Alexandria represents the future of the Democrat Party

The 'makers' who actually pay for what they get AND pay the largest share in Federal income taxes do NOT support the Socialist/Communist bullshit myth that everyone should get 'free shit'.
BONOBO tried that and his legacy is now stored in a fucking shoe box in a storage locker located behind a PP abortion mill.

The polls were of taxpaying American citizens.

I'm not sorry they didn't ask enough racists like you for their opinion.

Health care is not the venue of the federal government.
The American people disagree with how about we just start with a public option? Let any individual purchase a Medicare plan on the exchange as an alternative to private plans. Lower the eligibility age to zero. What say you?

Medicare is going broke as it is. How do you suppose we pay for all this Medicare?

Individuals pay for it, moron. Instead of paying a private company, they PAY for a Medicare plan.

Well if most of us ended up on Medicare, how do you suppose healthcare facilities and hospitals will stay open? It's no secret that government only pays about 2/3 of the bills they are given for services. To recoup those losses, facilities raise prices that private insurance pays for. That's why most of the time when you see a medical facility close, it's usually in lower income areas where most of the patients are government. There are not enough private pay or private insurance to recoup government losses.
Wow...this ONE potential congresswoman has really got y'alls panties in a twist. Her being out there talking about stuff people support really scares you.

62 percent of U.S. want federal government to ensure health care for all, poll says

Two-Thirds of Americans Support Free College Tuition
The 'makers' who actually pay for what they get AND pay the largest share in Federal income taxes do NOT support the Socialist/Communist bullshit myth that everyone should get 'free shit'.
BONOBO tried that and his legacy is now stored in a fucking shoe box in a storage locker located behind a PP abortion mill.

The polls were of taxpaying American citizens.

I'm not sorry they didn't ask enough racists like you for their opinion.

Health care is not the venue of the federal government.
The American people disagree with how about we just start with a public option? Let any individual purchase a Medicare plan on the exchange as an alternative to private plans. Lower the eligibility age to zero. What say you?

That's the first step to bankrupting Medicare. I say you are a dumbass.

How would people PAYING for an insurance plan bankrupt it? Insurance companies manage not to go bankrupt while paying advertising costs and huge CEO salaries.

Seems you are the dumbass here.
First they offer the ideology of Stalin and Mao in the form of a kindly old man. Now they are using an attractive young female.

What's next? That about accounts for all the "cuteness" there is to package this tyrannical ideology to the American people.
She isn't really that attractive.

You don't think so?

View attachment 202861

She has crazy eyes, which is probably normal for a Communist.

On a scale of 1-10, she about an 6.
The polls were of taxpaying American citizens.

I'm not sorry they didn't ask enough racists like you for their opinion.

Health care is not the venue of the federal government.
The American people disagree with how about we just start with a public option? Let any individual purchase a Medicare plan on the exchange as an alternative to private plans. Lower the eligibility age to zero. What say you?

Medicare is going broke as it is. How do you suppose we pay for all this Medicare?

Individuals pay for it, moron. Instead of paying a private company, they PAY for a Medicare plan.

Well if most of us ended up on Medicare, how do you suppose healthcare facilities and hospitals will stay open? It's no secret that government only pays about 2/3 of the bills they are given for services. To recoup those losses, facilities raise prices that private insurance pays for. That's why most of the time when you see a medical facility close, it's usually in lower income areas where most of the patients are government. There are not enough private pay or private insurance to recoup government losses.

Do you not understand how insurance works? A public option is an insurance plan provided by, not paid for, by the government. The individual pays the government for as plan.

I have Tricare Prime. That is as government insurance plan I pay for. Get it?
The 'makers' who actually pay for what they get AND pay the largest share in Federal income taxes do NOT support the Socialist/Communist bullshit myth that everyone should get 'free shit'.
BONOBO tried that and his legacy is now stored in a fucking shoe box in a storage locker located behind a PP abortion mill.

The polls were of taxpaying American citizens.

I'm not sorry they didn't ask enough racists like you for their opinion.

Health care is not the venue of the federal government.
The American people disagree with how about we just start with a public option? Let any individual purchase a Medicare plan on the exchange as an alternative to private plans. Lower the eligibility age to zero. What say you?

Medicare is going broke as it is. How do you suppose we pay for all this Medicare?

