Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Twists Christmas Story to Make Jesus an Immigration Talking Point

"That's when they were refugees"

It took you that long to figure it out. Thats exactly what she said. :rolleyes:

Words mean things, and when Congress critters use them incorrectly, it's a problem.
Well it cant be incorrect. You just admitted yourself that they were indeed refugees. :rolleyes:

Do you honestly think she really meant when they went to Egypt and not when they were in Bethlehem? I don't, hence it bears comment.
She wouldnt have called them refugees if they only went to Bethlehem. The only time he was under threat of death is when he fled to Kemet.

You're assuming she has that great a knowledge of the Scriptures. Think about this, she made the comment in the context of Christmas. Their flight to Egypt had nothing to do with Christmas. I think you're bending and twisting far too much trying to grant her legitimacy.
Youre assuming she doesnt have a great knowledge of the scriptiures. She actually proved she knew what she was talking about. Their flight to Kemet didnt have to have anything to do with xmas. Youre the one bending and twisting trying to make it something its not. We know she knows what she is talking about because she then says this....

"For all the anti-immigrant pundits uncomfortable with and denying that Christ’s family were refugees, too"

Then she adds this link to educate everyone who doesnt know making direct reference to the flight to Kemet.

Were Jesus, Mary and Joseph refugees? Yes.

"In the second chapter of the Gospel of Matthew, we read the story of the “Flight into Egypt” in which, after the birth of Jesus and the visit from the Magi, an “angel of the Lord” comes to Joseph in a dream and warns him to leave Bethlehem for Egypt (Mt 2:12-15). Why? Because King Herod was planning to “seek out the child to destroy him.” Mary and Joseph do leave, along with Jesus, and, according to Matthew, make their way into Egypt. Afterward, King Herod slaughters all the male children in Bethlehem under two years of age. This dramatic episode is part of the Gospel reading for the “Feast of the Holy Innocents,” celebrated on Dec. 28."
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"That's when they were refugees"

It took you that long to figure it out. Thats exactly what she said. :rolleyes:

She wouldnt have called them refugees if they only went to Bethlehem. The only time he was under threat of death is when he fled to Kemet.

On Christmas Day she said “refugee babies in mangers + their parents“.... which was about his birth, not what happened later. As hadit said, that implies they were refugees when they were in Bethlehem...which is false.

As for what happened later, since Egypt was under Roman jurisdiction, it was more like someone traveling within the European Union. As hadit said, you could say that’s when they were refugees. But it was legitimate. And the problem today is that many Democrats and Dem politicians don’t differentiate between legal and illegal immigration. I haven’t read much of what that woman has said, but she seems like the type who would deceptively lump it all in together. And since she played fast and loose with the truth regarding Jesus’ birth, I wouldn’t put it past her.
Not its not about his birth. Its just a reference so people would know she was talking about Jesus. If she had just said babies no one would have gotten the Jesus reference. He was a child when he went to Egypt. The definition of refugee is someone that travels to another country seeking refuge. Thats what Jesus and his family did.

“Manger” isn’t referring to his birth? Lol, ok, whatever you say.
"That's when they were refugees"

It took you that long to figure it out. Thats exactly what she said. :rolleyes:

She wouldnt have called them refugees if they only went to Bethlehem. The only time he was under threat of death is when he fled to Kemet.

On Christmas Day she said “refugee babies in mangers + their parents“.... which was about his birth, not what happened later. As hadit said, that implies they were refugees when they were in Bethlehem...which is false.

As for what happened later, since Egypt was under Roman jurisdiction, it was more like someone traveling within the European Union. As hadit said, you could say that’s when they were refugees. But it was legitimate. And the problem today is that many Democrats and Dem politicians don’t differentiate between legal and illegal immigration. I haven’t read much of what that woman has said, but she seems like the type who would deceptively lump it all in together. And since she played fast and loose with the truth regarding Jesus’ birth, I wouldn’t put it past her.
Not its not about his birth. Its just a reference so people would know she was talking about Jesus. If she had just said babies no one would have gotten the Jesus reference. He was a child when he went to Egypt. The definition of refugee is someone that travels to another country seeking refuge. Thats what Jesus and his family did.

