All 50 States Moving to the Right

really, Truman was pissing into the wind when he dropped the bomb and ended the war? interesting :cuckoo: FDR was pissing into the wind when he started the liberal movement?

your view of history is very strange.

I do believe Truman has a much higher probability of a successful outcome than Cruz did

But, metaphorically, you may be correct in that shutting down the government was Cruz's atomic bomb of a solution.....If I don't get my way, I'll blow up the whole fucking government

So, Cruz, as one senator, has the power to shut down the government? Is that what you really believe?

Does he somehow have more than one vote?

He stood on principle and lost this battle, why is that a bad thing? Is it because he did not kowtow to the idiot Reid and chairman maobama?

You are the moron who claimed he was a "moderate"
I do believe Truman has a much higher probability of a successful outcome than Cruz did

But, metaphorically, you may be correct in that shutting down the government was Cruz's atomic bomb of a solution.....If I don't get my way, I'll blow up the whole fucking government

So, Cruz, as one senator, has the power to shut down the government? Is that what you really believe?

Does he somehow have more than one vote?

He stood on principle and lost this battle, why is that a bad thing? Is it because he did not kowtow to the idiot Reid and chairman maobama?

You are the moron who claimed he was a "moderate"

quote where I said that.
Reactionaries have redefined the political world so that a President Ford would be a liberal.

Yet the swing states are going purple, so the reactionary definition is off, not accurate.

Coming from a professed "Republican" Jake, that's funny. You have a funny definition of what a Republican is. You are a liberal, you're afraid to admit it. And frankly, you're the reactionary, not them.
There is no doubt that the Republicans have gained ground at the state and local levels of government. They had a great ground game that focused on grass roots efforts, combine with low voter turn out/voter apathy and a religious type furor of the GOP brand they have taken over many state governments.
This is another recurring conservative fantasy, much like the one that occurs about every 4 years... this election will be the one where the GOP makes huge gains in the African-American vote.
There is no doubt that the Republicans have gained ground at the state and local levels of government. They had a great ground game that focused on grass roots efforts, combine with low voter turn out/voter apathy and a religious type furor of the GOP brand they have taken over many state governments.

I think people are starting to question their government a bit more in the past, and a lot of this is directly due to actions by the Obama Admin. When you have a guy trying to stop the press from doing their job properly, prosecuting whistle blowers at an alarming rate, trying to take away gun rights based on poor logic, making backdoor deals with companies like Monsanto, and signing (and defending) some pretty frightening legislation like the NDAA 2012, people just sort of reach their breaking point - you know?

To be fair, much of this distrust in Government began with George w. Bush (and rightfully so); not a fan of that guy, lol. However, the point is that Obama (unfortunately) did very little to reverse this trend and seemed only to set into overdrive the citizen's contempt with their gov't.

Why would we want to pay taxes to a gov't that spends a lot of it spying on us? Why would we want a gov't that wants to pass sweeping gun laws against weapons that kill less than 80 people a year? I think these sort of questions have really hurt the Democrats in the past 4-5 years.
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This guy's claim is that we're now as conservative as a country as we were in 1952?

Name the social issues that we are as conservative on now as we were in 1952.
There is no doubt that the Republicans have gained ground at the state and local levels of government. They had a great ground game that focused on grass roots efforts, combine with low voter turn out/voter apathy and a religious type furor of the GOP brand they have taken over many state governments.

I think people are starting to question their government a bit more in the past, and a lot of this is due to the way Obama has handled himself as President over the last few years. When you have a guy really trying to stop the press from doing their job properly, take guns based on poor logic, making backdoor deals with companies like Monsanto, and sign some pretty frightening legislation like the NDAA 2012, people just sort of reach their breaking point - you know?

To be fair, much of this distrust in Government began with George w. Bush (and rightfully so) and was only expanded upon with actions perpetuated by President Obama.

Why would we want to pay taxes to a gov't that spends a lot of it spying on us? Why would we want a gov't that wants to pass sweeping gun laws against weapons that kill less than 80 people a year? I think these sort of questions have really hurt the Democrats in the past 4-5 years.

