Alex Jones's lawyer seeks to make addresses of Sandy Hook parents public

His app download. All the people on the internet showing support and never paid any attention to him before now..
What are the numbers?

What was his numbers before, to what is it now?
Not sure but there was like 4.5M new downloads. He is outpacing cnn, fox and many others.
4.5 million downloads. You don't say. Here that Sandy Hook Families a new source of money for you to collect your soon-to-be judgment from that piece of trash.

Next stop for Jones, Russia and the RT network.
He has been martyred
Now he will capitalize on that
Good job, you intolerant asswipes. You fucked all of us over with your bullshit.
He is only a martyr to the people who support liars and scum. How exactly are you "fucked over" by getting rid of this human piece of sewage from YouTube and Facebook?
How many Americans, in some way, dont support liars and scum? the way it is.
Because he will be on more platforms now.
And apparently he is getting new followers. People will now back him just because of those platforms silencing him.
Silencing people is never good. Let them speak their bullshit.
I am not in favor of any forms of censorship but private enterprises censor all the time from newspapers choosing which letters and op-eds to publish to all these terms of service on websites and forums, like this. It is the way it is.
I fully support youtubes right to do it. ALL businesses should conduct business however they see fit.
But that doesnt mean i support their actions.
Just like i dont support alex jones, but i support his right to be a dumbfuck.
I agree with most of what you wrote. The OP though was about Jones releasing the addresses of the Sandy Hook families not whether Jones should have been expelled from YouTube et. al. Jones releasing the addresses is as scummy as one can get. Jones is just the lowest of low.

Unless he's right.
Yes because "expect more ridiculous shit from him now" is bitching and moaning
Dumbfuck :rolleyes:
Stop bitching and moaning over that fat son of a bitch Alex Jones getting his dumb ass banned from private social media platforms.

Is he your daddy or something??!? Sheeesh!!!
Nope. I could care less if he stroked out at lunch today.
I support all americans spouting their shit. No matter how much it lacks in reality.
Just like i support you whining and bitching all the time about whitey and 150 year old oppression. I might tell you to grow up, or call you an idiot but i still support your right to do it.
Authoritarians, like you, cant grasp that.
But its ok. I understand why you cant ;)
Yes because "expect more ridiculous shit from him now" is bitching and moaning
Dumbfuck :rolleyes:
Stop bitching and moaning over that fat son of a bitch Alex Jones getting his dumb ass banned from private social media platforms.

Is he your daddy or something??!? Sheeesh!!!
Nope. I could care less if he stroked out at lunch today.
I support all americans spouting their shit. No matter how much it lacks in reality.
Just like i support you whining and bitching all the time about whitey and 150 year old oppression. I might tell you to grow up, or call you an idiot but i still support your right to do it.
Authoritarians, like you, cant grasp that.
But its ok. I understand why you cant ;)
The best way to combat *dangerous* rhetoric is to allow people to hear it, and be allowed to respond to it, in the open, in public.
He has been martyred
Now he will capitalize on that
Good job, you intolerant asswipes. You fucked all of us over with your bullshit.
He is only a martyr to the people who support liars and scum. How exactly are you "fucked over" by getting rid of this human piece of sewage from YouTube and Facebook?
How many Americans, in some way, dont support liars and scum? :rolleyes:
Because he will be on more platforms now.
And apparently he is getting new followers. People will now back him just because of those platforms silencing him.
Silencing people is never good. Let them speak their bullshit.
I agree. The more that people put out there about themselves, the better that the rest of us know who not to have anything more to do with.

God bless you always!!!

He has been martyred
Now he will capitalize on that
Good job, you intolerant asswipes. You fucked all of us over with your bullshit.
He is only a martyr to the people who support liars and scum. How exactly are you "fucked over" by getting rid of this human piece of sewage from YouTube and Facebook?

Give one actual link to prove your point of Alex lying, and not a CNN piece.
I bet you can’t!

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Banning him from social media won't stop his lawyer from trying to see that done. Also, by banning him you radicalize his followers more, because now in their minds he has been proven right. Alex Jones is more legitimate than ever.
Do you really think that 9-11 was an inside job?

Well we know now that Saudi Arabia was involved, and now we know we were lied to about weapons of mass destruction, but liberals say we should never question them.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
He has been martyred
Now he will capitalize on that
Good job, you intolerant asswipes. You fucked all of us over with your bullshit.
He is only a martyr to the people who support liars and scum. How exactly are you "fucked over" by getting rid of this human piece of sewage from YouTube and Facebook?
How many Americans, in some way, dont support liars and scum? the way it is.
Because he will be on more platforms now.
And apparently he is getting new followers. People will now back him just because of those platforms silencing him.
Silencing people is never good. Let them speak their bullshit.
I am not in favor of any forms of censorship but private enterprises censor all the time from newspapers choosing which letters and op-eds to publish to all these terms of service on websites and forums, like this. It is the way it is. Obey, leave or get banished.

Actually a news paper has a liability because it choses what stories to go with, and these monopoly social media companies could get around these liabilities because they claim to be open forum for everyone, so now if they are gonna choose which folks get to post on their platforms then they are gonna open up themselves to the same liabilities as a newspaper, and the lawsuits will be free flowing.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Banning him from social media won't stop his lawyer from trying to see that done. Also, by banning him you radicalize his followers more, because now in their minds he has been proven right. Alex Jones is more legitimate than ever.
Do you really think that 9-11 was an inside job?

Well we know now that Saudi Arabia was involved, and now we know we were lied to about weapons of mass destruction, but liberals say we should never question them.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Nonsense. I`m a liberal who was certain that there were no wmds in Iraq and we knew on 9-12 that most of the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia. Alex Jones said it was a controlled demolition. How crazy is that?

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