“Manger” isn’t referring to his birth? Lol, ok, whatever you say.
You do realize the manger is just a way of saying Jesus is food for our soul right?
Someone needs to tell her the US is not anti Immigrant, it's anti people emigrating here illegally. WTF is wrong with all these people?
She didnt claim the US was anti immigrant. She just made a post and retarded people lost their shit. WTF is wrong with your people?

View attachment 237268

You forgot the next line down. Her words not mine.

"For all the anti-immigrant pundits uncomfortable with and denying that Christ’s family were refugees, too: "
Where in those words do you see her claiming the US is anti-immigration? You just quoted those words so you must have seen it somewhere?

You can mince words all you want but the fact is, like most so called Liberals they keep confusing real immigrants with illegal immigrants and refugees with people who fabricate refugee status to bypass immigration law. She's completely confused
I'm not mincing words. I am holding you to the exact phrase you used. Nothing in her post said anything about legality. You clowns are foaming at the mouth over her saying Merry christmas to everyone even refugees. :rolleyes:

Here, I'll post it for you one more time. Why would I have a problem with her wishing people Merry Christmas? I can wish the folks in the caravan a merry Christmas as well...and a Happy New year but that doesnt mean I need to confuse them as lets say, someone from Mexico who applied and waited 5 years to become a US citizen. Or someone who might be an actual refugee like a tsunami victim or some place where there was a war going on.
Honduras is a poor country but then so are many others around the world... no need to compare them to Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus. If people see through the thinly veiled attempt to make a political statement during the holidays...... well, she just needs to try harder maybe.

"For all the anti-immigrant pundits uncomfortable with and denying that Christ’s family were refugees, too: "
She didnt claim the US was anti immigrant. She just made a post and retarded people lost their shit. WTF is wrong with your people?

View attachment 237268

You forgot the next line down. Her words not mine.

"For all the anti-immigrant pundits uncomfortable with and denying that Christ’s family were refugees, too: "
Where in those words do you see her claiming the US is anti-immigration? You just quoted those words so you must have seen it somewhere?

You can mince words all you want but the fact is, like most so called Liberals they keep confusing real immigrants with illegal immigrants and refugees with people who fabricate refugee status to bypass immigration law. She's completely confused
I'm not mincing words. I am holding you to the exact phrase you used. Nothing in her post said anything about legality. You clowns are foaming at the mouth over her saying Merry christmas to everyone even refugees. :rolleyes:

Here, I'll post it for you one more time. Why would I have a problem with her wishing people Merry Christmas? I can wish the folks in the caravan a merry Christmas as well...and a Happy New year but that doesnt mean I need to confuse them as lets say, someone from Mexico who applied and waited 5 years to become a US citizen. Or someone who might be an actual refugee like a tsunami victim or some place where there was a war going on.
Honduras is a poor country but then so are many others around the world... no need to compare them to Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus. If people see through the thinly veiled attempt to make a political statement during the holidays...... well, she just needs to try harder maybe.

"For all the anti-immigrant pundits uncomfortable with and denying that Christ’s family were refugees, too: "
You would have a problem with her wishing even refugees a Merry Xmas because she gives you a derangement syndrome. You made the claim she said the US was anti-immigration. Your last post pretty much proves she only specified anti-immigration pundits which do not make up the entire US.

You cant tell her who she can and cannot compare to Jesus. If you dont like it fine. The point is that she was absolutely correct.
You forgot the next line down. Her words not mine.

"For all the anti-immigrant pundits uncomfortable with and denying that Christ’s family were refugees, too: "
Where in those words do you see her claiming the US is anti-immigration? You just quoted those words so you must have seen it somewhere?

You can mince words all you want but the fact is, like most so called Liberals they keep confusing real immigrants with illegal immigrants and refugees with people who fabricate refugee status to bypass immigration law. She's completely confused
I'm not mincing words. I am holding you to the exact phrase you used. Nothing in her post said anything about legality. You clowns are foaming at the mouth over her saying Merry christmas to everyone even refugees. :rolleyes:

Here, I'll post it for you one more time. Why would I have a problem with her wishing people Merry Christmas? I can wish the folks in the caravan a merry Christmas as well...and a Happy New year but that doesnt mean I need to confuse them as lets say, someone from Mexico who applied and waited 5 years to become a US citizen. Or someone who might be an actual refugee like a tsunami victim or some place where there was a war going on.
Honduras is a poor country but then so are many others around the world... no need to compare them to Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus. If people see through the thinly veiled attempt to make a political statement during the holidays...... well, she just needs to try harder maybe.

