Alex Jones & Infowars must pay 14 family members of 8 Sandy Hook Elementary School victims, plus an FBI agent...a collective total of $965 Million

Are you really that stupid?

If there are legal consequences to free speech, THEN ITS NOT FREE!!!

This has nothing to do with ‘free speech.’

The rights enshrined in the First Amendment are not ‘unlimited.’ It is not a right to say anything whatsoever at any time, place, or manner whatsoever and for whatever reason.

“Defamation (libel is written defamation; slander is oral defamation) is the intentional communication of a falsehood about a person, to someone other than that person, that injures the person’s reputation. The injured person may sue and recover damages under state law[.] Being required to pay damages for a defamatory statement restricts one’s freedom of speech; defamation, therefore, constitutes an exception to the First Amendment.”

The law says otherwise.

And let’s remember how this started: the ridiculous, unwarranted fear of conservatives and their wrongheaded belief that the Sandy Hook mass shooting would result in a ‘new’ AWB.

Consequently, Jones and others on the dishonest right contrived and propagated the lie that the shooting was a ‘hoax.’
Maybe it was a hoax.

What Democrats are doing is trying to make saying conspiracy theories a crime.

No crime committed.
It is NOT free speech to lie about deaths of children murered in their classroom. It is NOT free speech to call the children who were murdered in cold blood, "Crisis Actors".

He is allowed to say that if he wants.
He just can’t be criminally prosecuted.

Doesn‘t protect him from Civil Suits for damages he causes


Reported today: "Jones refused to share crucial evidence – including financial records and data on traffic to his websites – with the plaintiffs in the Connecticut case in violation of his legal obligations.
Wrong....He was PREVENTED from mentioning crucial evidence, fucking liar.
Are you really that stupid?

If there are legal consequences to free speech, THEN ITS NOT FREE!!!

There are always consequences for what you say

If you call your bosses wife a fat pig, you get fired
You don’t get to claim free speech
Damn. Jones is gonna have to sell a lot of crazy conspiracy theories to pay that bill.
Damn. Jones is gonna have to sell a lot of crazy conspiracy theories to pay that bill.

Fortunately for the lying scumbag, there are lots of kooks who believe that nonsense. Just look at this site.

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