Alex Jones Suggests Tornado Was False Flag


Active Member
Dec 3, 2012
Lest you think that the Boston Marathon bombing had brought America to peak Trutherism, rest assured, we are nowhere near that point yet. Because, naturally, the Alex Jones conspiracy set is pretty sure that the tornadoes that hit Moore, Okla. were probably maybe some sort of "false flag" event, brought on by the "weather weapons" that of course the federal government has at its disposal, for the purpose of ... incurring massively expensive disasters on ourselves? This probably makes sense to somebody.

Via Raw Story:

Alex Jones pushes tornado truther theory: ?There?s weather weapon stuff going on? | The Raw Story

Conspiracy talk show host Alex Jones, increasingly a favorite of conservative media for his extremely vocal support of gun rights, outed himself Tuesday as a tornado truther by telling a caller on his show, “Of course there’s weather weapons stuff going on.”
Jones, a longtime proponent of the idea that the U.S. government can manipulate and even produce weather systems like tornadoes and hurricanes, went on to say that if people saw helicopters or small aircraft in the area, then “you better bet your bottom dollar they did this.”

“But, who knows if they did?” he asked. “You know, that’s the thing. We don’t know.”

You Just KNEW There Would Be 'Tornado Truthers,' Didn't You?

Alex Jones is what I would call "Bat Shit Crazy"
The Tornado weapon would be "Jumping the Shark" for anyone else..but this is Alex Jones we are talking about.

And he is giving the new Republican Marching orders. Just recently Republicans put up a silly bill aimed at making sure the government doesn't "dry up" the bullet supply. That's directly related to an Alex Jones story.

Wonder if they are now going to put up legislation restricting "Tornado Weapons".

At this pointed, I'd be shocked if I found out that he hadn't come up with a ridiculous false flag theory.
Alex Nutbag Jones is not a favorite of conservative media. Stop making shit up.
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Alex Nutbag Jonesis not a favorite of conservative media. Stop making shit up.
Stop denying the truth.

Matt Drudge has linked to Jones hundreds of times since 2011. During Jones' comments about the Boston bombings, Drudge announced that he had "privately told friends" that 2013 would be the "year of Alex Jones."
Do we really have to believe this idiot who thinks he's got the truth?

I'd hope we're all smarter than that.....................................
Yeah by all means let's use Drudge as a standard lol.

Well it sort of is..for conservatives.

Rand Paul asked Hillary Clinton about arms shipments through Turkey.

That came directly from Drudge or a conservative blog. There was absolutely nothing to confirm that story was nothing but fantasy. It didn't even make any sense.
Lest you think that the Boston Marathon bombing had brought America to peak Trutherism, rest assured, we are nowhere near that point yet. Because, naturally, the Alex Jones conspiracy set is pretty sure that the tornadoes that hit Moore, Okla. were probably maybe some sort of "false flag" event, brought on by the "weather weapons" that of course the federal government has at its disposal, for the purpose of ... incurring massively expensive disasters on ourselves? This probably makes sense to somebody.

Via Raw Story:

Alex Jones pushes tornado truther theory: ?There?s weather weapon stuff going on? | The Raw Story

Conspiracy talk show host Alex Jones, increasingly a favorite of conservative media for his extremely vocal support of gun rights, outed himself Tuesday as a tornado truther by telling a caller on his show, “Of course there’s weather weapons stuff going on.”
Jones, a longtime proponent of the idea that the U.S. government can manipulate and even produce weather systems like tornadoes and hurricanes, went on to say that if people saw helicopters or small aircraft in the area, then “you better bet your bottom dollar they did this.”

“But, who knows if they did?” he asked. “You know, that’s the thing. We don’t know.”

You Just KNEW There Would Be 'Tornado Truthers,' Didn't You?

Alex Jones is what I would call "Bat Shit Crazy"

This guy is really on the edge......... of insanity.:cuckoo:

btw, just wondering...why are these guys rw America likes so much all fat and pudgy and pasty white? He looks like Rush Limbaugh.........
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This is about that HAARP conspiracy theory, isn't it?

Even assuming they COULD cause tornados, why would they do that to Kansas?

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