someone's sexual orientation change by the foods someone eats?
even if they are "more feminine," that doesn't mean they will become homosexuals.

he said gay...not homosexual...and should you not be more concerned about the safety of your children food supply...than if alex choose to describe feminized males as gay ??..clearly your opinions in your original post where completely inaccurate..but now thanks to alexs inflammatory words and my links you are now a more informed person

you seem to be drawing the point off topic. Do you agree with jones that it is possible to have someone's sexual orientation change by the foods someone eats?

in a developed adult no..but in a child it certainly could..and the fact remains in your little spiel you scoffed at the idea these chemicals can cause feminization and genital mutations and you where completly uniformed of the risk
Prenatal hormones and sex-typed behavior

The hormonal theory of sexuality holds that, just as exposure to certain hormones plays a role in fetal sex differentiation, such exposure also influences the sexual orientation that emerges later in the adult. Differences in brain structure that come about from hormones and genes interacting on developing brain cells are believed to be the basis of sex differences in countless behaviors, including sexual orientation.[1] Prenatal factors that affect or interfere with the interaction of these hormones on the developing brain can influence later sex-typed behavior in children.[1] This hypothesis is originated from countless experimental studies in non-human mammals, yet the argument that similar effects can be seen in human neurobehavioral development is a much debated topic among scholars.[2] Recent studies, however, have provided evidence in support of prenatal androgen exposure influencing childhood sex-typed behavior.[2]

Prenatal hormones and sexual orientation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You seem to be drawing the point off topic. Do you agree with Jones that it is possible to have someone's sexual orientation change by the foods someone eats?
Jones was quoting a study, he wasn't just saying it.

rDean tried to say this same thing what 6 or 8 months ago? Go look at his thread.
I was unaware that anyone was disputing the effects of estrogen-like compounds on children. The exact parameters are not something we can easily study - but then we don't really need to. The recommendation is to minimize exposure in all ways possible.

At what point does 'feminizing' become 'homosexual' (which I believe is what 'gay' indicates)? Has anyone determined that yet?

What I think is not accurate is the whole 'government conspiracy' business: what point is there in making more gay males?
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This is the most absurd arguement I have ever taken part of, even on the conspiracy theory board. I've seen the evidence your side has provided and of course it doesn't prove anything. What study was Jones referencing?

I knew of a lot of people who grew up eating the junk food that Jones had in that video and of course they remained heterosexual their entire lives. The only individuals who think that someone becomes gay is Jones and his supporters. Jones even said that he eats a lot of this stuff and I assume he is heterosexual.

May I ask if you all believe in EVERYTHING this guy says? I don't mean to sound disrespectful but this one is so far out there it had to take anything else he says seriously.
What I think is not accurate is the whole 'government conspiracy' business: what point is there in making more gay males?
Population Reduction.
BPA plastics chemical found to feminize males
University of Missouri researchers have evidence that BPA causes male deer mice to lose their masculinity and behave more like females. In fact, female mice sense something isn't quite "right" about BPA exposed males and don't want to mate with them.
Sounds about right, most women claim they have a very accurate "gaydar" don't they?

Plus I'm always hearing Liberals say that "There's too many people!" Isn't this one way of getting rid of a lot of them?
this is the most absurd arguement i have ever taken part of, even on the conspiracy theory board. I've seen the evidence your side has provided and of course it doesn't prove anything. What study was jones referencing?

I knew of a lot of people who grew up eating the junk food that jones had in that video and of course they remained heterosexual their entire lives. The only individuals who think that someone becomes gay is jones and his supporters. Jones even said that he eats a lot of this stuff and i assume he is heterosexual.

May i ask if you all believe in everything this guy says? I don't mean to sound disrespectful but this one is so far out there it had to take anything else he says seriously.

your side ?? you are on the side of hormone laden food is harmless and fun ?? that your side ??...does your side have any studies you could share ???
What I think is not accurate is the whole 'government conspiracy' business: what point is there in making more gay males?
Population Reduction.
BPA plastics chemical found to feminize males
University of Missouri researchers have evidence that BPA causes male deer mice to lose their masculinity and behave more like females. In fact, female mice sense something isn't quite "right" about BPA exposed males and don't want to mate with them.
Sounds about right, most women claim they have a very accurate "gaydar" don't they?

Plus I'm always hearing Liberals say that "There's too many people!" Isn't this one way of getting rid of a lot of them?

I've never heard another woman talk about 'gaydar' - unless she was gay. And - news flash! - there are plenty of gay guys who want to become parents, so they adopt.

You appear to think that with humans, instincts rule. I'm not at all sure they do.