I was 12 years old when the Ohio National Guard opened fire on unarmed protesters. I can't say I've ever trusted the government. Their intrusiveness has gotten worse with each president. I think interest in politics has picked up a little, mostly for the hatred of both Bush and Obama. Especially in the local and off year elections, a small % of voters are making the decisions for the majority.
This guy's claim is that we're now as conservative as a country as we were in 1952?

Name the social issues that we are as conservative on now as we were in 1952.

"Conservative" can mean a lot of things.

If you're talking social issues (ie our culture's approach to race, gays, etc) then yes our country is much more "liberal" - so to speak - than in the 1950's. No doubt about that, and I'm perfectly happy about this (I mean, who today would support the Jim Crow laws?).

But if we're talking about a population's trust in their gov't 1950 vs now, I'd say we're much more weary of having a gov't do everything for us and I think this can be considered a move towards conservatism (ie smaller gov't).

There are many reasons for this - I believe - with one being the fact that the gov't as of recent (past 15 years) has shown itself to be particularly corrupt, supportive of special interests, secretive, oppressive, etc than in the past. That's just my opinion.

I'm more OK with paying 40% in taxes to a gov't you know is at least sort of doing the right thing, whereas less okay to paying 40% to a gov't actively lying to me and screwing me over - you know?

If the Gov't continues to be perceived to be dishonest, corrupt, ect the Democrats will not do well (because they are "the Big Gov't" party, so to speak).
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There is no doubt that the Republicans have gained ground at the state and local levels of government. They had a great ground game that focused on grass roots efforts, combine with low voter turn out/voter apathy and a religious type furor of the GOP brand they have taken over many state governments.

It was a master stroke by Republicans. They knew they had lost their ability to win at the national level. By flooding the local state elections that voters ignore, they won the state assemblies. At the state level they control districting and voter regulations

Welcome gerrymander and voter supression
If anyone bothered to look at this clown's chart, what it shows is that the country moved precipitously to the left during both the Eisenhower term and the Reagan/Bush terms.

I guess the message is, more likely than not, electing a Republican president will trigger a big move to the left by the American people.

I see that a different poster posted an invalid link that claimed the above.

Intrigued, I found several articles discussing this.
Surprise Analysis: All 50 States Are Actually Shifting Toward Conservatism? |

The 2nd link has the table of how each state has shifted over the past 50 years. Personally, I'm a little skeptical about this considering how much the government has grown over the past few decades, but perhaps this means that Americans know what they want, but they're just not voting correctly.

EDIT: Fascinating thing: According to the chart, Hawaii was the most conservative state in 1964 based on that survey. Imagine that!

Okay, maybe in 50 States....but what about the other 7?
In response to the ridicule of Jake not being a Republican, I am a Republican who wants to practice Fair Trade (Comparative Advantage), not Free Trade.
Now feel free to tell me I'm a Communist.
fiscal sanity

Supporting govt shutdown and attempt default is now the TeaPotinaTempet examples of fiscal sanity.

There was never a risk of debt default. there was and is plenty of money coming in to the treasury to service the debt.

Obama shut down the govt, the tea party members of the house do not have that power.

Please stop the lies, it makes you look like a complete imbecile.

Congress needs to send Obama a bill to Veto or approve before he has any effect on the shut down at all. The polls show who people have decided to blame for the shutdown.
Reactionaries have redefined the political world so that a President Ford would be a liberal.

Yet the swing states are going purple, so the reactionary definition is off, not accurate.

Coming from a professed "Republican" Jake, that's funny. You have a funny definition of what a Republican is. You are a liberal, you're afraid to admit it. And frankly, you're the reactionary, not them.

You, son, are afraid to admit that you are so far right that a mainstream GOP like me looks liberal to you.

Fact: swing states are going purple.

Fact: reactionaries are misdefining the GOP.

Fact: GOP will keep losing national elections if the reactionaries are allowed any policy and decision making.
No, Cruz is a far right reactionary monger, not a moderate.

Cruz is a patriotic american who loves his country and the constitution. He has the guts to stand up for what he believes. Agree with him or not, he is the kind of person we need in government. Principles and guts--------two characteristics totally missing in the current administration.