"For all the anti-immigrant pundits uncomfortable with and denying that Christ’s family were refugees, too: "
You would have a problem with her wishing even refugees a Merry Xmas because she gives you a derangement syndrome. You made the claim she said the US was anti-immigration. Your last post pretty much proves she only specified anti-immigration pundits which do not make up the entire US.

You cant tell her who she can and cannot compare to Jesus. If you dont like it fine. The point is that she was absolutely correct.

No, Derangement Syndrome belongs to those who cant accept Hillary lost an election. Your right though, i was wrong... she didnt say America is anti -immigrant. i spoke a little too soon.
If shes anything close to so called liberal posters around here who feel that America is racist and it founding was racist, and not much different from the 1920's .. I have little doubt as evidenced by her lack of ability to differentiate between legal and illegal immigration, that she probably would think conservatives as a group are anti- immigrant.
I for one am happy to see immigrants come here if they want to be American. I don't give a damn where they are from if they are approved.
You forgot the next line down. Her words not mine.

"For all the anti-immigrant pundits uncomfortable with and denying that Christ’s family were refugees, too: "
Where in those words do you see her claiming the US is anti-immigration? You just quoted those words so you must have seen it somewhere?

You can mince words all you want but the fact is, like most so called Liberals they keep confusing real immigrants with illegal immigrants and refugees with people who fabricate refugee status to bypass immigration law. She's completely confused
I'm not mincing words. I am holding you to the exact phrase you used. Nothing in her post said anything about legality. You clowns are foaming at the mouth over her saying Merry christmas to everyone even refugees. :rolleyes:

Here, I'll post it for you one more time. Why would I have a problem with her wishing people Merry Christmas? I can wish the folks in the caravan a merry Christmas as well...and a Happy New year but that doesnt mean I need to confuse them as lets say, someone from Mexico who applied and waited 5 years to become a US citizen. Or someone who might be an actual refugee like a tsunami victim or some place where there was a war going on.
Honduras is a poor country but then so are many others around the world... no need to compare them to Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus. If people see through the thinly veiled attempt to make a political statement during the holidays...... well, she just needs to try harder maybe.

"For all the anti-immigrant pundits uncomfortable with and denying that Christ’s family were refugees, too: "
You would have a problem with her wishing even refugees a Merry Xmas because she gives you a derangement syndrome. You made the claim she said the US was anti-immigration. Your last post pretty much proves she only specified anti-immigration pundits which do not make up the entire US.

You cant tell her who she can and cannot compare to Jesus. If you dont like it fine. The point is that she was absolutely correct.

Anybody on the left who uses anything religious to try and make a point is a hypocrite. Unless it's to promote some leftist agenda, liberals constantly call God the invisible man in the sky. Or they say the Holy Bible is nothing but a book of fairy tales. If they can use it to advance their political agenda? Now it's no longer fiction.
Where in those words do you see her claiming the US is anti-immigration? You just quoted those words so you must have seen it somewhere?

You can mince words all you want but the fact is, like most so called Liberals they keep confusing real immigrants with illegal immigrants and refugees with people who fabricate refugee status to bypass immigration law. She's completely confused
I'm not mincing words. I am holding you to the exact phrase you used. Nothing in her post said anything about legality. You clowns are foaming at the mouth over her saying Merry christmas to everyone even refugees. :rolleyes:

Here, I'll post it for you one more time. Why would I have a problem with her wishing people Merry Christmas? I can wish the folks in the caravan a merry Christmas as well...and a Happy New year but that doesnt mean I need to confuse them as lets say, someone from Mexico who applied and waited 5 years to become a US citizen. Or someone who might be an actual refugee like a tsunami victim or some place where there was a war going on.
Honduras is a poor country but then so are many others around the world... no need to compare them to Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus. If people see through the thinly veiled attempt to make a political statement during the holidays...... well, she just needs to try harder maybe.

"For all the anti-immigrant pundits uncomfortable with and denying that Christ’s family were refugees, too: "
You would have a problem with her wishing even refugees a Merry Xmas because she gives you a derangement syndrome. You made the claim she said the US was anti-immigration. Your last post pretty much proves she only specified anti-immigration pundits which do not make up the entire US.