Individuals pay for it, moron. Instead of paying a private company, they PAY for a Medicare plan.

As insurance, Medicare still relatively sucks in terms of premiums and deductibles. Without a supplement you get raked over the coals.
The 'makers' who actually pay for what they get AND pay the largest share in Federal income taxes do NOT support the Socialist/Communist bullshit myth that everyone should get 'free shit'.
BONOBO tried that and his legacy is now stored in a fucking shoe box in a storage locker located behind a PP abortion mill.

The polls were of taxpaying American citizens.

I'm not sorry they didn't ask enough racists like you for their opinion.

Health care is not the venue of the federal government.
The American people disagree with how about we just start with a public option? Let any individual purchase a Medicare plan on the exchange as an alternative to private plans. Lower the eligibility age to zero. What say you?

That's the first step to bankrupting Medicare. I say you't They are a dumbass.

How would people PAYING for an insurance plan bankrupt it? Insurance companies manage not to go bankrupt while paying advertising costs and huge CEO salaries.

Seems you are the dumbass here.

They don't pay nearly enough to offset the costs incurred. Insurance companies charge enough and have a varied customer base to make sure they have enough money. Why do you think Medicare is slowly going broke now?
Wow...this ONE potential congresswoman has really got y'alls panties in a twist. Her being out there talking about stuff people support really scares you...
Anytime the Great Unwashed ( mostly inner-city riff-raff ) get over-excited, it's always cause for concern out in the Real World ( the Burbs and beyond ).

Explain, then, how The Left failed to win enough States to take the election on November 8, 2016 ( the ONLY kind of "poll" that TRULY counts )
Gerrymandering and voter suppression. The GOP's go to tactics because their ideas are unpopular.
Health care is not the venue of the federal government.
The American people disagree with how about we just start with a public option? Let any individual purchase a Medicare plan on the exchange as an alternative to private plans. Lower the eligibility age to zero. What say you?

Medicare is going broke as it is. How do you suppose we pay for all this Medicare?

Individuals pay for it, moron. Instead of paying a private company, they PAY for a Medicare plan.

Well if most of us ended up on Medicare, how do you suppose healthcare facilities and hospitals will stay open? It's no secret that government only pays about 2/3 of the bills they are given for services. To recoup those losses, facilities raise prices that private insurance pays for. That's why most of the time when you see a medical facility close, it's usually in lower income areas where most of the patients are government. There are not enough private pay or private insurance to recoup government losses.

Do you not understand how insurance works? A public option is an insurance plan provided by, not paid for, by the government. The individual pays the government for as plan.

I have Tricare Prime. That is as government insurance plan I pay for. Get it?

My tax dollars partially pays for your insurance, dumbass!
Billy_Kinetta said:
I say the Democratic Party has no future. It is one step too far, and can never come back.
Just Like People Like Cortez Voted Their Home Countries
Which Is Why They Had To Leave There
And Try To Crash In Here

Watch A PBS Program Called 'Democracy Now'
Unless You're Hyper Left Fringe
You Won't Be A Featured Guest

And All The 'Dreamers'
That Actually Finish Their Simple Liberal Arts Degrees
Are Going Into The 'Activist' Industry

That's What America Needs
More Unproductive Useless Foreigners
Wow...this ONE potential congresswoman has really got y'alls panties in a twist. Her being out there talking about stuff people support really scares you...
Anytime the Great Unwashed ( mostly inner-city riff-raff ) get over-excited, it's always cause for concern out in the Real World ( the Burbs and beyond ).

Explain, then, how The Left failed to win enough States to take the election on November 8, 2016 ( the ONLY kind of "poll" that TRULY counts )
Gerrymandering and voter suppression. The GOP's go to tactics because their ideas are unpopular.

The Democrats go-to tactic is to lie. That is all they can do.
Not only does hyphen Cortez represent the future but she represents the past and the present democrat party. Democrats have been hiding behind smoke and mirrors for decades in order to try to fool the undecided voters but they came out of the socialist closet when Sanders was nominated and when they supported disrespect for the National Anthem and open borders. It's refreshing to see democrats as they really are and it makes it so much easier in he voting booth.
The polls were of taxpaying American citizens.

I'm not sorry they didn't ask enough racists like you for their opinion.