Cruz might be sincere (I don't believe it, though), but if he is, then is sincerely wrong.
well snake, I know thats what you want to believe, but its not what is really happening. You will be proven very wrong in 2014. The GOP will take the senate and gain in the house.

that might help the dems in 2016, but not if they are stupid enough to run Hillybilly.

We may take the Senate if we stop the stupidity of shutdown, attempted default, and ACA obstructionism.

The American people dislike the GOP and the TeaPots even more than the Obama and the Dems.

If we don't get a positive plan, we may lose seats in the Senate and the House.

I am living for 2016 primary season when Christie tells the American people that he won't tolerate reactionary TeaPot madness, smashes his GOP opponents, and takes the WH.

Life will be so much better for Americans.

more tired talking points from the fake republican.

Obama shut down 15% of the government, obama barricaded national monuments
NO ONE on either side ever proposed anything that would result in a debt default.
ACA is terrible law, it should be opposed at every opportunity.
The tea party has done more for this country in the last few years than liberalism has in the last 100.

YOU are the reactionary. And yes, we are proud of you for knowing how to spell it. Idiot.

Real Republicans like me have told fake Republicans like you, Mr. Reactionary, that the TeaPot shutdown of government would backfire: it did. That threatened default would blow up in our faces: it did.

The TPM will be rubbed out in the primaries next year.

We may take the Senate if we stop the stupidity of shutdown, attempted default, and ACA obstructionism.

The American people dislike the GOP and the TeaPots even more than the Obama and the Dems.

If we don't get a positive plan, we may lose seats in the Senate and the House.

I am living for 2016 primary season when Christie tells the American people that he won't tolerate reactionary TeaPot madness, smashes his GOP opponents, and takes the WH.

Life will be so much better for Americans.

more tired talking points from the fake republican.

Obama shut down 15% of the government, obama barricaded national monuments
NO ONE on either side ever proposed anything that would result in a debt default.
ACA is terrible law, it should be opposed at every opportunity.
The tea party has done more for this country in the last few years than liberalism has in the last 100.

YOU are the reactionary. And yes, we are proud of you for knowing how to spell it. Idiot.

Real Republicans like me have told fake Republicans like you, Mr. Reactionary, that the TeaPot shutdown of government would backfire: it did. That threatened default would blow up in our faces: it did.

The TPM will be rubbed out in the primaries next year.

Prove it....

You make statements like this all the time and you never can back them up.

You are a liar.

And your use of the term reactionary is nothing more than a way of telling the rest of us that you are in an argument with someone who is probably kicking your sorry lame-brained ass.
No, Cruz is a far right reactionary monger, not a moderate.

Cruz is a patriotic american who loves his country and the constitution. He has the guts to stand up for what he believes. Agree with him or not, he is the kind of person we need in government. Principles and guts--------two characteristics totally missing in the current administration.

Cruz might be sincere (I don't believe it, though), but if he is, then is sincerely wrong.

Cruz is a senator.

You are a....a.....a....dips**t.
more tired talking points from the fake republican.

Obama shut down 15% of the government, obama barricaded national monuments
NO ONE on either side ever proposed anything that would result in a debt default.
ACA is terrible law, it should be opposed at every opportunity.
The tea party has done more for this country in the last few years than liberalism has in the last 100.

YOU are the reactionary. And yes, we are proud of you for knowing how to spell it. Idiot.

Real Republicans like me have told fake Republicans like you, Mr. Reactionary, that the TeaPot shutdown of government would backfire: it did. That threatened default would blow up in our faces: it did.

The TPM will be rubbed out in the primaries next year.

Prove it....

You make statements like this all the time and you never can back them up.

You are a liar.

And your use of the term reactionary is nothing more than a way of telling the rest of us that you are in an argument with someone who is probably kicking your sorry lame-brained ass.

A reasonable person would not blame the shutdown on ANYONE on the Right and would, like the author of this piece, give the blame to Harry Reid

CAPITOL UPDATE: Harry Reid Wanted Shutdown To Help Secure Senate Power (R.I.) - The Ulsterman Report

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