You cant tell her who she can and cannot compare to Jesus. If you dont like it fine. The point is that she was absolutely correct.

No, Derangement Syndrome belongs to those who cant accept Hillary lost an election. Your right though, i was wrong... she didnt say America is anti -immigrant. i spoke a little too soon.
If shes anything close to so called liberal posters around here who feel that America is racist and it founding was racist, and not much different from the 1920's .. I have little doubt as evidenced by her lack of ability to differentiate between legal and illegal immigration, that she probably would think conservatives as a group are anti- immigrant.
I for one am happy to see immigrants come here if they want to be American. I don't give a damn where they are from if they are approved.
Most polls show that conservatives are anti immigration. Not just illegal but any immigration. I have seen that sentiment expressed numerous times on this very forum. It kind of like saying the KKK is anti Black or Jewish. Its just a known thing that conservatives hate and fear competition from people not in their "group" let alone not from the same country.
Where in those words do you see her claiming the US is anti-immigration? You just quoted those words so you must have seen it somewhere?

You can mince words all you want but the fact is, like most so called Liberals they keep confusing real immigrants with illegal immigrants and refugees with people who fabricate refugee status to bypass immigration law. She's completely confused
I'm not mincing words. I am holding you to the exact phrase you used. Nothing in her post said anything about legality. You clowns are foaming at the mouth over her saying Merry christmas to everyone even refugees. :rolleyes:

Here, I'll post it for you one more time. Why would I have a problem with her wishing people Merry Christmas? I can wish the folks in the caravan a merry Christmas as well...and a Happy New year but that doesnt mean I need to confuse them as lets say, someone from Mexico who applied and waited 5 years to become a US citizen. Or someone who might be an actual refugee like a tsunami victim or some place where there was a war going on.
Honduras is a poor country but then so are many others around the world... no need to compare them to Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus. If people see through the thinly veiled attempt to make a political statement during the holidays...... well, she just needs to try harder maybe.

"For all the anti-immigrant pundits uncomfortable with and denying that Christ’s family were refugees, too: "
You would have a problem with her wishing even refugees a Merry Xmas because she gives you a derangement syndrome. You made the claim she said the US was anti-immigration. Your last post pretty much proves she only specified anti-immigration pundits which do not make up the entire US.

You cant tell her who she can and cannot compare to Jesus. If you dont like it fine. The point is that she was absolutely correct.

Anybody on the left who uses anything religious to try and make a point is a hypocrite. Unless it's to promote some leftist agenda, liberals constantly call God the invisible man in the sky. Or they say the Holy Bible is nothing but a book of fairy tales. If they can use it to advance their political agenda? Now it's no longer fiction.
So your claim is that all leftists dont believe in god? Lets see your proof and it needs to be credible and peer reviewed.
You can mince words all you want but the fact is, like most so called Liberals they keep confusing real immigrants with illegal immigrants and refugees with people who fabricate refugee status to bypass immigration law. She's completely confused
I'm not mincing words. I am holding you to the exact phrase you used. Nothing in her post said anything about legality. You clowns are foaming at the mouth over her saying Merry christmas to everyone even refugees. :rolleyes:

Here, I'll post it for you one more time. Why would I have a problem with her wishing people Merry Christmas? I can wish the folks in the caravan a merry Christmas as well...and a Happy New year but that doesnt mean I need to confuse them as lets say, someone from Mexico who applied and waited 5 years to become a US citizen. Or someone who might be an actual refugee like a tsunami victim or some place where there was a war going on.
Honduras is a poor country but then so are many others around the world... no need to compare them to Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus. If people see through the thinly veiled attempt to make a political statement during the holidays...... well, she just needs to try harder maybe.

"For all the anti-immigrant pundits uncomfortable with and denying that Christ’s family were refugees, too: "
You would have a problem with her wishing even refugees a Merry Xmas because she gives you a derangement syndrome. You made the claim she said the US was anti-immigration. Your last post pretty much proves she only specified anti-immigration pundits which do not make up the entire US.

You cant tell her who she can and cannot compare to Jesus. If you dont like it fine. The point is that she was absolutely correct.

