Alice Stewart, 58, Died Suddenly

Do you have proof that they died "of COVID" and not merely "with COVID?"
we do have proof this has NEVER EVER happened to this many people in America until after the COVID Vaccines, and that they all die the exact same way:

1. cardiac, pulmonary lung strangulation, kidney, brain, cancer
2. Suddenly/ while asleep

The new one....

3. slumped over on the ground outside as with CNN's Alice Stewart (58), and Dave McCarthy, Nets Baseball player; age 54 died of cardiac arrest in April 2024. Both found slumped over on the ground.
we do have proof this has NEVER EVER happened to this many people in America until after the COVID Vaccines, and that they all die the exact same way:

1. cardiac, pulmonary lung strangulation, kidney, brain, cancer
2. Suddenly/ while asleep

The new one....

3. slumped over on the ground outside as with CNN's Alice Stewart (58), and Dave McCarthy, Nets Baseball player; age 54 died of cardiac arrest in April 2024. Both found slumped over on the ground.
No, the report said it was most prevalent in young people not old fucks like this lady.
Well, they're not all dead yet. But they will be. Eventually, these vaccines will kill us all! Even if you didn't get vaxxed, you can still get second hand sudden death! It's all part of Bill Gates' diabolical plot. I read all about it on gateway.
My reaction was terminal flatulence.
When does the government not lie?
The country’s current “inflationary spiral” can also be traced back to COVID-19, Maher said, describing the trillions of dollars the government issued throughout the pandemic. This, he noted, should not be pinned on President Joe Biden, but his predecessor, former President Donald Trump.

“We’re going to bring back Trump?” he asked. “The guy who ignored COVID like it was the dinner check? Talk about not learning anything.”
The issue is when the controlled medical community assisted by the leftist MSM don't publicly acknowledge dangers as small as they may be or in many instances deny the dangers of the JAB people can't make informed decisions on getting the vaccine.
Well if another pandemic happens again, which one will with the permanent frost melting, I would still advise working from home and wearing a mask especially if you aren’t vaccinated.
The vaccine issue aside, the lady's sudden and unexpected passing should remind everyone that if one has some people whom one really loves, one should tell those beloved people every day how much one LOVES them.
Without proof you’ll blame her death on vaccines but when 5 conservative anti vax radio hosts who spread misinformation died of Covid, that didn’t move you?
The number of people suddenly dying is pretty significant. While correlation doesn't mean causation, it should sure give a person pause about believing ANYTHING the government says about anything.
What would you accept as proof?
What proof would you have accepted in this post:

People died of Covid. We all know that. I can acknowledge it. YOU cannot acknowledge that people are dying of vaccine effects, even though every other thing these liars said is proven to be a lie--the masks, the lockdowns, the social distancing. Etc.

You see the death certificate?
...of a "medical event". Lots of that going around lately. Maybe in 10-15 years we will be able to talk about what is really happening, but maybe not even then.

Here she is talking about the vaccines and misinformation, God rest her soul.

I loved the song Year of the Cat. Classic
...of a "medical event". Lots of that going around lately. Maybe in 10-15 years we will be able to talk about what is really happening, but maybe not even then.

Here she is talking about the vaccines and misinformation, God rest her soul.

Lots of 50 year olds drop dead of medical events. You should try hanging out in the emergency room some night and see how many of them are coming in.

In 1976, our 34-year-old next-door neighbour dropped dead of a heart attack. The guy was fit, a high school athlete who continued to play hockey in adult recreational leagues, with no history of health problems, drug or alcohol problems.

My BFF’s 50 something mother died in her sleep in the early 80’s. She had a massive stroke and never woke up. She came home from work saying she was feeling tired and went to bed early. Again slim, healthy, non-smoker, no medical history at all.

Rather than just jumping on the latest conspiracy theory, making the rounds, you should be looking at excess death rates in vaccinated and unvaccinated populations since Covid ended.

Of course, you won’t look at any kind of doubt if it would debunk your conspiracy theories. Just like you won’t read anything that debunks any of trumps lies. Your cling to them like a toddler with their “Blankey”.

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