Alex Jones & Infowars must pay 14 family members of 8 Sandy Hook Elementary School victims, plus an FBI agent...a collective total of $965 Million

That POS tortured those grieving families. He deserves to live a cardboard box the rest of his life.

Oh wow, drama much?

No, he spoke his opinion behind a microphone. First amendment protects his right to free speech. He did nothing more than claim a school shooting wasn't real. Right or wrong, he's got that right.

Either this will be overturned on appeal (if that's even possible) or the first amendment is under attack. We've had "nuclear verdicts" against Trucking companies whose drivers CAUSED A DEATH and they were no more than 30 million. 965 million dollars for words?

I don’t think the amount will be upheld on appeal. Frankly, it shouldn’t even take an appeal. It should simply be rejected by the judge. And it doesn’t matter.

Let’s assume that Jones deserved to lose at trial for his verbal infliction of additional pain in the families of the murdered children. The measure of damages, etc., here, is facially absurd.

But the biggest thing is this. He won’t ever in this lifetime be able to pay. And we have no debtors’ prisons anymore. The plaintiffs will see precious little of the full or adjusted judgment.
Alsoplustoo, the 1st Amendment was written for muckrakers like Jones, like him or hate him.
It's not that the lying Sack-O-Shit Jones was not allowed to defend himself. It's that he was never allowed grandstand, which is what he wanted to do. The judge admonished the lawyers Jones hired more than one time. Jones deliberately made the lives of the parents of the children murdered pure hell.
He wasn't allowed to enter much more than "yes or no" answers in his defense.

That's not a legal defense, it's a struggle session.
Oh wow, drama much?

No, he spoke his opinion behind a microphone. First amendment protects his right to free speech. He did nothing more than claim a school shooting wasn't real. Right or wrong, he's got that right.

Either this will be overturned on appeal (if that's even possible) or the first amendment is under attack. We've had "nuclear verdicts" against Trucking companies whose drivers CAUSED A DEATH and they were no more than 30 million. 965 million dollars for words?


It's just about making it illegal to criticize commie deviant scum, is all. All the despots and their useful idiots follow the same rulebook.
The parents attorneys are already ordering their fancy EV's AND eating the best steak and biggest cold-water lobster tails nightly!
Datz da' the American legal way!! :abgg2q.jpg:
This is the punitive damages. Too bad they can't Tar and Feather the fat fuck and run him out of town on a rail.

“Today is very important to me and it’s been a long time coming... to face Alex Jones for what he said and did to me. To restore the honor and legacy of my son,” Heslin said when Jones wasn’t there.

Heslin told the jury about holding his son with a bullet hole through his head, even describing the extent of the damage to his son’s body. A key segment of the case is a 2017 Infowars broadcast that said Heslin didn’t hold his son.

The jury was shown a school picture of a smiling Jesse taken two weeks before he was killed. The parents didn’t receive the photo until after the shooting. They described how Jesse was known for telling classmates to “run!” which likely saved lives.

An apology from Jones wouldn’t be good enough, the parents said.

“Alex started this fight,” Heslin said, “and I’ll finish this fight.”

This is the punitive damages. Too bad they can't Tar and Feather the fat fuck and run him out of town on a rail.

“Today is very important to me and it’s been a long time coming... to face Alex Jones for what he said and did to me. To restore the honor and legacy of my son,” Heslin said when Jones wasn’t there.

Heslin told the jury about holding his son with a bullet hole through his head, even describing the extent of the damage to his son’s body. A key segment of the case is a 2017 Infowars broadcast that said Heslin didn’t hold his son.

The jury was shown a school picture of a smiling Jesse taken two weeks before he was killed. The parents didn’t receive the photo until after the shooting. They described how Jesse was known for telling classmates to “run!” which likely saved lives.

An apology from Jones wouldn’t be good enough, the parents said.

“Alex started this fight,” Heslin said, “and I’ll finish this fight.”

Whatever the surviving parent's wanna read into it is good for me.
He's an asswipe and his money may assuage their loss.
Huh? How can you not be allowed to defend yourself? Sounds strangely similar to what they pulled on Bannon.

What country is this again?
Alex Jones lost judgement by default by failing to abide by court rulings during pre trial process.
He needs to sell everything and move to ( Costa Rica ) ( Hungary )( Belize ) ( Spain ) ( Israel) ...
Alex Jones did nothing wrong
The law says otherwise.

And let’s remember how this started: the ridiculous, unwarranted fear of conservatives and their wrongheaded belief that the Sandy Hook mass shooting would result in a ‘new’ AWB.

Consequently, Jones and others on the dishonest right contrived and propagated the lie that the shooting was a ‘hoax.’
He wasn't allowed to enter much more than "yes or no" answers in his defense.

That's not a legal defense, it's a struggle session.
He lost judgement by default. He doesn’t get to “defend” himself because he already lost.
It's not? Can you show the legal precedent stating that the first only protects the truth? If that's the case, then the left would be sued out of their asses. They faked dossies on Trump and claimed the first amendment when they were threatened with lawsuits. Russian collusion was proven to be harmful to Trump and the entire nation, yet nobody was sued over those lies. Why not?

Why does that only work for liberals?
No it's not. And I'm damn glad it's not too. Those children and those families are not national politicians, in the spotlight day in and day out expecting media hyperbole.

Allegations surrounding Trumpybear's campaign accepting Russia's aid in 2016 has nothing to do with Fatfuck Alex's liability in lying about the death of those kids.

Benedict Donald wont sue, he'd be deposed under oath. Never gonna happen, never.
CALL #1: "The plaintiffs will see precious little of the full or adjusted judgment."
CALL #2: "965 million dollars for words?.....YEA THAT IS ABSURD."
RESPONSE as previously reported:
"The size of the damages is a sign that jurors found a defendant’s conduct particularly reprehensible and harmful – and as a way of deterring future wrongdoing."
A. "If I lost my child in a school shooting.......
B. "I'll gladly loan Alex the money."

CALL: "He wasn't allowed to enter much more than "yes or no" answers in his defense."

Reported today: "Jones refused to share crucial evidence – including financial records and data on traffic to his websites – with the plaintiffs in the Connecticut case in violation of his legal obligations.
The law says otherwise.

And let’s remember how this started: the ridiculous, unwarranted fear of conservatives and their wrongheaded belief that the Sandy Hook mass shooting would result in a ‘new’ AWB.

Consequently, Jones and others on the dishonest right contrived and propagated the lie that the shooting was a ‘hoax.’

Name names of who else of any significance on the right propagated this!!

You can't!, you fuckfaced LIAR!!!

Alex Jones & Infowars must pay 14 family members of 8 Sandy Hook Elementary School victims, plus an FBI agent...a collective total of $965 Million​

Lessee: that is 20 kids, six teachers and an FBI agent (for some reason) who were terribly harmed not by the school or the shooter or their dead kid but by Alex Jones' OPINION.

That comes out to about $20,000 damages for each family involved ($20,000 X 27 = $540,000), and the other $964,460,000 to the lawyers. :smoke:
I'll gladly loan Alex the money. Look at that! Another punitive witch hunt by the fascist democrats trying to crush their political enemies! Jones will never pay and the leeches will never collect.
Of course you would loan him the money. Of course you would. :heehee:
Right down the street from the school in question? :auiqs.jpg: Yeah, sure, fair hearing.

I can't wait until next year when Joe Biden is convicted by a jury of his peers down in Texas right along the border! :rock:
Hold your breath on that one, ok? :heehee:

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