No, Derangement Syndrome belongs to those who cant accept Hillary lost an election. Your right though, i was wrong... she didnt say America is anti -immigrant. i spoke a little too soon.
If shes anything close to so called liberal posters around here who feel that America is racist and it founding was racist, and not much different from the 1920's .. I have little doubt as evidenced by her lack of ability to differentiate between legal and illegal immigration, that she probably would think conservatives as a group are anti- immigrant.
I for one am happy to see immigrants come here if they want to be American. I don't give a damn where they are from if they are approved.
Most polls show that conservatives are anti immigration. Not just illegal but any immigration. I have seen that sentiment expressed numerous times on this very forum. It kind of like saying the KKK is anti Black or Jewish. Its just a known thing that conservatives hate and fear competition from people not in their "group" let alone not from the same country.

Hmmm...the same ones that primarily poll democrats? Dumbass.
You can mince words all you want but the fact is, like most so called Liberals they keep confusing real immigrants with illegal immigrants and refugees with people who fabricate refugee status to bypass immigration law. She's completely confused
I'm not mincing words. I am holding you to the exact phrase you used. Nothing in her post said anything about legality. You clowns are foaming at the mouth over her saying Merry christmas to everyone even refugees. :rolleyes:

Here, I'll post it for you one more time. Why would I have a problem with her wishing people Merry Christmas? I can wish the folks in the caravan a merry Christmas as well...and a Happy New year but that doesnt mean I need to confuse them as lets say, someone from Mexico who applied and waited 5 years to become a US citizen. Or someone who might be an actual refugee like a tsunami victim or some place where there was a war going on.
Honduras is a poor country but then so are many others around the world... no need to compare them to Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus. If people see through the thinly veiled attempt to make a political statement during the holidays...... well, she just needs to try harder maybe.

"For all the anti-immigrant pundits uncomfortable with and denying that Christ’s family were refugees, too: "
You would have a problem with her wishing even refugees a Merry Xmas because she gives you a derangement syndrome. You made the claim she said the US was anti-immigration. Your last post pretty much proves she only specified anti-immigration pundits which do not make up the entire US.

You cant tell her who she can and cannot compare to Jesus. If you dont like it fine. The point is that she was absolutely correct.

Anybody on the left who uses anything religious to try and make a point is a hypocrite. Unless it's to promote some leftist agenda, liberals constantly call God the invisible man in the sky. Or they say the Holy Bible is nothing but a book of fairy tales. If they can use it to advance their political agenda? Now it's no longer fiction.
So your claim is that all leftists dont believe in god? Lets see your proof and it needs to be credible and peer reviewed.

I'm not talking about any study, just based on what they say all the time. Look around on USMB when somebody from the right brings up religion. How does one believe in God or for that matter, Jesus, and supports a party that promotes killing babies? Religious people, especially in the Christian religions, are strongly against that. It's one of God's top ten no-no's.

When people tear down statutes or attack religious artifacts in public, who leads that charge, Republicans? Of course not. It's always some liberal or leftist from the ACLU.

Ozark will take part of city park cross down, until it makes a decision

The old warriors behind the new legal battle over Maryland’s Peace Cross
I'm not mincing words. I am holding you to the exact phrase you used. Nothing in her post said anything about legality. You clowns are foaming at the mouth over her saying Merry christmas to everyone even refugees. :rolleyes:

Here, I'll post it for you one more time. Why would I have a problem with her wishing people Merry Christmas? I can wish the folks in the caravan a merry Christmas as well...and a Happy New year but that doesnt mean I need to confuse them as lets say, someone from Mexico who applied and waited 5 years to become a US citizen. Or someone who might be an actual refugee like a tsunami victim or some place where there was a war going on.
Honduras is a poor country but then so are many others around the world... no need to compare them to Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus. If people see through the thinly veiled attempt to make a political statement during the holidays...... well, she just needs to try harder maybe.

"For all the anti-immigrant pundits uncomfortable with and denying that Christ’s family were refugees, too: "
You would have a problem with her wishing even refugees a Merry Xmas because she gives you a derangement syndrome. You made the claim she said the US was anti-immigration. Your last post pretty much proves she only specified anti-immigration pundits which do not make up the entire US.

You cant tell her who she can and cannot compare to Jesus. If you dont like it fine. The point is that she was absolutely correct.