Health care is not the venue of the federal government.
The American people disagree with how about we just start with a public option? Let any individual purchase a Medicare plan on the exchange as an alternative to private plans. Lower the eligibility age to zero. What say you?

That's the first step to bankrupting Medicare. I say you't They are a dumbass.

How would people PAYING for an insurance plan bankrupt it? Insurance companies manage not to go bankrupt while paying advertising costs and huge CEO salaries.

Seems you are the dumbass here.

They don't pay nearly enough to offset the costs incurred. Insurance companies charge enough and have a varied customer base to make sure they have enough money. Why do you think Medicare is slowly going broke now?

An individual plan would not be the same as Medicare for seniors. Seriously, where the fuck were you all during the ACA debate?

Public health insurance option - Wikipedia

And, no, Medicare is not "going broke". It could do fine if Republicans would stop trying to starve it to death.

The 2018 report of Medicare’s trustees finds that Medicare’s Hospital Insurance (HI) trust fund will remain solvent — that is, able to pay 100 percent of the costs of the hospital insurance coverage that Medicare provides — through 2026. Even in 2026, when the HI trust fund is projected to be depleted, incoming payroll taxes and other revenue will still be sufficient to pay 91 percent of Medicare hospital insurance costs.[1] The share of costs covered by dedicated revenues will decline slowly to 78 percent in 2042 and then rise gradually to 85 percent in 2092. This shortfall will need to be closed through raising revenues, slowing the growth in costs, or most likely both. But the Medicare hospital insurance program will not run out of all financial resources and cease to operate after 2026, as the “bankruptcy” term may suggest.

Medicare Is Not “Bankrupt”
Health care is not the venue of the federal government.
The American people disagree with how about we just start with a public option? Let any individual purchase a Medicare plan on the exchange as an alternative to private plans. Lower the eligibility age to zero. What say you?

Medicare is going broke as it is. How do you suppose we pay for all this Medicare?

Individuals pay for it, moron. Instead of paying a private company, they PAY for a Medicare plan.

Well if most of us ended up on Medicare, how do you suppose healthcare facilities and hospitals will stay open? It's no secret that government only pays about 2/3 of the bills they are given for services. To recoup those losses, facilities raise prices that private insurance pays for. That's why most of the time when you see a medical facility close, it's usually in lower income areas where most of the patients are government. There are not enough private pay or private insurance to recoup government losses.

Do you not understand how insurance works? A public option is an insurance plan provided by, not paid for, by the government. The individual pays the government for as plan.

I have Tricare Prime. That is as government insurance plan I pay for. Get it?

Yeah, we already have something like that. It's called Commie Care. It's designed to give likely Democrat voters affordable insurance and unaffordable insurance to likely Republican voters. Guess what? It's not working for those of us that are productive.

Medicare is a government plan paid for by us taxpayers, and look what's happened to that? Medicaid is one of the largest expenditures most states have to deal with. It's not working.

Commie Care said they wanted over 20% of my net pay for a plan that had a 7K out of pocket, 7K deductible, no dental or prescriptions, a $50.00 doctor copay. This is how government calculates what you can afford for health insurance. And what they offered me could only be used for major surgery or if I had plans on walking out in front of a moving bus. Other than that, completely worthless.
Where We Stand: Building the Next Left

This is where we stand:

We are socialists because we reject an international economic order sustained by private profit, alienated labor, race and gender discrimination, environmental destruction, and brutality and violence in defense of the status quo.

A democratic socialist politics for the 21st century must promote an international solidarity dedicated to raising living standards across the globe, rather than "leveling down" in the name of maximizing profits and economic efficiency. Equality, solidarity, and democracy can only be achieved through international political and social cooperation aimed at ensuring that economic institutions benefit all people. Democratic socialists are dedicated to building truly international social movements - of unionists, environmentalists, feminists, and people of color -that together can elevate global justice over brutalizing global competition.
Trump shattered the Democrat party when he was elected president.

So that today, the Dem's are leaderless and powerless, with no agenda or direction.

Their only unifying party platform is, "hate Trump",

That's all they got..... :cuckoo: ... :lol:
Don't underestimate them... they've more like a wounded animal... still dangerous... especially given the way the MSM backs them.
They can't afford to let up now, but that is literally the only option they have to survive.

The only way they win now on the path that they are on is by murdering every Trump voter.