Oh, and all of that is purely conjecture on your part (population reduction), isn't it?
Alex Jones dreams up crazy stuff to get people to tune in to his show. It's how he makes a living, a parasite preying upon the ignorance and baseless fears of others.

His being associated with an idea is virtually always an indication that the topic has been presented in a grossly bowdlerized form, distorted and misrepresenting the situation.

But it's amusing to read the asinine garbage some folks want to believe...... and excoriate others for not sharing in their delusions.

he was completely correct moron...

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Uh-huh. Everyone who doesn't subscribe to Ideots loony tunes CTs is a moron. :D
Alex Jones dreams up crazy stuff to get people to tune in to his show. It's how he makes a living, a parasite preying upon the ignorance and baseless fears of others.

His being associated with an idea is virtually always an indication that the topic has been presented in a grossly bowdlerized form, distorted and misrepresenting the situation.

But it's amusing to read the asinine garbage some folks want to believe...... and excoriate others for not sharing in their delusions.
How many times have you listened to his show?

Not enough to be infected like some here. :badgrin:
there is strong evidence of inside involvement in 9/11 an opinion shared by a large percentage of the population who also pay their taxes...
Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

If by large percentage of the population you are referring to the demographic of 40 year old male virgins living in their mother's basement, then yes, it's an opinion shared by a large percentage of the population.

Many if not most of those you describe post regularly on this board. "Mom ... the meatloaf!" :D
Alex Jones dreams up crazy stuff to get people to tune in to his show. It's how he makes a living, a parasite preying upon the ignorance and baseless fears of others.

His being associated with an idea is virtually always an indication that the topic has been presented in a grossly bowdlerized form, distorted and misrepresenting the situation.

But it's amusing to read the asinine garbage some folks want to believe...... and excoriate others for not sharing in their delusions.

he was completely correct moron...

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Uh-huh. Everyone who doesn't subscribe to Ideots loony tunes CTs is a moron. :D

the subject referenced was feminizing hormones in plastics and food sources that can cause brain changes and genital mutations in humans...its not a theory..its not Alex Jones belief...its a fact he was simple reporting
sayit likes to speak to topics he is completely ignorant of and use some strawman argument...he has never heard of Endocrine Disruptors..its all greek to him just like the NIST report..
even if they are "more feminine," that doesn't mean they will become homosexuals.

he said gay...not homosexual...and should you not be more concerned about the safety of your children food supply...than if Alex choose to describe feminized males as gay ??..clearly your opinions in your original post where completely inaccurate..but now thanks to Alexs inflammatory words and my links you are now a more informed person

You seem to be drawing the point off topic. Do you agree with Jones that it is possible to have someone's sexual orientation change by the foods someone eats?

Since we know that the food we eat has caused girls to develop earlier than a hundred years ago, then, yeah, I think it's possible the food may also have something to do with sexual orientation change, birth defects and all kinds of other things. The question should be "if" it should be "what are we going to do about it?"
This is the most absurd arguement I have ever taken part of, even on the conspiracy theory board. I've seen the evidence your side has provided and of course it doesn't prove anything. What study was Jones referencing?

I knew of a lot of people who grew up eating the junk food that Jones had in that video and of course they remained heterosexual their entire lives. The only individuals who think that someone becomes gay is Jones and his supporters. Jones even said that he eats a lot of this stuff and I assume he is heterosexual.

May I ask if you all believe in EVERYTHING this guy says? I don't mean to sound disrespectful but this one is so far out there it had to take anything else he says seriously.

Perhaps Jones is about to come out of the closet and needs to blame a gov't conspiracy for his newfound sexual orientation. Hell, he blames everything else on gov't conspiracies. :D
he was completely correct moron...

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Uh-huh. Everyone who doesn't subscribe to Ideots loony tunes CTs is a moron. :D

the subject referenced was feminizing hormones in plastics and food sources that can cause brain changes and genital mutations in humans...its not a theory..its not Alex Jones belief...its a fact he was simple reporting

The subject is Jones' claim that the gov't has conspired to turn us all into homosexuals. :D
sayit likes to speak to topics he is completely ignorant of and use some strawman argument...he has never heard of Endocrine Disruptors..its all greek to him just like the NIST report..

Ideots believes the gov't conspires to control his thinking through the use of "thought waves" (thus the foil hat) and that only he and like-minded Nutters can see the truth and the masses are blind sheeple. :D
Perhaps Jones is about to come out of the closet and needs to blame a gov't conspiracy for his newfound sexual orientation. Hell, he blames everything else on gov't conspiracies. :D
That would get you watching wouldn't it? Or if used WikiPedia as a reference? :D

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