Anybody on the left who uses anything religious to try and make a point is a hypocrite. Unless it's to promote some leftist agenda, liberals constantly call God the invisible man in the sky. Or they say the Holy Bible is nothing but a book of fairy tales. If they can use it to advance their political agenda? Now it's no longer fiction.
So your claim is that all leftists dont believe in god? Lets see your proof and it needs to be credible and peer reviewed.

I'm not talking about any study, just based on what they say all the time. Look around on USMB when somebody from the right brings up religion. How does one believe in God or for that matter, Jesus, and supports a party that promotes killing babies? Religious people, especially in the Christian religions, are strongly against that. It's one of God's top ten no-no's.

When people tear down statutes or attack religious artifacts in public, who leads that charge, Republicans? Of course not. It's always some liberal or leftist from the ACLU.

Ozark will take part of city park cross down, until it makes a decision

The old warriors behind the new legal battle over Maryland’s Peace Cross
You sound like a fool. First of all killing an unborn fetus is protected by law which God himself says you most obey in the bible. Secondly God has consistently said there will be no religious idols or artifacts. Now ask me again which parties more close follows the teaching of the bible?

romans 13:1-2

""Obey the government, for God is the One who has put it there. There is no government anywhere that God has not placed in power. So those who refuse to obey the law of the land are refusing to obey God, and punishment will follow.""

Exodus 20:3-5

3“You shall have no other gods before me.
4 “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.
5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,
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You sound like a fool. First of all killing an unborn fetus is protected by law which God himself says you most obey in the bible.

Unless it contradicts God's law, which abortion clearly does
Where does it contradict gods law? Pretty sure if god blesses people that kill infants not in the womb he wont have a problem with abortion.

Psalm 137:9

Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones

and dashes them against the rock!
You sound like a fool. First of all killing an unborn fetus is protected by law which God himself says you most obey in the bible.

Unless it contradicts God's law, which abortion clearly does
Where does it contradict gods law? Pretty sure if god blesses people that kill infants not in the womb he wont have a problem with abortion.

Psalm 137:9

Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones

and dashes them against the rock!

Context is everything my little friend.

Psalm 137
1 By the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept
when we remembered Zion.
2 There on the poplars
we hung our harps,
3 for there our captors asked us for songs,
our tormentors demanded songs of joy;
they said, “Sing us one of the songs of Zion!”

4 How can we sing the songs of the Lord
while in a foreign land?
5 If I forget you, Jerusalem,
may my right hand forget its skill.
6 May my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth
if I do not remember you,
if I do not consider Jerusalem
my highest joy.

7 Remember, Lord, what the Edomites did
on the day Jerusalem fell.
“Tear it down,” they cried,
“tear it down to its foundations!”
8 Daughter Babylon, doomed to destruction,
happy is the one who repays you
according to what you have done to us.
9 Happy is the one who seizes your infants
and dashes them against the rocks.
Here, I'll post it for you one more time. Why would I have a problem with her wishing people Merry Christmas? I can wish the folks in the caravan a merry Christmas as well...and a Happy New year but that doesnt mean I need to confuse them as lets say, someone from Mexico who applied and waited 5 years to become a US citizen. Or someone who might be an actual refugee like a tsunami victim or some place where there was a war going on.
Honduras is a poor country but then so are many others around the world... no need to compare them to Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus. If people see through the thinly veiled attempt to make a political statement during the holidays...... well, she just needs to try harder maybe.

"For all the anti-immigrant pundits uncomfortable with and denying that Christ’s family were refugees, too: "
You would have a problem with her wishing even refugees a Merry Xmas because she gives you a derangement syndrome. You made the claim she said the US was anti-immigration. Your last post pretty much proves she only specified anti-immigration pundits which do not make up the entire US.

You cant tell her who she can and cannot compare to Jesus. If you dont like it fine. The point is that she was absolutely correct.

Anybody on the left who uses anything religious to try and make a point is a hypocrite. Unless it's to promote some leftist agenda, liberals constantly call God the invisible man in the sky. Or they say the Holy Bible is nothing but a book of fairy tales. If they can use it to advance their political agenda? Now it's no longer fiction.
So your claim is that all leftists dont believe in god? Lets see your proof and it needs to be credible and peer reviewed.

I'm not talking about any study, just based on what they say all the time. Look around on USMB when somebody from the right brings up religion. How does one believe in God or for that matter, Jesus, and supports a party that promotes killing babies? Religious people, especially in the Christian religions, are strongly against that. It's one of God's top ten no-no's.