The MSM can only slow the bleeding now.

Well....they could gracefully meander off into the oblivion they so richly deserve.....
They won't do that.

...of their own free will.....

Stand erect, or be made to stand erect.
Marcus Aurelius
...Gerrymandering and voter suppression. The GOP's go to tactics because their ideas are unpopular.
This from a member of a party foolhardy enough to stand alongside Illegal Aliens rather than their own fellow countrymen; an obvious lesson of November 8, 2016.
Health care is not the venue of the federal government.
The American people disagree with how about we just start with a public option? Let any individual purchase a Medicare plan on the exchange as an alternative to private plans. Lower the eligibility age to zero. What say you?

That's the first step to bankrupting Medicare. I say you't They are a dumbass.

How would people PAYING for an insurance plan bankrupt it? Insurance companies manage not to go bankrupt while paying advertising costs and huge CEO salaries.

Seems you are the dumbass here.

They don't pay nearly enough to offset the costs incurred. Insurance companies charge enough and have a varied customer base to make sure they have enough money. Why do you think Medicare is slowly going broke now?

An individual plan would not be the same as Medicare for seniors. Seriously, where the fuck were you all during the ACA debate?

Public health insurance option - Wikipedia

And, no, Medicare is not "going broke". It could do fine if Republicans would stop trying to starve it to death.

The 2018 report of Medicare’s trustees finds that Medicare’s Hospital Insurance (HI) trust fund will remain solvent — that is, able to pay 100 percent of the costs of the hospital insurance coverage that Medicare provides — through 2026. Even in 2026, when the HI trust fund is projected to be depleted, incoming payroll taxes and other revenue will still be sufficient to pay 91 percent of Medicare hospital insurance costs.[1] The share of costs covered by dedicated revenues will decline slowly to 78 percent in 2042 and then rise gradually to 85 percent in 2092. This shortfall will need to be closed through raising revenues, slowing the growth in costs, or most likely both. But the Medicare hospital insurance program will not run out of all financial resources and cease to operate after 2026, as the “bankruptcy” term may suggest.

Medicare Is Not “Bankrupt”

Thank you dumbass! Most of us with a room temp IQ know that bankrupt does not mean depleted. It means you can't pay your bills, which your article clearly states.

Now, how is adding more people to draw money out going to help this program?
The American people disagree with how about we just start with a public option? Let any individual purchase a Medicare plan on the exchange as an alternative to private plans. Lower the eligibility age to zero. What say you?

That's the first step to bankrupting Medicare. I say you't They are a dumbass.

How would people PAYING for an insurance plan bankrupt it? Insurance companies manage not to go bankrupt while paying advertising costs and huge CEO salaries.

Seems you are the dumbass here.

They don't pay nearly enough to offset the costs incurred. Insurance companies charge enough and have a varied customer base to make sure they have enough money. Why do you think Medicare is slowly going broke now?

An individual plan would not be the same as Medicare for seniors. Seriously, where the fuck were you all during the ACA debate?

Public health insurance option - Wikipedia

And, no, Medicare is not "going broke". It could do fine if Republicans would stop trying to starve it to death.

The 2018 report of Medicare’s trustees finds that Medicare’s Hospital Insurance (HI) trust fund will remain solvent — that is, able to pay 100 percent of the costs of the hospital insurance coverage that Medicare provides — through 2026. Even in 2026, when the HI trust fund is projected to be depleted, incoming payroll taxes and other revenue will still be sufficient to pay 91 percent of Medicare hospital insurance costs.[1] The share of costs covered by dedicated revenues will decline slowly to 78 percent in 2042 and then rise gradually to 85 percent in 2092. This shortfall will need to be closed through raising revenues, slowing the growth in costs, or most likely both. But the Medicare hospital insurance program will not run out of all financial resources and cease to operate after 2026, as the “bankruptcy” term may suggest.

Medicare Is Not “Bankrupt”

Thank you dumbass! Most of us with a room temp IQ know that bankrupt does not mean depleted. It means you can't pay your bills, which your article clearly states.

Now, how is adding more people to draw money out going to help this program?

Those programs are in hole for 150 trillion dollars.

Of course they will be able to pay their bills... by confiscating the money from US taxpayers. This is great news for the person above who hates the tax payers.

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