When people tear down statutes or attack religious artifacts in public, who leads that charge, Republicans? Of course not. It's always some liberal or leftist from the ACLU.

Ozark will take part of city park cross down, until it makes a decision

The old warriors behind the new legal battle over Maryland’s Peace Cross
You sound like a fool. First of all killing an unborn fetus is protected by law which God himself says you most obey in the bible. Secondly God has consistently said there will be no religious idols or artifacts. Now ask me again which parties more close follows the teaching of the bible?

romans 13:1-2

""Obey the government, for God is the One who has put it there. There is no government anywhere that God has not placed in power. So those who refuse to obey the law of the land are refusing to obey God, and punishment will follow.""

Exodus 20:3-5

3“You shall have no other gods before me.
4 “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.
5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,

I guess you don’t know what was meant by “other” Gods?

Sent from my iPad using
You would have a problem with her wishing even refugees a Merry Xmas because she gives you a derangement syndrome. You made the claim she said the US was anti-immigration. Your last post pretty much proves she only specified anti-immigration pundits which do not make up the entire US.

You cant tell her who she can and cannot compare to Jesus. If you dont like it fine. The point is that she was absolutely correct.

Anybody on the left who uses anything religious to try and make a point is a hypocrite. Unless it's to promote some leftist agenda, liberals constantly call God the invisible man in the sky. Or they say the Holy Bible is nothing but a book of fairy tales. If they can use it to advance their political agenda? Now it's no longer fiction.
So your claim is that all leftists dont believe in god? Lets see your proof and it needs to be credible and peer reviewed.

I'm not talking about any study, just based on what they say all the time. Look around on USMB when somebody from the right brings up religion. How does one believe in God or for that matter, Jesus, and supports a party that promotes killing babies? Religious people, especially in the Christian religions, are strongly against that. It's one of God's top ten no-no's.

When people tear down statutes or attack religious artifacts in public, who leads that charge, Republicans? Of course not. It's always some liberal or leftist from the ACLU.

Ozark will take part of city park cross down, until it makes a decision

The old warriors behind the new legal battle over Maryland’s Peace Cross
You sound like a fool. First of all killing an unborn fetus is protected by law which God himself says you most obey in the bible. Secondly God has consistently said there will be no religious idols or artifacts. Now ask me again which parties more close follows the teaching of the bible?

romans 13:1-2

""Obey the government, for God is the One who has put it there. There is no government anywhere that God has not placed in power. So those who refuse to obey the law of the land are refusing to obey God, and punishment will follow.""

Exodus 20:3-5

3“You shall have no other gods before me.
4 “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.
5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,

I guess you don’t know what was meant by “other” Gods?

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From your question its evident you have no clue what was meant. Can you show me in the bible where it says a cross is an approved symbol? Obviously you dont realize the cross is a pagan symbol. :rolleyes:
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You sound like a fool. First of all killing an unborn fetus is protected by law which God himself says you most obey in the bible.

Unless it contradicts God's law, which abortion clearly does
Where does it contradict gods law? Pretty sure if god blesses people that kill infants not in the womb he wont have a problem with abortion.

Psalm 137:9

Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones

and dashes them against the rock!

Context is everything my little friend.

Psalm 137
1 By the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept
when we remembered Zion.
2 There on the poplars
we hung our harps,
3 for there our captors asked us for songs,
our tormentors demanded songs of joy;
they said, “Sing us one of the songs of Zion!”

4 How can we sing the songs of the Lord
while in a foreign land?
5 If I forget you, Jerusalem,
may my right hand forget its skill.
6 May my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth
if I do not remember you,
if I do not consider Jerusalem
my highest joy.

7 Remember, Lord, what the Edomites did
on the day Jerusalem fell.
“Tear it down,” they cried,
“tear it down to its foundations!”
8 Daughter Babylon, doomed to destruction,
happy is the one who repays you
according to what you have done to us.
9 Happy is the one who seizes your infants
and dashes them against the rocks.

Bible Gateway passage: Numbers 5:11-22 - New International Version

“may the Lord cause you to become a curse among your people when he makes your womb miscarry and your abdomen swell. 22 May this water enter your body so that your abdomen swells or your womb miscarries.”

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